Some Blount County SoldiersSubmitted by
Robins, Levi
Levi Robins - {ROBINS}
Company: B Rank In: Private Rank Out: Private
Roll-Box: 374 Roll-Exct: 38 Roll-Rec: 2743
Allegiance: Confederate Misc:
Unit: 12 Alabama Cavalry.
Robins, Levi Levi Robins - {ROBINS}
Company: F
Rank In: Private
Rank Out: Private
Roll-Box: 374
Roll-Exct: 38
Roll-Rec: 2744
Allegiance: Confederate
Misc: Levi Robbins 13 Battn. Ala. P. R.
Unit: 56 Alabama Partisan Rangers.
Company I, 12th Regiment- Enlisted March1862 - Discharged May, 1867
Confederate Pension Application, Jefferson County, Alabama files, age
P.O. Coalberg, Alabama (8698)

Milton Robbins (Yonger Brother to Levi Robbins)
Regiment Name 12 Alabama Cavalry.
Side Confederate
Company D,B
Soldier's Rank_In Private
Soldier's Rank_Out Private
Alternate Name Milton Robins
Film Number M374 roll 38
Robins, Milton Milton Robins - {ROBINS}
Company: D Rank In: Private Rank Out: Private
Roll-Box: 374 Roll-Exct: 38 Roll-Rec: 2746
Allegiance: Confederate Misc:
Unit: 12 Alabama Cavalry.
Reserve Camp near Shelbyville, Tenn.

James William Sr. Branham
b. June 5, 1830 Troup County GA d March 5,
1844, Blount County AL.
Enlistment Described him as 5'10' Blue Eyes, Dark Hair,
Dark Complexion. Enlisted June 13, 1864 at ASHVILLE
At age 45 he served in HARDIE's Battalion.
Calvary Reserve's Alabama, Company C
Rank in as Private and Rank out as Private
Roll Box 000374 Roll exact 0005 Roll Record 00003292

Branham, J. W
.J. W. Branham - {BRANHAM}
Company: I Rank In: Private Rank Out:
Roll-Box: 000374 Roll-Exct: 0005 Roll-Rec: 00003293
Allegiance: Confederate Misc:
Unit: 49 Ala. Inf.
J. W. Branham - Company I 49th Alabama Infantry.
From Confederate Military History, Confederate Publishing
Company 1889. - General Clement A. Evans, Editor Vol. VIII pg.
(Note:) James William Branham Jr. was b. September 5, 1851 St. Clair County AL.
He died on May 1, 1928 in Blount County AL.
James William was about 12 or 13 years old when he enlisted. This is
on oral family history.