Thames Obituary

from the Southwest Baptist

submitted by Dorothy Thames Emert, great-granddaughter.

Greenville, AL 12 Sep 1863.

Whereas, it pleased God on the 2nd of Sept, to remove from our fellowship, to that of the saints above, our very dear brother and Deacon, J. G. Thames.

Resolved, That in the death of our brother we feel that we have sustained an irreparable loss.   He was indeed a pillar in the Church, and in the use of the Deacons' office, "he purchased to himself a good degree, and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus".   He has left a wife and six children deeply bereft, to whom we tender our heartfelt sympathy and earnest prayer, that God may comfort and sustain them in this hour of trial.

Resolved, That a copy of this notice be spread upon our Church book, a copy be sent to the family of our deceased brother, and one be sent to the Southwest Baptist for publication.   Read and adopted for conference this 12th day of Sept, 1863.

W. Archer, J. E. Bell, G. W. Goldwhite

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