Sheffield, Alabama
Contributed by Bob Torbert
NAME DATE ACTIVITY THOMSON, Louisa 08Aug1880 Confirmation OHLMAN, Catharina 08Aug1880 Confirmation GATTMANN, Maria 08Aug1880 Confirmation SEGER, Bernhardar 08Aug1880 Confirmation MORELAGE, Maria 08Aug1880 Confirmation MORIALTY, Edwardus 08Aug1880 Confirmation HARTING, Tara Cus 08Aug1880 Confirmation BOIKE, Johanner 08Aug1880 Confirmation McKENNY, Bernhardus 08Aug1880 Confirmation HASTING, Carolur 08Aug1880 Confirmation SIEGER, Lorence 08Aug1880 Confirmation GOIKE, Augustus 08Aug1880 Confirmation MORIALTY, Tarabus 08Aug1880 Confirmation GREGOR, Franciscus 08Aug1880 Confirmation HASTING, Margaretha 08Aug1880 Confirmation SEVIER, William A.R. 17Oct1886 Confirmation NIEMAN, Joseph 17Oct1886 Confirmation RNIDELE, Adam 17Oct1886 Confirmation GOIKE, Antonius 17Oct1886 Confirmation GATTMAN, Henrisus 17Oct1886 Confirmation GASS, J? Jr. 17Oct1886 Confirmation BENNET, Jacobus W. 17Oct1886 Confirmation REHN, Edwardus 17Oct1886 Confirmation NIEMAN, Herman 17Oct1886 Confirmation ZEHNDER, Joannes 17Oct1886 Confirmation BOWSER, Jacobus Guliel? 17Oct1886 Confirmation SEVIER, Henry Samuel 17Oct1886 Confirmation STUMPE, Cath. M. 17Oct1886 Confirmation SEVIER, Susana D. 17Oct1886 Confirmation SEVIER, Joanna D.. 17Oct1886 Confirmation CLOUD, Susana 17Oct1886 Confirmation CLOUD, Lilia V.W. 17Oct1886 Confirmation DESPREZ, Susana (Mrs) 17Oct1886 Confirmation LONG, Mary (Mrs) 17Oct1886 Confirmation GATTMAN, Lilia 17Oct1886 Confirmation BOWSER, Margarita B. 17Oct1886 Confirmation NIEMAN, Maria 17Oct1886 Confirmation KEMPER, Maria 17Oct1886 Confirmation CARLS, Margarita 17Oct1886 Confirmation FOSSICK, Julia Ida (Mrs G 17Oct1886 Confirmation KEHN, Lilia V. 17Oct1886 Confirmation URBAN, Amalia 17Oct1886 Confirmation GASS, Aloysia Pauline 17Oct1886 Confirmation BENNET, Maria 17Oct1886 Confirmation CARTER, Daniel 04Nov1888 Confirmation STORRY, Alexander 04Nov1888 Confirmation AMBROSE, William 04Nov1888 Confirmation BRASSHAM?, Thomas 04Nov1888 Confirmation GASS, Paul 04Nov1888 Confirmation GASS, Alphons 04Nov1888 Confirmation GASS, Adolph 04Nov1888 Confirmation GASS, Henry 04Nov1888 Confirmation GASS, Leo 04Nov1888 Confirmation GOIKE, Johannes 04Nov1888 Confirmation CONRADI?, Johannes 04Nov1888 Confirmation O'REILY, James Philip 04Nov1888 Confirmation HASTINGS, George 04Nov1888 Confirmation HARRIS, Johannes 04Nov1888 Confirmation KARLS, Henry 04Nov1888 Confirmation MORRIATY, Henry 04Nov1888 Confirmation CARTER, Gertrude 04Nov1888 Confirmation MORSLAGE, Catharine 04Nov1888 Confirmation CLOUD, Robert Emmet 19Oct1890 Confirmation GATTMAN, Bernard Joseph 19Oct1890 Confirmation NIEMAN, George Theodore 19Oct1890 Confirmation DENNIS, Henry Otto 19Oct1890 Confirmation DENNIS, William Thomas 19Oct1890 Confirmation MANUSH, George Francis 19Oct1890 Confirmation WORD, Charles Edwin 19Oct1890 Confirmation McMAHON, Martha Mary 19Oct1890 Confirmation WARNER, Mary Anne 19Oct1890 Confirmation WAGNER, Jon Henry 05Apr1891 1st Communion GATTMANN, Anthony 05Apr1891 1st Communion GOIKE, Bernard 05Apr1891 1st Communion SCHWAGER, Charles 05Apr1891 1st Communion FUNKE, Henry 05Apr1891 1st Communion FUNKE, John 05Apr1891 1st Communion MACHTOLFF, Albert George 05Apr1891 1st Communion FOSSICK, Clara Teresa 05Apr1891 1st Communion HARRIS, Clara Carolina 05Apr1891 1st Communion CASEY, Elisabeth Agnes 05Apr1891 1st Communion GOIKE, Benjamin Joannes 18Sep1892 Confirmation KARLS, John William 18Sep1892 Confirmation FUNKE, John William 18Sep1892 Confirmation FUNKE, Henry Joseph 18Sep1892 Confirmation MACHTOLFF, Albert George 18Sep1892 Confirmation GATTMANN, Anthony Joseph 18Sep1892 Confirmation HYDE, Isaac Joseph 18Sep1892 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Charles James 18Sep1892 Confirmation WILLIAMSON, Catharina Jul 18Sep1892 Confirmation NIEMAN, Sophia Gertrude 18Sep1892 Confirmation MOSELAGE, Catharina Anna 18Sep1892 Confirmation WILLIAMSON, Minnie Caecil 18Sep1892 Confirmation HYDE, Robert Joseph 18Sep1892 Confirmation LAURENZI, Maria Antonia 23Apr1893 1st Communion GOIKE, Paulina Maria 23Apr1893 1st Communion HASTINGS, Sarah Alice 23Apr1893 1st Communion WAGNON, Catharina Maria 23Apr1893 1st Communion SCHWAGER, William 23Apr1893 1st Communion HYDE, Mary 06May1894 1st Communion NIEMAN, Frances 06May1894 1st Communion COOK, Anna 06May1894 1st Communion COOK, John 06May1894 1st Communion WAGNE, Anna 11Nov1894 Confirmation COOK, Anna 11Nov1894 Confirmation HASTINGS, Sarah 11Nov1894 Confirmation NIEMAN, Francisca 11Nov1894 Confirmation HYDE, Maria 11Nov1894 Confirmation GOIKE, Paulina 11Nov1894 Confirmation WANER, Emma 11Nov1894 Confirmation COOK, John 11Nov1894 Confirmation SCHWAGER, William 11Nov1894 Confirmation GILBERT, Alice 11Nov1894 Confirmation HYDE, John (died 1896) 12May1895 1st Communion SCHWAGER, Frank 12May1895 1st Communion GUSMUS, William 12May1895 1st Communion McLOFF, Harry 12May1895 1st Communion CLOUD, Fannie 12May1895 1st Communion FOSSICK, Marie 12May1895 1st Communion SCHWAGER, ? 12May1895 1st Communion LARGONIARSINO, Anne 12May1895 1st Communion SCHELL, Anne 12May1895 1st Communion McLOFF, Anne 12May1895 1st Communion McLOFF, Mary 12May1895 1st Communion DAY or LAY, Edward 24May1896 1st Communion MANUSH, Francis 24May1896 1st Communion MARICHAL, Alice Caralee 24May1896 1st Communion ISBELL, Julia Catharine 24May1896 1st Communion COOK, Catharine 24May1896 1st Communion BAKER, Gertrude 24May1896 1st Communion WHALEN, Sabina 23May1897 1st Communion HASTINGS, Mary 23May1897 1st Communion FUNKE, Mary 23May1897 1st Communion MALESPINI, Mary 23May1897 1st Communion HYDE, Nona 23May1897 1st Communion GUSMUS, Louis 23May1897 1st Communion GUSMUS, John 23May1897 1st Communion WHALEN, Thomas 23May1897 1st Communion WANNER, Lafayette 23May1897 1st Communion DAY, Joseph 24Apr1898 1st Communion MANUSH, George 24Apr1898 1st Communion MACHTOLFF, Clifford 24Apr1898 1st Communion ARNDT, Joseph 24Apr1898 1st Communion MAPLES, William 24Apr1898 1st Communion STORK?, Mary 24Apr1898 1st Communion ROGGENBUCK, Cecilia 24Apr1898 1st Communion ARNDT, Annie 24Apr1898 1st Communion KINNEY, Margaret 24Apr1898 1st Communion FOSSICK, Marcella 24Apr1898 1st Communion SCHWAGER, Katie? 24Apr1898 1st Communion MILLER, Ida 24Apr1898 1st Communion GUSMUS, William Indor? 21May1898 Confirmation GUSMUS, Joannes Alexander 21May1898 Confirmation GUSMUS, Louis Edwardusr 21May1898 Confirmation MANUSH, Franciscus Peter 21May1898 Confirmation MANUSH, George Joseph 21May1898 Confirmation DAY, Edward Edmund 21May1898 Confirmation DAY, Joseph Joannes 21May1898 Confirmation MACHTOLFF, Clifford Josep 21May1898 Confirmation MACHTOLFF, Michael Harry 21May1898 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Francis Victor 21May1898 Confirmation ARNDT, Joseph Jacob 21May1898 Confirmation SHARNAGL, Christian Alex. 21May1898 Confirmation WAGNER, Lafayette Joannes 21May1898 Confirmation MARTIN, Arrie Maria 21May1898 Confirmation HASTING, Maria Josephina 21May1898 Confirmation FUNKE, Maria Anna 21May1898 Confirmation KENNEY, Margareta Bennet 21May1898 Confirmation CLOUD, Francisca Josephin 21May1898 Confirmation SHALL, Anna Elisabetha 21May1898 Confirmation MILLER, Ida Edith 21May1898 Confirmation MACHTOLFF, Rosa Maria 21May1898 Confirmation MARSHALL, Alicia Col. 21May1898 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Theresia Cath. 21May1898 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Maria Ottilia 21May1898 Confirmation ARNDT, Anna Catharina 21May1898 Confirmation COOK, Catharina Maria 21May1898 Confirmation FOSSICK, Marcella Agnes 21May1898 Confirmation LEE, Anna Maria 21May1898 Confirmation LARGOMASINO, Anna Agnes 21May1898 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Cacilia Franc 21May1898 Confirmation STORRY, Maria Catharina 21May1898 Confirmation HYDE, Nona Anna 21May1898 Confirmation SCHAUT, Louis 11Jun1899 1st Communion HYDE, Robert 11Jun1899 1st Communion MARICHAL, Francis 11Jun1899 1st Communion STORK, Anna 11Jun1899 1st Communion WILBERDING, Tillie 11Jun1899 1st Communion GUSMUS, Leo 20May1900 1st Communion FOSSICK, Thomas Henry 20May1900 1st Communion GUSMUS, Clara Elenora 20May1900 1st Communion WILLIAMS, Margaret 20May1900 1st Communion O'BRIEN, Mary Florentina 20May1900 1st Communion PROSCH, Anna Mary 20May1900 1st Communion MANUSCH, Mary Catharine 20May1900 1st Communion HYDE, John Robert 27May1900 Confirmation FOSSICK, Thomas Henry 27May1900 Confirmation O'BRIEN, Mary Florentina 27May1900 Confirmation PROSCH, Anna Mary 27May1900 Confirmation MANUSCH, Mary Catharine 27May1900 Confirmation WILLIAMS, Margaret Mary 27May1900 Confirmation MARICHAL, Francis Mary 27May1900 Confirmation STORK, Anna Amelia 27May1900 Confirmation FOSSICK, Elisabeth Mary 27May1900 Confirmation SCHWAGER, John Bernard 02Jun1901 1st Communion FOLEY, John Leo 02Jun1901 1st Communion SCHWAGER, Mary Augusta 02Jun1901 1st Communion VEID, Ella Catharine 02Jun1901 1st Communion STARK, John 04May1902 1st Communion KIRCHER, Leonard 04May1902 1st Communion FUNKE, George 04May1902 1st Communion MITCHELL, Margareth 04May1902 1st Communion ROGGENBUCK, Martha 04May1902 1st Communion TIGG, Enia? (Mrs.)colored 20May1902 1st Communion KIRCHER, Leonard Gulielmu 08Jun1902 Confirmation DiRUGO, Joseph James 08Jun1902 Confirmation STARK, John Louis 08Jun1902 Confirmation FUNKE, George Thomas 08Jun1902 Confirmation FOLEY, Leo Thomas 08Jun1902 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Bernard Adam 08Jun1902 Confirmation McNALLY, T. Robert 08Jun1902 Confirmation FOSSICK, Florence Elisab. 08Jun1902 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Martha Mart. 08Jun1902 Confirmation MITCHELL, Margareth Mary 08Jun1902 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Mary Elisabeth 08Jun1902 Confirmation McNALLY, Francisca? 08Jun1902 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Bernard Aloysin? 19Jun1904 Confirmation MANUSH, William Joseph 19Jun1904 Confirmation MANUSH, Charles James 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOLLEHAN, Emmet Joseph 19Jun1904 Confirmation McNALLY, Thomas John 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOLLEHAN, John Francis 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOLLEHAN, John 19Jun1904 Confirmation McNALLY, Annie Mary 19Jun1904 Confirmation HENKE, Elizabeth Mary Josephine 19Jun1904 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Lizetta Mary Josephine 19Jun1904 Confirmation MOORE, Catherine Elizabeth 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOLLEHAN, Mary Josephine 19Jun1904 Confirmation BOWSER, Mary Assumpta? 19Jun1904 Confirmation LITTLE, Stonewall 08Nov1905 Confirmation LITTLE, Raphael 19Jun1904 Confirmation FLOYD, William D. 19Jun1904 Confirmation FLOYD, Al? 19Jun1904 Confirmation FLOYD, Vance 19Jun1904 Confirmation BROWN, J.B. 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOWARD, J.B. 19Jun1904 Confirmation LEWIS, Will (colored) 19Jun1904 Confirmation LITTLE, Agnes 19Jun1904 Confirmation CRITTENDEN, Wylene 19Jun1904 Confirmation FLOYD, William 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOWARD, Mrs. 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOWARD, Cynthia 19Jun1904 Confirmation HOWARD, Mary 19Jun1904 Confirmation UNDERWOOD, Mrs. 19Jun1904 Confirmation BROWN, J.B. (Mrs) 19Jun1904 Confirmation KEE?, Agatha Corrie (colored) 19Jun1904 Confirmation CROWELL, Jane 19Jun1904 Confirmation NOBLE, Walter Stanisles? 14Jun1908 Confirmation LUCAS, Louis Victor 14Jun1908 Confirmation NAILEN, Michael Joseph 14Jun1908 Confirmation NAILEN, Francis Vincent 14Jun1908 Confirmation ENGELS, Joseph Edward 14Jun1908 Confirmation BROWN, Cewall? George 14Jun1908 Confirmation RADFORD, Fridolin Joseph 14Jun1908 Confirmation MANUSH, Ernest Francis 14Jun1908 Confirmation REBMAN, Francis Michael 14Jun1908 Confirmation BOWSER, James Clarence 14Jun1908 Confirmation ROVING?, Anthony John 14Jun1908 Confirmation MORAN, Anna M.Lionard Josephine 14Jun1908 Confirmation WAGNON, Catharine Mary 14Jun1908 Confirmation SCHWAGER, Emilia Mary Louise 14Jun1908 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Theresa Mary Magol. 14Jun1908 Confirmation DiRAGO, James 18May1910 1st Communion REBMAN, Henry 18May1910 1st Communion BOWSER, Margaret 18May1910 1st Communion HASTINGS, Ruth 18May1910 1st Communion KIRCHER, Della 18May1910 1st Communion DiRAGO, James Edward Patrick 29May1910 Confirmation REBMAN, Henry Joseph 29May1910 Confirmation CALLAHAN, Thomas Francis 29May1910 Confirmation KISER, Walter Edward 29May1910 Confirmation HASTINGS, Ruth Frances Gertrude 29May1910 Confirmation BOWSER, Margaret Mary Grace 29May1910 Confirmation KIRCHER, Della Elizabeth 29May1910 Confirmation GATTMAN, John 14May1911 1st Communion BRUMBACH, Willie 14May1911 1st Communion KIRCHER, Joe 14May1911 1st Communion MANUSH, Harry 14May1911 1st Communion MANUSH, Henry 14May1911 1st Communion BOWSER, Lancelote 14May1911 1st Communion LARKIN, Frank (Mrs) 14May1911 1st Communion LARKIN, James (Mrs) 14May1911 1st Communion BROWN, George (Mrs) 14May1911 1st Communion LARKIN, Annie Catherine 14May1911 1st Communion LARKIN, Pearl 14May1911 1st Communion DiRAGO, Rosie 14May1911 1st Communion BROWN, Helen 14May1911 1st Communion ROGGENBUCK, Aurelia 14May1911 1st Communion BRUMBACH, Josephine 14May1911 1st Communion DAVIS, Winnie 14May1911 1st Communion DAVIS, Louise 14May1911 1st Communion BOWSER, Francis Lancelot 16Jun1912 Confirmation BRUMBACH, William 16Jun1912 Confirmation MANUSH, Henry John 16Jun1912 Confirmation MANUSH, Harry Joseph 16Jun1912 Confirmation MEIRS, William 16Jun1912 Confirmation HATHCOCK, Flovian 16Jun1912 Confirmation GATTMANN, John William 16Jun1912 Confirmation BRUMBACH, Josephine Frances 16Jun1912 Confirmation DAVIS, Louise Frances 16Jun1912 Confirmation DAVIS, Winnie Mary Grace 16Jun1912 Confirmation BROWN, Helen Gertrude 16Jun1912 Confirmation LARKIN, Pearl Frances 16Jun1912 Confirmation LARKIN, Holly Mary 16Jun1912 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Aurelia Pauline 16Jun1912 Confirmation DiRAGO, Rosa Maria 16Jun1912 Confirmation HATHCOCK, Annie Mae 16Jun1912 Confirmation FUNKE, Martha Frances 16Jun1912 Confirmation MEIERS, Laura 16Jun1912 Confirmation GORMAN, Frank 26Apr1914 1st Communion SCHARNAGEL, Edward 26Apr1914 1st Communion HAYDEN, George 26Apr1914 1st Communion HAYDEN, Gertrude 26Apr1914 1st Communion SCHARNAGEL, Mary 26Apr1914 1st Communion HAYDEN, Benedict George 12Jul1914 Confirmation GORMAN, Placidus Frank 12Jul1914 Confirmation SCHARNAGEL, Bernard Edward 12Jul1914 Confirmation HAYDEN, Cecilia Gertrude Mary 12Jul1914 Confirmation SCHARNAGEL, Teresia Mary 12Jul1914 Confirmation ROGGENBUCK, Paul Francis 14May1916 1st Communion ROGGENBUCK, Margaret Cecilia 14May1916 1st Communion GATTMANN, Clarence Bernard 14May1916 1st Communion HASTING, John James 14May1916 1st Communion BRUNGART, Theodor 14May1916 1st Communion ROGGENBUCK, Paul Frank 21May1916 Confirmation GATTMAN, Clarence Bernard 21May1916 Confirmation HASTINGS, James 21May1916 Confirmation BRUNGART, Catharina 21May1916 Confirmation BRUNGART, 21May1916 Confirmation HASTINGS, Lititia E. 01Apr1920 1st Communion HASTINGS, Harmon 04Apr1920 1st Communion HASTINGS, Patrick 04Apr1920 1st Communion TURBERVILLE, Malcom 04Apr1920 1st Communion HASTINGS, Mary Margaret 04Apr1920 1st Communion TURBERVILLE, Mary Margaret 04Apr1920 1st Communion KALT, Valeria 04Apr1920 1st Communion TURBERVILLE, Sarah Alice 04Apr1920 1st Communion ALLEN, Edward P. 21May1921 Confirmation HASTINGS, Letitia Elisabeth 21May1921 Confirmation RODEN, Herman Robert 21May1921 Confirmation
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