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Oxford Memorial Gardens, located in Oxford, Alabama on McKibbon Street, is in a residential area, a few blocks northwest of the business section.
The cemetery was surveyed in 1987 by Yvonne Self and published by the Annie-Calhoun Book Shop, a part of the Anniston-Calhoun County Public Library. Copies of the book are $12 ($3 shipping) and can be ordered using the form at
Exit No. 185 (Oxford, Ariniston, Ft. McClellan exit) off Interstate 20; north on highway 21 [becomes Quintard Avenue]; cross highway #78, continue to Choccolocco Street [north end of mall]; west on Choccolocco to Main Street in downtown Oxford; north on Main two blocks; west on McKibbon; cross railroad tracks [in use] to cemetery.
The cemetery is open every day from daylight to evening. Mr. Best, caretaker, is on duty during the week and can aid in locating graves.
Although there are two gates on Oak Street, they are kept locked. The only way in and out of the cemetery is the McKibbon Street entrance.
Sketches were drawn to show the order in which inscriptions were copied, help locate graves and show unmarked areas. This cemetery is very old and it is impossible to be certain how many unmarked graves exist. There is an unusually low number of broken tombstones. Unmarked spaces are not noted in the text. Graves that are marked but have no inscription are noted on the sketches with an X inside a square.
Each plot was assigned a number, as was each grave within the plot. When more than one name appeared on the same tombstone, each name was assigned a letter. Not all plots are clearly defined. Inscriptions in the newer sections face both east and west and plot markers sometimes face north and south making it impossible to be certain exactly where one plot begins and the other ends. In these instances, plot numbers were assigned according to the different surnames found.
All brackets [] are the compiler's. Parentheses () are inscribed on tombstones. Footstone is abbreviated, fts.
Although every effort was made to record the tombstone inscriptions exactly as they appear, there is a possibility of error. Please contact the compiler if one is found. Be sure to check the tombstone first, as there are many discrepancies between tombstone inscriptions and other records.
Text was underlined to note anything unusual. For instance, Braswell was spelled three different ways. According to inscriptions, Dialthia Smith died 13 Oct 1900. Carroll Smith was born 1901. Both dates were underlined.
All proceeds from the first 100 copies of this book have been designated for the use of the Anniston-Calhoun County Public Library.
Over 1900 tombstone inscriptions with many of the verses were copied and compiled for those interested in researching their ancestors and for others interested in the history of Oxford.
The first known burial was that of a young child named John Eichelberger who died 22 Sep 1849.
Earlier that year, William Harrison had entered 40 acres of land described in the Tract Book at the Calhoun County Courthouse in Anniston, Alabama as the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 16, Range 8.
In 1872 William Harrison and his wife M. A. Harrison, of the Town of Oxford, sold to Daniel D. Draper, Robert McKibbon and Daniel P. Gunnels, of the Said Town of Oxford, "all that certain Lot or parcel of Land in Said Town of Oxford known as the Harrison graveyard Lot and bounded as follows, commencing at a Rock corner on the North Side of Mechanics [Oak) Street thence running North six degrees west - 450 feet to another Rock corner thence West 35 degrees 30 minutes South 457 feet to an Oak tree Thence South five degrees East - 180 feet to another Rock corner thence East 406 feet to the beginning point - containing three acres more or less." Later, additional land was purchased as the cemetery grew.
During these years, people from all walks of life and different faiths were buried in this oldest section. Ann Likens who was a member of the Presbyterian Church for 50 years, born before the Revolutionary War, was buried a few months after the first incorporation of the City of Oxford in 1852. Nearby Dr. Stephen C. Williams and his wife, Mary, buried their infant son, J. Frederick Williams in January. 1853. Dr. Williams was a Baptist and was mayor of Oxford in 1860.
Tombstones mark the graves of many Civil War veterans including Samuel Camp Kelly of "Kelly's Infantry" and a few of "Dudley Snow's Rangers". The famed "Rainbow Division" of WWI is inscribed on several markers. A memorial tombstone was placed in Section Four for Francis Roberts entombed on the USS Arizona 7 Dec 1941. Another can be found in Section Seven for Paul Williams, lost at sea during WWII.
Eliza Harrison, ex-slave of Wm. & Frankie Harrison, was buried in the oldest section in 1912.
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