James Walter Presley
Submitted by Diane Bryant
The Southern Democrat
23 Oct 1941
James Walter Presley, aged about sixty-four years, died at his home in
Oneonta Sunday. Mr. Presley suffered a stroked of paralysis the last day of August and gradually grew worse until his death.
The deceased was a member of the Baptist Church and was a good man who
had many friends.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Laura Presley, of Oneonta, five sons, Bob and Roy Presley, of Oneonta, Herman, of Birmingham, Eunice, of Allgood, and T.D. Presley, of Bradford; four daughters, Mrs. Ruby Miller, of Illinois, Mrs. Ola Harris, of Bradford, Mrs. Hazel Owen and Miss Thelma Presley, both of Oneonta.
Funeral services were conducted at the Oneonta Baptist Church by Revs.
B.F. Dykes and T.B. Nation, Robinette in charge.