News from March 1879
Submitted by Susan Coble
March 19, 1879
Matthews & Barclift-Proprietors
Vol. 3 - No. 2
Mr. Coke A. Griffith has sold his house and a portion of his land at Nectar to Mr. Wolfe, and has purchased a place on the Little Warrior, on wich he intends to erect a mill.
PERSONAL. The many friends of Miss Queen Allgood will be pleased to hear that she is convalescing.
C. F. Hamill, Esq., is expected from Florida in the latter part of the week, or the beginning of the next.
We learn that Dr. Thomas B. Nation has qualified as Deputy Sheriff.
Postmaster Clowdus of Nectar, was in town yesterday, and reports all quiet in the central portion of Blount.