News from April 1921
Submitted by Terry Jackson

Southern Democrat

We had pleasant calls Tuesday from Mrs. J.C. Horton and daughter, of Cleveland, Route 2.

Nice lot of Soy Beans this week. See us for Flour, Corn Meal and other Groceries. Bains Co.

James Davidson and Guy Roebuck, who are attending the Birmingham Southern College, spent Sunday with home folks.

Sorry to report Mrs. Oscar Whited quite sick.

Mrs. Howard Haun, of Ketona, spent the weekend in Oneonta with her parents, A.D. Turner and wife.

Miss Ella Bowers, one of the amiable and efficient operators at the Oneonta Telephone Exchange, spent the weekend with home folks at Blountsville.

If you want any furniture repaired or upholstering in fact any work that is done in a first-class cabinet shop, call Oneonta Supply Co. Smith and Engle.

Dt. J.T. Brittain and family, Mrs. J.A. Brice, daughters, Misses Elsie and Dorothy, Mrs. Otto Brice and Mrs. J.H. Hingson spent Monday in Birmingham.