John William Pate
Submitted by Diane Bryant
The Southern Democrat
Thursday, March 24, 1955
J. W. Pate Dies Here Monday
John William Pate, 81 of Rt. 3 Blountsville died Monday, March 21
at a local hospital. A native of Blount County, he was the son of the late Joe and Elizabeth Williams Pate.
Surviving Mr. Pate are two daughters Mrs. Ellen Cooper, Rt. 2
Cleveland and Miss Bessie Pate, Royal; six sons Arthur, Rt. 1 Remlap,
Simon, Cleveland, France, Rt 3 Blountsville, Oliver Rt. 2 Cleveland, Holland and Sam, Prospect;; four sisters Mrs. Susie Hathcock, Columbiana, Mrs. Ardie Franklin, Warrior; Mrs. Liza Hollingsworth, Rt. 1 Cleveland, and Miss Viola Pate, Columbiana.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon from Green's
Chapel. Burial was in adjoining cemetery. Lemley Funeral Home in charge.
Officiating clergy were Rev. Ellis Herring, and Bill McCay.
Pallbearers were Linzy Blackwood, Homer Dunn, Sam Price, Clarence Bales, Dee Taylor and Frank Sorrels