Butler County, Alabama
Ivy Creek (Primitive) Baptist Church of Christ
Minutes 1829-1859
Transcribed and submitted by
Charlotte Epps

We the undersigned of Butler County and State of Alabama do
agree to be constituted into a Church known under the appellation
of the Ivy Creek Baptist Church of Christ –
On the following Articles of Faith
1 } We Believe in one only true and living God
That there are three personated in him the father The Son and the
holy Ghost ----
2} We believe that the Scriptures of the old and new Testaments
are the Word of God and the only rule of faith and practice ------
3} We believe in the Doctrine of Eternal and Particular Election ------
4} We believe in the Doctrine of original Sin
5} We believe in mans Impotency to recover him from the fallen
State he is in by nature of his own free will ability -----
6} We believe that Sinners are justified in the sight of God only
by the Imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ -----
7} We believe that Gods Elect shall be called regenerated and
Sanctified by the holy Ghost ------
8} We believe that the Saints shall persevere in grace and never
finally fall away
9} We believe that baptism and the Lords Supper are ordinances of
Jesus Christ and that true believers are the only Subjects of these
ordinances and we Believe that the true mode of baptism is by immersion -----
10} We believe the punishment of the wicked will be Everlasting and the
joys of the righteous will be eternal -----
11} We Believe that no minister have a right to administration of the
ordinances except such as are regularly called and come under Imposition of
hands by the Presbatry ----
Thomas Underwood Polly Welch
George Brown Delly Roach
Sherwood Spivy Elizabeth S. Brown
David Roach Sarah Leverett
John Brown Amy Linton
Jonathan Burk Smithy Underwood
Josiah Underwood Sarah Brown
Hezkiah Leverett Francis Hamrick
John Linton Talitha C. Underwood
David Mims Tamer Burk
Haywood M. Todd Elizabeth Ann Mims
Harriet E. Todd
We do certify that we constituted the above named Church on
the principles before mentioned on the 14th January 1829 –
Presbatry Geo. Brown
H. Hill
We the members of Ivy Creek Church through the misfortune of
Brother Jas. W. Staggers gitting his house burnt that our Church
Book gitting so badly injured that we believe it impossible to
transcribe so as to be understood the above is taken from the
original constitution and from that date to the 17 of February
1834 at which time the book got injured we are unable to record
or transcribe
Done by order of Conference and approved of Saturday before the
fourth Sabbath in August 1834
Jas. M. Staggers, C. Clk
State of Alabama } Rules of Decorum for the Baptist
Butler County } Church of Christ at Ivy Creek
1st Conference shall be opened by singing and prayer by the
Moderator or as he may think proper 2 Invite brethren and
sisters of sister churches to seats with us (3th) open a dore
for the reception of members (4th) Inquire for refferences
5th Enquire for fellowship (6th) Agreed to commune quarterly?
7th Agreed that our usual days of holding meetings shall be on
the fourth Sabbath and Saturday before in each month (8th) Agreed
that the Article of Faith shall be red each quarterly meeting
(9th) Agreed that when any mail member of this church has fail
attending conference it shall be the duty of such member to rise
and make known the cause at the next meeting of his non attendance
and if any mail member shall neglect attendance and if any mail
member shall neglect attending three meetings it shall be the duty
of this church to cite such members to attend on said failor to be d
elt with according to the mind of the church (10th) Agreed that this
rule of Decorum shall be read at the setting of each conference
quarterly meeting (11th) No member shall be allowed to speak more
than three time to any subject without leave from the moderator
(12th) No member shall be interrupted while speeking unless he
departs from the subject (13th) No mail member shall be allowed
to leave his seet in time of conference without leave from the
moderator (14th) It shall be the duty of each member of this church
first to address the moderator when rising to speek on any subject.
Amended top of page 23
Rules of Decorum Dispenced with March Conference page 77
Conference Records at Ivy Creek Saturday before the fourth
Sabbath in Febuary
1} Opened conference and proceeded to business
2} Invited brethren and sisters of Sister churches to seets
with us (3rd) Opened a dore for the reception of members and
received brother Sherwood Spivy by letter 4} Took up the case
of brother Burk and he was excommunicated (5th) Took up the
reference for the choice of Deacon and brother David Mims was
chosen as Deacon (6th) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (7th) The brother clerk authorized to
purchase a Blanke book for the use of this church ----- Ajourned
March Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March 1} Opened conference
and proceded to business (2) Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us 3} Opened a dore for the reception of
members and received Sister Nancy Skains by letter (4th) Enquired
for refferences and the clerk had purchased the book (5th) Enquired
Fellowship and found the church in fellowship (6th) This church
agreed that brother Wyatt be envited to assist in ordaining brother
Mims as Deacon brethern Josiah Underwood and James M. Staggers to
visit brother Wyatt and invite him to attend on our next meeting
(7th) This church agreed to appoint brethern David Roach and J. M.
Staggers to visit Sister Burke to enquire at hir hand the cause of
hir non attendance at conference meeting and concerning of bad reports
that is out in the world and to make known at the next meeting --- Ajourned
April Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April 1} Opened conference
and proceded to business 2} Invite brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of
members and received Sister Margaret Staggers by letter (4) Took
up the refference of inviting brother Wyatt to assist in
The ordination of Brother Mims. The delegates did not visit Brother
Wyatt as they understood that he was engaged and the church deliberates
them to visit brother Wyatt or any other minister for that purpose at
our next meeting -- Meeting June as opertunity may offer (#5) The
delegates appointed to visit Sister Burk stated that Sister Burk saith
that the cause of hir non attendance is for want of opportunity that
she wishes to attend and that she is not hurt with any member of the
church and the reports that is in the world is fauls (#6) Enquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship, Ajourned
May Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May 1} Opened conference
and proceded to business th 2} Invite brethren and sisters to
seets with us of Sister Churches (3) Opened a dore for the reception
of members (4th) Enquired for refferences the refference was complyed
with The presbytery that was chose for to order Brother Mims as deacon
attended and brother Mims was ordained. Brethren William Blackmon and
Elijah Wyatt Presbytery (5th) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (6th) This church agreed that tow basons be
purchased for the use of the church Brother David Roach appointed to
purches the basons -- Ajourned
June Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business
2} Invite brethren and sisters of sister churches to seets with us
(3th) opened a dore for the reception of members (4th) Enquired for
all refferences. The basons was purchesed by Brother Josiah Underwood
at tow-dollars and seventy five cents (5) continued the references of
transcribing the church book (6) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship -- Ajourned
July Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July
1} Opened conference and proceeded to business 2} Invite Brethren and
sisters of sister churches to seets with us (3th) opened a dore for the
reception of members (4th) Enquired for refferences and continued the
refferences of transcribing the church book until our next meetsing
(5) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in not in fellowship.
Brother John Linton stated to the church that he had been intoxicated
brother Linton sencured for the above conduct and to lye under sensure
of the church till our next meeting (6th) Took up the case of Sister
Frances Underwood for refusing to be reconciled to her husband on fair
and reasonable terms and laid over till our next meeting – Ajourned
August Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in August
1} Opened conference and proceeded to business 2} Invite brethren
and Sisters of Sister churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for
the reception of members and received Sister Kisey by experience
belonging to William Burk 4} ) Enquired for refferences and continued
the refferences of transcribing the church book was complyed with
(5th) Took up the case of Brother John Linton and restored him to
fellowship. 6} Took up the case of Sister Frances Underwood and
laid over till our next meeting (7th) Enquired for fellowship and found
the church in fellowship – Ajourned
September Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in September 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business 2} Invite brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
and received Brother Hezekiak Leverett and Sister Sarah Leverett by letter
(4th) Inquired for refferences and took up the case of Sister Frances
Underwood and restored hir (5) This church went into the choice of
delegates to represent us in the Conecuh River Association and the
following brethren was chosen David Mims Josiah Underwood and Jas M. Staggers
6} This church agreed to send to the association tow dollars for
minutes and tow dollars to defray the expense of The association
(7th) Agreed that the brother clerk rite the letter – Ajourned
October Conference
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in October 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and took up the refference for the contribution
for the association and four dollars was maid up {5} Enquired for the letter
and it was prepared and received {6} Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship – Ajourned
November Conference
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in November 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship – Then ajourned
December Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in December 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invite brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us {3} opened a dore for the reception of members
4} Enquired for refferences and found none 5} Enquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship {6} This church went into the choice
of a pastor for the insuing year and Brother Wm Blackmon was unanimously
chosen and being present excepted the choice – Then ajourned
January Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in January 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members and received
Mary belonging to J. M. Staggers under the wach of this church (4) Enquired
for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (6) Sister Burk requested letter of Dismission by
Brother Roach the church felt difficulties in granting a letter in full
fellowship because it was on voucher Sister Burk came into this church
without a letter promising to write to the church from whence she came
for a letter of dismission which we have never rec’d. We therefore send
our beloved Brethren David Roach and Wm. Staggers to make known to Sister
Burk that at hir request the church will join hir in writing for a letter.
Thence Ajourned
February Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business 2} Invite Brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members
4} This church agreed to right in behalf of Mary for a letter of
dismission as she states that she lost hirn (hers) in coming out to
this state and the clerk appointed to rite to the church from whence
she came – 5} Took up the refference respecting Sister Burk letter and
the brethren appointed to visit Sister Burk reported that they visited
Sister Burk and she stated that she was taken in the church by voucher
alone and never promised to send for a letter and requested still a letter
and the case was laid over till our next meeting (6) Enquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship (7) This church agrees
that the clerk rite to brother Brown in order to gain all the information
that could be got respecting Sister Burks letter of Dismission (8) Brethren
David Ellington and Barbary belonging to E. Burk applied for a letter of
Dismission by Brother Roach which was from the ?? (missing word?)
March Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members and received
by letter the following brother David M. Staggers Hester Staggers and
Elizabeth Sma? and restored Sister Abigail Davis into full fellowship in
this church (4) Enquired for refferences and took up the case of riting in
behalf of Mary for a letter of dismission and the clerk states that he has
rote the letter and sent it on (5) The refference of Sister Burks letter of
Dismission was taken up and granted and the clerk was autherised to rite the
letter for Sister Burk (6) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in
fellowship. The difficulty that prevented Sister Burk from getting a letter
of Dismission was settled – Ajourned
April Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members and received
Sister Charity Long by letter 4} Enquired for references and found none
{5} Enquired for fellowship and found the church in fellowship 6} Kiza
belonging to Wm Burk applied for letter of Dismission which was granted
and this clerk autherised to rite it. Thence ajourned
May Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members and received
Sister Lucinda Harrison by experience (4) Enquired for refference and (found)
none (5) Enquired for references and found Brother James M. Staggers and
Sister G. M. Staggers, minds difficulties with one member of this church.
Then ajourned.
June Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members 4} Enquired
for refferences and took up the differences of Brother and Sister E. Staggers
minds being difficulties with a member and was settled 5) Enquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship, Thence Ajourned
July Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refference and found none. 5) Enquired for fellowship and found our
church as follows (6) This church agreed to build a new meeting house
(7) Appointed Brother Sherwood Spivy Josiah Underwood and James M. Staggers
a committee to select a place for the meeting house to be ??? ??? handy to
water and Report at our next meeting Ajourned
August Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in August 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members 4} Enquired
refferences and the committee appointed to select a place for a meeting
house reported that they had selected a place near the old stand (?) and it
was put before the church and was carried
(5) Took up the case of Mary belonging to J. M. Staggers and she was
discharged from under the wach care of this church as there can be no
letter of dismission obtained for her from whence she came (6) This church
agrees to try and rais by superscription money to build a meeting house
and Brother David Mims to draw and present to the people a superscription
(7) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in full fellowship.
Thence Ajourned
September Conference 1835
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in September 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business 2} Brother Blackmon being absent Brother Mims
was appointed moderator (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) The church went into choice for delegates to represent them in the
association and the following brethren was chosen David Mims, David Roach,
and William Staggers and in case of failure Josiah Underwood (5) Brother
David Mims was chosen to rite the letter to the association (6) This church
agrees to request in thare letter that thare minuts be left at the office
whear they are printed (7) agrees that this church send four dollars to
the association tow dollars for minuts and two dollars to defray the expense
of the association (8) Agreed that we prospone our communion until our next
Quartily meeting. Thurs ajourned.
October Conference 1835
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in October 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and read the letter which was prepared by Brother Mims which
was received ---
5) Brother Mims stated to the church that he had acted improper by beaing
one of the Judges at a shooting match which after reflection considered it
was rong and the minds of the church was taken and Brother Mims was forgiven
for the rong 6} Sister L. Harrison applied for a Letter of Dismission which
was granted and the clerk authorized to rite the Letter (7) Enquired for
fellowship and found the church not in fellowship with Brother David M.
Staggers and sister Hester Staggers the church being grieved with Brother
Staggers for shooting or gambling for beef and with Sister Staggers for
stating things that is not true and there was a committee appointed to visit
Brother and Sister Staggers and git them to our next meeting. Brethren David
Mims Josiah Underwood and S. Spivey was chosen as the committee (8) Enquired
again for fellowship and found Brother J. M. Staggers not in fellowship and
found Brother John Linton not in fellowship with Sister Ana Linton. We
tharefore Lay Brother John Linton under the sensor of the church for
disbelieving Sister Linton. After saying to the church that he would be
satisfied with the sister if she would say to the church that she never said
what he heard. Which she told the church she never did say. Brother Linton
then not sattisfyed which saying was she a ??? They had supported him for
years. Furthermore Brother Linton believed the world and not Sister Linton
(9) This church agrees to send a committee to visit Sister Frances Underwood
and know the cause why she does not live with her husband and Brethren David
Mims and J. m. Staggers was chosen to visit
Sister Underwood and cite her to our next meeting. Thus Ajourned.
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in November 1} Opened conference
by singing by Brother Mims and chosen Brother Mims moderator and
proceeded to business (2) ) Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and took up the refference of Brother
D. M. Staggers and it was settled (5) Took up the refference of
Sister Hester Staggers and there was a committee appointed to try and
settle the difficulty and Brethren David Mims, David Roach , S. Spivey
and William Staggers was chosen to report at our next meeting (6) Took
up the case of Brother John Linton and he stated that never would
fellowship Sister Linton and requested to be cut off from this church
and Brother Linton was excommunicated from this church (7) Took up the
case of Sister Underwood and Sister Underwood was present and Brother
Mims stated that Brother Staggers and himself visited Sister Underwood
and she stated that she did not wish to live from hir husband but from
the hard thret?? which her husband had maid that she left him and voice
of the church was taken and Sister F Underwood was received in fule
fellowship of this church (8) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (9) Sister Leverett and Brother H. Leverett
applied for Letters of Dismission which was granted and the clerk to
rite them when called on (10) This church went into the choice of a
Pastor and Brother Dozier was chosen and Brethern Spivey and J. M.
Staggers was appointed to see Brother Dozier in behalf of the church.
Thus Ajourned
December Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in December Opened conference and
proceeded to business (1) Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us 2} opened a dore for the reception of members
(3) Took up the refferences of Sister Hester Staggers and was settled
(4) The committee appointed to visit Brother Dozier stated that they saw
Brother Dozier and he did not answer the request of the church but would
answer at our next meeting which is this meeting and the case left open
until tomorrow (5) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in
fellowship. Thence ajourned
Called Conference
Fourth Sabbath in December called conference. Brother Thomas
being present opened conference by sing and prayar and proceeded
to business. 2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) Enquired for refferences and took up the
refference of Brother Dozier answering the request of the church
and Brother Dozier not being present the church thought best to
make choice of another Pastor and Brother Wm. Thomas was chosen
and present and excepted the choice. Thence ajourned.
January Conference 1836
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in January 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship (6) Sister Sarah Pevey applied for
Letter of Dismission which was granted and the clerk to rite when called on
Thence Ajourned
February Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February (1) Opened conference
and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship
Thence Ajourned
March Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (6) The Decorum and article of faith was read and
Thence ajourned
April Conference none ??
May Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
and Brother Pardue maid application to be under the watch care of this
church which was laid over til our next meeting (4) Enquired for
refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship. Read the Decorum and ajourned
June conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members and
received Sister E. Gainey ?
June Conference Continued
4} Enquired for refferences and took up the refference of Brother L. Pardue
being taken under the watch care of the church and it was dismissed –-- 5}
Enquired for fellowship and found the church in fellowship (6) This church
agreed to appoint a committee to take the dementians of a meeting house and
report at our next meeting appointed Brethern Josiah Underwood David Rock
Sherwood Spivey William Staggers and James M. Staggers a committee. red the
Decorum and ajourned.
July Conference
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in July 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and the committee appointed to take the dementians of the
meeting house reported that they have let out the building of a house to the
lowest bidder and V. A. T. Underwood is undertaken of building of a meeting
house which he is bound to build in three months for the sum of 225 dollars
for which amount the committee is bound to pay. Red the decorum and
thence ajourned.
August Conference
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in August 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship. Red the Decorum.
And thence Ajourned
September Conference Omitted
October Conference
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in October
1} Opened conference and proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and
sisters of sister churches to seets with us {3} opened a dore for the
reception of members (4} Enquired for references and found none 5} Enquired
for fellowship and found the church in fellowship. (6) This church went
into the of Delegates to represent us in the next association and William
Staggers David Rock and David Mims and in case of failure Josiah Underwood
was appointed (7) This church agreed to send four dollars tow dollars for
minutes and tow dollars to defray the expensive of the association (8) The
clerk was appointed to write a letter to be read in the morning at a called
conference. Thus Ajourned
Sabbath morning opened conference by singing by Brother William Thomas and
called for the letters prepared by the clerk which was read and approved.
Thence Ajourned
November conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in November 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship (6) The church went into the choice of a pastor to
serve us the insuing year and Brother Wm Thomas was unanimously chosen and
Brother Thomas being present consented to serve this church in the coming year.
Thence Ajourned
December conference omitted
January Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in January (1) Opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and found none (5) Enquired for fellowship and
Found the church in fellowship (6) Sister Mary E. Butler (?) applied for
Letter of Dismission which was granted.
Thence Ajourned
February Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members 4} Enquired
for refferences and found none 5} Enquired for fellowship and found the church
in fellowship. 6} Read the minutes and thence Ajourned.
March Conference 1937
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members 4} Enquired
for refferences and found none 5} Enquired for fellowship and found Brother
E. H. Blackmon mind difficulties with some members of this church (6) Read
the minutes and thence ajourned.
April Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April 1} Opened conference by Brother
Roach by singing and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters
of sister churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and took up the references of E. H. Blackman and he
stated that the difficulty was settled 5} Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship. Brother Mims being absent 3 meetings thus Brother J.
Underwood and J. M. Staggers was appointed to rite him to attend an said ???
at our next meeting (6) Read the minutes and ajourned.
May Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) The clerk being absent Brother Wm Staggers was appointed Protem
5} Enquired for refferences and took up the case of Brother Mims on his
non attendance at conference and it was satisfactorily settled (6) Enquired
to fellowship and found the church to be in fellowship. (6) Read the minutes
and thus ajourned.
June Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) Enquired for refferences and found none (4) Enquired
to fellowship and found the church to be in fellowship. (5) This church
agreed revive? the contract for building of a meeting house and agreed to
follow this former as old plan? agreed also that the members present and the
balance of the members be appointed to meet at some convenient time to select?
a rule by which we shall persue and report by our next meeting (6) Read the
articles of faith (7) Read the Decorum. Thence Ajourned
July Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July 1} Opened conference by Brother
Robertson and proceeded to business. 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members and
received Sister Sarah Briggs by letter 4} Enquired for references and received
the report from the members concerning the meeting house. Read the minutes
and ajourned.
August Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in August 1} Opened conference
by Brother D. Roach by singing and proceeded to business (2) Invited
brethren and sisters of sister churches to seets with us (3) opened a
dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired for refferences and found none.
5} Enquired to fellowship and found the church to be in fellowship.
(6) This church went into the choice of delligats to our next association
and the following brethren was chosen Josiah Underwood Wm Staggers and
James M. Staggers and in case of failour D. Roach 7} It was moved and
seconded that Brethren Wm Staggers rite the letter to the association and
present it at our next meeting (8) It was agreed that we send four dollars
for minutes and to defray the expense of the association.
Read the minutes and ajourned.
September conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in September 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and Brother Wm Staggers presented the letter to the association
which was read and received (5) Brother David M. Staggers and Sister Hester
Staggers applied for letter of Dismission which was granted
Read the minutes and ajourned
October Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in October 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members 4} Enquired
for refferences and found none. 5} Enquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship. 6} Our black Sister Emaline applied to the church to
know whether it would be expedient for her to take another husband, as her
former husband is taken off and sold where she cannot hear from him nor see him.
The church thought proper to lay it over til our next meeting. Thence ajourned.
November Conference 1837
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in November 1} Opened conference by
singing by Brother Roach and proceeded to business 2} Invited brethren
and sisters of sister churches to seets with us 3} opened a dore for the
reception of members 4} Enquired for refferences and found the reference
of Sister Emaline and laid over till next meeting. 5} Enquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship. 6} Brother David Mims
being absent for three meetings was moved and carried that there be a
committee appointed to visit on Brother Mims and cite him to attend at
our next meeting and Brethren Sherwood Spivy and Eze H. Blackman was
appointed to wait on Brother Mimms - 7} This church went into the choice
of a minister to supply us the next year and Brother Daniel Dozier was
chosen and the following brethren was appointed to wait on Brother Dozier
and know whether he will serve this church or not. Brethren Wm Staggers
and J. M. Staggers were appointed. Read the minutes and ajourned
December conference none
January Conference 1838
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in January 1} Opened conference by
Brother D. Roach and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and
sisters of sister churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the
reception of members (4) Enquired for refferences and took up the
refferences of our black Sister Emaline and she was considered at liberty
to take another husband (5) Took up the refferences of David Mimms and
Brother Mimms not present the committee reported that tha had visited
Brother Mims and he states that his ill helth was what kept him from
meeting that it was his wish to be at meeting and the report was considered
good (6) Took up the references of calling Brother Daniel Dozier to supply
us this year. Brother Dozier was in attendance and
agreed to serve the church the present year 7} Sister Sara Jaffres
applied by letter for a letter of Dismission which was granted
(8) Sister Sarah Briggs applied in person for a letter of Dismission
which was granted. Thence Ajourned
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February 1838 1} Opened
conference and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and
sisters of sister churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for
the reception of members (4) Enquired for refferences and found none.
(5) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
(6) Brethren Roach and Wm Staggers with others applied to know whether
this church was willing to dismiss them from this church to constitute
a church at a new house now built between Patsalega and Peagin Creek.
The move was laid over till our next meeting for the church to consider
the matter.
Thence ajourned
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and took up the refference of the of (sic)
Brethern to Wm Staggers and laid over till our next meeting.
Thence ajourned
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April 1838 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for refferences and took up the refference of Brethren Roach
and Wm Staggers and letters was granted to the following Brethren and
Sisters David Roach William Staggers Dilly Roach Sarah Rodgers Abigail
Davis Sarah Staggs E Gainy to be given when could for (5) Sister Ray
applied for a letter of Dismission which was granted and deliv?
(copy truncated)
6} It was moved and carried that the rule of Decorum be read only when
called? for (7) Enquired for fellowship and found the church in
Thence ajourned
May Conference 1838
Opened conference by prayer by Brother Mims and proceed to business
(1) Invited brethren and sisters to seets with us (2) Enquired for
business and found none (3) It was moved and seconded that we make
choice of another deacon and it was laid over till our next meeting
Thence Ajourned
June Conference 1838
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in June opened conference by Brother
Wm Blackman and proceeded to business (1) Invited brethren and sisters
of sister churches to seets with us 2 Opened a dore for the reception
of members (3) Enquired for refferences and took up the refference of
choosing a deacon and was laid over till our next meeting. 4} Enquired
for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Thence Ajourned
July Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July 1} Opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Brother J. M. Staggers being absent Brother Wm Staggers was appointed
clerk protem 5} Took up the references concerning the choice of a deacon
and continued it till our next meeting.
Thence Ajourned
August Conference
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in August 1} Opened conference
and proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members
and received Sister Lithia Brewer by experience and
Brother Wyley Jordan by letter as a regular ordained Deacon Brother
Thomas Barrincan as a regular ordained Deacon and Sister Epsey Barrincan
both by letter 4] Enquired for refferences and took up the refference for
the choice of a deacon and was dismissed by consent as there was tow regular
ordained deacons received by letter (5) This church went into the choice of
Delegates to represent us in our next association and the following Brethern
was chosen D. Mims Wyley Jordan and James M. Staggers and in case of failor
Brother T. Barrincan 6} This church agreed to send four dollars contribution
for minutes and to defray the expense of the association (7) The clerk to
prepare a letter by the next meeting for inspection (8) Brother D. Mims was
appointed Treasurer for this church.
Thence Ajourned
A Called Conference
On the fourth Sabbath in August 1838 (1) Opened conference and proceeded
to business (2) Invited brethren and sister churches to seets with us
(3) Opened a dore for the reception of members and received Sister Fancy
belonging to Wm. Levy Kent by experience and Sister Sarah Leverett by
letter. Thence Ajourned
September Conference 1838
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in September 1} Opened conference
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister churches
to seets with us (3) opened a dore for the reception of members (4) Enquired
for refferences and took up the refference of the letter for the association
and the clerk prepared a letter which was read and received
(5) The contribution was maid up by the church (6) Brother James M. Staggers
applied for a letter of Dismission which was granted 7} This church went
into the choice of a clerk and Brother Sherwood Spivy was elected by the
voice of the church
8} This church thought proper to dispense of the former rule of
reading the article of faith and only read it when called for
Thence Ajourned
James M. Staggers, Protem
October Conference None 1838
November 1838
(1) Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in November opened conference
and proceeded to business (2) Envited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seats with us (3) Opened a dore for the reception of members
(4) Enquired for references and found none (5) Inquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship.
Then Adjourned
December conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in December opened conference and
proceeded to business (1) Opened a doore for the reception of members
(2) Enquired for references and found none (3) went into the choice of
preacher and Brother Dosier was unanimously chose 4 Inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship. Then Ajourned
January and February Conference none
March Conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March opened conference and
proceeded to business (1) Opened a doore for the reception of members
(2) Enquired for references and found none (3) Sister Elizabeth Small
applied for a letter of dismission by Brother Mims and the church
granted her a letter (4) Enquired for fellowship and found the church
in fellowship.
Then Adjourned
April Conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April opened conference and
proceeded to business (2) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seats with us (3) Opened a dore for the reception of
members and received Brother Joseph M. Burk and Sister Mary Burk
his wife by Letter (3) Inquired for
references and found none (5) Inquired for fellowship and found
the church in fellowship. Then adjourned
May Conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seats with us (2) Opened a dore for the reception of
members (3) Inquired for references and found none (4) Inquired
for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then Ajourned
June Conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seat with us (2) Opened a dore for the reception of
members and received Sister Marthy Spivey by experience
(3) Inquired for references and found none (4) Inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship. Then Adjourned
July Conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seat with us (2) Opened a dore for the reception of
members and received Sister Mary Kent by experience
(3) Enquired for reference and found none (4) Inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship. Then Adjourned
August Conference none 1839
September conference 1839
Saturday before the fourth Saboth in July opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) Invited brethren and sisters of sister
churches to seates with us (2) Opened a dore for the reception of
members (3) Enquired for references and found none (4) The church
went into the choice of delegates to represent us to the next
association and the following brethren were chosen David Mims
Wiley Jourdan and S. Spivey and in case of failure Thomas Barrican
5 This church agree to send two dollars and fifty cent contribution
for minutes and to defray other expenses of the association
(6) the clerk had prepared a letter previously which was red and
received 7 Inquired for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
Saturday before the forth Sabbath in December Conference opened by
Brother Fuller and proceeded to business (1) Invited brethren and
sisters of our faith and ordered to seats with us (2) Opened a dore
for the reception of members (3) Inquired for references and found none
(4) Went into the choice of a preacher for the incuing year and Brother
Daniel Dozier was unanimously chose by the church (5) appointed Brother
Wiley Jordan and Sherwood Spivey to visit Brother Dozier and report next
conference. Then Adjourned
1840 January Conference non
February Conference 1840
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February conference opened by
Brother Dozier and proceeded to business (1) Invited brethren of our
faith and order to seats with us (2) Opend a dore for the reception
and received Brother John Linton by restoration (3) Inquired for
reference and found none (4) Inquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship.
Then Adjourned
March Conference 1840
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in March opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) invited Brethren of our faith and order
to seats with us (2 opened a dore for the reception of members
(3) inquired for references and found none (4) inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
May Conference 1840
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in May opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) Invited bretheren of our faith and order
to seats with us (2) Opened a dore for the
reception of members (3) inquired for reference and found none
(4) inquired for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then Adjourned –
June Conference 1840
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in June opened conference and
proceeded to business (1) invited Brethren of our faith and order
to seats with us (2 opened a dore for the reception of members
(3) inquired for references and found none (4) inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
July Conference 1840
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in July opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) invited Brethren of our faith and order
to seats with us (2 opened a dore for the reception of members
(3) inquired for references and found none (4) inquired for
fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in August opened conference and
proceeded to bisnis (1) invited Brethrens and sisters of our faith
and order to seats with us (2 opened a dore for the reception of
members (3) inquired for references and found none (4) inquired
for fellowship and found the church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
Saturday before the fifth Saboth in August opened conference and
proceded to bisnes (1) invited brethern and sisters of our faith
and order to seats with us (2) opened a dore for the reception of
members (3) inquired for references and found none (4) went into
the choice of delegates to represent us in the next association
and appointed the Brother L. Spivey Wiley Jordan J. M. Burk D. Mims
in case of failure (5) Agree to send two dollars and fifty centers
contribution for minutes (6) Ordered that the clerk prepare a letter
by the next conference for inspection (7) inquired for fellowship
and found the church in fellowship. Then adjourned
Sept Conference none
Oct Conference None Nov None
Saturday before the fourth Saboth in December conference
opened by Brother Burke and and proceded to bisnis (1) Opened a
dore for the reception of members (2) Inquired reference and found
none (3) went into the choice of a pr? to go in and out before us
and Brother D Dozier was unanimously chose by the church
(5) Appointed the Brother L. Spivey and P. M. Burk to visit him
and if not ? to visit Brother Robert Warren and give him a call
to the church December 1840. Then adjourned
January 1841 January conference
Saturday before the fourth Saboth in January opened conference and
proced to bisnis (1) Invited brethren of our faith and order to seat
with us (2) Opened a dore for the reception of members (3) Inquired
reference and found none (4) Inquired for fellowship and found the
church in fellowship.
Then adjourned
July 31, 1841 Conference opened by Brother T. Long and proced
to bisnis (1) Invited brethren and sisters of our faith and order
to seats with us (2) opened a dore for the reception of members
3 Inquired for references and found none (4) went in the choice of
delegates to represent us to the union meeting and appointed the
brethren Mimes and Spivey (5) Brother Josiah Underwood request a
letter of dismission by Brother Spivey which was granted. Then adjourned
Sept 25, 1841 Conference opened by Brother Burch and proceeded
to bisnis (1) invited brethren and sisters of our faith and order
to seats with us (2) opened a dore for the reception of members
(3) Inquired for references and found none (4) went in the choice
of delegates to represent us in the association and the brethren
T. Spivey T. M. Burk and W. Jordan was appointed and D. Mims in
case of failure (5) Sister T. Brewer applied for a letter of
Dismission by brother Spivey which was granted (6) Agree to send
one dollar and fifty ct contribution.
Then Adjourned
1842 February conference opened by Brother D. Dozier and proceed
to bisnis (1) invited
Brethren of our faith and order to seats with us (2) opened a
doore for the reception of members (3) inquire for references
and found none (4) went into the choice of a preacher to go
in and out before us and Brother Solomon Long was the chse by
this church (5) inquired for fellowship and found the church
in fellowship (6) Sarah Leveratt applied for a letter of
Dismission in person and was granted.
Then adjourned
Saturday before the forth Saboth in April conference opened
by Brother Mime’s and proceded to bisnis (1) invited brethren
and sisters of faith and order to seates with us 2 opened a
door for the reception of members (3) inquired for reference
and found none (4) Brother Mimes apply for a Letter of Dismission
for himself and wife which was granted (5) went into the choice
of a preacher and brother William Thomas was unanimously chose
by the church. Then Adjourned.
September conference 1843
Saturday before the fourth Saboth in September went into choice
of delegates to the association and brother Wiley Jordan Brother
Joseph M. Burk and S. Spivey was appointed.
Jun Con 1844 After the sermon by Brother Fuller it went into conference
and appointed brother Wiley Jourdan Clerk 2nd inquired for
reference and found none 3rd appointed the following Burke Black
to visit Sister Polly Leante?/Carte? and report at our next conference
4th inquired fellowship found church in fellowship and adjourned.
July 1845 After sermon by brother William Thomas went into
conference 1st opened a door for the reception of members
2nd inquired for references received the report of the committy
appointed to visit Sister Mary Rente/Kente? and was disposed of
as follows which terminated in an exclusion from us
3rd inquired for new grievances and found none
4th appointed the following brethring a delegation consisting
of Wiley Jourdan Joseph M. Berke Ezekiah Blackmon to meet the
association 5th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned.
Sept 1845 Conference
After sermon by William Thomas and David Dosier went into
conference 1st opened a doore for the reception of members
2nd inquire for referances and found none 3rd inquired for
new grievances and found none 4th read the letter to the
association prepared by the clerk and was received
5th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
Feb 14th The members of Ivy Creek Church met together and
after prayer by brother W. Jordan went in conference 1st
appointed brother Jourdan moderator 2nd opened a door for
the reception of members and received one by letter namely
Rodgers 3rd taken into consideration the change of the time
of holding our meetings from the third Sabbath to the fourth
4th Taken up the subject of communion and agreed to commune
on our next meeting in ? 5th inquired for fellowship and
then adjourned
W. W. Jordan C.C.
Sep 23rd 1845 The members of Ivy Creek church met together
after prayer by brother Jordan he was appointed moderator
1st the moderator took the seat and announced the church ready
for business 2nd opened the doore for the reception of members
and recd by letter Margaret Cowart 3rd inquired references
called for the commity appointed to visit our black sister who
reported the difficulty settled? the committee discharged
Sept 23 4th inquired for business and sister Long applied for a
letter thro brother Jordan which was granted and the clerk to
write the letter 5th Read the letter to the association which
was rec’d without alteration 6th inquired for fellowship and
then adjourned.
W. Jordan C. C.
March the 28th 1846
1 The Ivy Creek church met together after preaching by
brother Robert Warren came into conference Brother William
Thomas 1st invited visiting brethering to seat with us
2nd Opened a door for the reception of members and received
brother William Leard and wife Sister Elender Leard also
brother Leroy Leard by letter
3rd Inquired for references and found none
4th The church went into the call of a minister to supply
and made choice brother William Thomas
5th Sister Maravet Staggers applied for a letter of Dismission
which was granted
6th On motion adjourned W. Jourdan C. C
the 16 The Ivy Creek Church met together after sermon by brother
William Thomas went into conference
1st Invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd Opened a doore for the reception of members
3rd Inquired for references and found none
4th Inquired for business of the church Agreed to think on
choice of an assistant deacon until our next conference
5th on ? motion adjourned
W. Jourdan C.C.
the 15th The Ivy Creek Church met together after sermon by
brother William Thomas went into conference
1st Invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd Opened a doore for the reception of members
3rd Inquired for referances and took up the case of the
choice of a deacon which terminate in the choice of brother
William Leard
4th Inquired for further business went into the delegation
and chosen Brother Willliam Leard Joseph M. Berk Wiley Jourdan
in case of failure Eze H. Blackmon
5th Chose brothers Robert Warren Daniel Dozier Solomon Long
as a presbut(?)
6th Appointed the brother clerk to write the letters and bear them
7th and the clerk to write the letter to the association
8th on motion adjourned
W. Jourdan C.C.
the 18th The Ivy Creek Church met together after sermon by
brother Robert Warren and Solomon Long Went into conference
1st Dispensed with other business and attended to the ordination
of deacon then adjourned until tomorrow morning 11 o’clock
The 19th 1846
Saturday morning the church met according to adjournment
after sermon by Solomon Long and William Thomas went into
1st Invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd Opened the doore for the reception of members and received
by letter brother Thomas Gardner
3rd Inquired for references found none
4th Inquired for business
5th Read the letter to the association which was approved.
the church announced themselves for the ordination of the Lords supper
6th on motion adjourned
W. Jourdan C.C.
The 18th After sermon by brother Solomon Long came into conference
1st Elected brother Long moderator protem announced the church in order
2nd Invited visiting brethering and sisters to seats with us
3rd Opened a door for the reception of members and received none
4th inquired for references and found none
5th inquired for business and found none
6th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
W. Jordan C. C.
Decr 19th
After sermon by brother William Thomas the Ivy Creek Church
went into conference
1st invite visiting brethering to seate with us
2nd opened the door for the reception members received none
3rd inquired for references and went into the call of a minister
and called brother W. Thomas unanimously his time being filled
up again to call brother S. Long and appointed brother W. Jordan
to bear the communication
4th inquired for business and found none
5th inquired for fellowship and then ajourned.
W. Jordan C.C.
April 17th
The members of Ivy Creek Church met together appointed brother
W. Jordan moderator protem
1st opened a door for the reception of members and received
Margaret Staggers by letter also Malissa Leard by letter The
moderator giving the right hand of fellowship
3rd the Consotation Church Butler County requested the next
Jeneral meeting to Commence on friday before the first Sabbath
in Sept 1848.
4th appointed a committee on preaching
5th appointed the clerk to prepare the report of this meeting
for the association then adjourned
W. Jordan C. C.
Aug 14th
Saturday morning 10 o’clock met together Dozier Thomas and
Long preach. Then came into conference
1st invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd opened the door for the reception of members rec’d none
3rd inquired for references found none
4th inquired for business taken up the delegation to the
association and appointed T. Gandner Wm Leard W. Jordan and
H. Leard in case of failure
5th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned til tomorrow
morning 10 o’clock at which time the brethering preached to
large congregation
W. Jordan C.C.
Decr 1st The members of Ivy Creek Church met together and wint
into the choice of a preacher which terminated in the choice of
Brother W. Thomas
2nd appointed brother Henry Leard to bear the message then adjourned.
W. Jordan C.C.
16th The members of Ivy Creek Church met together in conference
after sermon by brother Wm. Thomas went into conference
1st opened the door for the reception of members and received
one by letter name by Dilla Roach
2nd inquired for references and none
3rd inquired for business and agreed to commune on tomorrow
4th taken into consideration the expenses of furnishing the
Lord’s Table and agreed to raise Church fund and place it in
the hands of brother Leard for that purpose
5th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned.
W. Jordan C.C.
17th 1848 The members of Ivy Creek Church met together and appointed
W. Jordan moderator
1st opened the door for the reception of members and received one
by letter namely Sarah Rodgers
2nd Changed the time of holding our meeting from the 3 to the 4th
Sabbath on each month
3rd agreed to commune on our next meeting in corse
4th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
W. Jordan C.C.
26th The members of Ivy Creek Church met together and after
sermon by brother William Thomas went into conference
1st opened the door for the reception of members and received none
2nd inquired for references found none
3rd inquired for business appointed the delegation to the general
meeting consisting of brethering Henry Leard Joseph M. Berk Ezea H.
Blackman the clerk to write the letter
4th appointed the delegation to the association consisting of
William Leard Henry Leard and Thomas Gardner the clerk to write the letter
5th whereas our black sister applied to us for a letter of dismission
to join the mishionarys appointed a committee to visit her consisting
of William Leard Joseph M. Berk Ezea H. Blackmon
6th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
Wiley Jordan C.C.
August conference
After prair by brother Gardner
1st appointed W. Jordan moderator protem
2nd opened a door for the reception of members and received none
3rd Inquired for References and found none
4th Inquired or business and appointed our delegation to the jeneral
meeting J. M. Berk W. Jordan the clerk to prepare the letter
5th appointed the delegation to the association Thomas Gardner Wiley
Jordan Joseph M. Berk the clerk to prepare the letter
6th Took into consideration the case of brother Leard and refered it
to our next meeting and appointed brother Gardner to visit brother
Thomas and request him to attend our next meeting
7th Inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
W. Jordan C.C.
August Conference after sermon by brother Wm. Thomas came into
conference invite visiting brethering to seat with us
1st Opened the door for the reception of members and received none
2nd Inquired for references and took the case of brother William
Leard and acted on it which terminated in an Exclusion
3rd Took up the case of Sister Leard and brother Henry Leard and
after investigation agreed to lay it over til next meeting and call help
4th Appointed brother T. J. Gardner to visit Sweetwater church and
invite the brethering to come and assist us
5th Invited brother Moore to solicit the brethering of New Providence
Church to come and assist us
6th Inquire for further business and found none
7th Inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
William Thomas Modr
Wiley Jordan C.C.
December conference 1851 opened conference
Opened a door for the reception of members inquired for references and
found none inquired for business took into consideration the request of
brother T. J. Gardner and after deliberation granted him licens to exercize
his gift in the bounds of this association inquired for fellowship and then
Wiley Jordan C.C.
43 1853
July 24 Ivy Creek Church met together after sermon by brother Gardner
went into conference
1st invited visit brethering to seats with us
2nd opened a doore for the reseption of members and received none
3rd inquired for references and received none
4th inquired for business found ?(copy truncated)
5th appointed our delegation to the district meeting of the fourth
district as follows Thomas J. Gardner and Wiley Jordan
6 inquired for fellowship and ajourned
Wiley Jordan C.C.
September 24 1852 p 44
State of Alabama } The meeting of the 4th district of the Conecuh River
Butler County } Association of the primitive order conveined with
Ivy Creek Church on Friday before the fourth Lords day in September 1852
appointed brother D. Dozier to preach the introductory sermon after preaching
appointed D. Dozier moderator and brother T. J. Gardener Clerk
1st invited brethering in the ministry to seats with us 2 called for the
Delegation & received and read letters from 5 churches and found them to be
orthodox and orderly 3rd called for correspondence from sister districts
meetings where open a letter was presented from the 3rd district by the hand
of her messenger brother J. Wood who was cordially by the moderator giving
the right hand of fellowship
4th agreed return correspondence to the third district by our letter and
messenger viz T. J. Gardner S. Long D. Dozier Wm Bradley G. W. Wilson and
W. Jordan brother D. Dozier to write the letter also received brother John
C. Dunkin from the 2nd district petitioning correspondence with us and was
cordially received the moderator giving the right hand of fellowship which
we failed to return til our next meeting in consequence of our not knowing
the time of their next district meeting
p 45
moved and secconed that the moderator appoint brethering to arrange the
preaching during the meeting which consisted in one delegate from each
church and they to report as soon as possible the committy withdrew from
the boddy and arranged the preaching committy report that brother S. Long
and brother S. Beasley preach in the fore noon and brother A. Driskel to
conclude moved and secconed that brother D. Dozier prepare and bear the
report of this meeting to the association Saturday the 25th met pursuant
to adjournment opened the conference of this meeting and received a letter
from Providence Church by her messenger brother J. Moore who was received
granted the petition of Consolation Church by appointing our next meeting
of the district to commence with ? on Friday before the 5th Lords Day in
July next the clerk red the minit of this meeting which was rec’d
The church appointed her delegation to wit T. J. Gardner W T ? to
go to the association
Daniel Dozier moderator
T. J. Gardner
October Conference 1852
1st After prayer by brother Gardner went into opened a door for
the reception of members and received none
2nd Called for references and found none
3 Inquired for business and went into the call of a preacher
to preach for us next year which terminated in a unanimous call
of A. Druskill the clerk to write the letter and brother T. J.
Gardner to bear it
4 Inquired for fellowship and adjourned
Wiley Jordan C.C.
5th July 1856
1st After Service by brother S. Blackman the Ivy Creek Church
came into conference and opened the door of the church for the
reception of members Rec’d none
2nd Inquired for references found none
3rd inquired for business agreed represent the church in the
district meeting of the 4th district to commence on Friday before
the 4 Lords day of this instant
4th inquired for fellowship Sister Delley Roach made application
through Brother Jordan for a letter of dismission to join another
church for her more conveniance which was granted her and adjourned
Wiley Jordan C.C
P 47 1856
September conference after service by brother Gardner and
S. Long went into conference
1st opened the door for the reception of members and rec’d
by experience a Baptist brother William W. Reaves
2nd appointed the following brethering a delegation to
represent us in the association to wit T. J. Gardner J. M. Berk
and W. Jordan and J. Jordan to write the letter
3rd inquired for business and found none
4th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned.
W. Jordan C.C.
December conference after sermon by brother S. W. Blackman came
in conference
1st opened a door for the reception of members and recd none
2nd inquired references and found none
3rd inquired for business and found none
4th inquired for fellowship and then adjourned
W. Jordan C.C.
1857 p 48
Aug conference
The members of Ivy Creek Church and went into conference
1st invited visiting brethering to seat with us 2nd opened the
door for the reception of members rec’d none 3rd moved that the
church call brother James Norman to the care of the church the balance
of this year and carried the clerk to write the letter and brother
William W. Reaves to bear it 4th went into the delegation to the
association and brother Joseph M. Berk agreed to go 5th appointed
the clerk to prepare the letter for inspection at our next meeting
W. Jordan C.C.
Septr conference
After sermon by brother A. Driskel called brother to sit as moderator
1st Invite visting brethering to seats with us
2nd opened the doore of the church for the reception of members and
received none
3rd inquire for references and took up the reading of the letter and
received it
4th gaged (?) to be prepared to go into the call of a preacher at
our next conference
5th after sermon on Sabbath received sister Martha A Reeves? by experience
W. Jordan C. C.
1st May
After singing and prair by brother G. Boyet went into conference
1st opened the doore of the church for the reception of members
and rec’d by letter Brother E. M. Amos and Sister Martha Amos
2nd inquired for references and found none
3rd inquired for business and found none 4th brother W. W. Reaves
applied for Letter of Dismission for himself and his wife which was granted
P 49 1858
A move to read the minutes of the meeting which was read and recd
6th inquired for fellowship and then ajourned
Gibson Boyet modr. Wiley Jordan C.C.
Sept 15 The members of Ivy Creek Church met and after sermon by
brother G. Boyd went into conference brother Boyd to sit as moderator
1st invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd opened the doore of the church for the reception of members
rec’d none
3rd inquired for references found none
4th inquire for business and chose our delegates to the association
appointed Wiley Jordan Eleazar M. Amos and Joseph M. Berk in case of
5th called for the which was read and received
6th went into the choice of a preacher and agreed to renew our call to
brother A. Driskil to preach for us the next year
7th read the minutes and ajourned
Wiley Jordan C. C.
16 Oct 1858 after sermon by brother A. Driskil came into conference
1st invited visiting brethering to seats with us of the same faith and ??
2 opened the door of the church for the reception of members received none
3rd inquired for references found none
4th inquired for jeneral business and found none
5 called for an answer from brother Driskel and he agreed us the
ensuing year providing we change our
P 50 1858
meeting from the third Sabath to the 2nd in each month and agreed
to chang our monthly meetings to the 3nd in each month
6th Called for the reading of the minutes and ajourned
A. Driskel moderator
Wiley Jordan C. C.
December the 11th 1858 Ivy Creek
After sermon by brother A. Driskel came into conference
1st invited visiting brethering of the same faith and order to
seats with us
2nd opened the doore of church for the reception of members and
received none
3rd inquired for references and found none
4th inquired for jeneral business and took up the request of our
Sister church at Beulah Pike County and after due consideration in
answer to her request we do not know of any just cause why brother
Jonathan Lee should not be restored to fellowship
5th appointed the clerk to write the answer
6th called for the reading of the minutes and then ajourned
Allen Driskel Moderator
Wiley Jordan C. C.
Page 51 1859
After sermon brother T. J. Gardner came into conference 1st invited
visiting brethering to seats with us
2nd opened the doore of the church for the reception of members and
received none 3rd inquired for references and found none 4th our
black sister formaly belonging to James Davis applied to us through
brother Gardner for a letter of dismission which was granted
5th the church authorized brother Gardner to write the letter and
convey it to her 6th called for the reading of the letter and then
Wiley Jordan C. C.
May 7th
The church of Christ at Ivy Creek met in conference appointed brother
T. J. Gardner moderator. 1st opened the door of the church for the
reception of members and received none? 2nd called for references
found none
3rd called for miselaneous business none?
4th called for the reading of the minutes and ajourned
Wiley Jordan C. C.
June 24
After sermon by brother Boyett and ? Gardner went into conference
1st invited visiting brethering to seats with us 2nd opened the door
of the church for the reception of members ? none 3 inquired for
references ? taken went into the choice of preacher for the balance
of the year and chose brother Boyett (continued next page;
? indicates copy truncated)
1859 page 52
unamiously 3rd received brother Boyett answer and changed the time
of holding meeting from the 2 to the Saturday before the 4 Sabbath
in each month 5th Agreed move our place of holding worship to a
place known as Brother Ameses schoolhouse 6th appointed a committy
to see sister Ganey and get a deed to the land consisting of E. M. Ames
and Wiley Jordan read the minutes and ajourned
Wiley Jordan C.C.
G. Boyett modr
July 23
After sermon by brother Boyett and Gardner the members of the Ivy
Creek Church went into conference 1st invited visiting brethering
to seats with us 2nd opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and sister Turner made application for membership and was
posponed until our next meeting in consequence of a difaculty existing
between her and sister Ganey 3rd the committy reported the deed to
the land is obtained 4th appointed a building committee of 4
consisting of E. M. Ames T. J. Gardner Sq. G. J. Staggers and Harvey
Rodgers and report at our next meeting 5th Brother T. J. Gardner
applied for a letter of dismission for himself and wife which was
granted and the clerk to write the letter read the minutes and ajourned
G. Boyett Mdr Wiley Jordan
Page 53 1859
August After divine servis by T. J. Gardner and G. Boyett the members of
27th Ivy Creek church went into conference
1st Invited visiting brethering to seate with us
2nd opened the doore of the church for the reception of members
and received brother Barthrolimew Staggers by experience and baptism
3nd called for references found none
4 called acknowledgements brother Ames came forward and
acknowledge himself gilty of an error 5 took up the charge and
forgave brother Ames
6 taken up the case of brother T. J. Gardners letter he is
holding from this church rec’d granted him another and licens to
preach where his lot may be cast read the minit and ajourned
Wiley Jordan C C
Sabbath morning at the water received sister Sarah Barber by letter
Wiley Jordan C.C.
Sept 23 After sermon by brother Boyett the members of Ivy Creek
church met in conference invited visiting brethering to seats with us
2 opened the door of the church for the reception of members received none
3 called for references of our last meeting reletive to the choice of a
preacher for the ensuing year brother Boyett was chosen unanimous brother
Boyett being present answered the church
1859 54
he will try to serve them 5 took up the reference of last conference
reletive to the choice of delegates to the association and chose the
brethering W. Jordan Bartholimew Staggers and J. M. Berk in case of failure
the letter to be written by brother Ames 6 Called for acknowledgments
called 7 for matter of gospel dealing 8 called for miscelaneous business
Sept 24 Taken up the reference of the reading the letter to the association
read the letter and received it inquired for new business read the minit
and ajourned
W. Jordan C.C. G. Boyett Moderator
November 26th 1861
The Primitive Baptist church of Christ at Ivy Creek in conference brother
Gibson Boyett Moderator
1st Invited brethering and sisters from sister churches of our faith and
order to seats with us
2nd opened the dore for the reception of members and brother Richard
Williams was received in experience of grace
3rd called for referances
4th called for acknowledgments
5th called for maters of gospel dealing
6th called for miscellanious business
E. M. Ames, C. C.

Page updated 7 Jun 2007.