The following is an excerpt from Rev. J. W. Joyner's book A History of the Baptists in Butler County (1819-1957):
The date of organization is not known, but the evidence at hand would indicate between 1850 and 1855. J. W. CARNATHAN, who was 84 years old when intervieded by the writer around 1940, said, "My mother said she took me to church here when a small baby." The first church building, according to J. W. CRENSHAW's testimony, was built of logs. He attended a prayer meeting called to pray for rain when he was a small boy, and it rained. In the new church building, which replaced the log building, Quitman Masonic Lodge used the second story, and the charter for the lodge was granted in 1858. In an old minute of the Mt. Olive East Church, a member was recieved by letter from the Brushey Creek Church in 1857.
Some of the early pastors of this church were LONG, LOCKHART, T. L. TAYLOR, L. B. COHRON, W. H. JOYNER, A. C. SHELL, J. W. JOYNER, and in the last few years, ELMORE, BAGGETT, H. B. SHEPERD, and the present pastor, Paul Hubert SHELL.
Some of the most active members in this church in the past, as well as the present, are SHELLs, FAILs, MERCERs, CARNATHANs, FUSSELLs, MOOREs, LANDCASTERs, and CHAMLBISSes.
It is of unusual interest to trace in the activities of this church the SHELL family. "Tip" SHELL [this was Henry Harrison SHELL] was a member in 1860. Two of his sons, A. C. and R. L. were ordained by this church. Wilson and Hurbet SHELL, sons of R. L., also were ordained by this church, and Hubert is the present pastor.
Congratulations are extended to this church and community for their full-time pastor, a splendid brick building for a house of worship, and a beautiful brick veneer pastorium on the church lot.
We are recording an unusual experience we had at this church while pastor. We had Bro. C. W. STITT, who was pastor at Georgiana Church at that time to preach in a week's revival. The Holy Spirit moved in saving power, and at the close of the meeting we had thirty-six to baptize. While I was in the pool, baptizing five girls, one of the girls saw a snake near the steps and called my attention to it. Under the exitement caused by the snake, the girls, with help, got out of the pool. Brother Rufus ELLIS, a deacon, who was assisting me, by the aid of a small board sealed the snake behind the curbing of the pool, the girls returned to the pool and I baptized the thirty-six without further interruption.
This church is located about three miles east of Chapman.
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