News from May 1889
Submitted by Terry Jackson

Blount County News & Disptach
Blountsville, Alabama

One negro cut another so badly at Bangor on Saturday night that the wounded man is almost certain to die. No arrests have been made.

The Tax Collector's Sale of lands, upon which taxes have not been paid, came off on Monday, and every piece sold. Individuals bought it all, and the State failed to get any.

--At Oneonta, Blount county, Ala., on the 19th of May, 1889, by A.J. Ingram, Esq., Mr. Sylvester Kennedy to Miss Ella Tyler.

On the 8th of May, 1889, near Hendrick, Blount county, Ala., by Amos W. Fowler, Esq., Charles Spivey to Miss Sugaine Tally.

--Five miles east of Blountsville, Ala., on the 19th of May, 1889, of heart disease, Mrs. Caroline Nelson, aged about 46 years. She was a sister to Messers. Lemuel and Turner Benley.

Near Gibb's Chapel, at the residence of her son, Mr. Harvey Gibbs, on the 17th of May, 1889, Mrs. Rebecca Gibbs nee Mashburn, a native of Burke county, N.C., aged 85 years, 1 month and 4 days. For the past sixty years she had been a member of the M.E. Church, and died in a full faith of a glorious hereafter.

Another Killing at Blount Springs
A Man and a Brother Shoots Another
Blount Springs, Ala., May 20th, 1889.

Messers. Editors--George Wilson and Jim Roundtree, (both colored), while at meeting last night fell out and got into a row about a colored damsel. Wilson invited Roundtree a few steps from the church door, and then drew a pistol, fired and shot him in the side slightly. Then Roundtree drew his pistol and shot Wilson twice; one shot took effect in the neck, the other one in the cheek. Wilson died instantly, and Roundtree disappeared, and it could not be ascertained whether he was badly shot not. Public opinion says Roundtree was justifiable.

Blountsville, Ala., May 15th, 1889
Mr. Richard

--Sweet Old Rich:

As it is May, most dear sweet heart, I will grasp the opportunity to tell you "maybe" I love you and "maybe" I don't; "maybe" I will marry you (I will if pa and ma will let me) and "maybe" I won't. Dear Richard what are you mad at me about? I am not mad at you at all. "Maybe" I love you better than anybody that ever lived, (I have told you so about a dozen times, but you don't seem to take a hint.) "Maybe" I heard you was saving up money to go West, and "maybe" we had just as well marry now as any time. Answer this soon, quick and fast, as I am anxious to hear from you. Your Own Sweet Little Darling, Tabitha Martha. (The above unique epistle was found on the streets, and we withhold names.--Eds.)