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Photo of the Etowah County Courthouse Etowah County, in the northeastern part of Alabama, lies in the southern foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. It was taken from DeKalb and Cherokee counties and established as Baine County on December 7, 1866 in the first postwar legislature. It was named after Confederate General David W. Baine. In 1868 it was abolished due to post-war tensions and replaced on December 1, 1868, with the same boundaries as before. Gadsden was designated as the county seat. It was named Etowah County, taken from a Cherokee/Muskogee word which translates to "tribal town". Most of the Cherokee had been forcebly removed in the 1830's.

Surrounding counties are; Blount by LaRae Halsey-Brooks & Eireann Brooks, Calhoun by LaRae Halsey-Brooks & Eireann Brooks, Cherokee by Travis Hardin, DeKalb by Sheri Bush, Marshall by Jeff Kemp and St. Clair by Susan Dorris.


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Important Places.
Etowah Historical Society
2829 W. Meighan Blvd.
P. O. Box 8131
Gadsden, AL 35904
Etowah County Clerk
801 Forrest Avenue
Gadsden, Alabama, 35901
Gadsden Public Library
Alabama City Branch
2700 West Meighan Blvd.
Gadsden, AL 35904
US GenWeb Site

Etowah County courthouse in Gadsden, Alabama. Photo from Wikipedia by Rivers Langley. CC BY-SA 3.0

If you have questions or would like to submit material, please feel free to email me. Thank you for your visit.

Etowah County Coordinator:  Sheri Bush
ALGenWeb State Coordinator:  Jeff Kemp.

Updated last: January 1, 2025