A continuation of the Hurricane Church book commencing with the year 1848, including the Constitution of December 19, 1819, together with the present Decorum adopted in May, 1848.
Then follows the Constitution of December 19, 1819
Article 1st, etc.
Names in 1848 and following minutes:
- Cliett, T. H.
- Daugherty, A
- Duglas, James
- Evans, J
- McArther, Martha
- Raley, Samuel
- Robertson, Daniel
- Russel, Isaiah F., Pastor 1849
- Smith,
- Swann, A
- Yarbrough, Rich.
Members ca 1868
- Braswell, Ada, J.S. & Lila
- Donald, J.M., Lizzie, F.W.
- Donald, Lula, Pirl, Dollie
- Davis, Avie
- Daugherty, J.A., Junnie?, F.E., Annie
- Goff, Mamie, Effie
- Goff, Lilly
- Goff, Tom
- McAdams, E.V., Mary, Narar, G.A.
- McAdams, Ernes? or Emma?
- McAdams, G. A.
- Napp, S., Emma, Lelon, Lelorma?,
- Napp, Nettie, Emly, Lilly
- Napp, Jessie, Walter, B.L., W.L.
- Stallworth, L. G., H. D., Bessie
Compiled by Ann H. Gay
Hurricane Baptist Church Members
Atchley, Joseph C. 1875
Atchley, Joshueway 1875
Atchley, Mary 1854
Atchley, Rebecke 1875
Burt, Burton 1875
Campbell, C. W. & wife M.F. 1871
Campbell, Chalres 1872
Campbell, Evelina 1872
Carr, Martha 1864
Coker, Martha 1864
Coleman?, Margaret 1863
Coleman?, Martha 1863
Conner, Margera & Martha 1871
Daugherty, Arnet 1849
Davis, Gates? A. 1864
Davis, J. 1871
Davis, Jane (Miss) 1969
Day, J. M. & Julia 1859
Day, J.M. & wife Mary 1867
Duglas, James 1848
Evans, Ben J. 1848
Evans, Jehu 1848
Fenley, A. 1850
Freemon, Sister 1874
Gray>, John A. 1854
Harger, Mary E. 1870
Heron, J. (male) 1850
Heron, M. (female) 1850
Hicks, Thomas, 1854
Ive, William H. 1875
Ivey, Daniel S. 1875
Ivy, A. J. 1856
James, C. A. 1854
James, J. C. & wife 1854
Jones, J.T or J.J. 1872
King, John W. 1859
Massey, B. D. 1848
Massey, Mary 1848
Massey, Susannah 1850
Massey, William 1854
McArther, Martha 1849
McIlwaine, Sister 1866
McMelon, James 1875
McPherson, Sister 1866
Miller, A.P. 1870
Miller, Amanda 1864
Miller, Andrew 1864
Miller, J. T. & wife
Miller, S. P. 1864
Mixon, Thomas 1874
Napp, Stephen 1868
Powe, W. T. 1864
Raley, S 1848
Raley, Samuel 1849
Ray, C.C. 1866
Ray, E.M. Sister 1866
Ray, F.H. or F.M. 1866
Ray, H.A. 1866
Ray, Hall & wife Salina 1871
Ray, John H. 1858
Ray, M. B. 1868
Ray, S.O.Y. & wife Josepene 1871
Robertson, Ben D? 1848
Robertson, Daniel 1848
Russel, Isaiah F., pastor 1849
Sanders, 1848
Sanders, Jane Mayfield 1851
Sanders, Merel? 1851
Sanders, Milton 1853
Shoemaker, Rebecca 1850
Smith, B. A. 1848
Smith, Elizabeth 1850
Smith, Joseph 1850
Sumerall, Morgan J., pastor, 1848
Swan, Mary A 1866
Swann, Alford 1848
Swann, Dorothy 1853
Swann, Robert 1864
Tew, Margaret 1872
Thompson, Joel P. & wife Eudora 1855
Waite, J. 1848
Whitlock, Sister 1854
Wilson, William 1869
Yarbrough, Rich. 1850
Yates, Sam, a freedman 1866
copy at Choctaw Co. Public Library
indexed by Ann H. Gay June 2000
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