News from June 28, 1900
Submitted by Terry Jackson

The Southern Democrat
Oneonta, Alabama

Congressman O.W. Underwood is in town, giving a hearty handshake to his many friends.

The Baptist people at Blountsville comtemplate building a new church house in the near future.

Will B. Allgood and family, of Arizona, are visiting relatives in this vicinity.

You can get The Democrat and the Atlanta Semi Weekly Journal both one year for $1.25
(Transcriber's note:***I just got a bill for 6 months of 7 days a week to the Birmingham News for $77.40!)

The continued wet weather is getting the roads in bad condition in some places.

Children's Day will be observed by the Presbyterian Sunday School next Sunday at the C.P. Church.

We are sorry to learn that Rev. J.W. Crumbley happened to the misfortune to break one of his legs a few days ago.

Mrs. Taylor Dutton, who has been suffering with consumption for some time, died at her home near Blountsville last week.

The Democratic Campaign Committee of Blount County is called to meet at Cleveland at 12 M., July 2nd.

A good growing town should have a flourishing school. Give our school your support and encouragement and no place will have a better school than Oneonta.