Submitted by: Janice Etheridge Conway

Conecuh-Escambia Star July 24, 1879

Mr. S. M. PARKER, is agent for the Conecuh-Escambia Star at Lewis' Station, Escambia County, Alabama

The wife of HON. AUGUSTUS W. JONES , foremerly of Conecuh County, died in Florida on the 24th of June last.

Friday before the third Sunday in August next, a protracted meeting will begin at Arkadelphia Baptist Church, Conecuh County.

At Sepulga Baqptist Church on Saturday, before the first Sunday in August next , a protratced meeting will commence.

Evergreen is one of the healthiest places in Alabama. Since January 1879 , only three persons (white) have died in this place; MRS. THOMAS, a child of DR. LEE, and a child of ROBERT J. MccREARY. Evergreen has a population of six or seven hundred.

Died, at monroeville, at the residence of CAPT. W. S. WIGGINS, July 14, 1879, MRS. MARY JANE HENDERSON; she was the daughter of MRS. BETSY WIGGINS, a sister of CAPT. W. S. WIGGINS, and meother-in -law of DR. H. P. SMITH of Buena Vista. She was born Conecuh County, July 17, 1827.

Married , in this county recently , MR. JAMES H. HAYS to MISS LANVEAH WATSON.

Croquet parties by lamplight are a new feathure in Evergreen life. They are enjoyed by the young ladies and gentleman.

July 24, 1879

The Courthouse would present a much better appearance if it was repainted and recovered. Cannot the Commissioners have it done?

It is with pleasure that I inform you of the improvements that are being erected in the town of Brewton and vicinity.
By the energy and benevolence of our esteemed citizens we are erecting two chapels, one of which will be used by the Methodists and the other by the Baptists....Our esteemed citizen, MR. C. L. SOWELL, is having erected a large saw mill situated on Big Juniper Creek five miles from this place;
the erection of said mill, with other improvement, will furnish employment for about thirty or forty hands, which at this dull season of the year is an important consideration to the bread-eaters.....
MR. SOWELL, is one of our most enterp4rising citizens , and we have plenty of room for as many such as will come. By the way, Mr. Editor, I must not forget to inform you that we have a brigkyard in the course of erection, under the efficient managment of out townsman, MR. JAMES McCILLAN; said brickyard is located about6 a half mile below this place....there is talk of MESSRS., G. G. HAROLD & BROS. building a large brick storehouse in this place....( no author listed)