Fayette County, Alabama
~ Wright Family Cemetery ~
About 2 miles northwest of Newtonville on east side of County Road 100
– see more detailed directions below
Copied by:
Hillary "Hill" Wright
(g-g-g-grandson of Henry Wright) - July 1994; updated 2008 ~ (additions/corrections are highlighted)
WRIGHT, T.J. - Mar 5, 1850 -
Aug 29, 1918 ~ (Thomas Jefferson
Wright, son of John Wright)
WRIGHT, Mary P. - Mar 14, 1854
- Nov 21, 1930 ~ (Mary Penelope
-----; wife of T.J.
CARAWAY, E.A. - Apr 8,
1840 - Dec 20, 1890 ~ (Elijah Auburn
CARAWAY, Nancy Adeline - Feb 5,
1844 - Mar 23, 1930 ~ (wife of E.A.
WRIGHT, J.R. - d. Jan 30,
WRIGHT, Infant son of H.M.
& R.J. Wright - b./d. Aug 16, 1857
WRIGHT, R.J. - July 16, 1838 -
Oct 20, 1869
WRIGHT, Henry - Apr 27, 1813 -
Feb 10, 1864
WRIGHT, Susan Ashcraft, wife of
Henry Wright ~ (grave unmarked)
[Three of Henry and Susan Wright's
daughters (listed below) were buried side by side just south of Henry
Wright's grave. They occupy the last three graves in the
southwest corner of the cemetery (diagonally across from the
entrance). Listed from west to east:]
WRIGHT, Alsey A. ~ (b. Oct 1864, per 1900 U.S. census; d.
1928; grave
WRIGHT, Martha Jane ~ (b. May 1845, per 1900 census; d. 1935;
grave unmarked)
WRIGHT, Sarah Elizabeth ~ (b. Jan 1855, per 1900 census; d. Feb 2,
1931; grave unmarked)
WRIGHT, M.J. - 1849 - 1915 ~ (Michael Jasper Wright; ssw Mary A. Wright)
WRIGHT, Mary A. - 1846 - 1896 ~
(nee Mary Elizabeth APPLING; ssw M.J.
WRIGHT, A.E. - 1907 - 1908 ~ (Auburn E. Wright; ssw E. Wright)
WRIGHT, E. - 1899 - 1905 ~ (ssw A.E. Wright)
CARAWAY, Homer, son of Willis
& Ada Caraway - Jan 25, 1907 - May 9, 1909
JOHNSON, Henry S. - Dec 26,
1875 - Oct 31, 1955 ~ (Henry Sidney
JOHNSON, Bertha W. - Nov 28,
1882 - Jan 10, 1951 ~ (dau of T.J.
& Mary P. WRIGHT; wife of Henry S. Johnson)
JOHNSON, James T. "Jake" - Aug 14, 1919 - Apr 1,
1996 ~ (James Thomas Johnson,
of Henry S. & Bertha W. Johnson)
JOHNSON, Henry Lloyd ~ (16 Jan 1927 - 31 Dec 2005, per SSDI; son
of Henry S. & Bertha W. Johnson)
WRIGHT, Rose A. Horn ~ (2nd wife of W.H.L Wright; grave unmarked)
WRIGHT, W.H.L. - 1833 - _____ ~
(W. Horatio L. Wright, son of John
Wright; grave unmarked)
ssw = same stone with
SSDI = Social Security Death Index
Burial information obtained from Dorothy Wright Wilson, J.T. "Jake"
and personal visits to the cemetery.
The cemetery is located on the old home place of John Wright, a
first cousin of Henry Wright, who came to the area about 1836 from
Jackson Co., GA. The first person buried here was from
John Wright's family. It is related that a family
member ran from John's farm to Henry's farm to notify Henry of the
death. John Wright also may be buried here.
Henry's brothers were William H. Wright, Michael Wright (d. 1855), and
probably Joseph Wright (moved to Texas) and Jesse Wright (married
Elizabeth). William H. Wright died in 1872 and likely is
buried here in an unmarked grave. Lewis Crow (married Catherine
Wright) is a related family. The Johnsons are related through
Henry's daughter Ann (married Jim Johnson) and also through John
Wright's line.
Directions: From
County Road 159, a little over 8 miles from the center
of Fayette, AL, (33.568724N,-87.836096W) (just 500 yards north of
Pilgrim's Rest Baptist Church) turn on "Walnut Lane" and proceed ahead
for about 2.5 miles. Walnut Lane makes a 90-degree left turn
between two high banks. Proceed straight ahead 1.72 miles – do
turn. At this point, the road becomes County Road 100. The
road will curve to the right. At about 1.25 miles, the road will
go downhill. At the bottom of this hill and about 1.72 miles, the
road will curve just ahead and begin going uphill. Look for a
well-traveled dirt road on the left. This is the road to the
cemetery. It is a private road and descendants of the family live
just beyond the cemetery, so be respectful and identify your
intentions. You will see the cemetery just beyond a split-rail
From County Road 171, a little over 6 miles from the center of Fayette,
AL, (33.593182N, -87.814895W) turn on "Walnut Lane" and proceed ahead
for about 2 miles. Walnut Lane ends at the junction of Walnut Lane
and County Road 100 between two high banks. Turn left and proceed
1.72 miles; at about 1.25 miles, the road will go downhill. At
the bottom of this hill and about 1.72 miles, the road will curve just
ahead and begin going uphill. Look for a well-traveled dirt road
on the left. This is the road to the cemetery. It is a
private road and descendants of the family live just beyond the
cemetery, so be respectful and identify your intentions. You will
see the cemetery just beyond a split-rail fence.
Additional sources:
[1] Hill Wright, e-mail
message w/photo, 08 Feb 2009 
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Co., AL
16 Apr 2008 | 13
Feb 2009