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"Index of record copyed from The old record of Minutes of
Mount Sterling Baptist Church of Christ
Beginning on page 33 of the 2nd part of this Record and
ending on Page 165
Constitution and Bylaws of the church begins on Page 166 &
A list of all members belonging to the church from its
organization up to Dec 1885 and what was done with them Pages
14,15,16,& 17, Transfered to Pages 176 to 1__
History of Pastors, Clerks & Deacons of the Church since
organized Page 296. Letters of Dismission Page 174
... " (all of this on page 1 of ledger)
By-Laws and Constitution of Mount Sterling Grange No. 214,
Alabama 1873" (on 2nd page of ledger)
(Church records begin on page 32:)
Mt. Sterling Baptist Church was constituted Jan. 6th, 1854
with eight members (Vs.)
Grey Allen, Mourning Allen, Louisiana Smith, W. P. Spinks, Caroline Spinks, Mary C. Foster, Dr. J. T. Foster and Mariah C. Price.
On motion of W. P. Spinks, Elder Nathan Slay was called to the chair and Bro. J. T. Foster requested to act as Clerk.
The Presbytery was composed of Elders Nathan Slay, James E.
Scott and William Campbell.
Elder Nathan Smith was invited to seat to assist in all deliberations.
The above lay members were dismissed from Hopewell Church by letter.
Door of church opened for ___ of members.
Resolved by the Church to adopt the rules and Articles of
Faith of Liberty Association for their guideance (sic).
Being no further business, Conference adj(ourned).
Nathan Slay
J. T. Foster, Clerk
(Mount Sterling Baptist) Church of Christ January 6th, 1854. Record to New Book Minutes of March 1854
No Conference on Sunday door of the Church was opened for reception of members Sister Clarrenda Moore presented a letter upon the faith of which She was Recd. Wm. Campbell, Modr.
April 1854
Church met in Conference 2nd Saturday in April Door of Church opened for members. Sister Amelia Jackson presented a letter upon the faith of which She was Received. Wm. Campbell, Modr.
May 1854
Church met in conference 2nd Saturday in May 1854. Visiting brethren invited to seats to assist in our deliberations Door of church was opened for membership Refference called for on motion Conference adjourned. Wm.Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, Church ClerkMinutes of March 1854
No Conference on Sunday door of the Church was opened for reception of members Sister Clarrenda Moore presented a letter upon the faith of which She was Recd. Wm. Campbell, Modr.
April 1854
Church met in Conference 2nd Saturday in April Door of Church opened for members. Sister Amelia Jackson presented a letter upon the faith of which She was Received. Wm. Campbell, Modr.
May 1854
Church met in conference 2nd Saturday in May 1854. Visiting brethren invited to seats to assist in our deliberations Door of church was opened for membership Refference called for on motion Conference adjourned. Wm.Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, Church Clerk Minutes of June 1854
Church met in conference 2nd Saturday in June 1854. Door of church opened for reception of members. On motion the day of our regular meetings was changed to the 4th Sunday & Saturday before in each month. On motion it was agreed upon to hold evening services on our regular meetings for the benefit of the Negroes. No further business conference Adj. Wm.Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks C.C.
July 1854 No meeting in July
August 1854
Church met in conference 4th Saturday in August 1854 Door of church was opened for membership. New business called for on Motion the Pastor appointed W. P. Spinks as a delegate to the association. Brothers G. F. Smith & Grey Allen alternates. The Clk. was ordered to prepare an associational letter and ask for 20 copys of Minutes. No further business conference (Adj.)
Wm. Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, C. Clk
Minutes of September
Church met in conference 4 Saturday in September 1854. Door of the Church opened for membership. Sister Eliza & G. M. Spra-gins were recd. by letter. no further business conference adj.
Wm. Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, C Clk. October 1854
Church met in conference 4th Saturday in October 1854. Door of the church opened for membership. New business called for. On motion it was resolved that the months of March & September of each year be our regular communion Season. Minutes of previous conference read & adopted on motion. Conference Adj.
Wm. Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, CC January 1855
Church met in conference 4 Saturday in Jan. 1855 Minutes of last con. read & adopted. On motion Church went into election of Pastor for 1855, which was unanimous for Elder Wm. Campbell. On motion conf. adj. Wm Campbell Modr.
W. P. Spinks CC April 1855
Church met in conference fourth Saturday in April. Door of the church opened for membership. Minutes of previous conference read and adopted. New business called for. Bro. Wm. Campbell resigned the Pastorial care of the Church. On motion the next regular meeting the church was requested to be ready to call a Pastor for the next yr. Wm. Campbell, Modr.
W. P. Spinks CC May 1855
Church met in conference fourth Saturday in May 1855. Door of church opened for membership. Minutes of last conference read and adopted. Church went into election of Pastor for the next year, which resulted in the election of Elder Nathan Smith. No other business conference Adjor. Nathan Smith, Modr.
W. P. Spinks, CC March 1862
Ch. met in conference fourth Saturday in March 1862. Door of ch. opened for reception of members. Visiting brethren invited to seats to aid in our deliberations. Minutes of last conference read & adopted. Brother J. G. Slater was charged with profanity and drunkenness. on Motion of Bro. Spinks Brethren Ham, Spraggins & Jackson was appointed to see Bro Slatter and request him to appear in conference to answer to above charges. No other business conference Adj.
J. T. Cain, Modr.
J. W. Henson, Ch. Clk. April 1862
Ch. met in conference fourth Saturday in April 1862. On motion Bro. Vaughn was appointed Moderator Protem & Br. J. R. Lassiter Clerk. The committee appointed to wait on Bro Slater and request his attendance at this conference reported they had performed their duty. On motion the committee were discharged. Bro Slater not being present on Motion his case was continued until next conference. No other business Conference Adj.
Hayward Vaughn, Modr. Protem
J. R.Lassiter Ch.Clk. Protem (Mt. Sterling Baptist) Church of Christ 1862
May 1862
Ch. met in conference fourth Saturday in May 1862. Visiting Brethren invited to seats to aid in our deliberations. Door of ch. opened for reception of members. Minutes of last conference read & adopted. On motion the case of Bro Slater was continued on account of the enclemency of the weather. On motion confer-ence Adj. J. T. Cain, Modr.
Jno. W. Henson Ch.Clk
June 1862
Church met in conference fourth Saturday in June 1862.
Visiting Brethren invited to seats to aid in our deliberations. Door of ch. opened for reception of members. Brother Elijah Price and Sisters Elitha Price & Eliza Lee were received by letter from Clear Creek Church.
Minutes of last conference read & adopted. The case of Bro Slater was called when Bro. Slater came forward and acknowledged that he was guilty of the charges prefered against him, that he had repented and felt that God had forgiven him and that He hoped that the church would be as linient with Him as possable. Upon motion of Bro. Hill, Bro Slater's report was received and the Church forgive Him and restored Him to full fellowship. No farther business Conference Adj. J. T. Cain, Modr.
J. W. Henson C. Clk
(INDEX OF MEMBERS' NAMES- inserted here by abstractor) Absalom, Adams, Allen, Alsbrooks, Altman, Barber, Belcher, Ben-nett, Bush, Coleman, Denmark, Denington, Dicks, Donal, Ferrell, Foster, Gaines, Glover, Gwin, Ham, Hand, Hearin, Hill, Hinson, Hodges, Holden, Hurst, Jackson, Jordan, Keahey, Lassiter, Lee, Littlepage, Lott, McAllister, McLindon, Maberry (Mayberry), Marshall, Mills, Moore, Morgan, Nettles, Norwood, Overton, Por-ter, Prestridge, Price, Pritchett, Puckett, Roach, Rudder, Sikes, Slater, Smith, Southern, Sparrow, Spinks, Spraggins, Tanner, Taylor, Tharp, Tillman, Turnbow, Turner, Vaughn, Waters (Watters), Webb, Whitehead, Whitted, Williams, Willis, Woodward. Notes: The same journal was used for both church & grange. Membership lists were copied from an earlier journal, whereabouts now unknown.
There are several membership lists, with conflicting data.
Some members were "turned out, or excluded", and one or two
"restored." Others were dismissed by letter, date not always given.
This journal loaned for partial copying by Mrs. Gloria Brown Bruister, Mount Sterling, AL. around 1975. ^ back
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