War of 1812 Pensioners in 1883

Submitted by Juli Morgan

From:   "Abstracts From the List of United States Pensioners on the Roll Jan. 1 1883"

Printed by The Government Printing Office, 1883
Blount County, Alabama

Name of PensionerPost Office AddressCause of Pension
Baggett, William H.Village SpringsGunshot Face$8.00Jan 1867
Brasseal, JaneBrooksvilleWidow 1812$8.00May 1879
Dailey, LucindaBlountsvilleWidow 1812$8.00Sep 1878
Elliott, ElizabethBangorWidow 1812$8.00Mar 1875
Fowst, MalindaSummitWidow 1812$8.00May 1879
Freeman, Sarah B.BalmWidow 1812$8.00Nov 1879
Gambell, KinchenBlount SpringsSurvivor 1812$8.00Feb 1872
Gill, MaryBlountsvilleWidow 1812$8.00Nov 1878
Hix, FarabaVillage SpringsWidow 1812$8.00Dec 1879
Hudson, NancyLittle WarriorWidwo 1812$8.00Feb 1879
Hughes, William H.BlountsvilleGunshot L. Thigh$8.00May 1878
McAnally, MaryBangorWidow 1812$8.00Jan 1879
Self, RebeccaBlountsvilleWidow 1812$8.00Dec 1872
Storm, WilhelmineGarden CityWidow 1812$8.00
Tobin, WilliamHancevilleGunshot R. Hand$8.00Jun 1870
Wacaser, DanielGun SpringsHemorrage Stomach$8.00
Whaley, RuthBangorWidow 1812$8.00Jan 1873
Yeilding, ElizabethBlountsvilleWidow 1812$8.00Dec 1872