Greenville Advocate, Greenville, Alabama, Thursday, July 2,
1874, Vol IX,
Number 35, (Microfilm---Alabama
Department of Archives & History):
"Murder.-On Thursday last an ex-
cursion train of Pensacola Negroes, on
the return from Montgomery, stopped
for a while at Fort Deposit. The ne-
groes got off the train and soon got into
a row in the town. The marshal, Mr.
Isaac Goodson, undertook to quell the dis-
turbance, when he was shot dead by one
of the black rascals named Charles St.
Clair, of Montgomery. The murderer
was immediately arrested and taken be-
fore a magistrate, but as most of the
white people were away from business,
at dinner, his black companions were
numerous enough to take him away from
the officers of the law. Information of
the affair was telegraphed to Greenville,
and when the train arrived here, the au-
thorities had a large and well armed
posse at the depot, and the offender was
arrested without resistance, and lodged
in jail.
It was fortunate for the black excur-
sionists that they quietly gave up the
murderer. The outraged people were
in no humor to be trifled with, and a lit-
tle spark would have kindled a great
An officer from Lowndes was in the
city yesterday, and will carry the prison-
er to that county on Friday."
Greenville Advocate, Greenville, Alabama, Thursday, July 9, 1874,Vol IX,
Number 36, (Microfilm---Alabama Department of Archives & History):
"The Murderer.-The Negro St.
Clair, or Sinclair, who murdered Mar-
shal Goodson at Fort Deposit, was de-
livered by our sheriff to the proper au-
thorities, and had a preliminary trial at
the scene of his murder on last Friday.
He was carried to Hayneville jail on
Saturday. He says he was raised by
Mrs. Evans, of Lowndes county. The
negroes of Fort Deposit made some
quiet, but significant and offensive de-
monstrations while the prisoner was in
that town."
Greenville Advocate, Greenville, Alabama, Thursday, August 6, 1874, Vol
Number 40 (Microfilm---Alabama Department of Archives & History):
"The Negro, Henry Sinclair, who mur-
dered Marshal Goodson, of Fort Deposit,
has been removed to Montgomery jail
by order of Judge Smith, on the affida-
vit of his mother that he was in danger
of being taken from Hayneville jail and
Greenville Advocate, Greenville, Alabama, Thursday, July 2, 1874, Vol IX,
Number 35:
(Microfilm---Alabama Department of Archives & History)
At a regular communication of Fort Deposit
Lodge, No. 291 A F. and A.M.. Saturday, June
27, 1874, the following preamble and resolutions
were unaminously adopted:
Whereas. Through the inscrutable Providence
of the Grand Master of the universe, our esteemed
worthy brother, Isaac C. Goodson, has been
called from our earthly Lodge to the Grand Trib-
unal on high, thereby leaving a void in our num-
ber, and in our hearts: be it therefore.
Resloved.. That while we regret the untimely
death of our Brother, and the cruel act that
snatched him so suddenly from health and life,
yet we hope that his trust was surely fixed on
Him "that doeth all things well," and that our loss
has been his eternal gain.
That, to his bereaved widow and family, we ten-
der our sincere sympathy in this their dark hour of
trouble: praying that He who is mindful of every
sparrow's fall , will by his divine spirit comfort and
sustain them in their deep distress.
That. In memory of our Brother, and as a small
token of respect , we will wear the badge of mourn-
ing for thirty days, and inscribe his name on a
blank leaf of the Secretary's book, with the date
of his death.
That the Hayneville Examiner and Greenville
Advocate be requested to publish these resolu-
tions, and the Secretary furnish a copy to the
family of the deceased.
W. P. Rice
M.G. Hammond

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