Rev. T.B. Deaver
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 21 Mar 1912
Rev. T.B. Deaver Passes Away
On Sunday morning, March 17, Rev. T.B. Deaver, peacefully closed his eyes in the great sleep from whence none ever awake so far as this world is known and his spirit took its flight into the great beyond. The death of this good man came as a shock to not only his family but to his numerous friends and acquaintances throughout the county, although he ahs been feeble health for quite a while. The immediate cause of his death was dropsy and heart failure. No man was better or more favorably known than Uncle Tom, having been born and reared in this county. He served as County Treasurer for one term and was a candidate for another term. As a true and tried man none have ever proven themselves more honorable than he not only as a citizen but as an official and a soldier in the lost cause. Bro. Deaver was 70 years of age. Funeral services were conducted at the late residence, Chepultepec, by Rev. Lewis, of Birmingham, assisted by Rev. S.S. Allgood and Rev. R.J. Wilson. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery.
The Southern Democrat, 21 Mar 1912
On Sunday morning, the 17th inst., the Lord took unto Himself Uncle Tom Deaver, a man who had lived in our county all of his life. To know Mr. Deaver was to love him. He was a good christian man—a worker in the Lord's vineyard as a preacher. I, while quite young, was made to feel my guilt as a sinner under his preaching, near Cleveland, Ala. I will always love his name. I sympathize with his immediate family and friends in their loss; and the christian cause has lost a true soldier. But I know he still liveth. J.R. Wooten. Oneonta, March 19, 1912.