News from July 1889
Submitted by Terry Jackson

Blount County News & Dispatch
Blountsville, Alabama

Mr. J.S. Palmer, of Remlap, came to town on Saturday, and gave the necessary bond and had Marion Atkinson released.

Robert F. Jones and W.W. Johnson, of Blount Springs, two of Blount's best colored teachers were in to see us on Saturday.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. John H. Stracener had the misfortune to lose one entire finger and a portion of two other fingers off of his right hand, by a slab saw near Oneonta, one day last week.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. I.M. Hill, the venerable mother, of W.T. Hill and J.A. Hill, of Pocohontas Beat, this county, was accidently killed in Columbus, Ga., on the 2d inst. While walking on the side walk she encountered a run away horse and vehicle, the shaft of the latter striking her in the side fatally. She was 63 years old but hale and hearty for her age; seven children grown to manhood and womanhood survive her, and mourn her sad fate.

--In Blountsville, Ala., on the 7th of July, 1889, after a long illness, Mrs. Bill Mitchell, aged about 70 years.

Near Liberty, Ala., on the 7th inst., of consumption, Mr. David Gentrey, age about 21 years.

In Summit Beat, Blount County, Ala., on the 6th inst. of consumption, Miss Tiddie Hall, aged about 20 years.

In Pocohontas Beat, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Kate Norris, aged about 60 years.

On the 4th of July, 1889, at the residence of Mr. T.M. Horton, the father of the bride, Nectar, Blount county, Ala., by Wm. Tidmore, Esq.,
Mr. Wm. Standridge to Miss E.M. Horton. (**The bride & groom are your transcriber's Ggrandparents**)

Endurance Academy opened its doors last Monday under favorable auspices. Prof. A.A. Murphree, who is in charge, is worthy and well qualified for the position.

Wynnville, Ala. (July 8th, '89) Messers. Editors:--Again I ask a small space in your valuable paper. Health of the people good. Corn crops fine; cotton late but forming well. The oat crop is short.
The first Monday in August is the day for the court-house election. How is it to go? I for one hope that the tax payers of Blount county, will in this election, look well to their own interest and see if they can see any use of voting removal at present. I cannot. Citizens, we have a good court-house, and it is paid for, and I do not believe there are many fond enough of paying double tax to build another one. I hope one and all will consider everything in this matter and vote to save our money and build up our county with good roads and bridges and let Blountsville hold the court-hours. Yet I must say I am willing to a Democratic rule--the majority. Democrat.

Election Notice
State of Alabama
Bount County

Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the various precincts in said county, on Monday, the 5th day of August, 1889, to permanently locate the county side of Blount County.
Each voter shall have endorsed in writing, or printed on his ticket, "Removal," or "No Removal"
Allen H. Morris
Sheriff Blount Co., Ala.