Carl G. Blackwood
Submitted by Diane Bryant
Carl G. Blackwood
Dies Suddenly Sunday
Carl G. Blackwood, 40, of Cleveland, died suddenly, Sunday, October 15th, from a heart attack. He was stricken shortly after noon. After helping him to bed, his wife and daughter called Dr. Brown, who lives next door. But before the doctor could go that short distance, he was dead.
Mr. Blackwood was a son of H.C. Blackwood, and the late Mrs. Blackwood of Cleveland. He was a prominent businessman of the County and for many years had operated farms in that section of the County. He was also interested in cattle and timber business. He received his early education at Cleveland and attended High School at Blountsville. He was an excellent athlete and played football and baseball for several years. Mr. Blackwood was known and liked by many people of this section of the state. He possessed a pleasing disposition and was very liberal and thoughtful to those with whom he came in contact. The esteem in which he was held was manifested by the vast throng in attendance of floral offerings. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Claudia Blackwood; a daughter, Miss Carleen Blackwood; his father, H.C. Blackwood; one sister, Mrs. Evelyn Ellis; one brother Frank Blackwood, all of Cleveland. Funeral services were held at the Cleveland Methodist Church, Monday afternoon at 3:00, with Revs. R.P. Walter and O.D. Thomas conducting the services, Drinkard Funeral Home of Oneonta was in charge. Pall bearers were: Ed Blackwood, Eugene Blackwood, Ed Miller, A.B. Bains, Jr., Henry Box and Ed Stroud