Mrs. W.R. Kent
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 9 Jun 1910
Mama Has Gone Home
Where is has pleased Almighty God in his infinite wisdom to remove from earth to her reward, our beloved mother, Mrs. W.R. Kent; therefore be it resolved that while we mourn the loss, we bow in humble submission to the will of Him who does all things well. It is heart rending to be called upon to depart from our loved ones, but why should we mourn at the workings of God? We should pray for grace sufficient to say that "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Just why God called my good mother so soon we cannot know, but sometime we will understand. . . . About 9 o'clock in the evening on February 15th, the Death Angel visited our home and took from us our dear good mother—one who was always ready to help in distress as far as she was able. She made a good wife, a good and loving mother, a good neighbor. If she had an enemy no one knew it. This good mother was born and reared in Milton county, Ga., about three miles from Roswell factory. She had many friends and relatives there and it was there that she was married to William R. Kent. She was born November 6th, 1845, married November 6th, 1866, and died February 15th, 1910. She raised eleven children—six boys and five girls—and lived to see them all men and women. She moved from Milton county, Ga., about 40 years ago to this county, where she lived and died. This place she certainly did love, for she surely staid with it. She was not able to go a great deal; she had been a great sufferer for thirty five years and I hope and trust that she is better off and in a better world than we are. I believe that if mama had had her way she would have stayed with us a few more years. . . .