James T. Price
Submitted by Robin Sterling
The Southern Democrat, 13 Aug 1903
James T. Price Dead
Mr. James T. Price, aged 78 years and four months, died of dropsy, near Gum Spring, Aug. 6th. He has been a member of the Primitive Baptist church for a number of years. He was a true christian and did not dread death. He often said his days were few but he was ready to go at any moment. Yes if all could say that, what a glorious time we would have. But not many can say they are ready to go at any moment. He ate a hearty breakfast and walked about some and seemed much better than usual. He took a drink of water and breath left him without a struggle. He leaves six children all of whom were with him when the end came except the one who resides in Texas. His remains were laid to rest in Gum Spring cemetery Aug. 7th. A Friend.