Some 1874 members
Hazel R. Collins Ivison collected this information which appeared in
Confederate Echoes, November 1965,
issued by Dorothy Ivison Moffett, Mobile.
I found this publication in the Mobile Public Library, copied it, & brought it home. After re-typing some of the lists, the "magic machine" alphabetized all the names for us.
Ivison had the members under male and female headings. I have identified the female members whose first names were initials only by adding (female).
Some of these churches are disbanded, or have changed their names, This is our best guess as to the area they were located in in 1874.
"Out at New Hope Church near Dicks' mill" was in The Choctaw County News, September 19, 1878. The Putnam Dicks family lived at Chappell Hill, near Christopher Chapel Church, or present day Jachin.
Old Name
- Bethel Church - at Cyril
- Ebenezer Church- ?
- Mt. Hebron - Hinton area?
- New Hope - Jachin/Pelham area
- Oak Grove- Halsell Methodist
- Pleasant Valley- Pleasant Hill
- Sharon - Toxey area
Some Methodist Church Members
- Abney, Mary----Butler
- Abston, John----Sharon
- Abston, Martha----Sharon
- Abston, Mary----Sharon
- Adams. Lucinda----Brightwater
- Allen, S. J. (female)----Brightwater
- Arp?, M. D.----Pleasant Valley
- Bailey, David H.----Butler
- Bailey, H. W. (female)----Butler
- Bailey, J. L.----Butler
- Bailey, Robt.----Ebenezer
- Bailey, W. (male)Warner?----Butler
- Barfield, Emily----Brightwater
- Barfield, Susan----Brightwater
- Barns, Addie----Brightwater
- Barns, Elizabeth----Brightwater
- Barns, John---- Brightwater
- Barns, Laura E.---- Brightwater
- Belcher, A. C.---- New Hope
- Blackwell, Martha---- Oak Grove
- Boney, E. H. (female)---- Brightwater
- Boney, J. C.---- Brightwater
- Boney, John ----Brightwater
- Boney, Martha ----Brightwater
- Boney, R. H. (female)---- Brightwater
- Boney, R. J. (female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Boney, Wm. O. ----Brightwater
- Bonner, Emma ----Brightwater
- Bonner, Margrette ----Brightwater
- Bonner, Mary J. ----Brightwater
- Boyken, Frank ----Oak Grove
- Boykin, Jane ----Oak Grove
- Boykin, Margrette ----Oak Grove
- Boykin, Matilda ----Oak Grove
- Boykin, Narcissus---- Oak Grove
- Boykin, Sarah F. ----Oak Grove
- Boykin, Solomon ----Oak Grove
- Bozone, A. E. (female)---- Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, David ----Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, Elizabeth ----Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, Frances ----Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, Nancy---- Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, S.---- Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, Samuel Jr.---- Pleasant Valley
- Bozone, William ----Pleasant Valley
- Brazwell, Nancy ----Pleasant Valley
- Broadhead, A. (female)---- Brightwater
- Broadhead, Felix---- Brightwater
- Broadhead, James---- Brightwater
- Broadhead, Margrette---- Brightwater
- Broadhead, Sarah ----Brightwater
- Brock, Missouri---- Ebenezer
- Brock, Robert---- Ebenezer
- Brown?, Thomas T.---- Sharon
- Bruister, Hiram---- Butler
- Bruister, Janie---- Ebenezer
- Bruister, Margrette---- Ebenezer
- Bruster, G. W.---- Ebenezer
- Buckalew, Hattie ----Mt. Hebron
- Buckalew, N. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Bucklew, J. A.---- Mt. Hebron
- Buckley, Joseph F.---- Ebenezer
- Buckley, Laura----Ebenezer
- Buckley, S. E. ----(female) Ebenezer
- Burns, B. K. ----Bethel
- Burns, Caroline ----Bethel
- Burns, S. C. (female) ----Bethel
- Burns, Sarah B. ----Bethel
- Burns, Vina ----Bethel
- Cannon, A. (male)---- Sharon
- Cannon, Frances ----Sharon
- Carney, Duncan ----Pleasant Valley
- Carney, George H. ----Brightwater
- Carney, H. ----Pleasant Valley
- Carney, Harman Jr. ----Pleasant Valley
- Carney, Harriet---- Brightwater
- Carney, John---- Pleasant Valley
- Carney, Lidea---- Pleasant Valley
- Carney, Margret---- Pleasant Valley
- Carney, Sarah ----Brightwater
- Carney, Susan ----Brightwater
- Carol, Harritte ----Oak Grove
- Chapel, Mary A. ----Pleasant Valley
- Chapell, William L. ----Pleasant Valley
- Chapman, L. A. (female) ----Butler
- Clanahan, G. W. ----Sharon
- Clanahan, Margret ----Sharon
- Collens, Julia ----Pleasant Valley
- Collins, Armanda C. ----Pleasant Valley
- Collins, James M. ----Pleasant Valley
- Cooper, David H.---- Bethel
- Cooper, James---- Bethel
- Cooper, Jessie (male)---- Oak Grove
- Cooper, M. E. (female)---- Oak Grove
- Cooper, Mary ----Oak Grove
- Cooper, Sallie---- Bethel
- Cooper, Sarah ----Oak Grove
- Cooper, Sarah R. ----Bethel
- Cooper, Shepherd ----Oak Grove
- Couch, Elizabeth ----Pleasant Valley
- Couch, W. B. ----Pleasant Valley
- Crumbly, Florance ----Ararat
- Crumbly, Tina (female) ----Ararat
- Daniel, Colvin ----New Hope
- Daniel, David ----New Hope
- Daniel, Mary A.---- New Hope
- Diel, Susan ----Pleasant Valley
- Dogget, W. ----Brightwater
- Earp, Martha A.---- Bethel
- Edmonds, Martha---- Brightwater
- Edmonds, Mary L? ----Brightwater
- Edward, Mary E.---- New Hope
- Edward, Robert ----New Hope
- Evens, Mack Mt.---- Hebron
- Foshee, Mary ----Brightwater
- Foshee, Sarah ----Brightwater
- Foster, Julina (female)---- New Hope
- Gavin, A. (female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Gavin, D. C. ----Mt. Hebron
- Gavin, J. M. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Gavin, L. C. (female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Gavin, R. C. ----Mt. Hebron
- Gibson, John ----Ebenezer
- Gillie, E. T. (female) ----Sharon
- Gillie, M. M. (male) ----Sharon
- Gilmer, Abe ----Ararat
- Gilmer, Susan A. ----Ebenezer
- Goree, Alice ----Bethel
- Goree, Anice ----Ebenezer
- Goree, Annis ----Bethel
- Goree, James----Ebenezer
- Goree, Martha---- Bethel
- Goree, Martha J.---- Ebenezer
- Goree, Silas---- Ebenezer
- Graham, C. P. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Graham, E. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Graham, H. H.---- Mt. Hebron
- Graham, J. C. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Graham, J. W.---- Mt. Hebron
- Graham, N. (female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Graham, William ----Mt. Hebron
- Griffen, Elizabeth ----Oak Grove
- Griffin, Catharine ----Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, Ann ----Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, David---- Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, F. H. ----Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, Jane ----Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, Mary A. ----Pleasant Valley
- Guinn, Susan ----Pleasant Valley
- Harvey, Elizabeth ----Pleasant Valley
- Harvey, Elizabeth ----Womack Hill
- Hasting, John ----New Hope
- Hearn, J. W. ----Mt. Hebron
- Hearn, Jenme (sic) (female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Hearn, M. M (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Hearn., S. S.(female) ----Mt. Hebron
- Hendrick, Elizabeth ----Butler
- Hendrick, Rebecca D.---- Bethel
- Hendrick, W. H. ----Bethel
- Horn, Analizar ----Ararat
- Howard, Minerva ----Pleasant Valley
- Hunt, Augustus---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, Ann ----Ebenezer
- Hurst, Catherine---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, E. F. (female) ----Ebenezer
- Hurst, M. J. (female)---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, Nancy (female)---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, Priscilla---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, Sallie---- Ebenezer
- Hurst, Sarah ----Ebenezer
- Jacobs, John ----Pleasant Valley
- Jacobs, S. E. (female)---- Womack Hill
- Jenkins, Elijah ----Brightwater
- Jenkins, Joycie ----Brightwater
- Jenkins, Mahala ----Brightwater
- Jenkins, Thomas ----Brightwater
- Johnson, Elizabeth ----Pleasant Valley
- Johnson, M. E. (female) ----Oak Grove
- Johnson, W. W. ----Oak Grove
- Jordan, Josephine---- New Hope
- Kelley, A. J. ----Ebenezer
- Kelley, J. J. ----Bethel
- Kelley, Susan A. ----Ebenezer
- Kelly, Lydia ----Bethel
- Kelly, Lydia H. ----Bethel
- Kirksey, R. M.---- Brightwater
- Kirksey, S. J. (female)---- Brightwater
- Knott, Elmira ----Bethel
- Knott, James F.---- Bethel
- Knott, Melinda ----Bethel
- Knott, R. F. ----Bethel
- Land, Fannie ----Ararat
- Land, Frances ----Brightwater
- Land, John ----Ararat
- Land, Laura ----Butler
- Land, Martha ----Ararat
- Land, Mary ----Pleasant Valley
- Land, Mary J.---- Butler
- Land, Sarah ----Butler
- Land, W. A. (female)---- Brightwater
- Land, W. G. (female) ----Pleasant Valley
- Lasseter, A. ----Womack Hill
- Lenoir, James T. ----Womack Hill
- Lenoir, M. L. (female)---- Womack Hill
- Lenoir, R. E. (female)---- Womack Hill
- Lenoir, T? R.---- Womack Hill
- Lenoir, W. E.---- Womack Hill
- Lenoir, W. P.---- (female) Womack Hill
- Logan, Edward---- Womack Hill
- Lucus, Mary J.---- Sharon
- Luker, John W.---- Ebenezer
- Luker, Joshua ----Ebenezer
- Luker, Sarah J. ----Ebenezer
- Manley, A. ----Bethel
- Manley, Rebecca---- Bethel
- Massey, William ----Ebenezer
- Mazingo, Mary ----Womack Hill
- Mazingo, Mary A. ----Sharon
- Mazingo, Mathew ----Sharon
- McDonald, Elizabeth---- Pleasant Valley
- McGregar, Caroline---- Sharon
- McGregar, E. J. (female)---- Sharon
- McGregar, Mary---- Sharon
- McGregar, Sarah---- Sharon
- McInnis, John ----Brightwater
- McInnis, Margrette---- Brightwater
- McLane, A. P. ----Pleasant Valley
- McLane, Dr. William ----Pleasant Valley
- McLane, L. A. (female) ----Pleasant Valley
- Meadow, Rebecca---- Ararat
- Miller, Sarah---- Oak Grove
- Moody, F.G.M. (female)---- Butler
- Moody, Mary---- Butler
- Moody, R. A. ----Butler
- Moody, R. F.---- Butler
- Moor (sic), Mary ----Ararat
- Moor (sic), Samuel ----Ararat
- Morris, Martha ----Brightwater
- Mosely, B. D. ----Sharon
- Mosley, Amanda ----Brightwater
- Mosley, Charity---- Brightwater
- Mosley, Elizabeth---- Womack Hill
- Mosley, George---- Sharon
- Mosley, Harriet---- Sharon
- Mosley, Isadoor---- (female) Sharon
- Mosley, Jackey ----Ann Sharon
- Mosley, John ----Sharon
- Mosley, Lavina ----Brightwater
- Mosley, May ----Sharon
- Mosley, Nancy ----Sharon
- Mosley, Nancy ----Brightwater
- Mosley, Robert ----Womack Hill
- Mosley, Tallitha C.(female)---- Sharon
- Mosley, Thomas ----Sharon
- Moss, F. V. (female) ----Butler
- Moss, Lily ----Butler
- Newton, E. (female)---- Ebenezer
- Nix, Laura ----Pleasant Valley
- Oats, Calvin ----Sharon
- Oats, H. M. (female) ----Sharon
- Pearson, Amanda A. ----Oak Grove
- Pearson, V? C. ----Mt. Hebron
- Perry, Annie ----Brightwater
- Picket, Lucy A.---- Pleasant Valley
- Picket, Robt. ----Pleasant Valley
- Presley, Jane ----Ebenezer
- Presley, Jane ----Oak Grove
- Presley, Lavina (female) ----Oak Grove
- Pressly, Elvira---- Ebenezer
- Prince, T. A. (female)---- Oak Grove
- Purvis, Zilpha ----Ebenezer
- Rackley, Mariah---- Pleasant Valley
- Rainer, Mary ----Ararat
- Reid, James A. ----Pleasant Valley
- Reid, Mary J. ----Pleasant Valley
- Rigby, Margrette---- Brightwater
- Rigby, William ----Brightwater
- Rigdon, James ----Brightwater
- Roberts, E. Mt.---- Hebron
- Roberts, M. (female)---- Mt. Hebron
- Robinson, Berry---- Mt. Hebron
- Rudder, Phoebe ----Bethel
- Rudder, R. R. ----Ebenezer
- Secrest, Jane ----Womack Hill
- Sellers, Franklin---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, Jane---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, Lementine---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, M. M. (female)---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, Mathew ----Ebenezer
- Sellers, Mathew Sr.---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, S. A. (female)---- Ebenezer
- Sellers, William---- Ebenezer
- Shirley, Mary ----Pleasant Valley
- Shirley, Moses ----Pleasant Valley
- Sims, J. W. ----Sharon
- Sims, J? L? ----Sharon
- Sims, M. J. ----(female) Oak Grove
- Sims, Robert ----Sharon
- Sims, Sarah J.---- Pleasant Valley
- Sims, Thomas ----Pleasant Valley
- Sims, William ----Pleasant Valley
- Sims, William K.---- Sharon
- Skinner, Kinchen ----Pleasant Valley
- Skinner, Nancy S. ----Pleasant Valley
- Slater, Addie ----Ararat
- Slater, Elvira---- Ararat
- Smith, A. G? ----Brightwater
- Smith, Elizabeth ----Brightwater
- Smith, F. C. (female) ----Pleasant Valley
- Smith, James ----Brightwater
- Smith, M. J. (female) ----Butler
- Smith, Sarah E. ----Brightwater
- Smithheart, G. W.---- Pleasant Valley
- Smithheart, Lou Pleasant---- Valley
- Smithheart, Susan ----Pleasant Valley
- Spoon, Martha ----Pleasant Valley
- Stafford, Ira ----Pleasant Valley
- Stafford, M. E. (female)----Pleasant Valley
- Stafford, Martha ----Pleasant Valley
- Stricklin, M. J. (female)---- Ebenezer
- Stringer, Lucy L. ----Oak Grove
- Sykes, M. M. (female)---- Oak Grove
- Sykes, Owen---- Bethel
- Sykes, T. J.---- Oak Grove
- Tailor, Lucinda---- Sharon
- Thompson, A. B.---- Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, Annie---- Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, F. G.---- Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, F. T?---- Sharon
- Thompson, J. R. ----Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, L. (female)---- Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, Louiza---- Pleasant Valley
- Thompson, Sarah---- Brightwater
- Todd, Ad__ (female)---- Bethel
- Tuberville, Leah ----Bethel
- Tucker, Mary ----Ebenezer
- Turner, Fannie ----Brightwater
- Turner, John H.---- Brightwater
- Turner, Juda (female)---- Brightwater
- Turner, Louisa---- Brightwater
- Tyson, Jane---- Bethel
- Tyson, Nancy ----Bethel
- Wait, A. T. ----Bethel
- Wait, Andrew ----Bethel
- Wait, H. J. (female) ----Bethel
- Wait, Mary ----Bethel
- Wait, Nancy ----Bethel
- Walker, John ----Butler
- Wallace, Eliza A. ----New Hope
- Wallace, J. B. ----New Hope
- Wallace, S. E. ----New Hope
- Wallace, W. W. ----New Hope
- Wallaxce, S. D. (female) ----New Hope
- Ward, Francis (female) ----New Hope
- Ward, M. L. ----New Hope
- Watson, Albert---- Ararat
- Watson, Drewry---- Ararat
- Watson, Ella ----Ebenezer
- Watson, Rebecca---- Ararat
- Watson, William----Ararat
- Whittington, Nancy---- Pleasant Valley
- Wiggins, Nancy---- Brightwater
- Williams,V. R.---- Pleasant Valley
- Williams, Malessa E. ----Pleasant Valley
- Wilson, A. E. (female)---- Bethel
- Wilson, J. C. ----Bethel
- Wilson, J. F? ----New Hope
- Wilson, Jno. W. ----Butler
- Wilson, Lucy D. ----Bethel
- Wilson, Mary L.---- Pleasant Valley
- Wilson, Nancy ----Pleasant Valley
- Wimberley, L. B. ----Pleasant Valley
- Wimberley, W. E. (female)----Pleasant Valley
- Wimberly, John ----New Hope
- Wright, Adelle---- Bethel
- Wright, Amelia---- Bethel
- Wright, Carrie E.---- Pleasant Valley
- Wright, D. W. ----Pleasant Valley
- Wright, J. C. ----Pleasant Valley
- Wright, Jemima ----Bethel
- Wright, M. E. ----Bethel
- Wright, M. L. (female)---- Bethel
- Wright, M. Y. ----Bethel
- Wright, Mary J.---- Bethel
- Wright, Matilda ----Bethel
- Wright, Mattie ----Bethel
- Wright, Mela Ann ----Bethel
- Wright, Nancy T. ----Bethel
- Wright, R. S. ----Pleasant Valley
- Wright, Rebecca ----Pleasant Valley
- Wright, Rebecca ----Bethel
- Wright, Sarah ----Bethel
- Wright, Thomas ----Bethel
- Wright, W. S. ----Bethel
- Young, Susan ----Pleasant Valley
- Young, W. C. ----Pleasant Valley
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