Butler County, Alabama
News Items from 1873-1955

News Tidbits 1873-1955 (from Butler and nearby counties)
I collected and abstracted these community news tidbits mostly from the
Butler County News (Georgiana, Alabama, 1911+). Some are from the Greenville
Advocate, The Living Truth, Conecuh Star, Conecuh Record, Covington Expositor,
and Atmore Advance. Many of the items pertain to my relatives, but many do not.
Cheryll Morris Sumner (Butler County native)
Thurs. Dec. 4, 1873 Greenville Advocate
At Collirene, Lowndes Co., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev.
T.E. WILLIAMS, on Thurs. Nov. 27th, Mr. Charles D. STANLEY, of Columbia, S.C.,
to Miss Sallie N. RIVES, daughter of Col. R. P. RIVES.
At St. Thomas (Episcopal) Church, in this city, on the night of the 27th ult.,
by Rev. Wm. Brittan, Maj. J. F. O'BRIEN and Miss Eliza WILSON, all of Greenville.
In this city on the 27th ult., Mr. F. M. WEST and Miss Rebecca S. WRIGHT.
In Birmingham , on the 23rd ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, by
Rev. Mr. Ellis, Mr. John A. KIRKPATRICK, of Greenville, and Miss Lizzie H. WHITE, of Birmingham.
At Georgiana, in this county, at the residence of the bride, on the 18th ult.,
by Rev. Mr. SKIPPER, Mr. Thomas SHEPPARD and Mrs. Eliza STOTT.
A train colony of 80 people left in Dec. of 1873 headed from Conecuh Co. to Texas
1-29-1874 Greenville Advocate
Robbery.--Mr. Hugh BLACK, living near Fort Dale, in this county, says his
residence was entered on Tuesday night week by a thief, and money to the a
mount of $246 was taken from his pants, while lying on the bed in which he
was sleeping. One hundred and ten dollars was in gold, the balance in United
States currency. The thief took Mr. Black's horse and rode him some distance,
and then turned him loose. The horse came back.
Robberies are becoming frequent in this and surrounding neighborhoods. Keep
your double barrel well-loaded with buck shot, and when you can, give the
scoundrels a taste of lead.
12-18-1879 Greenville Advocate
Ad saying obits and tributes of respect were 50 cents an inch or square
Thurs. Oct. 6, 1881 Greenville Advocate
Reverend W.H. MORRIS was appointed Superintendent of Education for Butler Co.
after J. M. THIGPEN, who had held the position for 8-10 years resigned.
7-23-1884 Greenville Advocate
Announcement. For Sheriff. Having been solicited by many good citizens in
the county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff--subject to the
action of the voters of Butler County at the August election.--Arthur C. SIMS
10-17-1889 The Conecuh Star
Golden Wedding announcement--John W. Etheridge married Miss Lucinda MENDENHALL
on October 7, 1839, at the home of the bride.
4-27-1892 Greenville Advocate
Our young people had a picnic here last Saturday, and they all seemed to have a
good time. This is the first of the season, but there will be no end of them from now on.
Mr. W. J. NICHOLSON is erecting a grist mill and ginnery in town. Both are much
needed, and he will doubtless do a good business.
Mr. John BENNETT, Mr. A. G. BENNETT, his beautiful and accomplished daughter, Miss
Mary BENNETT, of Tolu, Ky., have been visiting relatives near here. They were
accompanied by Miss Willie GARNER, a charming young lady of Fredonia, Ky. In
1835 Thomas BENNETT left Caldwell county Kentucky and came to Butler county, this
state. With the exception of one or two visits after that time, he never saw or
knew anything about his people in Kentucky. He was thus separated from them for
nearly a half a century, not knowing where they were. Through the kindness of
Mr. A. J. BARRETT, the relatives here and those in Ky,. have been united again.
He inserted a notice, asking about Thomas BENNETT in a Louisville paper, through
which means they were brought to a knowledge of each other. Mr. John BENNETT is
eighty years of age, but gets around with the agility of a ten-year old boy. They
seemed much pleased with their visit, having a most enjoyable time. They made may
warm friends here and we hope to see them again in the not far distant future.
Misses Bessie and Scott TAILOR, of your town, visited relatives here last week.
April 21, 1897 Greenville Adv. or TLT
Pierce PEAVY of Dunham married Emma HOLLIDAY Wed. 14th inst.
11-10-1897 Greenville Advocate
We are in receipt of the following card announcing the approaching nuptials of
a former Greenville young man to one of Crenshaw's lovely daughters. The advocate
extends hearty congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. WILSON invite you to be present at the marriage of their
daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Marcus Lane BLACK, Wednesday evening, November the
seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven at eight o'clock. Baptist Church,
Luverne, Ala.
11-24-1897 Greenville Advocate
On the train from Luverne yesterday morning were a beaming bridal couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark BLACK. At Sprague they changed cars and went to Tampa,
from whence they will make a tour through the places of interest in Florida and then return to Luverne.
The marriage occurred at the Baptist Church, Luverne, Wednesday evening
when Mrs.[Miss?] Ruth WILSON became the wife of Mr. BLACK. She is the charming and intellectual daughter of Mr. Benjamin WILSON of that city, and the bridegroom has the distinction of being one of the most prominent and estimable young business men in that portion of the State. Their Montgomery friends send hearty congratulations.--Montgomery Advertiser
1-20-1898 Conecuh Record
Matrimonial--On yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock Dr. W. E. MORRIS of Shell
and Miss Mamie BROWN of this city were united in marriage at the residence
of the bride's mother on Salter Street. Rev. S. P. LINDSEY officiating.
Miss Mamie is one of our most accomplished and lovable young ladies and Dr.
MORRIS may justly be proud of the prize he has won. Dr. MORRIS is a prominent
young physician and is well-known in Evergreen, having lived only a few miles
from here all his life. The Record joins their many friends in wishing for
them a long life of happiness.
2-22-1898 Greenville Advocate
Mrs. N.F. BLACK has returned after an extended visit to her sons,
Messrs. J.A. and M. L. BLACK.
Nov. 9, 1898 Greenville Advocate
Married last Thursday evening the 3rd inst. at the residence of the
bride's mother, Mrs. M. L. BARRETT, ten miles east of Greenville,
Mr. J. C. Black and Miss P. M. Barrett, Rev, Mr. Dobbs officiating.
A large number of friends and relatives of the happy pair were present
to witness the ceremony and to wish them much happiness.
After the ceremony the guests were invited to partake of a most sumptious
supper, just such a colation as can only be served in the country.
1-11-1899 Greenville Adv.?
Calhoun, Ala. Jan. 7
Edwin and Aleck Chestnut, ages 14 and 10, sons of Ed Chestnut were bird
hunting when Edwin accidentally shot Aleck. ...(part missing) asked his
mother for some more shells. She gave him two to take to his brother. He
then asked if it was a sin to kill birds. She answered no, that they had
been destroying the corn. She then went over to one of the neighbors,
leaving only the little girls at home. It seems that Edwin was examining
the lock of the gun, his little brother standing by, possibly looking into
the barrel when the gun was discharged, the load taking effect in the face
and head of Aleck scattering his brains on the ground and killing him instantly.
Mr. Monroe BLACK who lives near Fort Deposit was on his way home from Letohatchee,
hearing the report of the gun and the screams jumped from his horse and hastened
to the spot. He took the dead child to the house, stayed all night rendering all
the assistance he could. The child's sister, with much presence of mind, ran to
the bell and rang the alarm which soon brought the hands from the field and Mr. Sam
and Jake CHESTNUT from the store. Mr. Ed, the father, was at Calhoun. Messengers
were sent for Mr. CHESTNUTt and Dr. GRAMLING, and soon a number of friends arrived
at the stricken home. No blame was attached to Edwin whose grief and dismay were
pitiable. Aleck was a bright, lovable, and affectionate child, the darling of his
parents, and their grief at his his passing is indeed heartrending. The sympathies
of the whole community are with the family. Though their heads are bowed in sorrow
over their precious child yet they know he was sinless and pure and is now sheltered
form the storms of life. Safely resting...[rest is missing from my copy--Greenville Advocate?]
3-15-1899 Greenville Advocate
The residence of Mr. J. H. PERDUE on Conecuh Street was burned Wednesday last
at noon. The fire originated, it is supposed, from sparks from the stove pipe,
as it was burning on the roof when discovered. Being so far out the fire department
could not reach the home quickly, and when there found the hose too short to reach
from the water plugs to the house.
Nearly everything in the lower story was gotten out, but nothing from the upper
floor could be saved. The house was built in 1868 by Mr. A. M. BLACK, was afterward
sold to Mr. PERDUE who remodeled and enlarged it.
4-28-1899 Covington Expositor
Mr. Editor:
Last Saturday night this section was blessed with a fine rain, and it was much needed.
All vegetation is now much revived and farm work is progressing well.
Last week Mr. Lee MORRIS' dwelling house with all its contents was burned. Mr. MORRIS
and wife were away from home at the time of the accident.
In the death of Mr. William LEE, week before last, a mother and father lost a good son,
and the community a good citizen. The relatives of the deceased have the sympathies
of the entire community.
A few days ago, I visited the new railroad, which is about three miles from this place,
and found things on a boom, indeed. In a distance of 2 miles on the railroad here,
there is six new stores doing business and another new building that will soon be
finished and occupied.
Real estate is on the rise here and the general health of the community is good.
Success to you and the Expositor.
H. R. J.
8-15-1900 Greenville Advocate
Mr. I. N. BLACK elected JP for Beat 1.
Nov. 1, 1900 Conecuh Record
The marriage of the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Hon. Nicholas STALLWORTH,
Miss Sallie, on yesterday evening, was an occasion of broader interest than any event
that has occurred in Evergreen for some years.
The fortunate man was Mr. George H. BRYAN, a successful druggist of Georgiana, who has
been among the most faithful of Miss STALLWORTH's admirers.
The happy ceremony occurred at the Episcopal church which had been tastefully decorated
by the loving hands of admiring friends. The little church house was packed with friends of the contracting parties and many were unable to get near the door.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. R. UPTON, who had known the bride from childhood,
and this fact added interest to the happy event.
Two happier hearts were never united for "weal or for woe" and the beautiful bride, most
worthily won, carries with her the heartiest good wishes of all the people of Evergreen,
who are her friends.
The large gathering attested the popularity of the interested parties, and the quick
leaves-taking of the bridal couple on the afternoon train, gave but a short time for
hasty congratulations and sad good-byes.
Evergreen has never known a more charming girl than Miss ... [rest is missing due to
my poor photograph].
Wednesday, May 8, 1901 Evergreen Courant
The social event of the season was the marriage of Horace BROOKS and Lillie THOMPSON,
on the evening of the 24th ult. All day loving hands had been busy decorating the
church, and it was neatly and tastefully done. The sun had sank beneath a cloudless
horizon, and the beautiful April day was giving place to a balmy moonlight night when
the inhabitants of our little village began to congregate at the Union church, and
long before the appointed time every seat was occupied.
The attention of the audience was drawn from the beautiful flowers by the sweet
strain of the wedding march rendered by Miss Katie ROBERTS, and the bridal party,
preceded by Master Russell RAWLS and little Miss Cloe WATSON bearing a basket of flowers, strewing them down the right aisle. The maid of honor was Miss Lorena ROYSTER and the bridesmaid Miss Minner ELLIS. The bride was tastefully attired in white organdy, wore a veil and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of roses. The bridesmaid wore white over pink and the maid of honor white over blue, both carried arm shower bouquets of pale pink roses.
The groom and his men were looking their best. Taking their places under one of the
floral arches the sweet strains of the music died away and the audience listened
attentively to the beautiful and impressive ceremony performed by Rev. B. J. SKINNER
of Monroeville. Leaving the church they went immediately to the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. J. C. HIGDON, where a reception was given them.
Repton, Ala.
Sept. 18. 1901 Evergreen Courant
Repton News
H. E. BROOKS and wife and Mrs. I. HIGDON of Century, Fla. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. THOMPSON.
8-27-1902 Greenville Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BLACK left Thursday afternoon for Fort Deposit to reside. Their home had been on Hickory Street for years and friends and neighbors who enjoyed many pleasant hours there will miss the kind face of Mrs. BLACK from her accustomed place at the south window and the pleasant greeting that awaited all.
7-10-1903 Greenville Advocate
Georgiana Items
Mr. Arthur SIMS of Manti brought to Georgiana a few days ago one hundred pounds of home raised meat and sold the same to BLACK and CROSS of this place for twelve and a half cents per pound. Mr. Sims is a good farmer and still has meat at home for his own use.
11-4-1903 Greenville Advocate
Mr. I.N. BLACK, Justice of the Peace, living near Shackleville, writes us that on the night of the 24th ult., a burglar entered the home of Mr. Ivan BURKETT, an old man in the neighborhood, and stole $82.50 in gold and $12.50 in silver from him. The gold was in two $20 and three $10 pieces and one of $2.50. [math isn't correct, but this is what article says] Mr. Black begs that the readers of the Advocate try and help capture the thief.
5-4-1904 Greenville Advocate
The friends of Marcus L. BLACK in this town and county were gratified at his nomination last week for the office of clerk of Crenshaw County. Mr. BLACK was reared in Greenville, but has lived in Luverne for some years.
9-21-1904 Greenville Advocate
On Thursday, the 15th, Mr. J. M. BLACK and Miss Lena WRIGHT were married at Dock, Rev. T. T. DOBBS officiating. The groom is the son of Mr. J. C. BLACK, one of our most highly esteemed citizens. The bride is the daughter of Mr. James WRIGHT of Crenshaw County. The writer wishes for Joe a long, happy, and prosperous life with his beautiful bride. C. G. J.
April 4, 1905 Evergreen Courant
One of the prettiest little weddings that has adorned our community in quite a while was that of Miss Nannie STINSON to Mr. Hubert DEAN at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. STINSON, on Sunday afternoon, March 26, at 4:30. Before a large crowd of relatives and friends the parlor door was thrown open and the bridesmaids and grooms men, which were Misses Corrie JOYNER and Lillian BLACK, and Messrs. Cary DEAN and Ralph STINSON, entered the long hall and in the midst Mr. DEAN led his beautiful bride, and Rev. Mr. RIDGEWAY in a few chosen words pronounced them man and wife.
The bride was prettily gowned in white organdy while the handsome groom wore the usual black suit. The parlor was beautifully decorated, and a few solos were the order of the evening. Then all entered the dining room where everything called eatables was served.
On the next day there was a large crowd of friends to greet the newly wedded pair at the groom's house, and all enjoyed the grand dining that was served in the nicest manner. After each and every one had congratulated this young couple, they left Mr. DEAN's for their homes, saying it was a day of happiness.
---C. L. J.
5-3-1905 Evergreen Courant
G. W. LEE and E. P. MATTHEWS of Shreve, Alabama paid this office an appreciated call on Saturday. Mr. LEE has been a patron of The Courant ever since it was established nearly ten years ago. Although a citizen of a sister county Mr. LEE wants to keep posted on the affairs of Conecuh. He never saw the editor before but is one of our most valued friends and patrons. May he live long and continue to prosper.
11-22-1905 Greenville Adv.
Hon. Marcus A. BLACK, Circuit Clerk of Crenshaw Co. was in the city for a day or two last week. This was his first visit to his hometown for some time, and Mr. BLACK was charmed with the many improvements in the old town since he was here.
August 8, 1906 Greenville Advocate
THE HAPPY MAIL CARRIER [Note by CS: Notes inside brackets are mine]
Editor Advocate:
If you will allow space in your valuable paper I will tell you about things on Route No. 1 from Georgiana. I am glad to say that everything on this route is looking well. Cotton and corn are fine, although the rain laid some of it by and if nothing happens to the crop there will be a large one out here.
I do not think that much corn will be sold this year. There is hardly a man who is not solid for corn another year with cane and potatoes and meat to go with it.
And let me say that out here are some of the best people in the land. They know how to treat a mail carrier, to make him feel good. I will tell you about some of them.
Last week this carrier drove up to the box at N. C. COOK's, and there he found a melon of about 25 lbs.; then the next day a nice lot of apples, and last another large melon. Now who would not like Nathan COOK? A fine Christian man he is. Just before you reach his box you will find E. A. BRODIE, another fine man.
Last Monday one of my patrons, Mr. Clarence GOODWIN, met me with two large melons, apples, and peaches.
But last of all, as I drove up to Mr. G. W. [George Washington] THOMPSON's, who is crippled with only one hand and one leg [injuries from Civil War], met me with about a 40 lb. melon. I felt that I ought not to take it but I knew his good soul wanted a hungry man fed. God bless this good, humble man and may Heaven's richest smiles come to him.
Today Mr. J. E. [James Emmitt] HICKS presented me with a bucket of fine peaches. All this makes a carrier feel good.
I am glad to note the good health of the route, although our Dr. R.H. [Bob] WATSON says they are working him down.
We are sorry to note the sad condition of that grand and noble man, S.H. [Sam Houston] GAMBLE. For nearly two months he has been lying at death's door and at this writing is still sicking. Relatives and friends are doing all they can for him.
Mrs. W.E. PAGE, of Mississippi, is visiting her father-in-law, Mr. J. W. PAGE.
Mr. G.W. MIXON is getting things in shape at his two gins to handle his customers' cotton this fall. Will is a hustler and a good fellow.
The annual protracted meeting of Starlington Church will commence next Sunday. Rev. J.B. BYRD, pastor, will be assisted by Rev. L.M. STONE, of Georgiana.
Mr. L.B. [Lonzo Bennett] BLACK, of Mississippi, is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. L. [Elizabeth Lee/Elkanah L.] BLACK.
We have two routes out from Georgiana, myself on No. 1 and Mr. W.J. COOK on Route No. 2. No. 1 goes west while No. 2 goes east.
With the best postmaster in the county, second to none in the state, with an assistant not one whit behind him, the office at Georgiana moves on well.
---Carrier R.F.D. No. 1
9-4-1907 Greenville Advocate (or TLT)
Mr. J. A. BLACK formerly of this city, now of Luverne, and Miss Claudia HAMIL were married at the home of Mr. MORGAN in Luverne last Wednesday. Mr. BLACK has many relatives and friends in this county who are interested in this happy event. Mrs. D. B. TAYLOR and daughters, Misses Scottie and Wathen of Georgiana and Mrs. A. B. CALHOUN of this city were in attendance. Mrs. CALHOUN is a sister of the groom.
5-13-1908 [Greenville Adv. or TLT?]
Deputy Sheriff MURPHY gives us the following bit of court house news.
On Saturday the 2nd, a young man named Arthur SIMS, living in the Shackleville neighborhood, came to town and applied for license to marry Miss PHILLIPS. He swore that the young lady was 19 years of age. Upon making affidavit to that effect the license was granted. Next morning old Mr. PHILLIPS armed with a shot gun, and bringing his daughter, came to town and went at once to the court house in search of Judge Lampley. He wanted to know if it was a fact that young SIMS had secured license to marry his daughter, and Judge Lampley told him he had, showing him the affidavit young SIMS had made. Phillips then swore out a warrant for the young man, charging him with perjury, saying the girl was only fourteen years of age.
The warrant was turned over to Deputy MURPHY to serve. That afternoon he went out to make the arrest. When he got to the home of the girl, where he expected to find the young man, SIMS was not there.
He then went to the young man's home but still failed to find him. He then gave the impression that he did not want him anyway and left, but remained in the neighborhood, going back to SIMS home at 2 o'clock in the morning and found him still up and dressed.
SIMS told the deputy that if he would give him time to go and marry the girl, that he would give up and come to twon with him. This proposition was agreed to and they went over to Mr. PHILLIPS' who then consented for his daughter to marry the young man. A minister was secured, Rev. Leander STINSON, and by the light of a pine knot the words were said that made the two young people one. Mr. Murphy stood as best man, as well as guard. The officer of the law and the bridegroom, without the latter even so much as saluting his blushing bride, left for Greenville, reaching here at six o'clock Monday morning. The young man was placed in jail under the serious charge of perjury, where he still lingers. The Judge fixed his bond at $300, which has not been made, and the disconsolate young man is pining in the gaol [sic], while the young bride grieves at the old homestead.
It is hard for this young man to be compelled to linger in jail just for telling a little "white lie" to get his sweetheart. Tens of thousands of other men do worse than that and never have to suffer. We hope the young man's friends will soon make the requisite bond.
July 10, 1908 The Living Truth
The one hundred and first anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. LEE recalls the little known fact that he was born more than a year after his mother had been buried, furnishing the world one of the most astonishing cases of reviviscence on record.
General LEE's mother was born by no means an entirely healthy woman, and the physician at Stratford, Va., the home of Henry LEE (Light Horse Harry), was kept in constant attendance. Mrs. LEE suffered from catalepsy, and during a prolonged trance she was pronounced dead. The body was prepared for interment, and the morning of the third day after her supposed death the remains were laid in the family vault in the graveyard of that pretty little Virginia village.
Members of the family made frequent visits to the vault, and while the sexton was cleaning up and arranging some flowers to be placed on the casket, he heard a faint voice, as though of someone calling for assistance. Of course the old man was somewhat alarmed, but as he had seen many years of service in the "city of the dead" he did not leave the vault. He listened closely and the voice was distinctly heard again. Becoming satisfied that the voice came from within the casket, he at once set to work and opened it, discovering that Mrs. LEE was alive. Releasing the poor woman from her awful fate, assistance was soon summoned and within a short time she was safe in bed at her home.
Mrs. LEE's recovery was slow but she did regain her health, and a little more than a year after she was buried alive, her youngest son, Robert E., was born and thus came into the world one of her bravest men.--Exchange.
July 2, 1908 Atmore Spectrum
Miss Susie LEATHERWOOD and Mr. J. J. MORROW Were United In Marriage at the Above Town by the Rev. W. T. ELLISOR of Atmore--The Wedding Was a Very Quiet One
Cupid invaded our little "town" this week and carried off one of our fair ladies. On Wednesday morning, June 24th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Susie Leatherwood was united in marriage to Mr. J. J. MORROW of Pensacola, Fla., Rev. ELLISOR officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives and intimate friends of the parties being invited.
At the appointed hour the handsome couple were ushered into the parlor that had been beautifully decorated with roses and ferns. The wedding march was beautifully rendered by Miss Mattie LEATHERWOOD. There they were met by the minister, who in the beautiful ceremony of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, pronounced them man and wife.
The bride was most becomingly attired in a traveling suit of brown, while the groom wore conventional black.
Congratulations followed.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. W. H. LEATHERWOOD, and is a young lady of charming personality and numbers her friends by the score. The groom is a young man of fine business qualities and holds the responsible position of conductor on the Pensacola and Selma Railroad.
Many pretty and valuable presents attest the popularity of this couple. They left on the one o'clock train for Georgiana followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. They will be at home to friends in Pensacola after June 28th.
Among the visitors that attended the marriage were Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, DRURY, SCROGGINS, and BRYANT, Misses SCROGGINS, JACKSON, and DRURY of Flomaton, Prof. W. S. LEATHERWOOD of Notasulga, Mr. R. B. LEATHERWOOD of Louisiana, Mr. PERRYMAN of Pensacola, Mr. Fletcher HIGDON and sister of Atmore.
We are having some warm weather, but the crops are looking well in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. KEARLEY's baby has been very sick for some time, but is improving some we are glad to note.
Mr. J. C. GULLEY and little sons returned last week from Walnut Hill, where they visited their father and grandfather.
Miss Annie Mae O'GWYNN of Hammac visited relatives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BARTON of Hixon were pleasant visitors here last week.
Mr. J. C. GULLEY and family visited relatives at Centreville Sunday.
Miss Berrha [Bertha?] FORTE spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Laura FORTE.
10-2-1908 The Living Truth
Mr. W. R. BOONE, a turpentine man of Georgiana, has bought the block of wooden buildings on the west side of the railroad at Georgiana and will shortly begin the work of erecting a block of two-story brick buildings where the wooden block now stands. This will be a great improvement and is a fine illustration of the confidence her home people have in Georgiana's real estate.
Jewish Holiday--On account of the holiday the places of business of our Jewish citizens will be closed Monday Oct. 5.
Sheriff FOUNTAIN of Brewton brought to Greenville Sunday afternoon a negro captured by the authorities of Georgiana and who was turned over to Mr. FOUNTAIN as answering fully the description of the negro who recently killed the Marshal of Brewton. The negro refused to talk about the matter. He was carried to Brewton Sunday night by Sheriff FOUNTAIN.
Oct. 2, 1908 The Living Truth
The following marriage which took place in Georgiana on Thursday, Sept. 24th, will be of much interest to many of our people. Dr. WATSON, son of Sheriff W. S. WATSON, is well and favorably known all over the county and his friends wish for him and his bride a long and happy life.
The account of the marriage is taken from a press notice sent to the Montgomery Advertiser.
"Georgiana, Sept. 25--At the home of F.H. ZEIGLER, where the bride was visiting, Miss Edna BINION of Dothan was married yesterday to Dr. J. C. [James Crawford] WATSON of this place, Rev. George FOUNTAINE officiated.
Only a few of the near relatives were present to witness the event.
The bride is a granddaughter of Rev. J. E. BELL, who died several years ago and who was well and favorably known here. She has many admirers and has made many friends during her stay here.
Dr. WATSON is a prominent physician here.
The only out of town guests for the occasion were Mrs. Randolph LUTTRELL, a sister, and Mrs. A. V. LOVELACE, an aunt of the bride from Brewton."
Nov. 1, 1911 Greenville Advocate
The homeplace of Rev. E. W. HOLLAND, called "The Oaks," scene of many local events, was sold to L. G. SELLERS, who will make it his home.
1911 Butler Co. News
Mr/Mrs. Walter English of Monroe Co. have been visiting Mrs. English's parents, Mr. and Mrs. CM Huggins. They left for home Sunday.
Thursday, December 14, 1911 Butler County News
W. E. REEVES of Butler Springs and Miss Lula BLACK were married at the home of the bride, two and a half miles northwest of Georgiana Sunday afternoon at two o'clock by Judge T. P. HOWELL. The News extends congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life.
On Thursday the 30th ult. Mr. C. F. VANN and Miss Lillie MOORE were married in Beat 6, Esq. S. T. KELLEY officiating. The groom is one of the progressive young farmers in Ivey Creek community and the bride is the daughter of Mr. Tom MOORE who lives in Butler county...[rest is missing from photo]
1912 Butler County News
Old Times at Starlington
How I wish some of the dear lovers of old Starlington could have walked in Sunday afternoon and been in S. S. It would have brought back sweet memories of the past when Mr. Bud GOODWIN and family and Mr. Green WOMACK and family were here. A lot of the friends of H. F. GAMBLE would have enjoyed the familiar sound of that tenor voice of his as we sang such songs as "Lord, I Care Not for Riches" and "Close to Thee." It was quite encouraging to the faithful few that held out all the summer to have such a good crowd out and all in different classes except one. Our Supt. thought it appropriate to elect new officers but it seemed that everybody must have been well satisfied as every officer was re-elected.
We are having some bad weather for cotton picking. The crop being extremely short and the bad weather combined makes the farmers a little uneasy, but the price is a little encouraging.
W. W. POWELL was in our community recently and on his way came in contact with a supposed to be mad dog, and by firing several shoots killed the dog.
Quite a number of our people were in town Saturday and got good wet coming home--Slim Jim
1-24-1912 Greenville Advocate
There was a street fair here all this past week. How does that strike you?
C. W. WILLIAMS and father spent one day in town last week.
Mrs. FALLOW, one of the oldest residents of our town, died Wednesday and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery. A suitable memorial will appear.
Mrs. J. B. MORGAN died at her home here last week and was carried away for burial. Her husband has been critically ill for some time. She also leaves two small children and other relatives.
Two new candidates were initiated at the last meeting of the W. O. W. at the Masonic hall. Other candidates are to be received at the next regular meeting.
The new depot will be begun on the first of February. We are certainly delighted, as it is such a crying need here.
Several new families are moving into town this week. More houses are now a necessity.
Rev. E. W. HOLLAND went down to Garland Monday to conduct the funeral of Mrs. Elbert CHANELLOR. Her husband was buried last Sundays week. They leave a large family of children.
Miss Alvah SHELL of Greenville has a class in elocution here and is doing well with it.
Mrs. C. C. TILL of Andalusia visited here a few days last week.
A new switch yard will be put here shortly and will greatly help the present situation.
We hear that Chester DAVIS and Walter KNOX had a runaway last Thursday night, but no one was hurt, and as there were no girls in the party no wedding occurred.
The new train is certainly a great help.
Aviator FOWLER spent two days in our town last week and gave some interesting exhibitions with his aeroplane Friday morning as he was leaving for Andalusia. Quite a crowd was present to see him off.
G. G. HALL of Dunham was accidentally killed in being arrested by W. T. MOXLEY on last Thursday night. Or was severely wounded and died of his injuries about one o'clock. He leaves wife and children. Interment took place in the Sellers cemetery on Saturday evening.--Fatalis.
1-25-1912 Butler Co. News
Preliminary Trial
The preliminary trial of W. T. MOXLEY was held here Wednesday Jan. 24th the state being represented by O. A. LANE and the defense by C. E. HAMILTON.
After hearing the testimony on both sides it was the opinion of the court that there was a probable cause shown that the defendant was guilty as charges in the complaint and he was given bail of $1,000 to await the action of the grand jury and bond was made, approved of and filed.
There was a number attending the trial which was held at Rose's Club House.
Pinkerton-Black Wedding
On Sunday afternoon January 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. BLACK was the scene of a beautiful wedding when their youngest daughter Miss Lula and Mr. J. E. PINKERTON were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. R. S. POUND impressively performed the ceremony.
The bride was becomingly dressed in blue lingerie. The parlor was attractively decorated with smilax and holly.
The bride is an accomplished young lady and is much esteemed by all who know her. The groom is one of Butler County's progressive young men. We extend to them hearty congratulations.
Mrs. Mary Lee was visiting her brother T.M. Black three days this week.
Mrs. Lucien Lee has been visiting her sister Miss Bessie Hawkins.
Providence--Messrs. JM and Clinton Burkett visited Monroe Black near Georgiana Saturday and Sunday.
2-1-1912 BCN
Ebenezer--Wm. Reaves and wife of Shackelville were visited by their parents Mr/Mrs TM Black on Saturday and Sunday.
Providence--JP Burkett has been visiting friends and relatives in Gonzales, Fla.
Wedding announcement--Sallie Burkett to WW Stinson
1912 Butler County News
Providence--Mrs. Wilton Pugh of Excel is visiting her parents.
West Side--Mrs. E. L. Black is improving after a few weeks' illness.
Providence--CM Huggins and son Cader made a business trip to Greenville Friday.
McKenzie-- Miss Tessie Black of Georgiana, daughter of Robert W. Black, has been teaching music at our school. We wish her much success.
West Side--Glad to report that Mrs. H.N. Black is improving after several months' illness.
Providence--Philip Burkett of China, Ala. is visiting his father J.P. Burkett.
A.Z. Powell was loading lumber and got hit in the mouth by a piece of falling wood.
Morrow School House--JA Morrow has moved to the George Lee place.
Our community is somewhat on a rise since Mr. K.J. DUNLAP moved back to his farm.
Owing to bad weather we are a little bit late with our farm work, but when the sun does shine we sure make things happpen.
Log rolling is very popular now-a-days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. BRODIE last week moved their household to Tunnel Springs where they expect to stay this year if no longer.
Miss Annie Mae PAGE went to town last Friday.
Miss Lula PAGE visited Miss Maggie Lee HUGGINS last Friday night.
Miss Adele HICKS spent Friday night and Saturday with her teacher, Miss Edna ROGERS, at the home of A. Z. POWELL.
Mr. and Mrs. Jodie BLACK and son spent sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. HICKS.
Last Friday P.M. Mr. LEE, teacher of the Providence school, brought down his advanced spelling class, seventeen in number, to spell against our class of only twelve. We couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Mr. LEE's brag speller when he failed on a little word of four letters. Everybody except the Providence crowd seemed quite jolly when Miss Adelle HICKS was left standing after the Providence seventeen had failed.
If this misses the waste basket, I will come again next week.--Frisk
Now come you Providence writers; don't get so angry. We never thought of causing you to expose your temper or write such extravagant untruths when we told that our class beat you at spelling. Just say what you please; we are not going to try to beat you bragging.
Look over your paper and see if we didn't only say that Miss Adelle HICKS spelled the last word. We know Miss Beatrice BURKETT failed to spell her word and Misses Adelle and Lola HICKS were both spelling against her but she never took her seat; she stood up as long as she stayed there. Our class has highly complimented Mr. GRIFFIN. Say they did not expect him to define the word.
J. E. HICKS and A.Z. POWELL were in Greenville Saturday. They seem to think business is picking up a little.
Brother COOK filled his appointment Sunday P.M. He preached a fine sermon and had a very good crowd to hear him.
We notice Robert HICKS is building a nice little residence right near the DUNLAPS.
We notice that D. E. HUGGINS has new mules. If he fails to trade, he just buys straight out.
One of the most excellent log-rolling dinners was served at JJ BUSH's last Thursday.
Alvin DUNLAP took dinner with Bruce POWELL Monday.
The primary department of Georgiana School held a spelling match last Friday afternoon. The pupils of the other departments were invited to the chapel where they spent a pleasant hour witnessing the splendid efforts of the little folks. Clyce INGRAM was left standing and was the recipient of several pretty rewards for her good work.
The old depot has been torn away and the foundation laid for the new. On account of lack of room the depot will not be as large as were the original plans. Three box cars are doing service while the work is going on. Freight and express are being handled at the freight warehouse.
News is scarce with us this week. Our school closed Friday with a nice entertainment that night. The exercises were good, far better than could have been expected in so short a time. They only took three weeks to learn and practice all the program. Miss ROGERS and the entire school deserve a word of praise for doing so well. There was a large crowd out, more than could be seated in the house, and judging from the good behavior they must have been well entertained. Miss ROGERS left Saturday morning for her home at Forest Home. We miss her very much and hope to have her with us again.
Misses Annie May and Lula PAGE spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John PAGE.
Miss Minnie DUNLAP and Andrew BLACK and also Miss Adelle HICKS and Fletcher DUNLAP went to Providence Sunday afternoon. Guess the roads must be better up that way.
The many friends of Miss Eva COBB are sorry to learn that her horse fell down with her in the soft red mud Friday night. Eva bears her crosses well. She never frets. She just got out of the mud and spent the night with Miss Annie May PAGE.
There were only six young ladies and four young men spent the night at Mr. PAGE's Friday, but Tom is a big hearted fellow; we know they were all perfectly welcome.
Mr. J.E. HICKS, also Robert HICKS, were in Georgiana Saturday on business.--Frisk
Mar. 14, 1912 West Side
Cleveland SELLERS made a trip to Greenville last Sunday.
Mrs. Ada BEASLEY has returned home after spending several days with her brother H. M. BURKETT. Come again, Ada.
Mrs. Lillie HENDERSON made a trip to Garland last Thursday.
Miss Minnie MORGAN made a trip to Greenville Saturday.
Prof. S. H. BEASLEY visited "West Side" one day last week.
Mrs. Wes EDDIE has been very ill but glad to know she is improving.
We are sorry to hear of the loss of Mr. And Mrs. Wess EDDIE's infant boy. Quite a number of their friends and relatives have been with them through its illness.
Mrs. HEATON visited our part of town last week.
Miss Mammie ARMSTRONG visited relatives two miles south of Georgiana Saturday and Sunday.
Little Marcellus BURKETT is spending a few days with his grandparents at Providence.
Little James Eddie visited his grandparents at Greenville.
--Uncle Josh
The farmers all seem to be getting anxious to get busy about their farm work here and they made very good use of a few warm fair days that have just passed.
The weather was rough here Tuesday night, rained about all night and some hard wind.
Mr. L. A. SIMS, our popular merchant who has been building an addition to his store, has it completed, also has in a full supply of dry goods and groceries.
The Measles are in full head way here now, about 22 new cases. Someone remarked that the Measles were waist-deep in this community now.
Our school at Industry will vacate Friday until Summer on account of Measles.
1912 Millers Schoolhouse
Mr. Challie MCGRAW and wife and Mrs. Bertha JORDON of Kokomo visited Mr. G. S. MCGRAW last week.
Mrs. Ida CARPENTER and Mrs. ROBINSON visited Mrs. BROOKS last Thursday.
Misses Phenie and Rosa WAGNON visited Mrs. L. R. EDDINS last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. BURCH were in our town Saturday.
Messrs. Carl WAGNON and Joe BURCH spent Saturday evening with Mr. Henry EDDINS.
Mr. Dave HENDERSON and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. HENDERSON.
Some of the people of this place have been rushing to get corn in the ground.
Mrs. J. A. LOTT visited Mrs. L. R. EDDINS Sunday.
John LOTT visited Gafford LARENCE near Providence Sunday (some attraction sure).
Master Will and Vorn EDDINS and Roger CLARK visited New Home Sunday afternoon.
Henry EDDINS is still on the sick list.
Mr. Zollie HENDERSON visited Crenshaw County Sunday and Monday.
There's one boy in our community who can farm the best, got a mule that can walk the fastest. He's got plenty of corn and meat to sell; he has the best girl; he has the shortest legs but can jump the futherist [sic], run the longest and the fastest; he can roll all the logs in the community and hold a dollar till the Eagle sqawks; in fact, he's the best boy there is.
Mr. BEASLEY and Roy CLARK went fishing Saturday night and was accompanied by the showers of rain.--Blue Eyes.
Mr. J. W. HESTER of McKenzie, candidate for commissioner was in this community recently. We insist upon the election of Mr. Hester. Hope he will be successful in his campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. PINKERTON and Miss Mary PINKERTON visited at Mr. and Mrs. Monroe BLACK's Saturday and Sunday on Georgiana Route 1.
Messrs. Ashley and Tom BURKETT left the 27th ult for Evergreen.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. STINSON were recent visitors at W. W. STINSON's.
Rolling logs seems to be the order of the day. Mr. Ray WALLER, Mr. Joe DICKENS, and Mr. Charlie HUNTER all are to roll March 5th. Mr. Mack and Grady HARWELL rolled last Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. GAVIN gave a party last Wednesday in honor of Miss Maggie HAWKINS, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. L. LEE. All who attended report a very grand time.
Rev. C. F. MOORMAN of Georgiana preached for us on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
C. W. HUNTER is still on the sick list. Hope to see his quick recovery.
D. P. WALLER of Wald spent Friday night with his son R. S. WALLER.
Our school closed last Friday with good average; four won the prizes for the greatest number of headmarks.
Class No. 1 tied with Miss Inez BLACK and Hosie DICKENS, four first honors; Class No. 2, Master Colonel GANDY; Class No. 3, Miss Annie Mae DAVIS. All had a very nice recitation prepared. Last of all came the spelling match. Miss Buna and Inez BLACK being left standing on their separate sides, but Inez spelled Buna down.
Mrs. Joe DICKENS has been quite ill but is better.
T. M. BLACK has been ill for some time.
Listen for wedding bells; we will tell you later who.
Candidates are visiting our community often.
Mr. C. H. LEWIS organized a corn club at Ebenezer with five members.
Misses Alline and Rosa Pearl STONESTREET spent one night last week with their aunt Mrs. THOMAS LEE.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady HARWELL attended services Sunday afternoon at Starlington. They report a fine sermon.
Among the papers of KL Davis, deceased, was found the original deed of the lot of the M. E. Church sold by Jeremiah Fail of Camden to KL Davis, JM Henderson, and DT Sellers, trustees [rest of article was torn].
KL Davis died last Sunday morning at 12:00 (paper was torn)____________ , age 83 years.
Morrow School--Misses Mattie and Lucinda Morrow lost a fine milk cow Monday, supposed to have been poisoned.
Mr. Wesley Holloway visited his brother Mr. Thomas Holloway.
1912 McKenzie Briefs
Mr. M. E. BARGANIER and Miss Jewel THOMAS were married at the home of the bride's parents, last Wednesday afternoon. The groom is a business young man of our town and his many friends wish them a happy future.
The wedding bells will be ringing in McKenzie again before very long.
Miss Lillian DRAKE is back home again. Her school is out for this term and she will begin reviewing under Prof. LEE.
Miss Vera HUGGINS spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister in Georgiana.
Dr. S. R. HARTLEY, of Georgiana, paid his regular weekly visit here last Friday and Saturday. He was sober the entire time.
Dr. HARTLEY says if he had more than two days at McKenzie he would remind Sam MAJORS to keep both eyes open. He might see enough that both of them wouldn't have to be sober.
Our school teaches local history. A certain little boy when asked last week "Who is the last president?" replied "It is Mr. Ulay BLACK." Our boys may not be very long on United States history, but no one can say they are not "up to now" on local events.
Well, we are all well except George LEE who has a rising on his nose, and Leslie NALL who has the cramp colic, and Drew LEE who has the grippe, and Joe HUGGINS, who has a billious attack, and Mr. SIMS who is just plain sick, and a few cases of the blues which do not count these days nohow.
We are expecting some news this week, and if it comes out as we expect, we will let you know next week.
3-21-1912 Millers Schoolhouse
Mrs. G. S. MCGRAW is on the sick list this week, also Edna MCGRAW and Henry EDDINS.
The school closed Friday with a very interesting program. A large crowd was present and enjoyed it very much.
G. S. MCGRAW has returned home from a visit to Florida.
Miss Ruby MCGRAW gave an entertainment last Friday night in honor of Miss WHITE who returned home Saturday. We were sorry to see her leave, but hope she will teach our next school.
Misses Rubie and Bessie MCGRAW spent Sunday with Misses Bertha and Cleo CUTTS of Kokomo.
Mr. and Mrs. LOTT spent Sunday with G. S. MCGRAW.
Boys, if you want plenty of watermelons this summer you had better join the Rainbow watermelon club.
3-21-1912 Starlington
Our Sundays are beautiful of late, but just such rains and winds as we do have during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert HICKS will soon be at home in their new house.
Quite a crowd of young people gathered at A.Z. POWELL's Saturday night to sing. After singing for a good while a few simple games, such as club-fist and blind-fold were played by part of the crowd. After expressing to Mr. and Mrs. POWELL their thanks for the pleasure afforded them during the few short hours, all left for their homes at an early hour.
Several of our boys and girls attended the singing at T. L. LEE's Sunday P. M. Part of the boys were a little late. Guess they were not on the line at the right time to get their invitation.
Mt. Pisgah and Providence were well represented at the singing Saturday night.
Misses Mary and Dora CALLOWAY visited their aunt Mrs. Sam DICKENS Saturday and attended the singing that night.
We were badly disappointed Friday as the waters were so high that the mail failed to come. We hate to miss the Butler County News for it is so full of good letters from the surrounding country.-----Frisk.
Mrs. Anna HOLLOWAY and Mr. John GRIFFIN of Skinnerton were married last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of the bride's mother in Morrow school house neighborhood by Judge HOWELL.
They will reside at the home of the groom near Midway. They left Monday for their home with the best wishes of their many friends.
The following attended the marriage:
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. POWELL and Evie HENDERSON of Kokomo; Mrs. Zack POWELL Starlington; Mrs. Bob BLACK and son Andrew; Miss Ola STINSON of Providence; Mr. Perry ARMSTRONG and family of Georgiana; Mack WARREN and Will ARMSTRONG of Georgiana, and others.
Mr. JN Blackburn of Local, Ala. has been visiting Mr. JE Black's family.
R.E. Black of Local, Ala. has been keeping up his subscription to the Butler County News.
The wedding of Mrs. Anna Holloway to Mr. John Griffin was Sunday at 3:00. The groom lives near Midway, Ala.
Henry Griffin visited his sister Mrs. Emma Morrow of East Side.
Miss Annie Gomillion of Shreve and George Stokes of near Georgiana and Miss Carrie Gomillion and Elvin Hartley of southeast Mckenzie married last Sunday.
Mr. Sim WARD and Mrs. Minnie WRIGHT of Garland spent Friday night at Mr. J.R. PINKERTON's.
Quite a number of the boys of Providence attended church here Sunday afternoon.
Henry GRIFFIN attended services at Kokomo Sunday night. Also visited his sister, Mrs. Emma MORROW, on the East Side.
Charlie BURKETT spent Saturday night and Sunday with his homefolks at Providence.
Lewis GAVIN of Ebenezer attended church here Sunday.
A Mr. JONES of Camden, Alabama was in our community last week. While here he bought 83 head of cattle from JR PINKERTON.
Miss Vernie PINKERTON is in your city studying music with Mrs. John DICKENS.
A crowd of young people were entertained Friday night at Mr. Tommie LEE's; all report a merry time.
Mrs. Frank MORROW and children made a trip to Georgiana last week.
Mrs. J.R. TURNER of Pensacola who died Friday morning was carried out to Bethel church for burial Saturday morning. A host of friends extend sympathy to the bereaved family.
Mr. Byrd BURKETT of Providence was at JR PINKERTON's last week.
Misses Ida and Mae Lee MORROW were in Georgiana Saturday.
Messrs. Cleveland SELLERS and Bernard POWELL and Misses Martha SELLERS and Lola WIGGINS attended an entertainment at Mr. Caleb HOLLOWAY's near Starlington Saturday night. Some of the boys of Starlington must enjoy visiting over there. They come if they have to wade water. Don't know what's the attraction, see?
Miss Mattie MORROW and Master Dave GRIFFIN attended the log rolling at Caleb HOLLOWAY's Thursday.
Obit of Mrs. JE Pruett (mother-in-law of George Brooks)
Morrow School
Mr. Herbert Burkett and Jim Black spent Sunday about Providence.
Among the visitors at Mr. JE Black's Sunday: Mr/Mrs Horace Green, Mrs. LR Russell, and Mrs. Gates.
There was an Easter egg hunt given at Mr. Reader STEVENS' last Sunday. There was a large crowd from Providence who attended it. In all there were about 25 present. They had a large number of eggs painted and everybody reported a merry time.
Mr. Charlie BURKETT spent Sunday at home with his parents at Providence.
Ethel GRIFFIN is attending school in Georgiana.
Miss Vernie Lee PINKERTON spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. SMITH and daughter are spending a few days at Mr. W. W. POWELL's.
Mr. Herbert BURKETT and Jim BLACK spent Sunday somewhere about Providence.
Mr. Clarence PINKERTON made a business trip to Georgiana Saturday. While on his way back, he stopped at J. R. PINKERTON's.
Mr. W. W. POWELL has had his roads worked lately. There were 28 hands on the road one day and 26 the next. He had four terms one day and three the next. They cross-wayed 250 yards of the road and repaired the bridges. It was getting in very bad shape.
Miss Mae Lee MORROW and Mr. Lewis GAVIN were married at three o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride by Rev. J. E. Chapman. Among those present at the wedding were Mr. Turner [Tunie] BLACK and family and Mr. Hugh BLACK and family and Mr. Jack BLACK and family of Starlington. -- Sunbeam
We are enjoying some beautiful spring days, although Easter brought us a few more days of cool weather and another marriage.
Mr. Lewis GAVIN and Miss Mae Lee MORROW were married Sunday afternoon. Wonder who will be next.
Miss Mittie PARKER of McKenzie visited her sister, Mrs. R. L. RUSSEL Saturday night. Come again, Miss Mittie.
Mrs. Mary PITTS has returned to her home in Jay, Fla.
Mr. J. E. BLACK and Mr. H. M. Burkett visited Mr. J. B. BURKETT Sunday near Providence.
There was an entertainment at Mr. W. W. POWELL's Saturday, but old Dummy failed to get to go.
Quite a crowd went flower hunting Saturday afternoon and would like to say to someone the woods looked more than pleasant. They were sorry they could not be in the crowd. Wish I could have been with them.
Mrs. Mattie BLACK visited Mrs. J. I. NICHOLAS Monday.
Mr. J. N. BLACKBURN has returned to his home at Local after spending several months with relatives and friends near Providence.
The farmers of this community are very busy hauling guano and plowing. They are making good use of this beautiful weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHELL of west of Garland visited Mrs. SHELL's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gip B. LEE the last of the week.
A large number of the young folks attended the singing at Mr. R. K. HOBBIES Sunday afternoon. they report a good time.
Mr. Heard LEE of the L&N force spent last week with friends and relatives at Mckenzie.
Mr. R. A. LEE went to Greenville Friday.
The young people enjoyed an Easter party at the home of Mr. Newton HESTER's Saturday night. Quite a large number present and all seemed to enjoy the occasion.
The boys were badly disappointed Saturday when the boys from Georgiana did not come to play ball.
Miss Ira WIGGINS of Mckenzie Rt. 2 and Mr. JONES of Geneva were married Sunday.
Mr. Leslie HUDSON of Georgiana visited his father Mr. J. S. HUDSON Saturday.
Mr. A. U. LEE went to Greenville Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed SHELL, Mr. Gip B. LEE and Miss Ollie LEE attended the singing at Hickory Grove Saturday and Sunday.
1912 The Current Local Events--Condensed into Newsy and Easily Digested Paragraphs--Personal, Social, and Religious Items
All News Items handed in will be duly appreciated.
Mrs. S. R. HARTLEY and son George spent the weekend at Evergreen.
Mrs. Nellie SHEPHERD, daughters, Zettie, Ina, and Mamie, and Clara FEAGAN and Miss Edna CALLOWAY spent Saturday at Montgomery shopping.
Miss Robbins, of Brewton, passed through here Friday enroute home from a visit to Red Level.
Mrs. U. W. BLACK returned Saturday from Montgomery where she had been visiting her father.
Miss Ruth King attended the BRUNSIN-GOODWIN marriage at Montgomery Sunday night.
Be sure and read the Georgiana Realty Co. Bulletin. It will interest you.
About $100 was raised at the Baptist church Sunday morning for the purpose of finishing the inside work preparatory to papering the same. The Ladies Aid having raised the money to do the papering. It is expected that the work will commence right away.
Every indication points to one of the largest peach crops this year that has been had in this century in several seasons. The trees are full of small peaches which are now about the size of plums.
Battle Axe shoes wear best. Shell & Co.
McKenzie Doings 1912
Mr. THOMAS of Red level visited his daughter, Mrs. M. E. BARGANIER last week.
Georgiana boys came over Saturday to play ball but forfeited the game to McKenzie by quitting before the end of the first inning.
Any ball team desiring a game with McKenzie write to M.P. POWELL, Mgr.
Some of the boys must like Florala as they went back again Saturday.
There was a singing Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church. A large crowd present and all report a good time.
Mr. Ralph THIGPEN was in McKenzie Sunday. Must be some attraction.
Mrs. George WILLIAMSON of Red Level R. 2 has been staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. H. HESTER.
Mr. J. D. SELLERS, Jr. and sisters Misses Bertha and Marble went to Florala Saturday.
Mr. T. C. COOK of Poley spent Sunday with his brother C. C. COOK.
There was an ice cream supper at Gip E. LEE's Thursday night for the benefit of the ball club. There was a cake for the prettiest girl, but the manager saw that his girl wouldn't get the cake so they didn't put the cake up.
One of the girls was looking sad Sunday afternoon. Wonder where Mr. ____ was?
Mr. A. J. NALL went to Greenville last week.
Mr. Andrew WILLIAMS and family of River Falls visited his sister, Mrs. E. H. HESTER, Sunday.
Rev. BANCROFT filled his regular appointment at McKenzie Sunday Saturday night.
April 11, 1912
S. S. Picnic
On Friday evening the classes of Mrs. Nellie SHEPHERD and W.P. BISHOP attended by their teachers and Mrs. Tom FOSTER, Mrs. BARGE, and Mrs. Henry SHEPHERD and the Misses BRUCE and HANSERD and C. E. MOORMAN, pastor of the Baptist church, gathered on the shores of the beautiful R. R. Lake to enjoy the pleasant evening and an outing under the pines. It was a very enjoyable affair for both old and young. Their play and laughter was cheering to witness. A bounteous repast was spread to which all did ample justice. Such gatherings are wholesome and tend to cement interest in the work of the Sunday school, and the memory of which will be cherished in years to come...
April 1912 Route 2 Notes
We are having more rain now. Everybody is busy planting cotton and corn.
A large crowd from this place attended the singing convention at Hickory Grove Sunday. They report a pleasant time.
Preaching at Friendship Sunday was quite slim on account of singing altho [sic] a fine sermon was delivered.
Mrs. R. C. STEWARD and two little children made a pleasant trip to Dr. R. A. MOORER's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy MORRIS were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. COOK Saturday.
The egg hunt at Mr. J. D. STEWARD was greatly enjoyed by all who were there...
1912 Cooks Schoolhouse
Easter has come and gone and left fine weather which we so much need but with a few weeks like this we won't know we were late to start with.
Bro. J. M. COOK filled his monthly appointment at Mt. Olive Sunday. A good crowd and a good service.
Miss Ada RAY from Mt. Olive and Tom BOLTEN from Effie passed through today enroute home form the singing Convention at Hickory Grove. They report a good time and good singing.
April 18, 1912
Albert Brooks visited TL Page.
New Home--Mr/Mrs Hugh Black of near Starlington attended church here last Sunday. Also Misses Maud Cross and Lola and Carmie Lee Wiggins.
Ebenezer--Mrs. JS Hawkins of Wald and son Lawrence are visiting her daughter Mrs. LL Lee.
Route 1--E. C. Sellers has been going to Greenville to see his best girl.
Lola and Carmie Lee Wiggins are visiting their sister Mrs. Hattie Powell.
Mrs. Emma Skinner and Mr/Mrs. John Parker visited Mr. WA Morrow Sunday.
New Home--Mr/Mrs. Hugh Black attended a singing here, also Mrs. Sallie Stuart and children of East Dunham.
Cleveland Sellers has been on a business trip to Greenville.
Well, as we have been absent for some time will try to give the news from the community.
Hauling fertilizer and setting out plants is the most important work at our present as it has rained too much to get in the fields.
Little Bonnie Ray WALLER has been on the sick list, but glad to say she is better.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. LEE are the proud parents of a fine boy. Congratulations.
The largest crowd we have seen in some time was out at the church Sunday afternoon, but failed to hear preaching as our pastor, Rev. C. E. MOORMAN, failed to come.
Mrs. J. S. HAWKINS and son Lawrence, from Wald, are visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. L. LEE.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. WALLER, from Wald, visited their son, Mr. R. S. WALLER Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. Lola HARWELL made a business trip to Greenville Monday and Tuesday.
We think from what we can see and hear, the wedding bells will ring again soon.
Come on, you "Drowsey Sleeper." You don't deceive your looks. We like to hear from you every week, but would like to give you a piece of our mind. Let your parties go like we have done. Go to church and have prayer meetings oftener. Don't be a "knocker."
Mr. Lawrence HAWKINS of Wald is visiting in our community very often. Don't know what the attraction is.
Mr. Cleveland SELLERS of the Morrow School House neighborhood passed through our community enroute to Greenville to see his best girl he said.
Say Frisk, how was the dance over your way Saturday night?
Mr. Mack HARWELL went fishing Saturday afternoon, stayed about an hour and caught thirteen. If we could do that well, we'd go too.
--As ever, the famous Musicians.
We had a little rain here Saturday.
Mr. Elma ROGERS of Greenville Route 3 visited relatives here Saturday night and Sunday. Come again, Elma.
Quite a large crowd attended services at the WALLER school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack BLALOCK visited Mr. Dan BLALOCK and family near Liberty Saturday night.
Mrs. J. MORRIS of Samson, Ala. is visiting her parents of this place, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. BUTTS.
Mr. and Mrs. WORREL of near Spring Hill visited their daughter, Mrs. Edgar BLALOCK of this place.
Mr. E. C. SELLERS went to Greenville Saturday. Must be some attraction.
Mr. J. E. BLACK and wife spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Mr. W. S. BLACK and little son visited Mrs. BLACK Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Wesley HOLLOWAY and Albert LEE visited over about Mrs. BLACK's Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L GAVIN visited her parents Sunday afternoon.
Listen, there will be wedding bells ringing soon.
Little Hazel HENDERSON visited Martha SELLERS recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW spent Sunday night with her brother Mr. G. R. BLACK.
Plenty of rain and some to spare. Not much doing in the way of farming. Those who haven't already hauled quano are hauling while the ground is too wet to plow, and you can imagine what they are doing to the roads that are already bad.
No serious sickness to report.
Marvin SALTER and Mrs. C. C. DEAN are improving slowly. Their many friends are anxious to see them out again.
Mack DEAN went to Greenville on business Monday.
Rev. F. M. FLETCHER filled his regular appointment at Union Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe MIXON of Starlington spent Sunday with relatives at Orestes.
Misses Lola HICKS and Mary BROOKS of Starlington spent Sunday with Misses Jewel and Pearle MIXON of Orestes.
Miss Aurelia ANSLEY is progressing nicely with her music class, says her pupils are learning fast.
We all like to read the Butler Co. News. Every issue gets better. Why don't we all subscribe?--Uncle Zeke
We are glad to say that the farmers are progressing nicely with their work.
Quite a number of our young people attended an entertainment given by Mr. OC LONG of Garland last Saturday night.
Ethel RAY of this place is visiting her brother J. T. RAY this week.
Messrs. Jean BROOKS and Herbert DEAN and Misses Beadie CHANCELLOR of North Garland were the guests of the Misses RAY Sunday afternoon.
Rev. F. M. FLETCHER filled his regular appointment last Sunday at Union. A fine sermon was delivered.
Mr. Pink ETHERIDGE who had been a member of the M. E. church for a number of years joined and was baptized in the afternoon.
Miss Ina REID of Mt. Olive is visiting relatives in Evergreen this week.
Miss Ada RAY of this place was a visitor in Greenville this week.
Misses Ethel TISDALE and Nannie MCCASKILL of Garland left Monday for Troy where they will attend school.
Mrs. William GILMORE of Canoe is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. W. REID of Mt. Olive.
Miss Eula RAY spent several days in Garland last week having dental work done.
Our Sunday school is progressing nicely. Had a good attendance Sunday.--"Anonymous"
Well, it is still raining. I don't believe we will get to go fishing any more soon.
Miss Cleo CUTTS has returned home from Laurel Hill, Fla. where she visited friends and relatives.
Mrs. J. S. HALLMAN of Vancleave, Miss. has been spending several days with friends and relatives here.
Among the jolly visitors at Mr. J. D. POWELL's Sunday were Messrs. Leslie HUDSON, Elias MCKENZIE, Roy CLARK, Elias CARPENTER, Oatis HENDERSON, Madgrum CARPENTER, Bernard POWELL of Route 1, and Misses Hattie DANIEL, Evie HENDERSON and Mrs. L. D. CARPENTER. Wonder why some one else didn't visit them.
4-25-1912 Route One
Mrs. SMITH and daughters Lola and Carmie Lee WIGGINS have returned to their home in Collins, Miss. after visiting their sister Mrs. Hattie POWELL.
Lula HOLLOWAY married Henry McCALL at W.C. HOLLOWAY's Sunday P.M.
Mrs. CM Huggins visited her daughter of Local, Alabama recently--Mrs. S. W. English.
Starlington--Lula Holloway married Mr. Henry McCall at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WC Holloway.
Starlington--An ice cream supper was given by Mr. WN Black Saturday night.
Ebenezer--Mr and Mrs. Will Gavin visited their sister Miss Annie Black Sunday.
Verna Hawkins visited Aline Stonestreet.
9-19-1912 McKenzie
Well, it's still raining. We sure had a bad gale here last Saturday, but don't think it damaged the cotton very much. The farmers are still busy gathering their crops.
Mrs. Olga VICKREY is on the sick list.
Mrs. B. J. GRIFFIN is improving very slowly.
Messrs. Geo., Dan, Dan Jr., Herd, Jodie, Bill, Drive, Dosh, Son, Dean, Wash, and Enoch LEE, Homer HORNE, Willie SELLERS, Lum MATHEWS, Frank BEASLEY, and Misses Ora and Ola Davis, Armanta BENNETT and sister, Henry and Hub BENNETT and wives, Elenor HARTLY, Mrs. Frashier LEE, Eula HOBBIE, Vera HUDSON, Lillian DRAKE, Cora LEE, Bertha and Lilla HORNE, Mrs. POWELL and little son, Alice and Lemma MCKINNEY and John HARPER of course and Ethel LEDLOW went to Macedonia Sunday. They reported a nice time and a good dinner.
12-12-1912 Route One
Mr. GR Black killed a horned owl last week that measured something over four feet from the tip of one wing to the other.
Starlington School has 31 pupils on roll and the Morrow School has 32.
Opal Page died the 28th day of November, 1912. She was the daughter of Mr/Mrs TL Page.
Route One--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black Nov. 29, a girl [Note by CS: This is my mother]
Mrs. RL Black and son Andrew spent Wednesday night with her son WN [William Napoleon] Black.
Starlington School has 31 pupils on roll and the Morrow School has 32.
12-19-1912 Rt. 1
Mr. RL Black spent Sunday with his son Mr. WN Black.
Mrs. RL Black and Mrs. John Lowery visited Mrs. Will Pugh and family Sunday.
Little Howard Black has been on the sick list but is better now.
Dec. 1912 South Providence--Intended for last issue
Well, as I haven't seen any news from here in some time I will come and chat a while with the readers.
Mrs. Annie Lou ENGLISH returned home last week after spending a few weeks with her parents. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Dock HUGGINS. Some one looked sad yesterday. Cheer up, he won't be gone long.
Mr. and Mrs. John IRVIN visited Mr. Dallis HUGGINS Sunday and also attended the S. S. Convention at Starlington in the afternoon. Also Mrs. Lulie and Annie and Andrew BLACK attended the Convention and reported a good time.
Mr. Bob HAY and Miss Lucile CASEY passed through here Sunday afternoon on their way from town.
Mr. Harvie and Norman WILKINSON passed through here Sunday on their way to the railroad. Guess someone looks mighty sad this morning.
Mr. Curtis HUGGINS visited the HUGGINS boys Saturday night and returned home Sunday afternoon.
We have prayer meeting at Providence every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There will be preaching at Providence next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Everybody invited.
Dec. 26, 1912
O. H. LEE of Dothan is visiting home folks during the Yuletide.
J. D. and J. W. LEE are home for the holidays.
Mr. Bolan KIRBY is visiting relatives here.
Frank CHESSER of South spent Sunday afternoon here.
J. C. HUGGINS went to Montgomery Sunday.
L. M. DRAKE is at home for Xmas.
Rev. J. A. MONSEES of Macon, Ga. will preach here Monday night.
George and Jessie HESTER are home for the holidays.
We are glad to report that J. D. LEE who has been down with rheumatism is up again.--Fido
Oh, the wedding bells that are going to ring here Christmas. Oh, we'll miss them.
There was a large crowd attended a singing at Max HESTER's Saturday night and reported a good time.
Jno. M. SIMS has moved to his new building.
Miss Bertha HORN is visiting the Misses HOBBIES this week.
Miss Della THOMPSON, of this place, has returned home to spend the holidays.
Miss Lilla HORN is visiting Miss Ada HESTER this week.
Walter BUSH, of Brooks, was in town Monday.
Dr. SMITH, of Red Level, was visiting Mr. Jno. M. SIMS last week.
Mrs. John HILL, of Ramer, Ala., was visiting Mrs. MANCELL last week.
Miss Vera HUDSON returned home Sunday from a visit at her sisters.
The Misses JOHNSON are visiting the Misses NALLs this week...
Christmas is most here and I wish all the readers a merry Xmas and Happy New year.
Mr. John BLACKBURN from Jay, Fla., is here with homefolks.
Messrs. George STINSON and Clarence PINKERTON and Miss Clara PINKERTON are visiting near Jones Mill.
Miss Olive SELLERS is at home during the holidays.
Mr. Ernest BURKETT, who is teaching near Red Level, is spending the holidays at home.
Mr. Clinton BURKETT, who is teaching at Kirkland, is spending the Yuletide at home.
Mr. Byrd BURKETT, of this place, and Miss Essie PHILLIPS, of Shackleville, were quietly married Wednesday of the past week at the office of R. S. POUND.
Mr. Ernest HUGGINS of Excel is in this community.
Listen for wedding bells again soon.
Mr. Caleb BLACK has gone to Cantonment, Fla.
--Buster Brown
Wedding Bells Ring at Providence--Mr. Willie Burkett and Miss Texanna Stinson were quietly married Sunday afternoon at 3:00 at the home of her mother, Mrs. SA Stinson. RS Pond impressively performed the ceremony. Quite a number were there to witness the ceremony.
1913 Butler County News
Jan 1913 Crossroads
Mrs. RL Black has been sick, but is improving we are glad to say.
1-9-1913 Route One
Think the young people have been having their share of pleasure last week as there was a party at Mr. GR Black's Tuesday night, one at Mr. Hugh Black's Friday night, and another at Mr. Holloway's Saturday night. Go on boys and girls and enjoy life while it lasts, but mind about your dancing.
New Home Happenings--Mrs. Sallie Stuart and children Clifford and Voncile returned last Sunday from a visit to her sister Mrs. Hugh Black of West Side.
Rev. W. W. MORRIS, formerly of Butler Co. near Industry is now living in Mt. Vernon , Texas.
Dick McInvale called at Mr. GR Black's Sunday evening but think he got disappointed as somebody was gone.
Bob Goodwin called at Tom Holloway's Sunday. Think he must be liking Miss ____.
There is going to be a music recital next Friday night Jan. 24, 1913, by Miss Tessie Black. Everybody invited to come.
Our school is progressing fine. I think about 50 names are now on the roll.
Messrs. TM Black, JL Black, JG Harvell, Mack Harvell, JS Coker, and RS Waller went to Greenville last week on business. All report bad roads.
JG Harwell and family, JL Black and family, WR Reaves and family spent Sunday with FM [TM?] Black and family.
Derwood Black and Johnnie Reaves attended preaching at Shackleville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee have moved to Opp.
Mr. and Mrs. N.F. [WF?] Gavin spent two days last week with their sister Miss Annie Black.
LL Lee and family have moved near Avant.
Miss Annie Black and Aline Stonestreet spent Sunday in your city.
Misses Inez and Buna and Mr. Derwood Black visited their sister Mrs. W.E. Reaves last Saturday night.
Long article on the resignation of Rev. A.T. Sims from Baptist Church of Geneva, Ala. to go to Moulton
(article appeared in the Butler Co. News, the Moulton Advertiser, and the Geneva Reaper).
North Ebenezar
Mrs. JP Burkett is on the sick list.
J.A. Morrow killed hogs Tuesday.
Quite a large crowd spent Sunday night at R.M. (Robert Monroe) Black's on account of rain.
Wash Powell of Miss. is visiting his sons of Rt. 1.
Mrs. Daisy Burkett is visiting her father, Jim Dees, of China, Ala.
2-13-1913 Ebenezer
Mr. Derwood Black spent Sunday at Mr. Monroe Black's and attended Sunday school at the Morrow School House in the a.m., also attended a singing there that night.
T.M. [Travis Messer] Black made a business trip to Greenville last Saturday.
Mrs. NC Black, who has been spending the winter with her son, Mr. Ulay Black, has returned to her home in Crossville, accompanied by Mr. Black.
Rt. 1
Mr. Hershel Carter of Castleberry was a caller at Mr. George Black's Sunday.
2-27-1913 Rt. 1
Messrs. WH Drake and AA Weaver spent Saturday night with the former's sister Lillian Drake at Mr. GR Black's. They preached at Morrow School House Saturday night and Sunday. We were glad to have them with us. They have a regular appointment with us for every 2nd Sunday and the Saturday night before. We hope to have good attendance at both services every month.
Obit of RW Black
1914 Butler Co. News
Mrs. Ulay BLACK and brother E. D. ESPEY spent Monday in Montgomery.
Mrs. Ennis SELLERS of Lockhart visited her mother Mrs. Lura RHODES this week.
Miss Ida MORROW and Mr. J.C. WAGNON were married at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Calvin MORROW Sunday afternoon at 3:00.
Oct. or Nov. 1914
Mr. Albert LEE married Miss Maggie OWEN.
Dr. R. H. WATSON and family accompanied by Mrs. Taylor BROOKS of Rt. 1 spent Sat. with relatives east of town.
Mrs. Ennis SELLERS and children of Lockhart are visiting relatives here.
Mr. Jackson LEE and family of Babbie spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. JC LEE.
1915 Butler County News
Mr. Cuff Pierce of Louisiana is here on a visit. [This was the husband of Sarah "Sallie" Black, dau. of James M. Black]
Mr. W.T. MOXLEY has accepted a position as night officer in Andalusia.
Ned LEE of Montgomery visited his parents in Georgiana.
Mrs. Wess LEDLOW is visiting her daughter Mrs. Estelle WARD at Poley.
Rt. 1--There was an egg hunt at Mr. RL Black's Sunday afternoon. A large crowd was present and plenty of eggs. After the egg hunt the young folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Black and had a fine singing.
Mr. J. Dempsey Sims of Brooks and Miss Ada Burkett were married on Sunday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Mr. JP Burkett. The bride was becomingly attired in white. Mr. DL Harrison spoke the words that united them.
Mrs. Irvin HALL of Shell visited her sister Mrs. Lura RHODES and her mother Mrs. BEASLEY here.
The winner of the Butler County News watermelon contest for 1915 is J.C. LEE. His melon tipped the scales at 70 pounds.
Providence--Mr. Lige Black of Local, Ala. was here among relatives the past week.
Ebenezer--Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lee spent Sunday with her parents JS Hawkins of Route 2.
11-?-1915 (4th or 11th or 18)
Obit for AJ Watson, father of Dr. RH Watson.
Mr. John L. Black of Rt. 1 is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. [Unfortunately, he died the same day this was published].
Mrs. Bob BLACK spent Tuesday at Morrow with her brother Mr. W.W. POWELL.
1916 Butler Co. News
Mrs. M. C. HUTTO of West Side is visiting her daughter Mrs. STINSON of Repton, Alabama.
Mrs. E. S. BURKETT is spending several weeks at Red Level and Andalusia with her brother and sister, Mr. W. F. BEASLEY and Mrs. Mal HINLEY.
Mr. Richard WIGGINS, aged sixty-three years, died at an infirmary at Selma Tuesday of the past week at which place he had been operated on for appendicitis. He was doing apparently well as desired just before he was found dead. Interment was at Mt. Pisgah on Wednesday. The Masons having charge of the services of which he was a member. He was also a member of the Baptist church at Mt. Pisgah. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Mary WIGGINS and one son Mr. John WIGGINS of Gonzales, Fla., and his second wife and two step-children.
Mr. Wiley WIGGINS was called here by the death of his brother.
Messrs. H. P. STOKES, J. D. BURKETT, and E. Z. BURKETT have gone to Red Level, Andalusia, Florala, Pensacola, and other points in Florida.
Remember the cemetery here is to be cleaned off next Saturday. All that are interested are expected to come and help out.
The meeting came to a close here Thursday night. No members were received, but some good preaching was done. Rev. HIGHTOWER failed to come. The cause is unknown, and Rev. LYNCH and Rev. STINSON did the preaching.
Mr. Malcomb HOBBS has been spending some time with his brother Mr. Jim HOBBS.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter STRINGFELLOW are all smiles over the arrival of a son.--Reporter
12-7-1916 Providence
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. HUGGINS were called to Excel due to the critical illness of Mrs. Mike MELTON, sister of the former.
Dec. 7, 1916 Morrow School House column
As I have not seen anything from this place in a long time will let the readers hear from us.
The people of this community are through making syrup and almost through sowing oats.
The Sacred Harp Singing Class met Sunday. It was called to order by H. N. BLACK with song on page 87. Prayer was offered by Bro. J. B. SCRUGGS. First lesson, three each, by H.N. BLACK, D. H. HAMILTON, E.H. WATSON. Recess ten minutes. Class called to order and one song by H. N. Black and then held a business meeting which
...(lines missing from my photo)
J. B. SCRUGGS, vice-president; H.N. BLACK, secretary. 2nd lesson followed by Chairman G. R. BLACK, J.B. JOHNSON. Recess for dinner one hour. Class called to order at 1 o'clock p.m. 3 songs each by G. R. BLACK, J.T. DEAN, T. P. HOWELL. Recess 10 minutes. Class called to order by G.R. BLACK, one song, and then three songs each by E.H. WATSON, D.H. HAMILTON, J.E. JOHNSON,. Recess ten minutes. Class called to order, one song by Chairman, Lesson, 3 songs, by J.B. MASSEY, H.N. BLACK, closed by chairman. One song "That Beautiful Land" on page 501. Dismissed with prayer by J. B. SCRUGGS. There will be singing every first Sunday in each month. We want everybody to come that will and help us sing. We are always glad for visitors to come. So I guess I had better close and leave room for someone else. With best wishes to the Butler County News.
Dec. 7, 1916 Sunnyside News
To the surprise of many friends, Mr. John COBBS and Miss Estelle BROOKS motored over to Bro. FLETCHERs Sunday afternoon and were married. Miss Estelle was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor BROOKS. We wish them much success and happiness. They will make their home with the groom's mother, Mrs. Lena GOODWIN.
Messrs. Clarence BENNETT and Horace REED of Mt. Olive were visitors at Dan GOODWINs Sunday night.
Mr. Ab GOODWIN and family also Miss Maud CROSS and Pearl ARANT spent Sunday at Mr. Albert HICKS...
12-21-1916 Sunnyside Community Column
On Sunday afternoon, December 17 at one o'clock, a pretty wedding occurred when Miss Annie Lee GOODWIN and Mr. Duncan MCINTYRE were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. GOODWIN.
Mr. and Mrs. John COBB and Marvin GOODWIN, cousins of the bride, and Miss Thelma MCINTYRE, sister of the groom, came out first into the hall which was beautifully decorated for the occasion with smilax and ferns, followed by the bride and groom. Rev. FLETCHER impressively performed the ceremony.
The bride was tastefully dressed in a suit of blue taffeta silk with a white collar and gloves and hat and veil to match.
Annie Lee is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GOODWIN and a beautiful young lady and is loved by all who know her.
Mr. McIntyre is a noble young man and holds a responsible position with W.T. SMITH Lumber Co., and won many friends while here. Mr. and Mrs. MCINTYRE were to go at once to their home but owing to the inclemency of the weather they remained at home until Monday. The wedding was witnessed by a large crowd of friends who wish them much joy and happiness.
12-21-1916 Providence
Mr. C. M. HUGGINS received sad news Wednesday regarding the death of his sister, Mrs. Pree MELTON, wife of Mike MELTON of Excel. Mrs. MELTON had been ill with heart trouble; survived by her husband and several children; formerly lived at Providence.
12-28-1916 McKenzie
Grandma BURKETT of Route One is with her daughter, Mrs. R.A. LEE. Mrs. BURKETT is 104 years old [born c. 1812].
Sunday at high noon Mr. Porter Stringfellow of Mt. Pisgah married Rosa Pearl Stonestreet of Ebeneza at the home of Rev. JL Stinson. Rev. JLP Cook spoke the words that united them for life. This was Mr. Stringfellow's third marriage.
1917 Butler Co. News
1-4-1917 Garland
Mr. and Mrs Minor BROOKS spent Christmas in Hattiesburg, Miss.
Jan. 11, 1917 Old Eberneza
Mr. Delia POPE was a visitor in our community Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. HARWELL spent Saturday night with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. BLACK.
Mr. Bishop HOLIDAY spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe COKER.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie REAVES, Mr. Derwood BLACK, and J.T. COKER attended the singing at the Morrow school house Sunday evening.
Everybody remember prayer meeting here the second Sunday evening at three o'clock. Come and bring somebody with you.
Sunday School was fine last Sunday. We began the first Sunday in the year with a very good enrollment. But we hope to have more this year than ever before at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence STONESTREET returned to their home Friday. Mr. Ollie WHITTINGTON, the bride's brother, accompanied them home and is spending a few days in our community.
There was a party at Mr. Thomas LEE's Friday night given in honor of the bride and groom but because of the weather and bad roads only a few attended.
Mrs. W. E. REAVES spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. T.M. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence STONESTREET, Miss Alline STONESTREET and Mr. Ollie WHITTINGTON visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. GAVIN Saturday afternnon.
Little Bessie Ray WALLER spent Saturday night with Alberta and Johnnie Loo BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. HARWELL spent Monday night with Derwood and Inez BLACK.
Mrs. CHESSER of Andalusia spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. R. S. WALLER's visiting their daughter, Miss Eunice CHESSER, who is teaching here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. HARWELL, Misses Inez and Buna BLACK, Mamie COKER, and Derwood BLACK spent a while Saturday night at Mr. and Mrs. Ray WALLER's.
We are glad to have our new church covered.
Mr. Derwood BLACK and Mr. Leamon HUNTER were visitors at Miss Annie BLACK's Wednesday night.
Among the visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ray WALLER's Monday night were Misses Inez and Buna BLACK, Alline STONESTREET and Mamie COKER, Messrs. Croket WALLER, Derwood BLACK.
Jan. 1917 McKenzie Route One
Miss Maggie TOLBERT spent last week at Herbert.
Mr. Chant MYERS gave a candy drawing Saturday night. There was a large crowd attending.
Mr. Houston SESSIONS has accepted a position with Mr. C.R. DAVIS's crew.
I think wedding bells will ring soon.---Four Chums
Mr. Martin LEE married Miss Icey BURKETT by Rev. E.W. HOLLAND. The ceremony was quiet due to the recent death of her grandfather.
Mrs. L.G SELLERS was visited by her mother Mrs. John HUGGINS.
Mrs. G.C. STONESTREET, Aubrey LEE, and Alline STONESTREET visited Wildfork.
Mrs. Horace BROOKS and her sister Miss Leeta BRANTLEY visited their aunt in old Texas.
Daisy BURKETT was a recent visitor to her family in Ajax.
1917 McKenzie
Mr. Enoch LEE has returned here from Texas.
1917 Owassa
Mrs. WF BROOKS and little daughter Wilma of Montgomery were recent guests of her mother.
5-31-1917 Concord
Mrs. Horace BROOKS and little sister Rosa visited Mr. and Mrs. T. L. BRANTLEY Saturday afternoon.
June 1917
Mrs. Horace BROOKS spent Saturday with her mother Mrs. Ida BRANTLEY.
Mr. WJ HARTLEY and family recently visited his son Hilton in Kansas City, Missouri.
We are having some more dry, hot weather at the present time, but we are still in hopes that we will get rain in time to save our crops and make us enough bread to last us through the hardest times.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. REAVES spent a while at Mr. and Mrs. T. M. BLACK's Saturday night and reported a grand time, but O. U. ice cream. Ha, Ha.
The crops are looking splendid tho they are needing rain at the present.
Mr. and Mrs. John HAMN of Georgiana were visitors in our community Sunday afternoon. Come again.
The Sunday School is progressing fine. It has 58 on roll.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. BLACK and children spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt HICKS of Starlington.
Miss Inez BLACK, Mamie COKER, Buna BLACK, Evaline HOLDER, and Durwood BLACK spent Sunday with Miss Annie Mae and Henry BLACK of Starlington. ...
1917 Route One
We are having some pretty weather now.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack BLACK spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John GANDY of Eberneza.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. BLACK spent Sunday with her father, Mr. Calvin MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. Comer WAGNON spent Sunday with Mrs. Calip HOLLOWAY.
Mr. Buford GORAM spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Will PUGH of Starlington.
Mrs. Frankie MORROW spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Dallas HUGGINS of Starlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac SKINNER spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe GOODWIN of Starlington.
Mr. Archie THOMPSON of Butler Springs and Mr. John MURPHY of Shackleville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. SCRUGGS spent Sunday with Misses Mat and Lucindy MORROW.
1917 Route One
Well, here I come again after a long absence.
Picking cotton and cutting hay seems to be the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BLACK attended preaching at Starlington Sunday morning.
Mr. K. J. DUNLAP and son Alvin spent a while Sunday morning with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. BLACK.
Mrs. Bob BLACK visited at Mr. and Mrs. Bob GOODWIN's Sunday evening.
Mr. W. S. BLACK and son Watson visited at Grandma BLACK's Sunday afternoon.
We are glad to say that Mrs. Frank HARRISON is improving.
Mr. Tom HOLLOWAY is on the sick list.
Mr. Wren VICKERY of near Shackleville visited at G. R. BLACK's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob GOODWIN's baby has been mighty sick. But glad to say it is some better.
Mr. Jim FUSSELL of Chapman visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. S. BLACK's Sunday afternoon.
There will be preaching at the Morrow school house the fourth Sunday evening at 3 o'clock by Rev. KELLY of New Home.
Sacred Harp Singing-- The Sacred Harp Singing at Brushey Creek Sunday was attended by a very large crowd. Among the notable singers attending were: Messrs. J.D. MASSEY, B.B. HUDSON, A.G. FUSSELL, Henry NEWTON, J.R. PARKER, J.E. JOHNSON, O.H. BRIGHT, W.J. STANFORD, L.O. SIMS, W.F. MILLER, Barzellers MAJORS, Marion BASS, Ben FUSSEL, Hugh BLACK [my g-gf],
J.R. CARPENTER, Dave HAMILTON, and R.L. SHELL. At noon plenty of dinner consisting of everything good to eat was served. The people of this community are very generous and cordial in their treatment of gatherings at that place.
6-21-1917 Owassa
Lavonia BROOKS, wife of Will BROOKS, died May 22, 1917. She was a member of the Baptist church. She is survived by her husband, five daughters, and one son.
7-5-1917 Starlington
Nelia URQUHART of Milton Fla. is visiting her sister Mrs. Henry GOODWIN.
9-6-1917 Ebenezer
Mrs. A.L. CURRY and children of Lyman, Miss. are spending time with her mother, Mrs. C. C. LEE.
Large Watermelon--Mr. J.C. LEE entered the largest watermelon in the News contest which closed Sept. 15. The melon weighed 76 pounds and it was quite a curiosity to many who had never seen one as large. As a winner of the contest Mr. Lee receives a year's subscription. Mr. J.M. HENDERSON gets six months for bringing the next largest melon.
10-11-1917 Starlington
Miss Mary BROOKS spent last Saturday night with her sister Mrs. W. O. HICKS.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. SELLERS of Rt. One a daughter Wednesday afternoon.
1918 Butler Co. News
Monroe Black has moved to Friendship. Tom Black has moved to Buckaloo.
Mr. Burrell Lee of Rt. 5 visited Ebenezer recently.
2-28-1918 Ebenezer Dots
Mrs. N. C. TOBIAS of Akron, Ohio, is expected to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. HAWKINS next Sunday.
2-28-1918 McKenzie News
Mrs. Jack BROOKS is spending time with her daughter Mrs. J. O. CLEPPER.
March 1918 Starlington
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. GOODWIN spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. J. W. PAGE.
Misses Fannie and Edith PAGE spent Sunday with their grandparent Mrs. J. W. PAGE
Mr. Will PAGE spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. T. J. GOODWIN.
3-28-1918 Concord Dots
Mrs. W.H. BRANTLEY and daughter Mrs. HORACE BROOKS spent Sunday with Mrs. Dave WALLACE.
4-11-1918 BCN Providence
Mr. Caleb BLACK left April 1 for Camp Gordon. He was drafted into the army. We hope this dreadful war will soon come to a close and he will live through the struggle and come back to his people, and we hope it won't be necessary to draft many more.--Reporter
(undated) Little Mike O'BRIEN spent the week with his aunt Mrs. T. M. BLACK.
Rhodes Items May 1918
We are having some mighty disagreeable weather at the present. If you don't know it, we will tell you about it.
Mrs. Sallie BOGGAN and daughter Mrs. Leora GAFFORD of Bolding [sic] spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Mrs. G. W. GAFFORD.
Mr. and Mrs. Irby SHANKS, Miss Ila Belle GAFFORD and brothers Messrs. Zeb and T. J. went fishing Monday afternoon on Mill Creek and they caught the whole amount of nine.
Mrs. R. S. MARTIN of McKenzie is visiting his? brother, Mr. J. S. MARTIN.
Little Miss Roxie MARTIN of Chapman is spending a while with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John MARTIN.
Come on Grin and Growl, would be glad to hear from you.
We are very, very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Dan SELLERS. He is our mail carrier's father. The family has our deepest sympathy.
Mr. Waller GAFFORD spent Monday in Greenville on business.--Brown Eyes
7-11-1918 Georgiana and Vicinity
Mr. Babe LEE of Mobile is visiting his brother Mr. C. C. LEE of Ebeneza West.
Somewhere in France
Dear Father--I today will answer your letter just received from you and was more than glad to receive a letter from home. These few lines leave me well. Papa, you tell Mama that the cough that has been bothering me for five years is well. Well papa, a man don't know anything about war until he has been in it awhile. I have not had a chance to write. I have been in a drive but am out on rest now. I tell you we more than captured a bunch of Germans.
Well, papa I guess you are busy making syrup now. Wish I was there to help you. William WALLER and all of the boys that left Greenville the same day I did are here. But hope we will be back soon. I hope the war will come to an end which I think it will soon. Well, I will have to close for this time. Hoping to hear form you soon. So by, by, [sic].
Calip BLACK, M.G. Co. 327 Inf. A. E. F. , via N.Y.
[from the Butler County News, Nov. __?, 1918]
Butler County News 1919
Messrs. Jim MELTON of Atmore, Jim HUGGINS of Goodway, and John HUGGINS of Bluff Springs, Fla. have all been present here at the bedside of Mr. C. M. HUGGINS, and his children have all been summoned to his bedside.
Obit of CM Huggins
p.3--Letter from France to Miss Mary Brooks of Georgiana from Laban Mahan telling her about the death and burial of her brother Eugene Brooks, killed in action Sept. 14, 1918.
April 10, 1919
Rural Route Change
Mr. C. D. VICKERY has resigned as carrier on Rt. 2 McKenzie, and Mr. L. G. SELLERS has been transferred from Route 6 Georgiana to fill this vacancy. These changes are effective May 1. Mr. VICKERY has been carrier since the route was established thirteen or fourteen years ago. He resigned to accept a position with the Andalusia Packing Co. Mr. SELLERS has been the carrier on Route 6 for ten years, and his patrons as well as the citizens of Georgiana regret to see him leave. He has sold his pretty home to Mr. T. M. PRESLEY.
5-29-1919 Providence
Private Nal SIMS of Camp Wheeler, Ga., recently returned home having been discharged. He was drafted in Sept. 1917, but never had the opportunity to go across.
Mr. W. S. ENGLISH of Excel made a trip up here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion SIMS and family of Bay Minette, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie GARNER of Mt. Olive spent the weekend with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. SIMS and family. They came through the country in their car. It has been a number of years since he was here. He formerly lived here.
Mr. John GOODWIN ad Miss Effie DEAN of Mt. Pisgah were married in Georgiana Thursday. Mr. W. P. BISHOP performed the ceremony. Only a few relatives were present. They left immediately for Montgomery and other places on their honeymoon trip. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. DEAN of the blonde type. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. GOODWIN and a progressive young man. They are a prominent young couple and have the best wishes of their numerous riends.--Reporter.
May or June 1919
YOUNG-HICKS Marriage--A marriage of much interest to her friends in this county...Miss Velma HICKS to Mr. Walter S. YOUNG, 20th of May at Bradenton, Fla....bride formerly lived at Georgiana. (daughter of Rev. T. R. HICKS of Bradenton, Fla.?)
6-12-1919 Providence
Caleb BLACK and John STINSON have teturned from overseas duty.
Velma Hicks married Mr. Walter S. Young on the 20th of May in Bradenton, Fla.
Obit of DG (DT) Sellers
Mr. John Blackburn of Providence and Miss Ether Black of Morrow School House were married Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. GR Stinson. Mr. DL Harrison performed the ceremony in the presence of just a few relatives and friends.
The groom had just returned from Germany, having served in the famous Rainbow Division. The bride is an attractive girl of the petite blonde type and has excellent traits of character. May the happy young couple's rosente dreams come true is the wish of their many friends.
obit of W. Berry TAYLOR, Civil War vet, buried at Shiloh Cemetery near Manningham.
Oct. 9, 1919 Providence Column
Mr. Wert SIMS and Miss Eva SAUCER of Forest Home were married Sept. 24. The latter has been one of the most successful teachers of the state for a number of years. She is a woman of culture and splendid character and her attainments have been great. The groom is one of the successful young planters of this county, and he is congratulated on winning such a fine young lady, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George SAUCER.
Oct 2, 1919
The Sacred Harp Singing Class of New Home met at the church on Sunday, September 28th. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, J. E. JOHNSON. Prayer led by J. R. CARPENTER. T. P. HOWELL was appointed chairman for the day. The following persons were appointed on the arranging committee: Samuel COUNTRYMON, H. N. BLACK [my gf], J. R. CARPENTER.
First lesson was led by Clifford COUNTRYMON, Mr. PEAVY, and Mr. HENDERSON.
2nd lesson led by Samuel COUNTRYMON, G. R. BLACK, and J. E. JOHNSON.
Third lesson led by D. H. HAMILTON, Lamiel LEE, and B. B. LEE.
After which recess was given for one hour and dinner was served by the good ladies present.
After the crowd were refreshed, music was again led by J. C. WAGNON, J. R. CARPENTER, T. R. LEE, and H. N. BLACK, followed by Mr. HARDEN, Samuel Countrymon, J. D. LEE, G. B. LEE, and T. P. HOWELL. The Convention closed with a prayer led by D. A, WAGNON.
T. P. HOWELL, Chairman.
H. Y. LESATH, Secy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim EDDIN spent the weekend at Graceville, Fla., with relatives.
Mr. J. R. STINSON and three children of Georgiana spent the weekend here.
Mr. Caleb BLACK of this place and Miss Susie Mae MCNAUGHTON of Shackleville were married Sunday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of Rev. J. L. STINSON, who performed the ceremony in the presence of just a few. It came in the nature of a surprise.
The bride was becomingly attired in white.
The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. BLACK and returned from France in the early summer where he served in the 82nd Division.
Mr. Claud JORDAN of Atmore and Miss Sula BLACKBURN of Roy were married Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The bride is well known here where she often visited. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo BLACKBURN, and is the grand-daughter of Rev. J. L. STINSON of this place, and has many relatives here. She has been one of the successful teachers of the state for a number of years. Best wishes were in order. Who will be next?--Reporter.
Mrs. L. H. BLACK was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont GLASS in Montgomery.
Memorial for death of JJ Stinson who died Dec. 8, 1919 (in WWI?)--wife was Alma Beasley.
Butler County News 1920
5-24-1920 Red Level News
One of the most deplorable accidents that has ever occurred here was on last Thursday, the killing of the 18-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Loyde CROSS by the L&N train 31, which accident occurred just north of town. The parents of the fellow had gone fishing and fearing snakes on the creek had left him with his grandmother, Mrs. STEWART. She says she had hardly missed him when she went to search for him and saw him running to the railroad, but before she could rescue him, the engine had run over him and horribly mangled the little body. No blame is attached to the engineer at all as he reversed his engine and did all he could to stop the engine. The funeral and interment took place at Fairmount Cemetery that afternoon and was one of the most ... (failed to copy the rest)
5-24-1920 First Cotton Bloom
Mr. Perry ARMSTRONG brought in the first cotton bloom Saturday afternoon to the Butler County News office. He has about four acres planted and states that his patch is free of weevils up to this time. Mr. LIPHAM was a close second, bringing in a cotton bloom the same afternoon.
Messrs. FB Skipper, JE Black, CG Majors, and AC Presley attended the Pine Belt Rural Letter Carriers Convention at Evergreen Monday.
6-24-1920 PROVIDENCE
Mrs. John WILKINSON of Winter Garden, Fla., is spending some weeks here with relatives. She continues in bad health, having been in the hospital during March.
Mr. John HARRISON and mother of Roberts, Fla., and Mr. Elbert WILKINSON of Century, Fla., recently spent some days here with relatives.
Mr. Jack PHELPS of Pensacola, Fla. is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. BURKETT.
Mrs. J. T. DEAN and daughter Pearl of Local are the guests of the former's son, Mr. Dock DEAN, and other relatives of Mt. Pisgah.
Mr. John J. STINSON and Miss Esther BLACK of Starlington were married Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relatives. Mr. D. L. HARRISON performing the ceremony.
The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tooney BLACK, and an attractive young lady of the blond type. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. STINSON and served in the 37th Division overseas, and made a splendid record. He is an energetic young man, and we predict a bright future for the young couple.--Reporter.
Mr. JJ Stinson and Miss Esther Black of Starlington were married Sunday. Mr. DL Harrison performed the ceremony.
June 24th, 1920 Trip Notes Sardis Community
Recently our scholarly T. L. ROSE said that it was all old fogyism to believe that you were old at 60, that there was no reason why one should not have an active mind and body at 75.
We go him one better and say that in Sardis there are more old people than possibly any other community in the state, and in mind and body are still active.
Old man HALSO died last year at 96. His sister Mrs. Polly DRIVER is 95 and in very good health, while her hearing is bad, but sight is very good.
Not far is Mrs. Polly NICHOLS, possibly a few months younger, 95, and up to a few months ago, mind and body thoroughly active, sight and hearing as good possibly as when 50. She stirs around but her health has been bad this year. We asked her when she gets real sick if she don't think it will be her last and she said, no, she was leaving that with the Lord.
Nearby is Mrs. M. E. RUSSELL, age 86, together with her daughter Miss Genie are the best gardeners and egg producers in the
country. The daily mail brings to this home magazines, the Ala. Baptist, County and State papers, and Mrs. RUSSELL's eyes are fine. She reads extensively and is always posted on the great issues of the day. She bids fair to make her hundredth mile stone. She is the mother of Mr. Simon RUSSELL, who lives with her and who is not only progressive in the farm line, but in his church. As far as we know he is the only farmer in this county who went $500 in our big drive.
Close by is Jim JERNIGAN's mother, age 81.
Then there is Mr. Jno. COOK, who lost his wife some two years ago, and who recently took Miss Anna JERNIGAN of Spring Hill to be his bride, her age about 40.
Mr. Mart PITTS is the father of George Jackson, who came some weeks ago to make this home happier.
Mail carrier SHELL says "Mark me up another year." He likes "The NEWS."
J. A. JOHNSON was in town Tuesday and when in about 20 feet of the RR crossing saw No. 1 coming about 250 yards away. We thought we would have time to cross and when barely on the track tried to hurry the mules with the line and was using a chain bit, and they just threw up their heads and would hardly go at all. We barely cleared the track before it cleared it for us. It was a hair-breadth escape. After this we take no chances ahead of a fast train, as something might break.
At last Mr. MURPHY's crew are giving the Rocky Creek Swamp road a good working. This graded road has been a failure. The old settlement road was better. They say it is to be in good condition when they leave it.
J. A. JOHNSON is just opening up the prettiest line of skirts, silk waists, middies, shoes, children's hats, etc., picked out in person while in Baltimore.
1922 Butler County News
obit of JC Morrow
obit of Hattie Black and thank-you note from family
1923 Butler County News
1-19-1923 Providence
Quite a number went to Providence Sunday to pay their last respects to Mr. Monroe Black who died Sunday morning and was buried Monday. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss.
1-19-1923 TILL NEWS
We are sad to report that our old neighbor, but recently of Shacleville, Mr. Monroe BLACK died on the 14. Mr. BLACK was an honest Christian gentleman and so far as we are able to judge he has exchanged a world of sorrow and sin to that of eternal joy and bliss. Our sympathy goes out for the sorrowing widow and children.
The stork visited the home of J. C. JOHNSON on Jan. 13 for the 9th time, leaving there a nine pound boy, All doing fairly well.
Old grandma Susan WILLIAMS, now in her 95th year is very feeble. We can't hope that she will be with us many more days. All the praise to that untiring daughter of hers, Aunt Mag, and her husband, Uncle Pink, for their close attention to this old mother for these many years during her helplessness. It may be that we are not going to be here to write their obituaries when they are dead, but we are going to say this much for them in advance: if we should go on before them, and permitted to sit in judgement, we are going to offer this faithful old son and daughter as a reward for their untiring patience and faithfulness towards an invalid mother, the highest seat in the kingdom of heaven.--Booster.
Sept. 1923 Ebenezer
Mrs. Fannie O'BRIEN spent last Sat. with her cousin Mrs. Abbie BLACK of Georgiana.
Oct. 11, 1923 EBERNEZA NOTES
It has been some time since I have seen any news from this place, so I thought I would send in a few words. I guess we are going to have some rain before long, I hope so.
A large crowd from Eberneza attended the singing at the Morrow Schoolhouse Sunday and all seemed to enjoy the day.
Misses Eva mae, Pencie, and Myrtle BASS from Brushey Creek spent last Saturday night with their cousins, Pencil, Ola, and Levea BASS of this place. Also attended the singing Sunday at the Morrow Schoolhouse.
Miss Fannie Mae DUKE of Chapman spent last week with her grandfather and grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry GORAM.
Misses Johnie Lee and Albertal BLACK spent last Saturday night with Bro. and mrs. BYRD.
Miss Yline WILLIAMS and brother Charley spent Saturday night with their cousin, Winnie NICHOLS.
Among those that spent a while with Derwood, Inez, and Buna BLACK Saturday night were Misses Eva, Pencie, Ola, Levera and Fred BASS, Julian, Mickeylee and Winnie NICHOLS, Yline and Charley WILLIAMS, Mr. Steve SIMS, Ms. Fannie O'BRIEN. All reported a nice time.
Well, our school is progressing nicely with Miss Mildred DUNN of Garland as teacher.
Mr. Ulra HAWKINS of Akron, Ohio, is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. L. L. LEE of this place.
Mrs. Bud BLACK of this place spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. D. L. HARRISON of Starlington.
Mrs. G. M. YORK is here from St. Andrews, Fla.
We are sorry to say that Miss Alberta BLACK has a real sore hand caused by putting lye on a wart...
1924 Butler County News
Miss Maude CROSS of Route One and Mr. J. D. MCINTYRE of Oklahoma City, Okla. were married in Andalusia the first of this week. The bride is a popular teacher, and the groom a former citizen of Covington Co. and for the past four years has been in Oklahoma City where he has been quite successful. They have a host of Alabama friends who wish them a happy married life.
STRAYED--A red Irish setter dog who answers to the name of Bess. Please notify Dr. S. R. HARTLEY, Georgiana Ala.
The Evergreen Courant Evergreen Alabama January 16, 1924
Our community has been saddened by sudden deaths recently On last Wednesday Mrs. Gene Ludlow dropped dead leaving her husband and two small children.
Mr. and Mrs. George Belvel found their 2-Mondths old baby dead in bed.
Mr. And Mrs. Knight of South also found their baby dead in bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd’s baby has been sick, but is better.
Uncle R.W. Lee, Confederate Veteran, 86 years old, is reported seriously ill.
Recent freezes killed all vegetables an folks are short of something to eat.
Farmers report considerable difficulty in saving their Meat.
Copied from the Courant by James Smith
Butler County News
Why complain about hard times when you can have all the birds, fish, rabbits, and other game just for the catching? And eggs only one and one fourth cent a piece!
There were twenty-four fish caught the other day, and just think about how many more will be caught later in the spring when the little boys "get off" Saturday afternoon, barefoot, with a can of fish bait in one hand and a line and pole in the other! Who can know the good times and carefree spirit of the country except a "country hoozier"?
Farmers have already begun work and you can already hear, "gee, beck." and "come up, mule." Flowers can be seen blooming, and this pleasant warm weather makes us happy and glad to see that we a re permitted to live in a world so beautiful and wonderful.
Mr. G. H. HARRISON made a business trip to Greenville Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. John BLACKBURN were in Georgiana Saturday.
Miss Edith PAGE spent Friday afternoon with Miss Jewel HARRISON who is just recovering from the measles.
Mrs. Frances STINSON spent Thursday with Mrs. Lizzie BURKETT.
Come on all you writers! Someone.
Sunday evening at 2:30 December 23rd, Miss Annie Mae BLACK and Mr. D. B. SNEAD were united in marriage at her father's home by Rev. E. W. HOLLAND. They will make their home in Evergreen.
J. C. MORRIS has in his show window two Rhode Island hen eggs measuring 6 1/2 inches around the short way and 8 1/2 inches the long way. The hen laying those eggs is in his back yard. Can anyone in Butler Co. beat this?
3-13-1924 N. Georgiana
Mr. Jackson LEE of Red Level spent Sunday with Mr. J.C. LEE.
3-20-1924 ROUTE ONE NEWS
Gee, the weather seems like winter time now. The farmers had to quit farming and go to getting wood to keep warm.
Mr. G. R. BLACK spent Sunday a.m. with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mr. A. V. SNEAD of Evergreen spent Saturday night and Sunday with his brother, Mr. D. B. SNEAD.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob GOODWIN spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Vick HOLLOWAY,
Those who spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert HICKS of Starlington were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. BLACK and sons, Misses Omie and Pearl BLACK of Morrow school house, Mr. and Mrs. Jodie BLACK and family. All reported a nice time.
Messrs. Henry, Colonel, and Ansel BLACK, and A.V. SNEAD, and Miss Bertha BLACK spent a while Saturday night with Mr. G. R. BLACK and children.
Misses Effie BLACK and Ruth MORROW spent Sunday with Miss Bertha BLACK.
Among those that spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. BLACK were: Mrs. H. N. BLACK and children, Ottrie, Carbie, and Herston, and Mr. Jack BLACK and daughters Eva and Irene, and Mr. and mrs. Wilton GARNER and daughter Alvia.
Misses Swannie and Vergie BLACK spent Sunday with Miss Bertha BLACK.
Those that have received their reading certificates were as follows: Swannie, Ottrie, Pearl. and Effie BLACK, and Kendrick DUNCAN and Edmond SIMS.
Messrs. Bud and Sam MORROW and Ansel and Gillis BLACK spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. BLACK.
Mr. G. W. GOODWIN was visiting in our midst Sunday afternoon.
Will sidetrack and leave room for better writers.--A mill Boy.
3-20-1924 PROVIDENCE
Mr. Dallas HUGGINS of Starlington was in our midst Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. STINSON were visitors in the home of Mr. J. W. STINSON Saturday night.
Quite a crowd from here went over to see the Chapman camps near Mr. Nap SIMS Sunday afternoon.
Mr. J. A. BURKETT, formerly of this community, but who now lives in Evergreen, was visiting relatives here recently.
We are just wondering if the little plants and the fruit blossoms were "nipped in the bud" by the cold weather last week.
Those who spent a while Sunday p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. John BLACKBURN were: Mr. and Mrs. G. R. STINSON and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. STINSON and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. STINSON, Misses Mayme, Len, and Pearlie BLACKBURN.
Mr. and Mrs. George STINSON went from S. S. to Mr. Ebb STINSON's.
Mr. Med SIMS is able to be out again, visiting his father, Mr. Nap SIMS. We are glad to see that both he and his wife are well again after having the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Berry BLACKBURN were the visitors lately of Mrs. BLACKBURN's father, Mr. Jim ROBERTS, near Stinson school.
Mrs. Emeline STINSON and children visited Mr. Nap BLACK Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey SIMS were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hosea HARRISON.
Mr. and Mrs. Elihu PINKERTON and children spent the weekend with Mrs. PINKERTON's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nap BLACK.
Everybody come out to the M. P. Church the fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock to hear Bro. J. W. HIGHTOWER's message.
Will close by asking a question: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? Someone answer it in next week's paper. (It is found in the Old Testament.) Good bye!--Someone.
3-27-1924 Mt. Olive Street Notes
Old Aunt Turk THOMPSON is visiting relatives here this week.
6-19-1924 Starlington
Mr. H.W. POWELL returned home last Wednesday from Memphis, Tenn. where he attended the Confederate Veterans reunion. He also visited his old home place at Sherman, Miss.
July 1924 Route One
Gee, we are having some hot summer days now.
Well, I guess all the farmers are most through with the grass as we have some fine weather to kill it.
Well, the fourth has come and gone. Everybody seems to have enjoyed it fine.
Mr. G. R. BLACK and children spent the fourth with relatives in Shakleville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK spent the fourth with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Miss Virgie BLACK spent the night with her cousin Miss Ruth MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. [N.] BLACK and sons Henry, Colonel, and Chester have been visiting his sister at Bluff Springs, Fla., and their brother at Atmore, Ala. They returned home Sunday P.M. reporting a nice time and plenty of good roads.
Miss Swannie BLACK spent the day with her cousin Miss Bertha BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD also Mr. and Mrs. W. G. GARNER and daughter Alvia and sister Miss Bertha BLACK spent Friday afternoon in Chapman.
Among those who spent Saturday adfternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wilton GARNER were Misses Bertha, Swannie and Vergie BLACK and Ruth MORROW, also Mrs. D. B. SNEAD. All reported a nice time.
Mr. Hugh BLACK and children spent a while Sunday morning with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mr. Ansel BLACK spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Mrs. A. W. BLACK spent Wednesday with her sister Mrs. R.H. HICKS of Starlington.
Mr. and Mrs Zema GARNER spent a while Sunday morning with his brother Mr. Wilton GARNER and family.
Messrs. Sam and Bud MORROW attended the singing at East Chapman Sunday.--Dolly Dimple.
[7-23-1924 Ponds Are Destroyed by Thursday Storm [Greenville Adv.]
The terrific rain storm which visited Greenville last Thursaday afternoon caused high waters which broke the dams at three fish ponds near Greenville, and thousands of fine fish were turned loose.
At each of the ponds, owned by Jim BLACK, E. E. BLACK, and Bert BOUTWELL, government fish had been planted several years ago, and were in splendid condition. The fish had attained full grown size and this year the owners were beginning to reap the benefits from the water. All three ponds were located near Greenville, and near the Greenville-Fort Deposit Highway. Messrs. BLACK and Mr. BOUTWELL will build again, and restock their ponds.
The three ponds were from three to five years old, and at no time had they been threatened before the unusual heavy rain of last Thursday.
The pond being built by the Greenville Country Club was damaged by high water, but as the tumbling dam had not been put in, the damage was not as great. A floor in a portion of the pond was being built for a swimming pool, and the waters carried away the timbers, which had not at that time been anchored to the ground.
c. 1924? ROUTE ONE NEWS [Butler County News]
Everybody is about through gathering in this community.
Mrs. H. N. BLACK spent awhile Monday afternoon with her father, Mr. J. J. HALL.
Master Leston BLACK spent Wednesday night with Carbie and Herston BLACK.
Mrs. Frank MORROW is on the sick list. Hope she will soon be well again.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and daughter Omie spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Frank MORROW.
Miss Katie Lou SIMS spent Tuesday night with Lois MORROW.
Mrs. W. L. GARNER and daughter Alvia spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. BLACK and children.
Mrs. H. N. BLACK spent Friday morning with Mrs. Frank MORROW.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK spent Friday night with Mrs. H. N. BLACK and children.
Little Willie Mac MORROW spent Thursday with his grandmother Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK spent a while Saturday night with Mr. R. L. BLACK and family.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD, also Misses Nannie and Merle MIXON spent Sunday with Mr. W. N. BLACK and family.
Mr. Ansel BLACK spent a while Sunday morning with Mr. A. W. BLACK and family.
Mrs. R. L. GOODWIN and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW and children.
Among those that took dinner with Mr. J. A. MORROW and family Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. WAGNON and children, Mrs. R. L. GOODWIN and children, Mr. G. R. BLACK and daughter Effie Lee, Mrs. E. L. BLACK, Misses Eva, Swannie, Irene, Vergie, Pearl, Dottie, Pearlie Mae, Rosa and Ottrie BLACK, Lola PALMER, and Jimmie J. BLACKBURN.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK and little children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. HOLLOWAY and son W. C. spent Sunday with Mr. Calip HOLLOWAY and family.
Master Felix BLACK spent Saturday night and Sunday with Ernest MORROW.
Mr. Sam MORROW made a flying trip to Skinnerton Saturday night.
Wake up all ye good writers and let us hear from you.
If this escapes the waste basket will come again.-- Dolly Dimple.
8-5-1924 Morrow Community
Here comes a new writer to chat a while with you all and hope I will be welcome.
The farmers around here are about through work and are enjoying this hot weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben BLACK and family returned to their home Tuesday at Louisville, Miss., after spending some time with relatives here.
Misses Omie and Pearl BLACK spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mattie GORUM.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and Mrs. J. T. ANTHONY and son spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. POWELL.
The singing was enjoyed by all who attended. We had plenty of dinner and some left. Everything went on as fine as I ever saw. Hope it will continue on.
The family reunion of Mr. G. R. BLACK was enjoyed by a large crowd of 93 in all. All of the children were there but Mrs. Hiram ENGLISH. Those who attended were as follows: Mr. Ben BLACK, Mr. J. E. BLACK, Mr. Hugh BLACK, Mrs. Bethena MORROW, Mrs. Vick HOLLOWAY and all of their families. Others were Mr. R. L. BLACK, Mr. Tom BLACK, Mr. A. W. BLACK, Mr. W. J. BLACK, Mr. J. W. BLACK and family, Bud and Sam MORROW. All carried dinner and had a good time.
Misses Choice and Bercia HALL of Georgiana spent Saturday night and Sunday with Vergie and Una BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MORROW and family returned home to Camden, Ala.
Mrs. Jack BLACK spent Wednesday with Mrs. Frankie MORROW.
Misses Fronie and Omie BLACK and nephews spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. J. BLACK.
Mrs. J. T. ANTHONY and son returned to their home in Evergreen Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie SIMMONS of Georgiana were the dinner guests of Mr. J. W. BLACK Monday.
Misses Eva and Irene BLACK spent a while Sunday afternoon with Miss Pearl BLACK.
Mr. Sam MORROW and George BLACK motored to Shackleville Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Lewis PARMER spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Gillis BLACK.
Well as news is scarce will run along. If I see this in print will come again.--Two Buddies.
8-23-1924 Greenville Adv.
Miss Marcella Black has returned from Tuscaloosa where she attended the summer school.
10-2-1924 Eberneza Notes Butler County News
Well. as this place has been absent from the News circle a while, I will send in a few items.
Everybody is getting along in our community except Mr. Trav BLACK, who has been sick for the past four weeks and is confined to his bed almost all the time. We hope that he will soon be O.K.
Mrs. Omie HARVELL, Omie Dell, and Mack Travis [Harwell] spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. BLACK's.
Mrs. Claude LEE spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. L. L. LEE.
Mr. Carl LEE of Opp stopped over a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. LEE, on his way to Mobile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MURPHY and family spent the day with Mr. Joe BASS and family Sunday.
Mrs. L. E. HAWKINS of Tracy, Cal., visited friends and relatives in our community last week.
Mr. C. W. HUNTER and Mr. Johnnie REEVES of Dunham spent last Sunday with Mr. Trav BLACK.
Mr. Lucian and Claud LEE are off on an extended vacation.
Steve SIMS from Forest Home is spending a few days with Mr. Trav BLACK and family.
Little Namonte BASS spent Sunday with Mr. Emmette OWENS at Providence.
Mr. Ottis TOBIAS and little son Tomie, of Montgomery, spent Sunday in our community.
All that attended the singing at Old Mill Hill last Sunday week reported a fine time and lots of good singing.
We are having a nice shower this afternoon, and I expect it will keep some of the Sunday afternoon callers at home.
Cotton picking is almost over in our section.
Everybody is invited to attend the singing at Eberneza church next Sunday afternoon, Oct. 5th, beginning at one o'clock.
Prof. Wash STINSON, Mr. and Mrs. COUNTRYMAN are expected to be with us next Sunday. Everybody be sure and come.
Guess we'd better skidoo.--Gold Dust Twins.
10-16-1924 ROUTE ONE
Well, here I come again after a few weeks absence.
The farmers of this place are about done gathering and getting up wood for Mr. Jack Frost.
Miss Swannie BLACK of this place who is attending G. H. S. is reported on the sick list.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and Mrs. H. N. BLACK spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. D. SIMS.
Several from here attended court last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD of your city and Mrs. Bertha BLACK motored to Evergreen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Zema GARNER and daughter Hazel and mother spent Saturday night with Mr. Wilton GARNER.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and Mrs. A. W. BLACK also son Floyd attended preaching at Starlington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. BLACK and son Henry spent Sunday morning with Mr. Trav BLACK of Ebaneezer.
Mr. G. R. BLACK was the dinner guest of Mr. R. L. BLACK Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Messrs. H. N. and A. W. BLACK spent awhile Sunday evening with Mr. J. W. BLACK.
The dinner guests of Miss Susie GOODWIN Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. GARNER and daughter Alvia and Mr. R. L. BLACK and Mrs. A. W. BLACK and son Floyd.
Mr. A. W. BLACK and son Fred spent Sunday with his father Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mr. Thomas HOLLOWAY visited his father last Friday, Mr. Clark HOLLOWAY.
Mr. and Mrs. H.N. BLACK spent awhile Saturday night with Mr. Nap BLACK.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK. Mrs. W. N. BLACK and daughter Bertha spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Bell Black.
Our school is progressing nicely with Mrs. Lola HARWELL as teacher.
Well, sugar, I am not dead yet. If this escapes the waste basket will come again.--Mutt and Jeff
1925 Butler County News
Route One Notes
Everybody is about through work but sure would appreciate a good rain.
Messrs. George, Hugh, Colonel, Ansel BLACK and Jones BLACKBURN spent the weekend with homefolks.
Mrs. Fannie WEAVER returned to her home Saturday at Evergreen after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Mr. G. R. BLACK spent Sunday with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mrs. J. D. GRIFFIN, Mrs. J. S. ANTHONY and son Junior, also Mr. Tom Anthony spent Thursday afternoon with relatives here.
Misses Irene and Eva BLACK also Mr. Tommy WEBB spent last Sunday afternoon with Miss Pearl BLACK.
Mr. H. W. POWELL is spending a few days with relatives here.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and daughters Mrs. A. W. BLACK and Miss Fronie BLACK spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Mrs. J. T. ANTHONY and Mr. Tom ANTHONY were in our midst Sunday morning.
Masters Howard and Chester BLACK were the dinner guests of Masters Fred and Floyd BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. BLACK spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. BLACK.
Mr. Henry BLACK spent a while Sunday morning with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mrs. W. L. GARNER spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. R. L. BLACK and family.
Messrs. W. N. BLACK and W.L. GARNER spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
3-26-1925 Route One News
Here ewe come again after being absent so long. Guess everybody is busy getting the farms started these Spring days.
Mr. L. B. BLACK of Louisville, Miss., spent the latter part of last week with his mother Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Mrs. Lucy SALTER of Evergreen, Ala. is spending some time with relatives near Morrow School.
Mr. Colonel BLACK and sister Bertha spent Sunday with Miss Ruth MORROW.
Mr. Ansel BLACK spent Sunday with his cousin Effie Lee BLACK.
Messrs. Roy and A.V. SNEAD of your city were pleasant callers in our vicinity Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. H.N. BLACK and little son Herston spent Sunday A.M. with Mr. G. R. BLACK.
Misses Ruth and Lois MORROW spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin Miss Effie Lee BLACK.
Miss Burcia HALL of New Home spent Saturday night and Sunday with her cousins Misses Swannie and Vergie BLACK.
Those spending a while Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. BLACK were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW and son Roy, Mrs. Lucy SALTER, Mr. L. B. BLACK, Katie Lou and Edmond SIMS, Velma and Ether Mae BURKETT, and Mr. Ansel BLACK.
Mr. Cuff PIERCE of Florida is visiting relatives around here.
Sorry to say that the family of Mr. D. A. URQUHART is ill at this writing. We hope for them a speedy recovery.
Mrs. E. L. BLACK is improving from injuries she received from falling.
Mrs. S. V. HOLLOWAY spent Sunday P.M. at Mr. G. R. BLACK's home.
Mrs. I. D. SIMS and Effie Lee BLACK spent Sunday morning with Mrs. D. A. URQUHART.
Mr. Gillis BLACK spent Sunday with his cousin Roy MORROW.
May 7, 1925 BCN
A very quiet but impressive wedding was that of Miss Texas LEEMAN and Mr. Louis Ennis SELLERS, which was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother on April 24th at 8:30 p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. M. STEWART in the presence of the immediate families and intimate friends, the bride looking lovely in an ensemble suit of poiret twill with accessories to match. Immediately following the ceremony the groom, who is a valued employee of the L&N Railroad, with his bride, left for a wedding trip north. On their return day they will be domiciled at the home of the bride's mother on Monroe Street.--Mobile Register
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin LEE, Jr. of Atlanta, Georgia are the guests of his parents this week in Georgiana. Mr. LEE holds a responsible position with the Western Union Telegraph Co. He was married in Jan. of this year, winning for his bride a beautiful ypung lady of Georgetown, Kentucky. As this is their first visit to their home since their marriage, the happy couple are receiving congratulations from a wide circle of friends.
1925 or 1926?
Route One News
Guess everybody feels better after the refreshing showers. Everybody will be ready to plant turnipseeds now.
Messrs. George, Hugh, Andrew, Ansel BLACK and Jones BLACKBURN of the railroad crew spent this weekend with home folks.
The Morrow school opened Wednesday with Miss Alma HALIDAY as teacher.
Mrs. R.L. BLACK was called Saturday to the bedside of her son-in-law Mr. J. B. HUGGINS of Bluff Springs, Fla.
Mr. Veston KENDRICK spent Saturday night with Mr. Henry BLACK.
Mr. Jack BLACKBURN of Latonia, Ky., spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom HOLLOWAY spent Sunday with his father Mr. Caleb HOLLOWAY.
Mr. Hugh N. BLACK spent Sunday morning with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Everybody remember there will be an all day sacred harp singing at the Morrow School Sunday Sept. 20th. Everybody come and bring song books and a well-filled basket.
Among those spending a while on Saturday night at the home of Mr. J. A. MORROW and family were Henry, Ansel, Gillis, Swannie, Vergie and Bertha BLACK, Harold BENSON, Bucy HUGGINS, and Veston KENDRICK. All reported a nice time.
Mrs. H. N. BLACK and daughter Swannie spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. R. L. BLACK and family.--Two Pals.
1925 Route One News
The farmers around here are about through with their planting and they would like to see a good rain.
Mrs. L. B. PEAVY and daughter Choice spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK and children.
Mr. J. J. HALL is spending a while with his daughter Mrs. H. N. BLACK.
Mr. Gillis, Felix, and Leston BLACK and sister Effie Lee spent the weekend with relatives at Shakleville.
Several from here attended the ice cream supper at Mr. J. M. PALMER's Saturday night and reported a nice time.
Mr. H. N. BLACK and daughters Swannie, Vergie, and Ottrie visited relatives in Montgomery Sunday and reported a grand time.
Mr. Clifford STUART of Montgomery spent Sunday with his cousin Ansel BLACK.
Mr. Veston KENDRICK spent Saturday night with Colonel BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD and son of your city spent Sunday with Mr. W. N. BLACK and family.
Miss Annie and Fronie BLACK spent Sunday with Miss Susie GOODWIN.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK and grandson Fred spent Sunday with Mrs. Frankie MORROW.
Willie Mac and Lois MORROW spent Sunday with Carbie, Herston, and Una BLACK.
Mr. Joe DEAN spent a while Sunday with Mr. A. W. BLACK and family.
Mr. Verner STANLEY spent a while Sunday afternoon with Ansel BLACK.
Mrs. A. W. BLACK and niece spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Frankie MORROW.
Guess had better sidetrack and leave room for Starlington and others.--Dolly Dimple.
Route One Notes
Gee, aren't we having some cool weather after the rain. Jack Frost was flirting down this way Sunday night and he made the cotton look mighty sick.
However cotton chopping seems to be the style now-a-days with most of the people.
We are sorry to report the accident of Grandma BLACK Thursday morning. She was severely hurt but we hope that she will soon recover.
We are glad to say that Mrs. W. S. BLACK who was bitten by a rattlesnake pilot last Monday evening is getting along nicely.
Mr. G. R. BLACK was called home to the bedside of his mother last Thursday night and is home for a few days.
Mrs. H. N. BLACK and daughter Vergie and Mrs. R. L. BLACK spent the day with Mrs. E. L. BLACK Friday.
Misses Swannie, Virgie, and Ottrie BLACK spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin Miss Effie BLACK and reported a nice time.
Miss Ruth MORROW spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Effie BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW and family visited their sister, Mrs. J. C. WAGNON near New Home the past weekend.
Among the crowd that spent a while with Mr. G. R. BLACK Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK and family, Mrs. R. L. BLACK, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW and family, Mrs. Thomas HOLLOWAY and family, Mr. W. N. BLACK and sons Henry, Colonel, Howard, and Chester, Mr. D. B. SNEAD and Jones BLACKBURN and W. S. BLACK and son Theo, also Mr. G. W. GOODWIN.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady HARWELL of Eberneza spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. G. R. BLACK.
Mr. J.E. BLACK of your city spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BLACK and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. BLACK and family.
Mr. Henry BLACK and sister Bertha and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD motored to Buckaloo to the singing Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. GARNER visited Mr. and Mrs. Evander GARNER of Starlington Sunday.
Miss Perlie BLACK spent Sunday with her uncle Mr. A. W. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. BLACK spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Susie GOODWIN.
Mrs. Belle BLACK and her daughter Una visited Mrs. W. N. BLACK Saturday afternoon.
I will sidetrack for this time. Come on Shackleville.--Dewdrop.
1925 Route One News
It seems that cotton picking is all the go around here nowadays.
Miss Leddie PALMER of Shackleville spent the weekend with Mr. G. R. BLACK and children,
The Morrow school house is about completed and will soon be ready for school.
Mr. Jim HUGGINS of Miami, Fla. and mother Mrs. Sallie HUGGINS of Local, Ala. visited his uncle, Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. George CASKALO of Local Ala. visited Mr. W. N. BLACK recently.
Misses Effie Lee BLACK and Ruth MORROW spent last Sunday with Miss Bertha BLACK.
Mr. R. L. GOODWIN and children spent last Sunday with Mr. and mrs. H. N. BLACK and family.
Miss Ruth MORROW recently spent a few days with Mrs. Eugene JOHNSON of your city.
Everybody remember there will be preaching at the Morrow School House on the 5th Sunday, August 30th at 11:00 by Rev. J. B. BYRD.
Mrs. Eugene JOHNSON of your city spent last Wednesday with Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Miss Delhia HUGGINS of Repton visited Misses Bertha and Pearl BLACK last week.
Mrs. Vick GANDY of Flomaton spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Frankie MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. HICKS spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. BLACK.
Mr. J. A. MORROW has purchased a new Dodge car.
Miss Ottrie BLACK spent last Sunday with Miss Pearl BLACK.
Mr. Tommie HUGGINS and mother of Excel spent a few days with Mrs. Frankie MORROW.
Miss Swanee BLACK spent last Sunday with Mrs. A. W. BLACK.
Misses Swannie and Ottrie and Mrs. A. W. BLACK spent Sunday afternoon with Pearl BLACK.
Mrs. R. L. BLACK spent Saturday night with her son Mr. A. W. BLACK.
As news is scarce will ding off.--Two Chums.
Miss Sallie Lou GAFFORD spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Miss Bessie Raye WALLER of Avant.
A large crowd from here enjoyed the singing at Wald Sunday.
We are sorry to say that Miss Lena BROOKS was carried to Watson Infirmary Saturday afternoon. Hope she will soon be home again.
Miss Minnie Mae JONES of Garland was the weekend guest of Misses Sallie Lue and Nina GAFFORD.
Mr. Cliff COKER and Mr. John MATTHEWS were Greenville visitors Sunday afternoon.
Misses Inez and Mary GANEY have returned home after spending some time with their sister of Opp.
Among those who were dinner guests of Mrs. W. L. NELSON Sunday were her daughter Mrs. Jno. MATTHEWS and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Chapman.
Will leave room for Avant and Brushey Creek.--Tempest and Sunshine
Route One Notes
Guess everybody enjoyed the rain nicely Sunday morning as it was so badly needed.
Miss Vergie BLACK spent the weekend with Burcia and Choice HALL of your city.
Lois MORROW spent Sunday with Una BLACK.
Mrs. J. A. MORROW and children, Ruth, Lois, and Willie Mac spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK and children.
Mrs. H. N. BLACK spent a while Thursday with Mrs. John CARPENTER of New Home.
Ottrie, Carbie, Una and Herston BLACK spent Thursday with Lois and Willie Mac MORROW.
Misses Ruth MORROW, Swannie and Vergie BLACK spent Thursday afternoon with Effie BLACK.
There will be a graveyard working at the Morrow schoolhouse on Saturday, May 30, 1925. Everybody is cordially invited to come and help as well as to bring tools to work with.
Mr. Gillis BLACK spent Saturday afternoon with Swannie and Virgie BLACK.
Mr. Verner STANLEY, Jones BLACKBURN, and Gillis BLACK spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
Misses Ottrie and Una BLACK spent Saturday afternoon with Pearl BLACK.--Blue Bird.
Antioch News
Intended for last week
The crops in this community are suffering from dry weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar MCCORMICK visited her parents near Red Level last week.
Mrs. Pate SHINE and daughter, also Mrs. BYRD and son, visited relatives in Andalusia Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Rube SHREVE of Andalusia visited his sister Mrs. Nora BELL of this place recently.
Mrs. John STALLINGS is able to be out again.
Mr. Kendall STALLINGS made a business trip to Dozier Saturday.
Mrs. Nora BELL and son were visitors to Andalusia Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe LITTLE of Oakey Streak visited her parents of this place Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Jessie HILTON and Maude SMITH also Mrs. W. W. HOGG were visitors at Mr. Joseph ALPINS Saturday afternoon.
The party given at the home of Misses Ethel and Annie WILLIAMSON was enjoyed by a large crowd. After several games were played a delicious chocolate cake was served by the hostess. Among those present were Misses Lurline, Maude, and Jessie Hilton, Smith and Ruby MERRILL, Messrs. Duck and Ingram GOMILLION, Thomas DAVIS, Lorin SMITH, Kendall and Oscar STALLINGS, Cecil and Ragon CROSS, Willie Lee and Grover LITTLE.
Mr. Henry NORSWORTHY and daughter Irene were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Jones last week.
There will be preaching at the Friendship church the second Sunday. Everybody invited to come.--Violet
June 1925 Sunnye Side Notes
Miss Carrie B. HICKS is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest COVAN and daughter spent Saturday night and Sunday here.
Mrs. George SCROGGINS and children of Montgomery are spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. DEAN.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed HICKS spent Sunday night and Monday with her brother Mr. Jake RUSSELL.
Mrs. Will COOK and son of Panama City, Fla. spent last Wednesday night with Mrs. R. H. WATSON.
Several from here attended the Woodmen decoration at Pleasant Hill Sunday.
Will leave room for better writers...
Route One Notes 1925
Guess everybody is glad to see the showers that we are having as we need them so bad.
Misses Efie, Swannie, and Ottrie BLACK spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin, Miss Ruth MORROW.
Mr. Jones BLACKBURN spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Ansel BLACK.
Miss Alma HOLLIDAY spent the weekend in Greenville.
Miss Ruth MORROW spent Saturday night with her cousins, Effie and Gillis BLACK.
Among those that spent a while Sunday afternoon with Miss Ruth MORROW were Messrs. Leon PAGE, Dick HICKS, Ansel and Gillis BLACK, Misses Edythe PAGE, Effie BLACK, Lucile and Birdie Dell POWELL. Come again.
Messrs. Roy and A. V. SNEAD were in our midst Sunday afternoon. Come again.
Mr. Robert LEE of Opp spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. G. R. BLACK.
Mrs. J. A. MORROW and daughter Lois spent Friday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
As news is scarce will ring off.--Blue Eyes.
Route One Notes 1925
Wonder how everybody is enjoying the cool weather. Guess everyone is glad to see it as it has been so hot.
Miss es Swannie and Vergie BLACK left Sunday for Andalusia where they have gone to work.
Miss Alma HOLLODAY attended the teachers meeting at Greenville Saturday.
Mr. Bily CONNER of Repton was a visitor in our vicinity Sunday.
Misses Ottrie and Una BLACK spent Saturday and Sunday night with their cousins Ruth and Lois MORROW.
Messrs. Roy and A.V. SNEAD were in our midst Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. J. A. MORROW and two small children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H.N. BLACK and children.
Mr. Gillis BLACK spent a while Sunday night with his cousins, Ruth and Roy MORROW.
Miss Ruth MORROW and brother Roy spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin, Miss Effie BLACK.
Miss Cynthia HOLLODAY spent Friday night with her sister Miss Alma HOLLIDAY.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD and baby spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.N. BLACK.
Mr. Jones BLACKBURN and Henry BLACK made a flying trip to Montgomery Sunday.
Carbie and Herston BLACK spent Sunday with their cousin Willie Mack MORROW.
Mr. Roy MORROW spent Sunday with Ernest MORROW.
Mr. Steward DEES spent a while Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. John A. MORROW.
Mr. Felix BLACK spent Friday night with his cousin Roy MORROW.
Mrs. J. A. MORROW spent Sunday afternoon with her mother Mrs. E. L. BLACK.
As news is scarce will ring off and leave room for other writers. Hoping to see this in print.--Blue Eyes.
Aug. 1925 Georgiana, Ala.
The people of this section were shocked to hear of the shooting and killing of Caleb BLACK last Saturday night in the public road east of Bethel Church. Clarence WALKER is being held for preliminary hearing today on charge of killing BLACK.
Deceased leaves a wife and three children.
He is the son of Mr. Nap Black of Providence and stood high in the estimation of all.
8-12-1925 "Caleb Black, a young white man, was shot and killed last Saturday night about six miles west of Georgiana. On Sunday morning Sheriff Augustus Murphy arrested Clarence Walker, another young white man, who is in the county jail awaiting the preliminary trial which will be heard Thursday. Walker, it is said, will plead self-defense. The two men were returning from an ice cream supper and the killing occurred in the public road."
11-14-1925 ROUTE ONE
Jack Frost appeared with his white coat last week.
Syrup making is the go around here now.
Mrs. Sallie STUART of Montgomery spent last weekend with her sister Mrs. H. N. BLACK.
Mrs. N. R. HUGGINS of Starlington and Mrs. John IRWIN and children, Robert and Willodean, of Atmore, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Mrs. Mary BLACK and children of Ebeneza spent the weekend with Mr. G. R. BLACK and children.
Mr. Hugh N. BLACK spent last Thursday in Andalusia.
Messrs. Colonel and Ansel BLACK and Jones BLACKBURN spent the weekend with home folks.--Chums.
Mar. 1926
Mr. J. E. BLACK and Miss Hazel HENDERSON were called to Evergreen Sun. to the home of WJ[NJ] HUTTO who is very ill.
3-4-1926 Eberneza Notes
Well. the farmers are beginning their work and we are glad to see some pretty weather these days.
We are sorry to say that Mr. Jodie BLACK and family are on the sick list this week.
Mr. J.W. SIRMON is improving fast after a short illness.
Mr. J. W. SIRMON and Miss Jewel HARRISON and Mr. Jack ALLEN were the dinner guests of Mr. Bud BLACK and family Sunday.
Among those who were the dinner guests of Mr. W. R. SIRMON and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Dayton SIMMONS and little J. R. and Miss Maude SIRMON of Bethel and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie SIRMON and Mr. Fred BASS of Eberneza.
We are glad to say that Rev. J. B. BYRD has purchased a 1926 model Ford.
Among thsoe who were the guests of Mr. D. BLACK Sunday were Miss HOLLIDAY of Morrow Schoolhouse and Miss Clyde COPE and Mr. Bill DEASEL.
Well, if this escapes the waste basket will come again.--Buttercup
4-1-1926 Sunnyside
Leanna GOODWIN and grandson Neron COBB of Montgomery spent a few days with her son Mr. John COBB.
1927 Butler County News
2-24- 1927
Rosa Mae BRANTLEY of Conecuh Co. married Hugh MOORER of Evergreen last Saturday by Rev. D.L. FOLSOM.
1927 Sunnyside Community
Mr. John DICKENS and Mr. Abb BROOKS spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace BROOKS.
3-10-1927 Providence
Joe URQUHART visited Curtis STINSON.
7-13-1927 Greenville Adv.
Down at the Royal Mercantile Co,. Haywood BLACK has what one of those who saw it characterized as a "pumpkin with the small pox." It is a curious looking vegetable, a pumpkin in shape and size and a squash in looks as to skin. It weighs some thirty pounds and only Mr. BLACK knows what it is.
Jack Frost has come at last and the weather is very cool now.
Miss Velma BURKETT spent last Wednesday night with her cousin, Miss Effie Lee BLACK.
Mrs. Frankie MORROW spent last Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Dallas HUGGINS of Starlington.
Miss Sarah PIPKIN spent last Tuesday night with Miss Velma BURKETT.
Miss Una BLACK spent last Monday might with Miss Lois Merle MORROW.
Mrs. Salllie HUGGINS and son Tommie, Mr. and Mrs. Sheard [sic] SIMS returned to their home at Excel last Thursday after spending a few days with relatives around Georgiana.
Misses Effie BLACK and Velma BURKETT spent Sunday with Misses Annie Mae and Bertha BLACK.
Mr. Sam MORROW was a pleasant visitor at Shackleville Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Hubert BURKETT visited relatives at Wilcox Saturday and Sunday.
Sorry to say Dallas HUGGINS is on the sick list but am glad to say is improving at the present.
Master Felix BLACK spent Sunday with his cousins Howard and Chester BLACK.
Misses Ruth MORROW, Swannie and Vergie BLACK spent last Sunday with Miss Almettie Morrow.
11-10-1927 ROUTE SIX NOTES
Mrs. M. E. HALL, 84, Bitten by a Rattlesnake, Improving
Late in the afternoon of Sept. 17, our aged grandmother was bitten by a rattlesnake, a small snake but one of the large kind, a diamond back rattler. As soon as she was bitten we corded her arm and it was then held in a pan of kerosene until Dr. MOORER could be called which was about 40 minutes after the accident occurred.
Grandma was in the garden picking off groundpeas where she had been all afternoon. She did not seem to be the least bit excited. After we corded her arm, she then went back to where the pinders were to show us where the snake was. Being old and almost blind she mistook the snake as it lay coiled on the ground for an old rag or something, and picked it up in her fingers, and of course when she did it struck her with full force, though the snake was still coiled when we went back to the garden to kill it. It was about 2 feet in length and had two rattles.
Her condition is yet very serious and all is being done for her that loving hands can do, but a change for the better is being doubted very much, as it seems now that the entire arm will decay. She was bitten on the right hand on the thick part of her thumb.--Mrs. Patrick.
1928 Butler County News
Obit of Mrs. JW McInvale
Marriage announcement of Mrs. Mary Black and Mr. George Black
Card of Thanks from Mr/Mrs. JE Black, Mrs. JL Warren, and Miss Hazel Henderson--thanking people for the loving kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved mother and grandmother (Mrs. Mary Hutto)
p. 1 Sad Death of Bob Huggins--killed by train of L&N RR on Sunday night March 18th, near Bolling; 22 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. DE Huggins; leaves six brothers, two sisters, mother, father; burial Tuesday at Providence, Dr. RH Watson conducting the service
Mrs. Dave Griffin's parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sims of near Cook School
Sunday afternoon visiting-Mr/Mrs. Wiley Clipper, Mr. Dave Griffin, Mr. Wm. Morrow
Card of Thanks--We would like to thank everyone for their kindness during the sickness and death of our darling babies Everette and Eddie.
Signed: Mr. and Mrs. DW (Derwood Wesley) Black and little Harry
Memorial for Bob Huggins
Married--Miss Irene Lee of Rt. 1, Georgiana and Mr. Edmund Higgs of Key West, Fla. were married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TL Lee yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large number of friends, Judge WP Bishop officiating. The couple will make their home at Key West where Mr. Higgs is employed as a sailor.
Obit of Ennis Sellers, Jr.
Well, as I have been absent for some time will send in a few lines.
Guess the farmers are all laid by their crops, as it keeps raining so much.
Mr. and Mrs. Derwood BLACK and little son spent Sunday with Mr. W. N. BLACK and family.
Mrs. Leon PAGE is spending a few days with her father, Mr. G. R. BLACK.
Sorry to say that Mr. Andrew BLACK had the misfortune of sticking a nail in his foot last week. Hope it will soon heal.
Mrs. Evander GARNER and children, also Mrs. Wilton GARNER spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. R. L. BLACK.
Miss Dottie BLACK spent Saturday with Miss Ruth MORROW.
Mrs. W. N. BLACK and son Chester spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry BLACK of Greenville.
Mr. Wilton GARNER spent a while Sumday afternoon with his uncle, Mr. Perry ARMSTRONG.
Misses Janie Bell GOODWIN, also Mr. Fred BLACK spent a while Sunday afternoon with Misses Swannie, Vergie, and Ottrie BLACK.
Everybody that is interested in cleaning off the cemetery at the Morrow Schoolhouse, please come the first Saturday in August and bring plenty of tools to work with.
Come on Shackleville and Starlington, what's the matter with you?--Peachy Twins.
Route One News--There will be a cemetery working on Friday, Sept. 7 near Mr. TM Black's old place.
Mrs. Eugene H. Bell and Mrs. Bennie Bell visited their aunt Mrs. RL Black.
Ebeneza--Johnnie Loo Black married Jack Allen last week.
Obit of Mrs. George Reid--killed in car by train
Flora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicks died.
Professor Campbell visited Mr. Will Hicks.
Mrs. O. C. Taylor (Una Hicks) was visited by Master William Hicks.
Morrow-Snead Marriage
Miss Ruth Vivian Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morrow, married Mr. Roy Lang Snead in Greenville Saturday afternoon Nov. 3, 1928. Judge C. F. Winkler performed the ceremony.
Obit of JP Burkett
1930 Butler County News
Well here we come again after being absent for a while. Guess everybody thinks us folks are dead, but we aren't. It's just bad roads. If you want to know anything about our roads just ask our mail carrier, Mr. Jim BLACK. He thinks they are terrible because he bogs down every fifteen minutes. What isn't pine pole crossway is bad mud holes, but we still believe that we have as good a road as there is in the country.
Those that were the dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. HICKS Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. HICKS, Mr. and Mrs. Leston BLACK, Mrs. Carl HICKS, also Misses Annie Mae CARR, Rubye GAFFORD, Loraine LUCKEY, and Ruth DESHIELDS.
Miss Jane GOODWIN spent Saturday night with the Misses HICKS of this place.
Mr. Sam MORROW was a caller at the home of A. Z. POWELL Saturday night. There must be some attraction.
Misses Annie Mae CARR and Rubye GAFFORD spent a while Friday afternoon with Misses Edna and Charlotte HICKS.
We are sorry to report little Colonel Jr. GANDY is on the sick list. We hope he will soon be all right.
Everybody remember preaching Sunday at eleven o'clock at Starlington Church. Everybody come as we will be glad to have you with us.--Brown Eyes.
Well, I guess everybody is prowd of this pretty weather and hope it will last awhile.
Mr. Simmie MIXON was an Annex visitor Saturday night.
We are glad to report that Mrs. Lewis COOPER is able to be up at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Veston BROOKS and children of Tulsa, Oklahama, are visiting relatives here.
We are sorry to say our play wasn't very good on account of the weather being so bad. We are going to have it over again Saturday night, Dec. 13th. The name of the play is "Deacon Dubbs" with the following cast of characters:
Deacon Dubbs from Sorghum Center, State o' West Virginia, Prof. SPURLOCK.
Amos Colemn, his nephew, a young lawyer, Fred BLACK.
Rawdon Crawley, a wolf in sheep's clothing, Boyce HUGGINS.
Major McNutt, auctioneer and Justice of the Peace, Carbie BLACK.
Deuteronomy Jones, a country product, Chester BLACK.
Rose Ralegh, the brave little school ma'am, Una BLACK.
Miss Philipena Popover, with both eyes on the Deacon, Jane GOODWIN.
Emily Dale, the richest girl in town, Lois MORROW.
Trixie Coleman, full of mischief, Ruby MORROW.
Yennie Yenson, the hired girl from Sweden, Gladys DAUGHTERY.
Admission 10c. Everybody invited. Doors open at 7:00 o'clock.
Come on Annex, let's hear from you again.
April 17, 1930 WC Holloway's death
6-12-1930 Obit of Ennis Sellers, Sr.
9-25-1930 BCN BURDEAUX--MAJORS Wedding article
__? 1930 Shackleville Notes
Our revival began on last 3rd Sunday morning with an all-day singing at the beginning. Preaching at 11 o'clock by Brother Mose LEE and continued on thru Friday 11 o'clock sermon with 7 additions to the church, 4 by letter and 3 baptized. We gladly accepted them all, as young Christians to follow Jesus Christ. Our pastor's brother, Moses LEE from Northwest La. did the preaching until Tuesday night. He delivered the most wonderful sermons we have ever heard. He seemed to feel as if God was calling him home to his family. He returned the meeting over to Brother Tommie LEE and he delivered wonderful sermons on to the end of the meeting. We regretted so much to see Brother Mose LEE leave us for we learned to love him as God's people. We hope to meet him again some day. If not on this earth, in a place where there will be no goodbyes. It rained most every day during the meeting. But the faithful ones did not stand back. We had a wonderful meeting after all. God was surely with us thruout the services. Everyone in the community, far and near, seemed to take much interest in the meeting. Our pastor and his brother while with us strived so hard to win souls to Christ. We are still trusting and praying that this successful meeting will last forever in the hearts of all who so faithfully attended. We pray God's richest and choicest blessings upon both Bro. LEE and his brother that they will be successful in the Lord's work, that they will win many souls to Christ. Everybody remember that Brother Tommie LEE will preach here at Shackleville Church every third Saturday night and Sunday for another year.
We are sorry to say that at the close of the meeting Friday at 11 o'clock, Brother Tom SAUCER ...(missing the rest)
1931 Butler County News
Jan. 22, 1931 Route One
Gee, we are having some ugly weather at this writing.
Miss Una BLACK spent Saturday and Sunday night with Miss Ruby MORROW.
Miss Willie Ruth BURKETT and Rosa Lee MORROW spent Saturday and Sunday night with Miss Lois MORROW.
Messrs. Zibia, Felix, and Bruce BLACK, also mr. Roy MORROW spent a while Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. TAYLOR of Chapman.
We are sorry to report that Mr. Colonel BLACK is very sick with pneumonia. Hope him a speedy recovery.
Mr. A. V. SNEAD of Amarillo, Texas, is visiting his brothers, Messrs. Ben and Roy SNEAD.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton BROWN (nee Myrtle MORROW) of Birmingham, spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Emma MORROW who is ill at the home of Mrs. Willie CLEPPER.
Mr. Claud WRIGHT of Dunham Camps spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. SIMS.
Mr. Henry BLACK of Andalusia visited his father Mr. Nap BLACK Sunday.
Mr. Ansel BLACK of this place and Miss Virgie GREEN of Bolling were quietly married at the home of Rev. C. V. MCMURPHY on Dec. 31st. We wish them great happiness and success in their married life.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. SNEAD and children spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nap BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. WORLD's 10-year-old daughter died in a fire.
Evergreen Courant 4-2-1931
Mrs. J. M. POWELL obit (abstract)
maiden name was SALTER; member of Fairfield Church; buried in the family cemetery; survived by husband and eight children; mentions Enoch Salter of Georgiana.
4-9-1931 BCN
Married--Mr. Marcellus BURKETT and Miss Annie Belle REID, both of Garland, were recently married. They are a prominent young couple and have the best wishes of all.--A Friend
[4-15-1931 Greenville Adv.]
H. BLACK has added to the drive a canopy under which a filling station is operated in front of his store on the highway about two miles north of the city. The addition makes it possible for cars to be serviced with gas and oil on both sides of the pumps and still be under the protection of the canopy. Four cars can be given service at the same time. Mr. BLACK sells Gulf products and courtesy cards are honored.
5-21-1931 Georgiana Local Notes
Mrs. Robert PAGE of Vicksburg, Miss. is the guest of her mother Mrs. R.W. BLACK.
Providence, 1931
Mrs. Seanie Stimson [Stinson?] is spending some weeks at Brewton with relatives.
Mrs. Frances Stimson, Mrs. Katie Stimson, and son Ulay of Old Town spent the week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Stinson of Frisco City are spending some weeks here with relatives.
Mr. Hurley Pitts of near Bethel and Miss Rosa Black of this place went to Greenville Thursday of this past week and were married in the presence of a few relatives. It came in the nature of a surprise, although expected in the near future, at least rumor had it going. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Black, and is a beautiful and industrious young woman of the blonde type. He is an industrious young man and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts.
May all their roseate dreams come true is the wish of all.
July 1931 Greenville Adv.
Leroy BLACK, who farms about six miles northwest of Greenville on the Manningham road, sent us Saturday a freak potato. Growing through the potato is a Johnson grass root. The root, about the size of a lead pencil, went entirely through the potato which was the size of an egg. We sent word to Mr. BLACK that the freak was interesting but doesn't show that he kept his potato patch very clean.
Eutha or Eatha Mae Burkett, daughter of W. D. BURKETT, married Eli PHILLIPS, son of Nap PHILLIPS. Wedding performed by Rev. Tommie LEE.
10-22-1931 Route One News
As I haven't seen anything from this place in quite a while thought I'd send in a few lines. Guess everyone is glad to see this cold weather as it has been hot so long.
Mrs. John Murphy of Shackleville spent last week with her daughter Mrs. George BLACK.
Mr. Willie Mac MORROW spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. Eugene GOODWIN.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy SNEAD and little daughter Doris were the guests of his brother Mr. Ben SNEAD and family this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. BLACK and daughters Lelia and Hazel spent the weekend at Atmore with his sister Mrs. J. H. ENGLISH.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob GOODWIN and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave GRIFFIN.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry BLACK and son Lamar, also Miss Delia BROWN of River Falls spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Nap BLACK.
Messrs. Gillis and Zibia BLACK spent awhile Sunday night with Roy and Lois MORROW.
Misses Ruby and Rosalie MORROW spent Sunday with their cousin Miss Lois MORROW.
Everybody remember there will be a preaching at the Morrow School House on Saturday night and Sunday Oct. 24th and 25th. Be sure and come.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK spent the weekend in Andalusia with relatives.
Mrs. Nap BLACK is spending a few days with her son Mr. Colonel BLACK who just returned home from Tippins Hospital last Friday and we are glad to say he is much improved.
Miss Annie Mae CARR of East Chapman was in our community Sunday afternoon.
Miss Maggie Joe Goodwin spent last Sunday with Miss Lois MORROW.
Mr. Melvin MAY and Miss Virgie BLACK spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Holloway.
Well, I will quit and leave room for other writers.--Blue Eyes
North Conecuh
A meeting was called here for Nov. 12 to clean off the RUSSELL graveyard, which through neglect had grown up in large saplings.
This graveyard was established by the late Abram RUSSELL, a large slaveholder in his day and a pioneer settler of this section. Besides his own body, many of mr. RUSSELL's descendants are sleeping here, and some of his old slaves.
Too often these old family grave yards, the last resting place of our beloved ones are overlooked and as a result they grow up in brush and trees, the graves become sunken and oftimes many of them are entirely lost. This should not be, and as this is God's silent way of speaking to us, let us not fail to heed the voice and remember the graves of ... (failed to copy the end).
Mrs. J. F. WORRELL's 68th birthday celebration article (Card of Thanks in 12-3-1931 edition).
The marriage of Miss Ruby Weir and John Kendall BLACK was solemnized at the Central Park Methodist Church Wednesday evening, may 11, with Rev. W.E. GUTHRIE reading the ceremony.
The bride was attended by Miss Evelyn SMITH, maid of honor, wearing a frock of blue organdie and having a bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas.
The bride wore a gown of white net over taffeta and carried white butterfly roses tied with white ribbons. Foy HICKS served as best man.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. R. D. WEIR, parents of the bride, entertained at an informal reception at their home.
Returning home from a wedding trip to the Gulf Coast, Mr. and Mrs. BLACK are now at home at 4218 Beech Street, Central Park.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. BLACK of Greenville, Ala. and holds a responsible position with the Lincoln Reserve Life Insurance Company in Birmingham.--Birmingham News
9-15-1932 Butler Co. News,
Starlington News
On Sunday night, Sept, 18th Dr. R. H. WATSON will preach at the church here. Everyone invited to attend.
Misses Edna and Maryella HICKS spent the weekend in Chapman.
Mr. A. Z. POWELL, Jr. and George GRAGG of Mobile spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. POWELL.
Miss Ottrie BLACK and Mr. Fred MORRIS were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. SPURLOCK Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey GOODWIN, Misses Jane BENNETTand Betty PAPJESKI of Detroit, Michigan, have been visiting relatives
and friends here.
Miss Elizabeth COOPER of Chapman spent the week-end with Miss Byrd POWELL.
Mrs. Lida MIXON who has been ill is reported improving at this time.
Mrs. Arthur AUSTIN has been visiting at Huxford, Ala.
The farmers all around here are busy gathering their crops.
Dr. R. H. WATSON delivered an interesting sermon Sunday which was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and son Gerald Wayne spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MORGAN and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff GOODWIN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SELLERS were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. WATSON.
11-24-1932 Butler Co. News
Mr. WATSON BLACK and Miss Janie Belle GOODWIN, both of Starlington, were married on Monday afternoon, Nov. 14th, by Rev. Tommie LEE at his home.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom GOODWIN. Congratulations to the happy young couple.
-----A Friend
1933 Butler County News
Jan 1933
A marriage of much interest in this section was that of Miss Edna Choyce HALL of Andalusia to Mr. Roy Otis MORROW of Georgiana.
Mrs. MORROW is the attractive daughter of Mrs. Mattie [Mettie] HALL of Andalusia, where she has made her home for the past eight years.
Mr. MORROW is the oldest son of Mr. John A. MORROW and is a young man of sterling character with many friends throughout this section.
The marriage was solemnized on Dec. 24th at the home of the bride's mother on 3rd Ave. The ceremony was a sweet impressive one with only relatives and a few very close friends present.
The bride, never lovelier, was costumed in an attractive gown of olympic blue crepe with accessories to match.
Mr. and Mrs. MORROW will make their home at Georgiana, where both have a host of friends and relatives. We wish for them the greatest of happiness and success.
Mr. Gillis Black, Superintendent of Sunday School at Morrow School House, wrote columns for the BCN.
Large Rat Is Killed--At the home of Mr. GR Black on Rt. One, a group of men and boys were sitting around the car shed Friday about noon when the dog started scratching under some plants and discovered and killed a large rat. It measured 19 1/2 inches long and 3 inches through the body and weighed 1 1/4 lbs.
Providence News--Mr. and Mrs. Wes Black and family of Repton were called here by the death of his brother Mr. Polen Black. Quite a crowd attended the funeral, several from a distance. Rev. Enfinger conducted the service.
4-27-1933 BCN
Miss Christine REID, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank REID of near Georgiana, married Mr. Early BLACK, handsome son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud BLACK of north Georgiana.
4-27-1933 Providence
Mr. Marion SIMS of Bay Minette is spending several days here with his brother Mr. Nap SIMS, who is very ill.
1930s--Pearl Black wrote columns for the Butler County News. One example is "Easter Tidings" in the April 30, 1933 BCN.
From a column "History of Georgiana" (1856--) One of the early businessmen of Georgiana was Abram Morrow who owned a saw mill and grist mill at Panther Creek. KL Davis bought it from him and moved it over to Georgiana.
Sept. 1933 Butler Co.News
NOTICE! The annual reunion in memory of the Cole brothers, J. M., J. T., and W.R. COLE will be celebrated at the home of John R. HARRISON, 14 miles west of Greenville, Ala., on Sunday, Sept. 10th, 1933. All their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are cordially invited, also their friends.
Bring your little baskets and all the good news possible.
1934 Butler County News
Along Route One
Everybody in our community seems to be preparing to plant since the big rains and cool weather.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. THIGPEN visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. MORROW Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon PAGE and Bettye Jean were the weekend guests of their parents of this place.
Mr.and Mrs. Eric EDGE and daughter Bobbye Faye visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK Sunday.
Misses Elizabeth CROSS and Hazel BLACK were the dinner guests of Miss Lola MORROW Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Colonel BLACK were Starlington visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Capell and son, Joe Richard of Atmore were visitors to Mr. Joseph MORROW and family on Sunday.
Miss Pearl BLACK spent Tuesday with Miss Lois MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl HICKS and son Carlton of Greenville recently visited their parents of this place.
Mr. Floyd BLACK returned to the CCC at Brinson, Ga. Sunday afternoon after spending a few days with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MORROW and baby Eleanor Sue were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack BLACKBURN and children Milly and Avis of Atmore recently visited relatives of this place.
Mr. Wilson HUGGINS of the CCC, who has been visiting home folks, returned to Haleyville Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel BLACK and children, Edgar and June, were the weekend guests of Mr. GREEN and family of Wildfork.
Miss Fronie BLACK, Floyd and Edna BLACK were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. GARNER Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy SNEAD and children Doris and Elizabeth were recent visitors of Mr. J.A. MORROW and family.
Come on Mt. Olive, what is wrong with you?
---Winnie Winkle
Well, how's everybody enjoying this wintry weather we're having these days?
Miss Lela BLACK is spending a while in Pensacola, Fla.
Misses Pearl and Edna BLACK spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ansel BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. Colonel BLACK and Miss Una BLACK visited in Andalusia Saturday.
Miss Virginia WATSON and Mr. Clayton BURKETT spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Rosie Lee MORROW.
Privates James J. BLACKBURN and Peter E. McGHEE, who are in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Douglas, Utah, spent a while with relatives around this place recently.
Miss Edna HICKS spent a few days last week with Mrs. Colonel BLACK.
Miss Lois MORROW spent the week with Miss Una BLACK.
Mrs. Bob GOODWIN spent Saturday with her mother Mrs. S. V. HOLLOWAY.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin MAY and little daughter Renee spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK.
Mr. John A. MORROW is on the sick list. Hope he will soon recover.
Mr. Ernest MORROW spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Roy MORROW.
Mr. Boyce HUGGINS was called to his position in Mobile Sunday.
Miss Una BLACK and Messrs. Hayden SELLERS, Robert SMITH, and Clifton POWELL spent a while Wednesday night with Miss Lois MORROW.
As news is scarce, will ring off. Come on Mt. Olive and let's hear from you.--Pop Eye.
As we have been absent for some time will send in a few dots.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. BLACK were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert HICKS Sunday.
Sorry to hear Mr. Hugh BLACK had the misfortune of sticking a nail in his foot last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred MORRIS were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK.
Mrs. Mettie HALL is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Roy MORROW, who has been on the sick list.
Misses Pearl and Lela BLACK spent the weekend with Miss Byrd POWELL.
Mr. Bill HICKS of the CCC Camp arrived home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl HICKS and Mr. and Mrs. Leon PAGE and daughter Betty and Miss Hazel BLACK spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. HICKS.
Mr. Houston MORRIS spent Friday night with Mr. Carbie BLACK.
Little Miss Elizabeth SNEAD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy SNEAD, was taken to Montgomery last week for an operation for mastoid trouble. Hope she has a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill POWELL and baby of Mobile visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. POWELL Sunday.
Misses Lela, Pearl, and Dot BLACK and Messrs. Cecil PINKERTON and Ed MIXON were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. SPURLOCK Sunday.
Messrs. Ben and Roy SNEAD, John A. MORROW and son Willie Mac and daughter Lois were Montgomery visitors Sunday.
Jan. 21, 1934
Birthday party for Mrs. V. F. SIMS, age 74, mother of Mrs. J. W. PEAVY. Some attendees named were P. O. SIMS of Pigeon Creek and Mr. and Mrs. W.T. BROOKS and son Paul of Chapman
Obit of Lewis Franklin
Obit of Wash Black
Wedding announcement of Zack Powell
In column "Twenty Years Ago" Mr. Albert Lee married Maggie Owen in 1914.
The marriage of Edna Stinson to Oliver Chester Black was performed last Saturday night at the home of WW Stinson at 6:00.
In a column called Twenty Years Ago--Mr. RL Page married Tessie Black at the home of the bride's mother by Rev. CT Culpepper in 1914.
12-6-1934 BCN
Card of Thanks (Tom PAGE death) from Mrs. J. T. SHELL, Mr. A. J. PAGE, Mr. W. H. PAGE and family, Mr. J. H. PAGE and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. PAGE
12-6-1934 BCN
Brooks--Mrs. Sanford GORUM had as her guest Tues. her mother Mrs. E. STANLEY of Red Level Rt. 2.
1935 Butler County News
Mr. Luman Liston LEE is engaged to Miss Frances Maurine JENNINGS, daughter of Mrs. Julia JENNINGS of Georgiana (Later paper announced the wedding on Feb. 14, 1935).
Feb. 14, 1935 ALONG ROUTE ONE
Gee! Haven't we been having some ugly weather since the ground-hog saw his shadow?
Mr. and Mrs. Zell HICKS and baby, Norma Jean, of Akron, Ohio, spent a few days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. HICKS. They were accompanied home by his sister, Miss Edna HICKS to spend a little time.
Mrs. J. A. MORROW spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy SNEAD of Ebeneza West, whi is ill with "flu."
Mr. and Mrs. Leon PAGE and Mrs. Dock HUGGINS were called to Mobile Saturday by the serious illness of their brother, Mr. Eugene PAGE, who has double pneumonia.
Miss Lela BLACK spent Tuesday with Miss Lois MORROW.
Those spending Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MORROW were: Mr. and Mrs. Colonel BLACK, Mrs. S. V. HOLLOWAY and son Walter, Mr. Earnest MORROW and Miss Hazel BLACK.
Mrs. Jasper Phillips and children of Shackleville spent a few days of last week with her mother, Mrs. G. R. BLACK.
Miss Lois MORROW spent Tuesday night with Miss Lela BLACK.
Mrs. Ansel BLACK had as her guests last week Mrs. Will GREEN and baby of Wildfork.
Mrs. Leston BLACK returned home on Saturday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Carl HICKS of Greenville.-- Mrs. Colonel BLACK.
Here we come. Everybody around here is beginning to want to see the sun shine out, as we are having lots of rain.
Mr. Dock DEAN and son Robert of Mt. Pisgah were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SELLERS Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Zell HICKS of Akron, Ohio, spent last weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. HICKS. They returned home Monday and were accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Edna HICKS.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon PAGE of Dunham Camps, also Mrs. E. D. HUGGINS were called to Mobile Saturday on account of their brother, Mr. Gene PAGE having pneumonia.
Misses Edna HICKS and Vera L. HUGGINS spent Wednesday night of last week with Miss Ouida DAVIS.
Mr. E. D. HUGGONS and sons Boyce, Max, and Paul spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. E. HUGGINS.
Miss Byrd POWELL of Center Hill spent a while Sunday evening with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen TAYLOR and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam HICKS and children, Mr. and Mrs. Colonel BLACK spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. HICKS.
Mrs. Lewis COOPER and son Earl spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. POWELL.
Everybody remember we are still having Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Also Sunday afternoon is Singing afternoon. Don't forget to come and bring someone with you.
Come on Mt. Olive and Morrow, let us hear from you.--Snowball
Wedding Announcement--Liston LEE
Providence--Mr. and Mrs. Grady Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Alto Freeman, and Mrs. J. C. Hood spent the weekend at Frisco City with relatives. Mrs. Monroe Ikeney returned with them to spend a week.
2-21-1935 Providence
Lillie Belle BLACK of McKenzie married Mr. Jehu PITTS of near here on Sun. Feb. 10. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom BLACK formerly of this place. She is an attractive young lady of the blonde type with noble traits of character. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John PITTS. This is the consummation of a love story of several years but came in the nature of a surprise.
Miss Byrd POWELL married Mr. Travis WOOD Wed. March 20, 1935.
Joseph Robert E. Lee DUCKWORTH, "The Cowboy Preacher," will preach at Georgiana at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. He will preach from a truck in the open spot near the center of the city.
Mr. DUCKWORTH is well known in Butler County, having visited here on several occasions. He travels all over the nation, preaching in hundreds of cities. He was in Greenville twelve years ago, and has been here several times since then. He is the son of a Confederate veteran, and the son and grandson of a a preacher.
Aug. 1935
Mr. and Mrs. EJ SELLERS of Selma were recent guests of Mrs. Lena SELLERS.
Mr. Zibia BLACK married Miss Eddie Belle MCNORTON Friday, Aug. 30, 1935. Mr. BLACK is employed by the L&N Railroad and is the son of Mr. George BLACK of the Morrow community. Miss McNorton is a resident of Chapman..--by J.B. BYRD
A wedding of much interest took place Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock when Miss Necie Raye BLACK and Mr. Leonard BLACKBURN were united in marriage. They were married at the home of Rev. G.W. STEWART of New Home in the presence of only a few friends.
The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack BLACK of Starlington community. She is an active member in all church functions and is an outstanding character in the community.
The bride was dressed in blue crepe with accessories to match, which made her look very lovely.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mary BLACKBURN of Providence community. Mr. BLACKBURN was dressed in a suit of navy blue serge, which was very becoming.
Their relatives and many friends wish for them all the happiness that life can bring to them.---A Friend
10-31-1935 Starlington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles BRANTLEY and children Jimmy and Julie of Tupelo visited her mother Mrs. Lydia MIXON.
Dec. 1935
Mrs. Ross GRAY and son Rex visited Mr. and Mrs. R.L. BLACK.
Mrs. Winnie MCCLAIN of Bolling visited her granddaughter Mrs. Ansel BLACK.
1936 Butler County News
3-26-1936 Providence
JB BLACK of Starlington married Miss Ora Dee STINSON last Saturday afternoon at 5:00 at the home of the bride's parents.
April 1936 ROUTE THREE
Everyone seems to be busy these days. The farmers are all planting their crops,
Mrs. J. M. O'BRIEN is spending some time with Mrs. Perry ARMSTRONG.
Mrs. Durwood BLACK and children spent the weekend in Montgomery.
Mr. Carey STUCKIE and children, James, Jack, and Bettie Jean, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John STUCKIE of Bethel West.
Mr. and Mrs. Derry SKIPPER of McKenzie spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank REID.
Miss Mary Frances LEE is ill with measles and mumps.
Mrs. Frank REID spent Friday night with her daughter, Mrs. Earlie BLACK.
Mrs. J. M. O'BRIEN, Mrs. Jim RING and little daughter Alice Catherine, and Mrs. Perry ARMSTRONG spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Cary STUCKIE.
Little Miss Margaret STUCKIE is still confined to her bed after nineteen weeks of illness.
Mr. Guy DEAN is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Fletcher PITTS.
Mr. John PITTS spent Thursday night with his son, Mr. Fletcher PITTS and Mrs. PITTS.
Mrs. Eddie Brown ARMSTRONG and little daughter Edwina, Mrs. Jim RING and little daughter Alice Catherine, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Cary STUCKIE.
Miss Lucille STUCKIE spent Sunday afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. Jim RING.
Mr. and Mrs. David SWEAT and little son of Greenville spent Sunday with Mrs. Perry ARMSTRONG.
Our community was made very sad last Sunday afternoon when we received word of the death of Mr. Jack BLACK. We extend our sympathy to his family and loved ones.
Mrs. J. M. O'BRIEN spent Friday with Mrs. Murphy STUART.
Will ring off and leave room for Starlington.
Our community was made sad Monday morning by the death of Mr. Jack BLACK, which occurred Sunday night about nine o'clock at St. Margaret's hospital. His death came somewhere around six weeks after the accident of his truck falling through Panther Creek bridge, he being injured in the fall, which is thought to be the cause of his death. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.
Miss Elizabeth CROSS spent the weekend with Miss Rosa Lee MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. David GRIFFIN and children spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. T. E. SIMS, who continues very ill.
Mrs. Sam MORROW spent a while on Saturday with her mother Mrs. Bessie WILLIAMS.
Mr. and Mrs. Comer WAGNON attended the funeral of Mr. Jack BLACK and were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MORROW Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar VICKERY and family, also Mrs. Pollard FUSSELL and son, and Mrs. Jack VICKERY were visitors at the SIMS home Sunday.
Miss Etta B. GREEN is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ansel BLACK.
Mrs. Allen HERRING and family visited her mother Mrs. T. E. SIMS on Sunday.
Mrs. Rilla BUSH is spending time with her brother Mr. D. SIMS of near Providence.
Miss Gertrude PIPKINS spent Sunday night with Miss Rosa Lee MORROW.
"Oh! Yeah!" Wedding bells rang around here Saturday night. Mr. Boyce HUGGINS and Mrs. Lela BLACK were happily married. We wish them...(word missing?) enough clouds to cover a golden sunset.---Reporter.
1937 Butler County News
Jan. 1937
Mrs. Bob PAGE left today for her home in Water Valley. Miss. after a visit with her mother Mrs. Bob Black.
1-28-1937 Butler County News
Irene Black married Alvin Kindig, son of H. L. Kindig of Evergreen on Friday by Rev. J. E. Tate. They will make their home at Georgiana with the bride's mother. (more in Evergreen Courant)
Mrs. Amelia BARLOW died suddenly on Tuesday night Dec. 29th at 11:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sallie STINSON with whom she had been making her home for the past few months. She had been feeble for the past few days and passed away from a heart attack. Her son Arch was in the room with her. She called him and told him to do something for her. He arose to make a light. She was sitting upon the bed and fell over, struggled, and was dead.
She is survivied by three sons and one daughter and some grandchildren. Her daughter lives in Florida and was not present. One son preceded her to the grave a few years ago. One granddaughter, whom she raised, lives in Chapman and came after burial.
She was 80 years old this past September 15. Rev. A. L. BONNER held services.
Mrs. John SIMS died Saturday night at 9 o'clock after a few days' illness. Burial was at Morrow on Monday. Rev. C. W. NORTHCUTT held services. She is survived by her husband and eight children and a number of other relatives. She formerly lived at Opp.
Mrs. Lou H. VICKERY of Mt. Pisgah died at the home of her son Mr. Dennie VICKERY on Dec. 30. Interment was at Forest Home.--Friend.
February 1937 STARLINGTON
Our community was made sad when the news came that Mr. Ben SNEAD of this place was dead. He died Tuesday morning Feb. 2, 1937 at seven o'clock at the home of Mr. Joe MORROW of Morrow School House where he was stricken Monday night, Feb. 1. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Morrow School House. Jim C. JOHNSON in charge.
Mr. Charles BRANTLEY of Pensacola, Fla., Mrs. E. O. MIXON and children of Montgomery spent Saturday night with Mrs. Lyda MIXON and family.
We only have five new cases of mumps now. Messrs. Johnnie and Eddie MIXON, Cecil MCGOWIN, Mrs. Annie STINSON, and Miss Ila STINSON. We hope they all will be out soon.
Little Jimmy BRANTLEY of Montgomery and Little June BRANTLEY of Red Level spent Saturday night with their grandmother, Mrs. Lyda MIXON and family.
Miss Alice AUSTIN spent Tuesday with Miss Edna HICKS.
Mr. and Mrs. Leston BLACK and son Hubert of Greenville were weekend guests of their parents mr. and Mrs. R. H. HICKS.
Mr. Robert DEAN of Mt. Pisgah was the weekend guest of Mr. Hilton HICKS.
Misses Ouida PAGE and Mildred GANDY and Mr. Verbon GANDY spent a while Saturday night with Miss Edna HICKS of this place.
Come on Bethel West, let us hear from you.--Reporter.
February 1937 PROVIDENCE
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. PHILLIPS and Miss Lizzie STINSON were recent visitors to Frisco City.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe IKENEY and children of Megargel spent the latter part of the week here with Mr. and Mrs. Grady STINSON.
Mr. Zack MORRELL died at his home on the afternoon of January 28 at 4 o'clock after an illness of some duration but was not considered serious until towards the end. Stones in the gall of his liver was said to be the trouble. He had an operation but never fully recovered some years hence. A few days before the end he was taken back to the hospital but again came home a day or so before the end came. Dr. Stabler was with him and said the end would soon come. He was talking and laughing a few minutes before the end came. He got worse and passed away. He was 66 years of age last September. He leaves a wife and one son, also an aged mother, 3 sisters and several other relatives. Revs. Noland and Headley held the services and burial took place at noon Saturday.
We regret very much to hear of the death of Mr. Ben SNEAD which occurred Tuesday morning. We understand he was taken suddenly ill late the afternoon before. He just recently moved from here to Starlington. We can say of him, he was a good neighbor.--Friend.
Garland Baptist Church
The ladies of the Garland W. M. U. met at the home of Mrs. Z. A. MIDDLETON Wednesday January 27 for their monthly business meeting.
The President Mrs. Claiborne JOYNER called the meeting to order with a song. The devotional was taken from the 8th chapter of Corinthians, A very interesting talk on tithing was rendered by the president, urging each member to tithe.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary. Reports were made by the chairman of each committee. Mrs. R. L> JOYNER, Mrs. R. T. PULLEN, and Mrs. Z. A. MIDDLETON were appointed to serve on the entertaining committee for the County W. M. U. 4th Quarterly Conference to be held here in October.
The Standard of Excellence was explained by the president and each...(failed to copy the rest)
2-11-1937 ROUTE ONE
Well, it seems as if Spring is just around the corner.
Miss Dottie Ann BLACK, who is attending school in Greenville spent the weekend with homefolks.
Miss Elizabeth CROSS spent Wednesday night with Miss Rosa Lee MORROW.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel BLACK and children have moved to Georgiana.
Mrs. Fred MORRIS and children spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Hugh BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs Zibia BLACK and daughter Eloise are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. G.R. BLACK.
Misses Hazel and Fronie BLACK and Mr. Floyd BLACK are convalescing from an attack of the mumps.
Mrs. R. H. HICKS, Mrs. Leston BLACK and son Hubert, Misses Ann Lynn TILL and Pearl and Edna BLACK visited Mrs. Carl HICKS, of Garland, a while Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kindig of evergreen spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Isabelle BLACK.
Mr. Bruce BLACK, who has accepted a position in Mobile, spent the past weekend with homefolks.
Mrs. Omie BLACK spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilton GARNER.
Miss Rosa Lee MORROW spent Sunday night with Miss Elizabeth Cross.
Mr. Leston BLACK of Greenville was the dinner guest of Mr. G. R. BLACK Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton GARNER and children, Mrs. Omie BLACK, Misses Pearl and edna BLACK and Mr. Monk GOODWIN were afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. BLACK and Mrs. Ben SNEAD Sunday.
As news is scarce, will sidetrack for better writers.--Reporter.
Death announcement for Mr. Bob Black
RL (Bob) Black's obit by Rev. JB Byrd
RL Black's obit by Pearl Black
Roy Snead family reunion.
Maggie Jo Goodwin of Mobile, Ala. is engaged to Harold A. Purvis of Crichton, Ala. Maggie is the daughter of Mr/Mrs. Robert L. Goodwin. She previously resided in our town (Georgiana) and proved a young lady of sterling worth.
Mr/Mrs J. L. Black of Ebeneza West spent last Friday with their aunt Mrs. Albert Hicks of Sunnyside.
Dec. 1937
Mr/Mrs. Hugh Black of Georgiana, Alabama, announce the engagement of their daughter, Una, to William Taylor, of Greenville, Ala., the wedding to take place Dec. 24, 1937.
Dec. 1937
On Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the home of the writer, it was my privilege and pleasure to perform the ceremony for Mr. Edward Leslie Black and Miss Winnie Nell Moorer. Mr. Black is the oldest son of Mrs. J. L. Black and the late Mr. Black of Ebeneza West community. He is a very popular young man in his community, enjoying wide acquaintance throughout the county. Mrs. Black is a native of the Forest Home community and is teaching school at Green-Moore. This young couple is from the best of families and they have a bright future. We join their many friends in wishing them success and joy in a long life. JB Byrd
MARRIED 12-30-1937
Mr. J. R. CARPENTER of Georgiana, Route 3, and Mrs. Ada PRIDE of Georgiana were married Sunday, Dec. 26th. We join with their many friends in extending best wishes.
1938 Butler County News
Mr. and Mrs. Wess BLACK of Repton, Messrs. BLACK and Mr. and Mrs. STRINGER, all of Jackson, and Mrs. Susie BLACK and children of Dixonville were recently called her by the illness of Mr. I. N. BLACK.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde MCNAUGHTON of Dixonville were recent visitors near here.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. BURKETT of Frisco City and Mr. and Mrs. TURNIPSEED of Molino, Fla. were recent visitors here.
Mr. W. W. Stinson was a recent visitor to Frisco City.
News of the death of Mr. Steve SIMS, who died suddenly yesterday, has been received here. He was about 85 years of age.
Mr. Cecil PINKERTON of Troy was a recent visitor here. He is expected home for the Spring holidays this week.
Mrs. Willie BURKETT and part of her children, Mr. Herbert BURKETT and W. R. STINSON were recently called to Brewton by the serious illness of Thomas BURKETT,--Friend.
1938 Morrow Schoolhouse
Here we are again after a few weeks' absence.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. BLACK and daughters, Bonnie, and Mary Louise, of Jackson, Tenn. returned home on Wednesday after visiting relatives at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Carbie BLACK spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. SLAWSON.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton NEWBERN and sons, Kenneth and Eston, of Charleston, S.C. recently visited relatives here.
Mrs. Roy MORROW and baby spent the weekend in Andalusia with her mother Mrs. Mittie HALL.
Mrs. Fletcher DUNLAP and son, Cecil of Alma, Ga., and Miss Joyce DUNLAP, of Waresboro, Ga. spent last weekend here with relatives.
Mrs. Melvin MAY and children are spending this weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. BLACK.
Mrs. Carl HICKS and son Bobby spent last week with her mother, Mrs. G. R. BLACK.
Mrs. Eric Edge and children spent a few days last week with Mrs. Hugh BLACK.
Miss Tee GOODWIN and little sister Eleanor spent last weekend with Mrs. J. A. MORROW.
Miss Hazel BLACK is convalescing at her home to the delight of her friends.
Everybody remember our revival the fourth Sunday this month, and you are invited to attend.
Oct 1938 Route 1
Mrs. Louie Black spent the week with her sister Mrs. John Griffin of Skinnerton.
Mrs. JW Black and children Zula, New (Ned?), and Sarah spent Sun. with her brother Mr. Johnnie Fail of Shackleville.
11-3-1938 Rt. One
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Griffin, Mrs. Anna Griffin, Mrs. Laura Snowden, all of Skinnerton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Robert L. Black.
On the morning of the 4th of July 1939, the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK began to gather at their home, together with a few of their friends, to celebrate the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. BLACK. Mr. BLACK's birthday being on the 3rd day of July, and Mrs. BLACK's being on the 3rd day of August, it was made a joint occasion.
There were 35 present during the day and 33 enjoyed the fine birthday dinner together. The birthday cake was prepared and baked by Mr. Melvin MAY of Andalusia, a son-in-law, and the cake was beautiful and good, but we were sorry Mr. May could not be with us.
It was their 56th birthday and as all departed for their homes late in the afternoon, we expressed our joy and pleasure to Mr. and Mrs. BLACK for the fine entertainment during the day and wished for them many more happy birthdays together.
The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel BLACK and children, Edgar and Peggy; Mr. and Mrs. Eric EDGE and children, Bobbye Faye, Shirley, and Mary Agnes; Mr. and Mrs. Carbie BLACK and baby Janyce Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Fred MORRIS and children Ranny and Mickey of Georgiana; Mrs. Melvin MAY and children, Renee, Rex, and Carolyn Hue of Andalusia; Mr. and Mrs. William TAYLOR of Greenville; Mr. Herston BLACK, the only child at home; Mr. Jim BLACK, a brother; Mrs. Thomas HOLLOWAY, a sister, and her son Walter; Mrs. Lois PARRETT and son Delayne of Georgiana; Mr. and Mrs. Walter TAYLOR of Greenville; Rev. and Mrs. J. B. BYRD; and Miss Ruby BURKETTE of Georgiana.--J. B. BYRD
July 13, 1939 ROUTE THREE
At eight and nine o'clock last Sunday morning, friends and relatives began to gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. BLACK of Georgiana, Route 3, to celebrate his eight-third birthday, which was Monday, July 10. Mother and father were more than surprised when each one began to come in, bringing their boxes. By 11 o'clock, the entire crowd was present.
The men present left at 10 o'clock, to go in swimming, and they were back by eleven.
At 12 o'clock, the table was spread in the hall. In the center of the table sat the birthday cake, which was cooked by Mrs. Larkin STINSON and Mrs. Robert STINSON. It had the number eighty-three written in the center with candles. The candles were lighted by Mrs. Larkin STINSON and Miss Frankie Doris GODFORD, and Mr. BLACK blew out the candles. Mr. and Mrs. BLACK were placed at the table side by side. Each one ate a hearty dinner and thanks were returned by Mr. BLACK.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the day very much. After lunch the women put away the dishes and the men and boys went again to the old swimming hole.
After all had gathered back at the house, talking and laughing was carried on. There were fifty present in the morning and at noon, while in the afternoon fifty-four were present.
Those present in the morning were
Mr. and Mrs. Elihu PINKERTON and children, Otis, Carrie, and Therl; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. BLACK and children, Ruth, Ona, Grady, Irvin, Opal, and Haywood; Mrs. Jim STINSON and son Burlie; Mr. and Mrs. Bert BLACK and children, T. C., Esther, Bertie Lee, Oy, and Lucile; Mr. and Mrs. Bryce BLACK; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MURPHY; Mr. and Mrs. Herman BOUTWELL and children, Floyd and Gene; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis STINSON and baby Lena Ruth; Mr. and Mrs. Robert STINSON and children, Dee, Doris, Preston, and Gyneal; Mrs. Lucy HIPP; Mr. and Mrs. Larkin STINSON and baby, Lloyd; Misses Frankie, Doris, and Betty GODFORD.
The afternoon guests were
Messrs. Luther and Herman BLACK, Mr. HAYES and son.
Late in the afternoon, each one left, wishing Mr. BLACK many more happy birthdays.--Written by one who was present.
On last Sunday morning, Oct. 22, friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Nap BLACK gathered at their home to celebrate Mrs. BLACK's birthday. She was 83 years old.
The dinner guests came between eight and eleven o'clock. Everyone that brought boxes carried them in and placed them on the table. Mr. and Mrs. BLACK could not guess why so many people were visiting them at once.
There were sixty-three present at noon. The dinner was spread out under the oak trees, where each one enjoyed a dinner fit for a king.
Those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Elyhu PINKERTON and children; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MURPHY; Mr. and Mrs. Houston PINKERTON and baby; Mrs. Emilene STINSON and sons, Burlie and Herschel; Mr. and Mrs. Larkin STINSON and son Lloyd; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. BLACK and children; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HARRIS and children of Pine Apple; Mr. and Mrs. Herman BOUTWELL and children; Mr. and Mrs. Mrycye? BLACK; Mrs. Lucy CASSIDY; Mr. and Mrs. Robert STINSON of Bethel; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis STINSON and children of Forest Home; Mr. Comer ENGLISH of Butler Springs; Misses Franky CORSE and Betty MCARTHUR of Forest Home; Mr. Wes BLACK of Repton; Mr. Press BURKETT and Mr. Twigg BURKETT; Mr. Lee STINSON and Miss Vonie STINSON; Mr. and Mrs. Carl HICKS and children; Mr. and Mrs. Grady STINSON; Rev. and Mrs. L. B. HEADLEY. Mr. Roy STINSON was present a while in the morning. All these enjoyed a nice noon hour.
Those present in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad SMITH and children; Mr. and Mrs. Ziba BLACK and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. George BLACK; Mrs. Mary BURKETT and children; Mrs. Clarence PINKERTON and son, Shelton; Mrs. Beatrice BEASLEY and son, Bruce; Miss Bodie BURKETT.
Rev. L. B. HEADLEY preached a glorious sermon in the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed hearing him.
Mr. and Mrs. BLACK received many nice gifts and in the afternoon everyone left with thoughts of enjoying one more happy day.--One present.
1940 Butler County News
Jan. 1940 Route One
Mr. W. H. GRIFFIN has returned to his home in Andalusia after some time spent with his children, Mrs. W.A. CLEPPER of Route 3 and Mr. David GRIFFIN of this place.
Mrs. Mary MORRIS and daughter Clara are spending a few weeks with her son Houston Morris and family of Evergreen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed JOYNER have moved into our community. Glad to welcome them.
Mrs. Frankie MORROW is on the sick list. Hope for her speedy recovery.
Mrs. Minnie BLACK also continues ill.
Miss Lora MORRIS is visiting relatives in River Falls and Andalusia.
The Rev. J. B. BYRD was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. David GRIFFIN Monday.
Mr. Leroy MORRIS was a weekend visitor around River Falls.
Mrs. David GRIFFIN and daughters Mary Ella and Louise, also Miss Louise MORROW spent a while with Mr. Sam MORROW and family Sunday afternoon.--Reporter.
Our community was made sad on January 8, 1940, by the death of Mr. Joe MORRIS. He was a good man, always trying to scatter sunshine for those around him. Surely a good husband and father has gone to a better home not made with hands.
He leaves to mourn his going a faithful wife, Mrs. Mary MORRIS and the following children: Mr. and Mrs. John MORRIS of Andalusia. Mr. and Mrs. Dan MORRIS and children of River Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Houston MORRIS and daughter of Evergreen; Mrs. Lena KNIGHT and children of Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. Fred MORRIS and children, Georgiana; Mr. and Mrs. Ed JOYNER and children, Georgiana; Mr. Gray MORRIS; Misses Lora and Clara MORRIS; and Mr. Leroy MORRIS, Georgiana.--Reporter.
Obit of Mrs. WN (William Napoleon) Black
Thank you note from the family of Mrs. WN Black signed by Mr. Nap Black, Mrs. Ben Snead and family, Mr/Mrs. Howard Black and baby, Mr/mrs. Chester Black and baby, Mr/Mrs Wilton Garner and family, Mr/Mrs. Henry Black and family, Mr/mrs. Colonel Black, Mr/Mrs. Dick Hicks and family
no date, 1940 (July 18, 25, or Aug. 1)
Obit of Mrs. Robert E. Burkett
Local Notes--Miss Hazel Black had as her dinner guests Thursday a large group of young people of the community. After dinner all went to the creek where a good time was had by all. After returning to Miss Black's home, they enjoyed a watermelon cutting.
Those enjoying the family reunion given in honor of Mrs. Frankie [BLACK] MORROW Sunday, August 4, by her children Sam, Bud, and Ernest were as follows:
Families of the surrounding community: Mrs. Jack BLACK and children; Mrs. Evie HUGGINS and children, Jodie and Evie Lou; Mrs. Bruce [Bucie?] HUGGINS and children of Starlington; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BLACK and children, Edna and Floyd; Mrs. Louie BLACK; Miss Fronie BLACK; Mrs. Omie BLACK and daughter Pearl; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. LOWE and children; Mr. and Mrs. Watson BLACK and children, Hilburn and Faye; Mr. and Mrs. David GRIFFIN and daughters, Mary Ella and Louise; Louise MORROW; Mrs. Ester STINSON and son, Forest; Mr. Erly BLACK; Mr. Derry SKIPPER; Mr. Theo BLACK; Miss Mildred GANDY; Mrs. J. M. BOLLING; Mrs. Sam STINSON and son Edward, all of Georgiana, Route 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud MORROW and daughter Wyoleen of Evergreen.
Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK and grandson Ranny [MORRIS]; Mr. and Mrs. Earl CASEY and children; Mrs. Thomas HOLLOWAY; Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. POWELL.
From Georgiana: Rev. and Mrs. J. B. BYRD and granddaughter, Christine MURPHY.
Flomaton: Mr. and Mrs. John GANDY and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ed BRUNSON and children; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. GANDY and son; Mrs. Haynes CRAPP; Mr. and Mrs. Newton GANDY and children; Mr. and Mrs. Walter ENGLISH and daughter Edna.
Bluff Springs, Fla.: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McCOY and daughter Marjorie; Mrs. M. F. HUGGINS; Mr. Willie HUGGINS.
Excel: Mrs. Sallie HUGGINS; Mr. and Mrs. Tommie HUGGINS; Mr. and Mrs. Jim PHILLIPS and family; Mrs. Dehlia HICKS and children.
Frisco City: Mrs. W. B. SAWYER and Mrs. J. E. SAWYER.
Each one departed in the afternoon wishing Mrs. MORROW many more happy occasions.
8-8-1940 Greenville Apiarist Killed by Lightning
Lawrence HARE, 37, Greenville apiarist, was killed by a bolt of lightning last Friday while working with the bees.
No concern was felt by members of his household upon his failure to come to lunch, but when he failed to arrive for his evening meal, his absence was investigated. He was found beside a bee hive and a tree, the tree having been splintered by lightning.
Mr. and Mrs. ID Sims announce the marriage of their daughter Sudie to Mr. Home G. Cox of Shawmut, Okla. They were married in LaGrange, Ga. where Cox was a baseball umpire with the Alabama State League. They will live in Miami, Fla. after vaseball season is over.
Mr. Tom Black's daughter, Recie Lou, married Mr. PG Fayard of Mobile in Bay St. Louis, Miss. Fayard works for the L&N Railroad.
Roy Snead and Rev. JB Byrd held a joint birthday party at Rev, Byrd's home. Violin and guitar music was provided by Mr. OP Curry and Mr. Earnest Morrow. Those present were Mr/Mrs. OP Curry, Mr/Mrs. Sam Morrow, Mr/Mrs. JC McInvale, Mr/Mrs. Glen Salter and daughter Jeane, Mr/Mrs. Lambert Watford and daughter Miss Agnes and son Wayne, Mrs. Allen Morgan and daughter Yvonne, Mr/Mrs. Mary Palmer, and Mr/Mrs. Colonel Black. Many valuable presents were received from those present and some from our friends who could not attend. For all those we wish for everyone good health, happiness, and a long life of prosperity.
Mrs. JE Black and Mrs. Lillie Warren were visitors in Montgomery last Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bo Martin.
1941 Butler County News
5-29-1941 Route One
Here we are again. But wish we had a good rain to cheer us up.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert HICKS, Mr. and Mrs. Leston BLACK and son Herbert [Hubert], Mrs. Andrew BLACK were visitors to Ellenton and Waycross, Ga. this weekend. They stated a very nice trip.
Napolon [sic] BLACK was much surprised Sunday morning when his children and other visitors started coming--it was his birthday. All his children were there and all his sisters and brothers except one. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Colonel BLACK, Mrs. R. L. BLACK and family, Andrew BLACK and son Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton GARNER and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Richard HICKS and children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard BLACK and son Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Chester BLACK and son Oliver, Sydney BLACK, John Jack LEE, Mrs. Mary HUGGINS of Bluff Springs, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Henry BLACK and children from Andalusia. they all left that afternoon wishing him many more happy birthdays.
Mrs. Mary HUGGINS spent last week visiting relatives.
Willie HUGGINS, Mrs. T.C. MCCOY and daughter Marjorie were guests of Mrs. R. L. BLACK recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DEAN of Montgomery spent the weekend with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William TAYLOR and son of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK.
Sunday is preaching day. So let's all come to church.
Misses Edna and Pearl BLACK and Alma GARNER spent the week with Mrs. Colonel BLACK of Georgiana recently.
1942 Butler County News
Mr. and Mrs. Sam MORROW, Mr. Ernest MORROW, and Mr. Watson BLACK and others were called to Excel last Friday by the sudden death of their aunt, Mrs. Sallie HUGGINS. The bereaved family has the sympathy of this community.
Mrs. David GRIFFIN visited her mother, Mrs. T. E. SIMS, Monday.
Mr. Roy MORROW has accepted a position in Mobile.
Miss Lois MORROW, who is employed in Andalusia, spent the weekend with homefolks.
Mary Ella and Louise GRIFFIN spent Sunday afternoon with Louise MORROW.
Mr. Ray MORROW of Montgomery is spending a few days with home folks.
Mrs. Bessie WILLIAMS spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Sam MORROW.
Little Miss Agnes NICHOLS is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. NICHOLS and family.
1943 Butler County News
Mr. and Mrs. George BLACK enjoyed a family reunion at their home Sunday, July 14, having all their children with them with the exception of one.
A fine dinner was spread on a long table in front of the house. The occasion was to meet with Sgt. Bruce BLACK who has been stationed in the Panama Canal Zone and is home on a 30-day furlough.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl HICKS and children, Bobby and Carson; Mr. and Mrs. Boyce HUGGINS and children, Derrel Wayne and Sylvia Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Leon PAGE and daughter, Betty Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Leston BLACK and son, Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthurell SKINNER and baby and Mr. Charlie PHILLIPS, all of Mobile.
Mr. Gillis BLACK, of Pensacola, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Zibia BLACK and children Eloise and Clifton of Shackleville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert DEAN and baby of Georgiana; Sgt. Bruce BLACK; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper PHILLIPS and children, Jasper, Monroe, Betty Mae, Mary, and William; Mr. and Mrs. Felix BLACK and children, George Merl and baby.
Mrs. Chester STINSON of Milton, Fla. was the only one not present.
Visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BLACK and daughter Edna; Mrs. Omie BLACK; Miss Phronie BLACK, Mrs. Louie BLACK; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh BLACK and two grandsons, Rannie and Mickey MORRIS of this place; Mr. Pode MURPHY and Mr. Buster PALMER of Shackleville; Mr. J.B. CHAVERS? of Buckaloo.
All enjoyed the day and hope to meet with Sergt. BLACK again.
Sept. 30, 1943
The Third District Sacred Harp Singing Convention will be held at New Home Church two miles south of Georgiana the first Sunday in October. All singers invited to come and bring books and well-filled baskets.
H.N. BLACK, Chairman
1944 Butler County News
Somewhere in Italy
November 6, 1944
Dear Sis and Family:
I will write you again in answer to your letter I received yesterday. Sure was glad to hear from you and to know you all are doing fine. Say, I also received the gum and thanks a lot for it sure was good. I had a letter also from mother yesterday and they were doing fine. I also got three pages from home and two fruit cakes. Gee, they were good. How is the weather at home? It is very nice here today. I hope it stays that way for a a while now. Well, I will close for now so answer soon. Lots of love,
Pvt. Sidney BLACK is somewhere in Italy, and has been wounded twice and is now serving in the medical detachment. His address is: Pvt. Sidney BLACK, ABN 34708211, 1st Bn. Med. Det. 135 Inf., A. P. O. 34, c/o P. M. New York, N. Y.
1945 Butler County News
6-7-1945 Providence
Mrs. Johnnie DAVIS of Red Level was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aden DAVIS and family.
Misses Cleo and Essie Mae DAVIS and Eugene were recent guests of relatives at Mobile.
Mrs. Aden DAVIS is the guest of her daughter Mrs. POUNCY of Atmore.
Relatives and friends were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Minnie BLACKBURN BLACK of Blackshear. She was reared near here and married here, but has made her home there since. She died May 13th after having suffered a stroke of paralysis and lived two weeks without gaining consciousness. She is survived by her husband Mr. Elijah BLACK, several children, two brothers, and one sister.
Mr. Ivan HOOD of Atmore was a recent guest of his mother here.
Mr. Stanley BURKETT of the Great Lakes Naval Base is expected home this week for a few days visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed EADY and children have been guests of relatives at Bluff Springs, Fla. for a few days.
Miss Estelle PINKERTON will attend S. T. C. at Troy for the summer.
July 5, 1945 PROVIDENCE
Mrs. Jay SMITH and daughter of Foley were the guests of relatives here this past week.
Mrs. Herman BOUTWELL and children of Loxley are spending a month here at Pineapple with relatives, also at Greenville.
Mrs. Sallie BLACK, 88 years of age, widow of the late Mr. I. N. BLACK, departed this life on Tuesday a.m. about 2 o'clock, after being an invalid for 3 or 4 years. The cause of her affliction was that she fell and dislocated her hip and never walked another step. She made her home at her son-in-laws, Mr. J. E. PINKERTON. Burial was here about noon Wednesday. Rev. Jones held funeral services in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. She was a member of the Methodist Church since early in life. The deceased is survived by 3 sons, two daughters, 3 sons having preceded her to the grave since they reached their manhood. Johnson's funeral home directed the funeral.
1947 Butler County News
Obit of Annie Elizabeth Black
Nora TAYLOR of Bluff Springs, Fla. visited Mrs. R. L. BLACK (BCN no date)
1950 Butler County News
Mr. and Mrs. A.Z. POWELL celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday [Oct. 22]. They were happy to have with them all their children and a host of friends. See local page for complete report.
1951 Butler County News
8-16-1951 Ebenezer West Cemetery Working
Remember the cemetery working at Ebenezer West on Saturday August 18th, 1951. Please come and bring tools for cleaning off the cemetery. Bring lunch and let's finish the job.
Mr. John A. MORROW of Route One Georgiana was the winner of the Butler Co. News melon contest for 1951. His entry was a delicious Black Diamond melon and weighed 66 pounds. Mr. MORROW receives a two-year subscription to the Butler County News as grand prize.
1954 Escambia County
Jan. 21, 1954 [from the Atmore Advance]
Miss Willonese English and Lemuel WILLIAMSON were married Friday evening, January 15, in a quiet but impressive ceremony in the home of Rev. and Mrs. William BAKER at Perdido. Rev. Mr. BAKER, the officiating minister, used the double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henson ENGLISH of Atmore and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben WILLIAMSON of Grove Hill, Alabama.
The bride wore a becoming beige suit with which she carried brown accessories and pink carnation corsage. Only the immediate families were present. After a short bridal trip the couple will reside in Atmore.
1955 Butler County News
Thursday, July 7, 1955
Mr. Hugh N. BLACK had his annual 4th of July birthday celebration on Sunday this year when some hundred or more of the BLACK clan gathered at this home on Starlington Road for the annual occasion.
Shown in the picture above are four generations: Mr. and Mrs. Hesie lee PIERCE of Foley; Mr. H. N. BLACK holding his great-grandchildren, David Wayne HILL and Felecia Nia PIERCE; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin MAY of Andalusia.
This July celebration of Mr. Black's has been an annual custom for many years and is eagerly looked forward to by members of the family and their friends, quite a number of whom came quite a distance to be present. At the noon hour a table was arranged under the trees in the yard and a bountiful feast was spread after which visiting and reminiscing bring the family up to date on news matters was enjoyed until time to depart to await another year.
c. 1955
Mystery Farm No. 18 Identified as Hugh BLACK Place
Hugh Napoleon Black is the owner of Mystery Farm No. 18 as shown in the Butler Co. news last week.
This place is located 3 1/2 miles northwest of Georgiana, is a portion of the estate of his father, E. L. BLACK, which contained 1,047 acres which was divided with Hugh's mother and nine children.
Hugh originally had 95 acres but sols off some and now has 52 1/2 acres. Asked the type of farming, he replied, timber growing. He had just sold 57 cords of paper wood.
He was born and reared on same tract of land one mile from where he now lives. Mr. Black was married to Rosa Belle HALL, Dec. 6, 1905 and this coming December will be 50 years.
They have seven children who are as follows: Ansel BLACK, Swannie EDGE, Georgiana; Mrs. Virginia MAY, Andalusia; Mrs. Otrie MORRIS, Georgiana; Carbie BLACK, Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Bill TAYLOR, Baton Rouge, La.; and Herston BLACK, Georgiana.
Mr. BLACK was an employee of the L&N Railroad 26 1/2 years. He retired in 1948.
His hobby is raising game chickens. He loves singing, especially Sacred Harp, and will go miles to attend one.
Mystery Farm No. 19 is omitted this week. It will appear next issue.
W.H. Harwell Owner Mystery Farm
The Butler Co. News aerial photographers flew by and made the photograph of Mr. W. M. (Mack) Harwell's place which appeared in last week's issue.
A large number came in and identified the place.
Mr. Harwell was born and reared in the Mt. Pisgah community, Route 3, Georgiana, where he lived 26 years. He moved to Georgiana and lived here 14 years after which he moved to his present location at Industry where he now has his 33rd crop.
This farm was previously owned by John REESE. Mr. HARWELL has since remodeled the home and built the barns. The farm encompasses 298 acres--30 acres in pasture; 120 acres in cultivation; balance woodland.
General crops are grown--Cotton, corn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, etc. Mr. Harwell is quite proud of his fine 3-acre patch of corn, which will make a fine yield if it rains. He is a modern tractor farmer. This farm is one of the best terraced in the county. Although past 70 he is actively farming. he and his son M. T. farm together but have separate crops. They are good farmers and they have some of the best land in this section of Alabama to farm on. last year he filled all his cribs with corn and his son filled all his cribs and they hogged corn until February.
In the stock lin Poland China hogs are specialized in. Has sold $1600 worth of hogs since Christmas. Also have some beef cattle. But hogs are the biggest item.
Mr. HARWELL was married to Miss Omie BLACK in 1905. She died about 3 years ago. He has three children, two sons and one daughter. They are Mrs. A. B. JOHNSON, New Orleans, La. W. T. HARWELL, Montgomery, and M. T. HARWELL, Route 2, Georgiana.
He is a member of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church and very active in religious work. He served 13 years very efficiently as treasurer of the Butler County Baptist Association. He has also taken a wide interest in community affairs and is widely known and highly respected by large numbers of friends.
Mr. HARWELL immediately recognized his home and claimed the original picture 5x7 mounted.
Beautiful enlarged colored pictures of the Mystery Farms are now available in 5x7, 8x10, and 11x14 sizes in black in white or full color. If your farm is pictured or has been carried in the paper during the series, and you would like enlarged pictures in color they may be secured at reasonable prices. Ask about them at The Butler County News office.
9-8-1955 Butler County News
[article under photograph of farm]
Mystery Farm No. 14 Identified as the Zack POWELL Place
Mrs. Zack POWELL of Starlington was surprised Friday when she went to the mailbox and got her Butler County News--as soon as she opened the paper she recognized her home and called to her husband, "Oh! Zack, our place is in the paper."
Mr. Zack POWELL bought this farm from the heirs of John BRYAN in 1906. (Children of Mr. BRYAN were Mrs. Lula MORRIS, Mrs. S. J. WILLIAMS, John BRYAN, Hilary BRYAN, Herbert BRYAN, and George BRYAN.)
Mr. BRYAN homesteaded a portion of the farm. The farm now consists of 280 acres of which 80 acres is farm land, 40 acres pasture, and balance 160 acres woodland. Mr. POWELL grew row crops, corn, cotton, and peanuts--at one time he raised strawberries. Now 82 years of age he is not actively engaged in farming. He rents out his land.
The original BRYAN home burned in 1911 and Mr. POWELL rebuilt. The second home burned in 1926 and the present home as shown in the photograph was built.
Mr. POWELL was born at Tupelo, Pontiac [sic--should be Pontotoc] County, Miss., and moved here with his parents at the age of seven. He worked for the L & N Railroad when a young man. Later worked with the W. T. SMITH Lumber Co. and was steel gang foreman on the Dunham log road which used to run west of Georgiana. He was married to Mamie T. GAMBLE in 1900. They have nine children as follows: Bruce, Birmingham; Elsie, who teaches in Birmingham; A.Z., Jr., and W. B., Mobile; Mrs. L.E. COOPER, and Mrs. G. H. BLACK, Pensacola, Fla.; Mrs. Travis WOOD, Montgomery; Louise C. POWELL, Georgiana.
Mr. POWELL is a member of the Georgiana Masonic Lodge, and he and Mrs. POWELL are members of the Starlington Baptist Church, she being a charter member and possibly member longer than any other person of this church.
Mrs. POWELL is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Houston GAMBLE who moved to the place where Robert HICKS now lives in 1881. She has lived a busy and useful life and is due special mention, She began teaching in the schools in 1897. She taught at Starlington and Providence schools--Starlington in the summer and Providence in the winter. She recalls boarding at the home of Jim Mark BURKETT, where his daughter, Miss Missouri BURKETT and nephew Clinton BURKETT now live. After she married she quit teaching, but boarded the teachers while raising her family. Since her children have grown she has served as supply teacher at Starlington Jr. High School. She supplies from the first grade to the ninth and enjoys the work. Besides this she carries on her home work, church work, and other things that come to hand.
We are very happy to present this worthy couple and their fine family to the readers of the Butler County News this week.

Page updated 15 Feb 2005.