April 1897
Submitted by Terry Jackson

The Southern Democrat
Oneonta, Alabama

When the sun is shining the farmers are hustling these days.

Corn is still being shipped to this place by the ear load.

It's about time for the fishermen to begin to hunt the rivers.

Candidates for Probate Judge are beginning to make themselves known in the western part of the county.

We are sorry to learn of the death of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. McCorkle which occurred yesterday morning.

A very peculiar incident occurred in Bristow's Cove last week. Mr. John Gather's wife died on last Thursday and on Friday he died. They were both about the same age abouot 87 years old and were among the first settlers of the Cove. The deceased were the father and mother of Mrs. Ellis Clowdus who lives near this place.

Rev. S.C. Allgood filled his regular appointment at the Methodist Church Sunday at eleven and Rev. B.F. Bledsoe preached at night.

Only thirteen marriage license were issued out of the Probates Office last month.

Died--Near Clarence, April 2nd Mr. J.W. Mayfield, age about 40 years.

Prof. B.C. Bynum of Royal was in town last week.

Mr. John Blackwood of Cleveland was in town the first of the week.

Prof. W.F. Maynor, of Summit, was in town Saturday and called to see us.

Messrs J.D. Wilder and J.C. McCarn of Cleveland were in town last week.

Messrs D.C. and O.A. Rasco, Blount College students, were here Saturday watching the money slip through the county Superintendents hands.

Mr. R.A. Cain of Bright Star was here Tuesday attending Commissioners Court.

Mr. W.S. Wells was in town the first of the week.

Mr. J.E. Willoughby, Land Agent for the L & N RR was in town the latter part of last week.

Strayed or Stolen--One muley cow, about seven years old with a white stripe on her back. Any information about said cow will be thankfully received by G.L. Hewitt, Oneonta, Ala.