LILE ACADEMY NEWS [Friday, 6 Aug 1915, p. 3]
The farmers are taking their vacation, going to church and visiting.
Mr. Davidson and family are visiting Mrs. Davidson’s father on the I C Road.
Mrs. Rikard was called to Margerum to see her mother, Mrs. Jones, who is very ill.
Mrs. Charlie Roser and Mrs. Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amerine.
I spent last week in Barton with my aunt, I certainly had a nice time, spent
     the most of the time I the post office with cousin Maggie Johnson, the
     postmistress. She said she would teach me to keep postoffice. The people
     were disappointed Sunday evening Bro. Wilson didn’t fill his appointment
     Mrs. Keeton went on with her good Sunday School.
Granpa dipped his cattle this morning for the first time. I and brother went to see
     the fun, we had one crow eyed calf and every thing looked crosswise to it
     and it went in the vat backward, they had a time with it.
We are glad when we get the Colbert News.
                                                                           ------- old Hilda

LILE ACADEMY NEWS [Friday, 13 Aug 1915, p. 3]
The farmers are very much pleased with the weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Thomason were in town Wednesday.
Miss Beulah Thomason visited her aunt Mrs. Effie Moody.
Mr. Jasper Taylor from the mountains is visiting relatives in this vicinity.

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