Co B of the 57th Ala Inf Rgt, made-up mostly of men from Barbour, was called into service in Jan 1863, under the command of Capt W. Mabry; late in the war, due consolidation of various rgts, those in Co B of the 57th served in Co G of the 27th Ala Inf; paroled as such at Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865:
Henry T. Haynes, 2d Lt
William R. Smith, 1st Sgt
Thomas W. Cooper, 3d Sgt
Noel H. Goodson, 1st Corp
Hezekiah Tew, 2d Corp
James Simmons, Musician
George W. Amos
William D. Brock
Newton L.C. Bullard
Silas Bush
James F. Channell
Henry J. Channell
Joseph M. Carr
Denis Condrey
John M. Danford
George W. Garris
Benjamin F. Holmes
John K. Hollingsworth
William W. Holland
Willis G. Hunt
Andrew P. Johnson
Charles A. Knight
Hanson Louis
Joseph W. Lawson
Arthur Lott
Alex R. McRae
Daniel C. McRae
Peter McKinnis
Alexander McKinnon
Angus McIntosh
Malcom McGilvary
Haywood Moreland
James H. Jones
Sanford J. Phillips
John I. Roundtree
Lott Stricklin
Isaac D. Smith
James D. Stephens
Peter F. Tew
Daniel Teal
John M. Westbrook
William W. Wilkes
Caleb Williams
Deo Vindice,
Homer T.

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