A.J. (Uncle Ap) Nation
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Blount County Journal, 20 Oct 1911
Former Blount County Citizen Dies in Texas
The following clipping, taken from a Texas paper will be read with interest and will bring sorrow to many friends of the deceased, who was born and reared in this county, leaving here in 1867: Uncle Ap Nation, who all here remember well, as he lived in this country a number of years but moved with his family to Comanche county ten years ago and last year to Bosque county died Monday evening about 9 o'clock at the family home near Whitney, Texas. Mr. A.J. Nation, Uncle Ap as his friends called him, was 72 years old at the time of his death. He had been a sufferer many years of kidney trouble but bore his suffering heroically. Just a few years ago he was an able bodied man and as spry as anyone 10 years younger. Several years ago he run a gin here and in this gin he lost an arm, but this did not seem to worry him at all. Every one spoke in the highest terms of him. He was a Christian man having been a member of the Primitive Baptist church many years. He leaves a loving wife, eight children and many relatives and friends to mourn his death, and four children have preceded him in death, from whose borne no traveler returns. The body was brought from Whitney to his brother's at Auburn, M.P. Nation, Tuesday, and Wednesday the remains were laid to rest in the Ozro cemetery. To the sorrowing relatives we extent deepest sympathy.