A.C. Donehoo
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 12 Feb 1903
Resolutions of Respect
Oneonta, Ala., Feb. 3rd, 1903. To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Oneonta Lodge No. 321 A.F.&A.M.: We your committee appointed to draft resolutions in memory of our deceased, Bro. A.C. Donehoo, who departed this life on Feb. 1st, 1903, at his home three miles East of Oneonta, submit the following as our report: Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us our beloved Bro. A.C. Donehoo. Therefore be it resolved by this lodge 1st: That in the death of Bro. Donehoo we, (as a lodge) have lost a true and faithful brother, the church a consistent member, the community one of its best citizens, his companion a loving husband and his children a kind and indulgent father. Resolved 2nd: That while we deplore the death of our deceased brother, we bow in humble submission to the will of Divine Master. Resolved 3rd: That these resolutions be spread upon our minutes and a copy furnished the widow of our deceased brother. Stephen C. Allgood, M.W. Brice, M.M. Crow, Committee.