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Group One consists of 171 cemeteries surveyed by the John W. Harris Chapter 2437 United Daughter of the Confederacy in 1975. Linda H. Underwood transcribed the records into a computer database in 2000. The tombstone readings of all 19,004 individuals in the first group are indexed by Cemetery. Deborah Barnett, director of the Russellville Public Library, graciously provided the computer database for inclusion in the Franklin County AlGenWeb pages.

Tombstones indexed by Cemetery – starting with P

Phil Campbell
Pilot Hill
Pleasant Grove
Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Rdg.#1
Pleasant Site
Posey Mill

Phil Campbell????Elton    
Phil CampbellAaronSarahE.Feb. 7, 1871Jan. 28, 1957wife of W.M.
Phil CampbellAaronWilsonM.Jan. 6, 1868Apr. 29, 1921 
Phil CampbellAbergrombiaNancy Aug. 29, 1865Nov. 1, 1911 
Phil CampbellAbergrombiaR.E.Nov. 20, 1848Oct. 7, 1903 
Phil CampbellAdamsEtta Sept. 4, 1871May 22, 1953 
Phil CampbellArnoldMinnie Apr. 21, 1873Jan. 12, 1955wife of T.I.
Phil CampbellArnoldThomasI.Mar. 20, 1869Dec. 31, 1946 
Phil CampbellAtkinsMargaretGibbonsApr. 13, 1914Jan. 4, 1991TEC 5 US Army WWII
Phil CampbellBagwellVelma Sept. 19, 1904Apr. 14, 1931 
Phil CampbellBaileyAmeyElizabethMar. 7, 1874Dec. 1, 1943 
Phil CampbellBaileyAmeyL.July 5, 1852Apr. 24, 1921wife of J.L.
Phil CampbellBaileyArthurA.Feb. 7, 1891June 19, 1916Mason
Phil CampbellBaileyJ.L.May 12, 1849Apr. 28, 1925 
Phil CampbellBaileyJosephine 18451924 
Phil CampbellBaileyLouiseE.June 30, 1919 wife of Wm.R.
Phil CampbellBaileyMamieAbergrombiaMar. 18, 1888Mar. 5, 1904dau. of J.H. & M.E. Bailey
Phil CampbellBaileyWilliamR.Nov. 11, 1914Dec. 20, 1984Reverend, mrd. Dec. 2, 1935
Phil CampbellBakerB.J.   
Phil CampbellBakerJoann    
Phil CampbellBarnettEmma Oct. 9, 1879Aug. 13, 1907 
Phil CampbellBarnettHuramA.July 12, 1919Oct. 9, 1920 
Phil CampbellBatesJ.W.Dec. 5, 1884Oct. 8, 1920 
Phil CampbellBellMary Jan. 20, 1860Apr. 13, 1927wife of W.W.
Phil CampbellBellW.W.Mar. 9, 1885Feb. 2, 1925 
Phil CampbellBenefieldL.T.Dec. 15, 1888Nov. 7, 1913 
Phil CampbellBenefieldMinnie Jan. 12, 1890July 4, 1904dau. of A.J. & S.A.
Phil CampbellBenefieldOnieJewelJan. 14, 1914Jan. 18, 1914 
Phil CampbellBentleyCharlesGlennJune 16, 1917July 28, 1991PFC US Army WWII Silver Star
Phil CampbellBentleyDaphana Nov. 3, 1916June 12, 1991 
Phil CampbellBentleyDonna    
Phil CampbellBentleyEdwardG.May 11, 1913Nov. 25, 1991 
Phil CampbellBentleyFlorence July 6, 1905Jan. 3, 1935 
Phil CampbellBentleyFred    
Phil CampbellBentleyGil Mar. 16, 1888Mar. 18, 1928 
Phil CampbellBentleyHelenJ.18941985wife of John L.
Phil CampbellBentleyinfant May 12, 1914May 12, 1914child of J.W. & Beulah
Phil CampbellBentleyinfant May 12, 1928May 12, 1928child of J.W. & Beulah
Phil CampbellBentleyJacquelineIreneMay 6, 1918 wife of C.G.
Phil CampbellBentleyJane Mar. 5, 1860Dec. 21, 1952 
Phil CampbellBentleyJessieMae (Mrs.)Jan. 21, 1911Feb. 18, 1976wife of E.G., 65 years old
Phil CampbellBentleyJohnL.18891953 
Phil CampbellBentleyL.R.Feb. 15, 1885Aug. 11, 1924 
Phil CampbellBentleyLina    
Phil CampbellBentleyMartha Dec. 31, 1840Oct. 10, 1915 
Phil CampbellBentleyTravisH.Mar. 25, 1918Jan. 28, 1947husb. of Lillie
Phil CampbellBirdyshawIdaW.Oct. 24, 1883Nov. 17, 1968wife of John L.
Phil CampbellBirdyshawJohnL.Sept. 26, 1878Dec. 21, 1942 
Phil CampbellBirdyshawWilliamH.18761911 
Phil CampbellBishopW.B.July 14, 1855Mar. 27, 1913 
Phil CampbellBragwellEugenieR.Mar. 15, 1919 wife of Ralph W.
Phil CampbellBragwellRalphW.June 26, 1907  
Phil CampbellBrewerAdaBurnellJuly 23, 1893Dec. 17, 1960 
Phil CampbellBrewerHenryFordDec. 14, 1924July 14, 1961 
Phil CampbellBrewerJessieS.Jan. 29, 1904 wife of O.T.
Phil CampbellBrewerOscarT.Aug. 23, 1903June 26, 1983 
Phil CampbellBrownBracie Oct. 15, 1894Mar. 27, 1932 
Phil CampbellBrownBunaMaeFeb. 19, 1915Oct. 15, 1918dau. of V.G. & B.D.
Phil CampbellBrownEulaF.18801959wife of J. Frank
Phil CampbellBrownEuniceL.Jan. 13, 1912Dec. 26, 1942rel.of M.L.,M.W.,& S.C.
Phil CampbellBrownEzraA.Sept. 5, 1891Apr. 21, 1974 
Phil CampbellBrownFlorenceS.June 6, 1896Dec. 27, 1968 
Phil CampbellBrownHassieT.Jan. 9, 1897 wife of E.A.
Phil CampbellBrownHubertT.Aug. 18, 1915Oct. 13, 1994rel. of W.T.
Phil CampbellBrownIsaacW.Oct. 17, 1847May 7, 1909Mason
Phil CampbellBrownJ.Frank18701944 
Phil CampbellBrownJ.R.June 13, 1873Oct. 2, 1957Mason
Phil CampbellBrownJamesEdward19041906 
Phil CampbellBrownLulaE.Oct. 15, 1893Jan. 5, 1978wife of W.J.
Phil CampbellBrownMaeD.Jan. 15, 1890Feb. 8, 1980 
Phil CampbellBrownMettieL.Dec. 1, 1902Nov. 28, 1980rel. of E.L.,M.W.,& S.C.
Phil CampbellBrownMinolaW.Aug. 29. 1880June 21, 1971rel. of E.L.,M.L.,& S.C.
Phil CampbellBrownMozille Nov. 30, 1906Sept. 24, 1909dau. of J.F. & E.F.
Phil CampbellBrownOlon Apr. 15, 1903July 21, 1903son of J.F.
Phil CampbellBrownR.WayneOct. 25, 1922Jan. 11, 1947 
Phil CampbellBrownSamuelC.July 10, 1875Apr. 19, 1957rel.of E.L.,M.W.,& M.L.
Phil CampbellBrownSophomaA.Feb. 7, 1850Dec. 20, 1914 
Phil CampbellBrownWallaceT.Feb. 13, 1918Oct. 13, 1994rel. of H.T.
Phil CampbellBrownWilliamJ.Sept. 5, 1892Sept. 11, 1956 
Phil CampbellBuchananJosephineMooreSept. 18, 1921May 21, 1944 
Phil CampbellBuchananWillieA.Mar. 19, 1916July 25, 1993US Army
Phil CampbellBunnellJoe Apr. 18, 1870June 29, 1947 
Phil CampbellBunnellMarvinW.Oct. 22, 1909June 12, 1958 
Phil CampbellBunnellSarah Mar. 22, 1871Apr. 17, 1958wife of Joe
Phil CampbellBurrowElizaF.18751918wife of Wm. P.
Phil CampbellBurrowJamesP.Mar. 2, 1906Mar. 17, 1906son of W.P. & E.F.
Phil CampbellBurrowWilliamP.18681945 
Phil CampbellCallahanIdaB.18831964wife of Wm.N.
Phil CampbellCallahanWilliamN.18801961 
Phil CampbellCampCaldoniaO.Mar. 28, 1884Aug. 13, 1928wife of H.T.
Phil CampbellCampFannieD.Feb. 10, 1845Dec. 11, 1920 
Phil CampbellCampHowardT.Mar. 4, 1877Apr. 16, 1970Reverend
Phil CampbellCampVera Jan. 12, 1912Aug. 24, 1976 
Phil CampbellCampWilliamL.Sept. 12, 1842Mar. 14, 1915 
Phil CampbellCarteeAliceM.18981994wife of J.R.
Phil CampbellCarteeJ.Ray18971955Mason
Phil CampbellCarteeJosephEdward18701943 
Phil CampbellCarteeM.Leona19011989wife of T.G.
Phil CampbellCarteeT.Gordon18911957 
Phil CampbellCarteeVictoriaLee186919??wife of J.E.
Phil CampbellCashJosephB.Feb. 22, 1888Aug. 29, 1963 
Phil CampbellCashLillieL.Sept. 6, 1899July 8, 1965 
Phil CampbellCasselMaryElizabeth18751919wife of Will
Phil CampbellCoalsonJ.S.Nov. 28, 1918Dec. 24, 1918son of J.F. & G.E.
Phil CampbellCoalsonMarthaS.Jan. 1, 1858May 15, 192163 years old
Phil CampbellCoalsonSamuelN.Feb. 5, 1856May 17, 191761 yr. 3 mo. 12 da.
Phil CampbellColemanOscar Nov. 23, 1905Sept. 19, 1906 
Phil CampbellColemanWalterC.July 26, 1909July 25, 1911 
Phil CampbellCowartB.DavisDec. 28, 1894Jan. 11, 1974 
Phil CampbellCowartEvieS.Jan. 20, 1900 wife of B.D.
Phil CampbellCowartinfant    
Phil CampbellCummingsAlamae July 20, 1927Nov. 11, 1928 
Phil CampbellCummingsAlmaS.May 21, 1897Feb. 26, 1986 
Phil CampbellCummingsAnnie Nov. 17, 1897Jan. 19, 1932wife of J.J.
Phil CampbellCummingsHattie July 30, 1890June 27, 1907 
Phil CampbellCummingsLawrenceM., Sr.Aug. 13, 1915Mar. 26, 1965 
Phil CampbellCummingsLum Aug. 4, 1894Oct. 21, 1958Ala. Cook Co.D 106 Sup.Train WW
Phil CampbellCummingsMarthaA.Mar. 10, 1857Mar. 28, 1932wife of John, Sr.
Phil CampbellCummingsMary Dec. 24, 1887Dec. 14, 1903 
Phil CampbellCummingsO.H.Mar. 28, 1898July 25, 1915son of John, Sr.
Phil CampbellCummingsWilliamH.Dec. 16, 1916Dec. 28, 1947Ala.AVN Cadet 326 AAF BU WWII
Phil CampbellDeFoorEmma Apr. 7, 1879Aug. 16, 1955wife of J.W.
Phil CampbellDeFoorJohnW.June 3, 1880Mar. 8, 1931 
Phil CampbellDeFoorJudyBeth   
Phil CampbellDeFoorLouiseElizabethApr. 22, 1891Jan. 4, 1962wife of T.M.
Phil CampbellDeFoorNancy Feb. 3, 1921  
Phil CampbellDeFoorThomasMartinNov. 19, 1886May 6, 1951 
Phil CampbellDuggarEllaVertaJuly 13, 1897Feb. 8, 1981wife of G.A.
Phil CampbellDuggarG.W.May 15, 1912July 29, 1912 
Phil CampbellDuggarGeorgeAllenJuly 11, 1892Nov. 17, 1968 
Phil CampbellDuggarM.R.July 25, 1881July 26, 1912 
Phil CampbellDuncanBernice 1???July 14, 1987wife of H.K.
Phil CampbellDuncanGeorgeH.Apr. 15, 1910Sept. 9, 1942 
Phil CampbellDuncanHiramK.Nov. 27, 1914Jan. 16, 1979MSgt US Army WWII Korea
Phil CampbellDunkininfant   son of J.R. & S.E.
Phil CampbellDunkinJ.R.June 16, 1869Jan. 8, 1945 
Phil CampbellDunkinJamesEdward19041906son of J.R.
Phil CampbellDunkinSamanthaE.Dec. 24, 1871Sept. 21, 1939wife of J.R.
Phil CampbellElliottA.NewtonOct. 24, 1870Feb. 28, 1949 
Phil CampbellElliottLudieE.Feb. 28, 1882Nov. 20, 1961 
Phil CampbellElliottM.AliceOct. 7, 1888Apr. 28, 1970wife of A.N.
Phil CampbellElliottOliverC.Aug. 17, 1876June 17, 1957Mason
Phil CampbellEllisCarrieE.18881938 
Phil CampbellEllisJohnW.Dec. 22, 1849Dec. 28, 1921 
Phil CampbellEllisKatieTaylorMay 12, 1907Mar. 22, 1930 
Phil CampbellEllisMaudie July 5, 1891Aug. 13, 1911dau. of J.W. & S.L.
Phil CampbellEllisSarahE.Nov. 1, 1863Mar. 29, 1936 
Phil CampbellEllisWilliamAmosAug. 7, 1898Dec. 16, 1943son of J.W. & Sara
Phil CampbellEncheff????    
Phil CampbellEncheffEffie June 19, 1893Oct. 7, 1978wife of Pete
Phil CampbellEncheffJohnR., Jr.Oct. 9, 1940Feb. 18, 1941 
Phil CampbellEncheffPete Aug. 15, 1872Aug. 8, 1938 
Phil CampbellEskridgeJohnWaylandSept. 15, 1970Sept. 25, 1970 
Phil CampbellFairlessCorrillae Aug. 28, 1857Mar. 7, 1913wife of J.W.
Phil CampbellFairlessJ.W.18521920 
Phil CampbellFarrLouEmmaJuly 8, 1896May 18, 1835wife of W.L.
Phil CampbellFishDuraMaeApr. 12, 1907May 8, 1936wife of Wm.T.
Phil CampbellFishJimmieM.Apr. 29, 1936May 25, 1936son of W.T. & D.M.
Phil CampbellFishWilliamThomasApr. 14, 1934Apr. 9, 1940son of W.T. & D.M.
Phil CampbellFlippoE.T.Aug. 7, 1874Oct. 8, 1956 
Phil CampbellFlippoEmmettAndrewApr. 22, 1926Apr. 30, 1981 
Phil CampbellFlippoJimR.June 20, 1865Dec. 3, 1955 
Phil CampbellFlippoMaggie Feb. 11, 1890July 28, 1970wife of E.T.
Phil CampbellFlippoNancyJane1867Mar. 11, 1943wife of J.R.
Phil CampbellFortnerBetty Sept. 13, 1926 wife of James
Phil CampbellFortnerClarenceW.Nov. 27, 1888July 23, 1962 
Phil CampbellFortnerJames June 2, 1922Sept. 20, 1983 
Phil CampbellFortnerLoven Mar. 20, 1917Jan. 29, 1938son of Clarence
Phil CampbellFortnerMaryEmmaDec. 9, 1898Apr. 27, 1962wife of C.W.
Phil CampbellFranksCharlesD.Jan. 21, 1937Mar. 11, 1937 
Phil CampbellFreemanLouAliceMar. 24, 1889Sept. 23, 1971wife of R.L.
Phil CampbellFreemanRobertL.Mar. 4, 1887May 18, 1937 
Phil CampbellGainesBuelO.Apr. 4, 1926Feb. 20, 1977 
Phil CampbellGainesDorrisJ.Apr. 28, 1934Dec. 16, 1992wife of B.O.
Phil CampbellGarnerBeulahMcCord18931955 
Phil CampbellGarnerCarrieLong18581925wife of L.W.
Phil CampbellGarnerEdgarWooten18911954 
Phil CampbellGarnerLeRoyW.18471924 
Phil CampbellGarnerRoyCamak19111943 
Phil CampbellGayCarolynSueDec. 25, 1934Apr. 23, 1937 
Phil CampbellGistJ.R.Mar. 15, 1922Jan. 23, 1936son of J.R.
Phil CampbellGlasgowSamuelCarsonFeb. 27, 1924Feb. 27, 1946 
Phil CampbellGoalsonJ.S.Nov. 28, 1918Dec. 24, 1918son of J.F. & G.E.
Phil CampbellGoldenNorah Feb. 8, 1885Feb. 3, 1903 
Phil CampbellGrayMaryLouOct. 10, 1868Jan. 10, 1958 
Phil CampbellGrayMossieL.Mar. 21, 1895 wife of W.H.
Phil CampbellGrayRichard Oct. 1, 1902Mar. 8, 1922son of W.H. & M.L.
Phil CampbellGrayW.H.Mar. 28, 1865May 26, 1936 
Phil CampbellGuthrieEthelTaylorAug. 1, 1894July 7, 1976 
Phil CampbellHalcameE. Oct. 7, 1897Sept. 14, 1903 
Phil CampbellHandAquilla 18881968wife of Henry
Phil CampbellHandHenry 18831942 
Phil CampbellHendrixD.T.May 20, 1864Nov. 24, 1935 
Phil CampbellHilleyJamesR.Dec. 26, 1940 Ala.PVT 5 Inf. 2 Div.
Phil CampbellHitchcockLizzie June 21, 1892Sept. 25, 1925wife of F.M.
Phil CampbellHolmesAliceS.12-Jul-02 wife of B.I.
Phil CampbellHolmesBenjaminAlFeb. 24, 1931Jan. 7, 1938 
Phil CampbellHolmesBenjaminI.July 29, 189823-May-68 
Phil CampbellHurstL. D.N.May 21, 1858Apr. 9, 1935 
Phil CampbellHutchesonNancyJ.June 9, 1852Oct. 16, 1915wife of N.P.
Phil CampbellHutchesonNewtonP.May 4, 1843Feb. 24, 1913 
Phil CampbellJacksoninfants Nov. 2, 1928Nov. 2, 1928child. of E.T. & C.M.
Phil CampbellJacksonSally 18721917wife of J.E.
Phil CampbellJarrellAlmaLouise30-Jul-22Sept. 13, 1987 
Phil CampbellJohnsonAnnieV.Apr. 28, 1888Feb. 24, 1957wife of L.H.
Phil CampbellJohnsonCarrieE.Jan. 21, 1919Feb. 9, 1983 
Phil CampbellJohnsonCharlie Sept. 27, 1880Feb. 3, 1907 
Phil CampbellJohnsonClaudy June 13, 189927-Jun-02son of L.A. & M.
Phil CampbellJohnsonEller June 15, 1868Nov. 8, 1897wife of T.T.
Phil CampbellJohnsonEmma May 29, 1880Nov. 19, 1964wife of Charlie
Phil CampbellJohnsonJamesH.18601940 
Phil CampbellJohnsonLumpkinH.July 8, 188329-May-62mrd. Oct. 24, 1906
Phil CampbellJohnsonMissouriL.18621946wife of J.H.
Phil CampbellJohnsonThomasT.June 30, 1862Aug. 26, 1937 
Phil CampbellJohnsonWalterLewisNov. 19, 1880Aug. 12, 1922 
Phil CampbellJohnsonWoodfinConradJan. 13, 1914Nov. 4, 196753 years old
Phil CampbellKeetonBonnieGaleOct. 5, 1941Oct. 6, 1941 
Phil CampbellKeetonLolenBusterAug. 30, 191910-May-93 
Phil CampbellKeetonWaldine Mar. 18, 1923 wife of L.B.
Phil CampbellKeltnerMaryL.Apr. 18, 188513-Jun-23 
Phil CampbellKennedyJ.C.Oct. 20, 185429-Jul-02Mason
Phil CampbellKennedyJohnSherman26-Jun-138-Jun-16son of J.L. & M.A.
Phil CampbellKennedyM.P.June 27, 1856Mar. 31, 1922wife of J.C.
Phil CampbellKennedyMyrtis 29-Jul-22Aug. 4, 1927dau. of J.L. & M.A.
Phil CampbellKentAliceF.Aug. 27, 188522-May-76wife of Andy E.
Phil CampbellKentAndyE.Oct. 24, 1879Oct. 6, 1959 
Phil CampbellKentAnnie Dec. 20, 1892Apr. 7, 1959wife of Wm.W.
Phil CampbellKentHowardW.Feb. 27, 19298-May-30son of W.W. & A.
Phil CampbellKentWilliamA.Apr. 12, 1919Oct. 24, 1920son of W.W. & A.
Phil CampbellKentWilliamW.Oct. 1, 188225-Jul-67 
Phil CampbellKilgoarBerthaE.Oct. 14, 1899Apr. 21, 1968wife of E.W.
Phil CampbellKilgoarE.W.Feb. 6, 1899Apr. 12, 1979"Pete"
Phil CampbellKimberleyDelilah July 16, 185117-Jul-09 
Phil CampbellKinesMamieO.Aug. 7, 1906Aug. 8, 1993 
Phil CampbellLawlerHyacinth Dec. 5, 1916Apr. 14, 1996wife of J.W.
Phil CampbellLawlerJerryW.10-May-15  
Phil CampbellLawrenceCarieV.15-May-06Oct. 4, 1978wife of Welton
Phil CampbellLawrenceEleanorBrown188815-Jul-7585 years old
Phil CampbellLawrenceWelton Jan. 25, 1911Apr. 22, 1938 
Phil CampbellLedlowOdell 3-Jul-05Feb. 11, 1989PFC US Army WWII
Phil CampbellLoweryM.J.Feb. 16, 1871Feb. 19, 1920 
Phil CampbellLunsfordLanaDeFoor4-May-16Aug. 2, 1970 
Phil CampbellMaddoxBenjaminF.Mar. 2, 1858Mar. 19, 1939 
Phil CampbellMaddoxCharlesWalterDec. 22, 1884Feb. 15, 1918 
Phil CampbellMaddoxLizzie Jan. 27, 1882Dec. 23, 1961wife of B.F.
Phil CampbellMapesEvaBelleFeb. 18, 1920Mar. 8, 1922dau. of F.R. & L.
Phil CampbellMapesF.R.18921929 
Phil CampbellMapesFreeman Feb. 1, 1905Mar. 28, 1905son of M.A. & N.F.
Phil CampbellMapesLaurenceR.Apr. 8, 19089-Jun-08son of S. & L.G.
Phil CampbellMapesRalphE.Apr. 21, 1926Nov. 20, 1985 
Phil CampbellMashburnJemima Oct. 24, 1856Dec. 3, 1953 
Phil CampbellMashburnJepthaGreenSept. 20, 1885Sept. 1, 1901son of U.M.& Adaline
Phil CampbellMashburnU.M.Dec. 29, 1854Mar. 24, 1913 
Phil CampbellMayhallDuellT.Jan. 9, 1913Mar. 26, 1979SSgt US Army WWII
Phil CampbellMayhallElbertB.Jan. 7, 19043-Jul-92BM2 US Navy WWII
Phil CampbellMayhallEttaCampOct. 5, 1881Nov. 5, 1958 
Phil CampbellMayhallHelenB.Aug. 23, 1913 wife of D.T.
Phil CampbellMayhallMadelyn Sept. 16, 1922Nov. 26, 1942dau. of N.W.
Phil CampbellMayhallMary Sept. 24, 1???Feb. 21, 1979 
Phil CampbellMayhallN.W.Aug. 6, 1875Apr. 2, 1955 
Phil CampbellMayhallSarahL.Mar. 11, 1913 wife of E.B.
Phil CampbellMcAnallyJohnC.Mar. 29, 1836Mar. 25, 1920Ala.Co.B 48 Regt Inf CSA
Phil CampbellMcBrayerinfant Nov. 4, 1917Nov. 4, 1917child of S.F. & V.I.
Phil CampbellMcBrayerSolF.Oct. 10, 1885Feb. 22, 1968 
Phil CampbellMcBrayerVertieO.Aug. 12, 189418-Jul-75wife of Sol F.
Phil CampbellMcClungAllie MaeWingoOct. 15, 1898Nov. 15, 1966wife of S.R.
Phil CampbellMcClungGladysReid9-Jun-03Aug. 3, 1936 
Phil CampbellMcClungSamuelRobertAug. 27, 188621-May-72 
Phil CampbellMcCrelessClydeH.Oct. 24, 191821-Jul-75mrd. Dec. 23, 1950 SGT Army Air Force WWII
Phil CampbellMcCrelessLillieB.Mar. 18, 1912Sept. 20, 1994wife of C.H.
Phil CampbellMcDonaldJohnH.Nov. 27, 1892Apr. 18, 1953 
Phil CampbellMcDonaldOttis May 9, 1898Aug. 21, 1941 
Phil CampbellMcDonaldRobertLewisJan. 1, 1924Jan. 24, 1944Ala.PFC 143 Inf. 36 Div. WWII
Phil CampbellMcDonaldW.EarlDec. 23, 1930Jan. 30, 1943 
Phil CampbellMcGrawEllen June 24, 1856Nov. 4, 1937wife of William
Phil CampbellMcGrawWilliam Apr. 8, 1850Nov. 5, 1926 
Phil CampbellMeisnerConnieDeFoorMar. 12, 192221-May-75 
Phil CampbellMeisnerEdwardW.18-May-18  
Phil CampbellMeisnerJudyBeth16-Jun-5016-Jun-50dau. of E.W.
Phil CampbellMixonLeo(twin)Dec. 13, 1903Sept. 24, 1904son of W.B. & S.P.
Phil CampbellMixonLeon(twin)Dec. 13, 1903Jan. 4, 1904son of W.B. & S.P.
Phil CampbellMoore????    
Phil CampbellMooreA.C., Jr.Jan. 4, 1928Apr. 26, 1973"Jack"
Phil CampbellMooreAliceF.Aug. 8, 1868Dec. 15, 1915wife of J.L.N.
Phil CampbellMooreArthurC.June 12, 1891Mar. 22, 1962 
Phil CampbellMooreClaudie 19131967 
Phil CampbellMooreGeraldine 9-Jul-22Oct. 14, 1922dau. of D.A. & J.L.
Phil CampbellMooreHannah Nov. 7, 1876Sept. 19, 1947 
Phil CampbellMooreinfants Feb. 25, 189831-Jul-07children of W.M.
Phil CampbellMooreIrene 1918 wife of Claudie
Phil CampbellMooreJennieO.May 5, 1897Feb. 15, 1977wife of A.C.
Phil CampbellMooreJoseph L.N.Dec. 29, 1868Dec. 7, 1931 
Phil CampbellMooreMary Aug. 25, 1875Dec. 16, 1955 
Phil CampbellMorelandSue NellS.7-May-08Nov. 11, 1983 
Phil CampbellMorelandW.R.Apr. 14, 1903Dec. 28, 1977 
Phil CampbellMorrisonCoraEuphriasaOct. 12, 1876Feb. 15, 1950wife of J.F.
Phil CampbellMorrisonJamesFarrisJan. 29, 1873Jan. 28, 1951 
Phil CampbellMorrowBeltonH.Jan. 24, 1918Feb. 9, 1918 
Phil CampbellNashAnnieM.19051935 
Phil CampbellNashTallulahF.18581928 
Phil CampbellNashThomasJ.Feb. 11, 1855Apr. 28, 1944Mason
Phil CampbellNealinfant 27-Jun-4727-Jun-47son of Henry E. III
Phil CampbellNicholsAmyP.18901966wife of B.C.
Phil CampbellNixDerekWayneMar. 17, 1969Jan. 29, 1994son of Ellis & Dot
Phil CampbellNixSarahCarteeNov. 29, 1928  
Phil CampbellOdomBobby Mar. 21, 1930Oct. 11, 1930son of W.T.
Phil CampbellOdomH.B.18851955wife of W.T.,Sr.
Phil CampbellOdomW.T., Sr.18811928 
Phil CampbellOsbornJohnD.18591912 
Phil CampbellOsbornLeighS.18611941wife of J.D.
Phil CampbellPaceLottie 19061907dau.of Lucien &Maud
Phil CampbellParkerPaulStevenAug. 13, 1960Aug. 16, 1960 
Phil CampbellParrishFelixN.Nov. 24, 1889Jan. 14, 1968 
Phil CampbellParrishFelixN., Jr.Oct. 13, 1918Sept. 12, 1943 
Phil CampbellParrishIdellaW.Dec. 18, 1891Apr. 28, 1976wife of F.N.
Phil CampbellPeakeFreemanA.18-Jun-1210-Jun-64 
Phil CampbellPeakeRubyW.  wife of F.A.
Phil CampbellPeppersFreddie May, 1907Oct., 1907 
Phil CampbellPeppersNaomiDellOct. 9, 1900Sept. 20, 1908 
Phil CampbellPhillipsCharlesL.Nov. 22, 1893Mar. 27, 1985 
Phil CampbellPhillipsLulaF.Jan. 23, 1898Feb. 12, 1984wife of C.L.
Phil CampbellPrestonHullonWayneFeb. 2, 1942Feb. 2, 1942son of B.H.
Phil CampbellPrestonWillieMaeAug. 4, 1919Aug. 26, 1952wife of B.H.
Phil CampbellPursleyCharlesA.Jan. 19, 1883Apr. 4, 1964 
Phil CampbellPursleyMarthaLeeApr. 25, 1887Mar. 22, 1964wife of C.A.
Phil CampbellReidAliceMaloneSept. 7, 1866Feb. 21, 1943 
Phil CampbellReidFletcher May 22, 1862Aug. 3, 1946 
Phil CampbellRiceAltonOwen, Sr.27-Jul-2717-May-96 
Phil CampbellRiceBenL.Jan. 27, 1899Nov. 3, 1977 
Phil CampbellRiceBertieL.Dec. 31, 1899Jan. 31, 1982wife of B.L.
Phil CampbellRiceDessieB.July 28, 1895Feb. 25, 1951wife of W.H.
Phil CampbellRiceJ.T.May 29, 188428-Jul-41 
Phil CampbellRiceMattieLeeSept. 17, 1890Dec. 16, 1952 
Phil CampbellRiceRuthM.23-Jul-27 wife of A.O.,Sr.
Phil CampbellRiceW.H.Mar. 1, 1889Feb. 20, 1954 
Phil CampbellRigsbyBettie(Aunt)Oct. 2, 1845Mar. 27, 1922wife of John
Phil CampbellRigsbyJohn(Uncle)Feb. 22, 1841Nov. 20, 1920 
Phil CampbellRiversClaraJaneJuly 17, 1859Feb. 10, 1937 
Phil CampbellRiversJ.B.Jan. 15, 1861Aug. 8, 1940 
Phil CampbellRobertsAmeliaT.18851973wife of W.G.
Phil CampbellRobertsWilliamG.18801954 
Phil CampbellRobertsonPolly  1890 
Phil CampbellShaddixGroverS.Nov., 1906Oct. 1949 
Phil CampbellSheddCharlesC.Jan. 11, 1892Jan. 16, 1961 
Phil CampbellSheddMartha Apr. 15, 1866Dec. 4, 1946 
Phil CampbellSheddThompson Jan. 1, 18587-May-37 
Phil CampbellSheddWilliamBerryFeb. 11, 189121-May-52 
Phil CampbellShererShellie OpalBrewerMar. 21, 1911Jan. 1, 19912nd dau. of H.F. & A.B. Brewer
Phil CampbellShermanJohnP.9-Jul-06Sept. 2, 1958rel. to J.R. & S.D.
Phil CampbellShermanJohnR.18711937 rel. to S.D. & J.P., doctor
Phil CampbellShermanSusanDonieMar. 3, 1876Oct. 16, 1960rel. to J.R. & J.P.
Phil CampbellSherrillCoraL.18921983 
Phil CampbellSherrillDussieL.26-Jul-01Apr. 18, 1985wife of R.H.
Phil CampbellSherrillFlorence 18801937wife of G.H.
Phil CampbellSherrillGeorgeH.18761941 
Phil CampbellSherrillJoanTompkinsSept. 18, 1953  
Phil CampbellSherrillJoelW.18711954 
Phil CampbellSherrillJoel Mar. 20, 1835Oct. 4, 1906 
Phil CampbellSherrillLewisLeon, Jr.Aug. 9, 1953Jan. 11, 1984mrd. Oct. 12, 1974
Phil CampbellSherrillMarthaA.18711945wife of J.W.
Phil CampbellSherrillR.HughFeb. 1, 189413-May-69 
Phil CampbellSherrillRobertL.Dec. 29, 1906Mar. 2, 1908son of S.O. & M.A.
Phil CampbellSherrillScrogginsL.Mar. 30, 191111-Jul-18son of J.W. & M.A.
Phil CampbellSimsMaryCauseyAug., 1850Jan. 22, 1921 
Phil CampbellSmithAuburn 18871970 
Phil CampbellSmithBelle 18931979wife of Auburn
Phil CampbellSmithMargaretR.Dec. 2, 1932 wife of R.J.
Phil CampbellSmithRobertJ.Jan. 19, 1930  
Phil CampbellSmithVema 3-May-08Sept. 19, 1988 
Phil CampbellSneedDennisLoyd6-Jul-16Oct. 6, 1955 
Phil CampbellSneedLauraW.Oct. 8, 1896Dec. 6, 1970 
Phil CampbellSpearEsterM.Apr. 28, 1897Jan. 19, 1924 
Phil CampbellSpearEthe Dec. 13, 191813-Jul-21dau. of E.M. & M.O.
Phil CampbellSpearJessieW.June 17, 1871Oct. 29, 1941 
Phil CampbellSpearMarthaA.Feb. 10, 187314-Jul-58wife of J.W.
Phil CampbellSteeleBillyC.Feb. 2, 1931Mar. 13, 1955Ala.CPL Btry B 9 Field Arty. BN Korea
Phil CampbellSteeleFranklinD.Mar. 12, 1933Jan. 7, 1982PFC US Army Korea
Phil CampbellSteelePaulineH.Feb. 21, 190717-Jun-27 
Phil CampbellSteeleT.NormanDec. 5, 190111-Jun-69 
Phil CampbellStocktonFrank 18741951 
Phil CampbellStocktonMattie 18761953wife of Frank
Phil CampbellStocktonN.B.Jan. 17, 1929Sept. 24, 1983 
Phil CampbellStone????    
Phil CampbellStreetmanJohnF.Mar. 7, 1901Apr. 6, 1969 
Phil CampbellStreetmanTobie Apr. 22, 1904Jan. 28, 1989wife of J.F.
Phil CampbellSuttonDaleAllen13-Jun-64Mar. 2, 1991 
Phil CampbellSwinneyAnnaMae29-May-27 wife of R.B.
Phil CampbellSwinneyArlisC.26-Jun-33Oct. 20, 1994mrd. Dec. 24, 1953
Phil CampbellSwinneyKatherineC.Nov. 3, 1-34 wife of Arlis C.
Phil CampbellSwinneyM.J.Jan. 22, 183910-Jul-22wife of R.W.
Phil CampbellSwinneyR.H.Mar. 29, 1858Aug. 15, 1940 
Phil CampbellSwinneyR.W.Oct. 12, 1834Sept. 29, 1907 
Phil CampbellSwinneyRobertBuelJan. 20, 192716-May-93 
Phil CampbellSwinneyRoyH.Jan. 11, 1907Dec. 28, 1923 
Phil CampbellSwinneySusieE.Mar. 4, 1866Nov. 9, 1918wife of R.H.
Phil CampbellTaylorC.E.   
Phil CampbellTaylorHermanByronSept. 23, 1901Sept. 20, 1985 
Phil CampbellTaylorIda Nov. 25, 1870Oct. 16, 1934wife of R.F.
Phil CampbellTaylorMaryEmmaMar. 28, 1905Aug. 5, 1925wife of G.E.
Phil CampbellTaylorRileyF.Dec. 6, 1872Nov. 15, 1940 
Phil CampbellTaylorRonaldDaleAug. 6, 1956Aug. 27, 1978 
Phil CampbellThompsonAlpheousJ.Feb. 22, 1895Sept. 17, 1907son of E.T.
Phil CampbellThompsonElijahT.Sept. 15, 1874Jan. 2, 1914 
Phil CampbellThompsonEver Mar. 18, 1872Oct. 21, 1924wife of E.M.
Phil CampbellThompsonIdaO.Apr. 3, 1875Dec. 10, 1945wife of E.T.
Phil CampbellThompsonJamesLewis193?Apr. 8, 196628 years old
Phil CampbellToddJacquelineBates19281946 
Phil CampbellTuggleAliceE.Dec. 29, 1890Apr. 9, 1957wife of F.D.
Phil CampbellTuggleFloydD.Apr. 8, 1891Apr. 12, 1949 
Phil CampbellTyraSallieJ.May 18, 18802-Jul-66wife of Wm. H.
Phil CampbellTyraWilliamH.Apr. 14, 1877Aug. 6, 1958 
Phil CampbellVanderfordLoreneE.Sept. 21, 1914Oct. 24, 1991 
Phil CampbellVoylesM.LoyalDec. 13, 19296-Jun-61Mason
Phil CampbellWadeG.B.Sept. 1, 1841Oct. 21, 1913Ala.Co.A 8 Regt Cav. CSA, Mason
Phil CampbellWallaceDoraJ.18681947wife of J.A.
Phil CampbellWallaceHenryGrady27-May-27Apr. 10, 1935 
Phil CampbellWallaceIdaSusanJan. 30, 1880Nov. 4, 1967 
Phil CampbellWallaceJ.W.Sept. 6, 1875Dec. 4, 1924 
Phil CampbellWallaceJamesA.18371931Co.E 19 Cav. CSA
Phil CampbellWallaceJosephGradySept. 30, 190327-Jun-61 
Phil CampbellWallaceMaryA.18381903wife of James A.
Phil CampbellWallaceTravisO'NealAug. 29, 1933Oct. 13, 1944 
Phil CampbellWamsleyAlbertN.Jan. 7, 1864Dec. 11, 1927 
Phil CampbellWamsleyGeorgeA.June 9, 1867Nov. 16, 1947 
Phil CampbellWamsleyKennethEsterOct. 7, 1924Oct. 19, 1991S1 US Navy WWII
Phil CampbellWamsleyRoiceL.Mar. 19, 1928 Ala. PVT 324 Inf. 81 Div., Mason
Phil CampbellWamsleyShellie Oct. 24, 1901Nov. 10, 1976 
Phil CampbellWileyMissouriaCampDec. 3, 1855Jan. 20, 1918 
Phil CampbellWilliamsJ.B.Sept. 13, 1910Dec. 23, 1910son J.A. & A.L.
Phil CampbellWilliamsJohn    
Phil CampbellWilliamsKathrenM.17-Jun-182-Jul-70wife of R.H.
Phil CampbellWilliamsMaryM.Mar. 31, 1931  
Phil CampbellWilliamsRosaEllaSept. 16, 1892Apr. 10, 1970 
Phil CampbellWilliamsRoyH.19-Jul-12  
Phil CampbellWilliamsWillieG.Feb. 16, 191219-Jul-13 
Phil CampbellWilsonCleveV.Sept. 27, 1888Apr. 14, 1971mrd. Oct. 4, 1910
Phil CampbellWilsonJimmie(Little)16-Jun-2615-Jun-35son of C.V.
Phil CampbellWilsonLiddieF.Dec. 22, 1895Mar. 11, 1990wife of C.V.
Phil CampbellWilsonPaskel 19-Jun-15Feb. 5, 1935 
Phil CampbellWinklesJ.ShermanSept. 11, 19065-Jul-07son of G.L. & E.M.
Phil CampbellWood???? 1897Sept. 14, 1903 
Phil CampbellWoodBeulahW.Dec. 23, 1907 wife of J.L.
Phil CampbellWoodJamesLeeApr. 20, 19034-Jun-92 
Phil CampbellWoodM.Louise18741946wife of P.M.
Phil CampbellWoodPharesM.18711948 
Phil CampbellWoodardJosephine Sept. 13, 192625-May-27dau. of J.A. & E.M.
Phil CampbellWoodardSue Mar. 10, 191930-Jul-38 
Phil CampbellWoodardZullar 31-Jul-16Apr. 20, 1937 
Phil CampbellWoodwardArntonM.Aug. 7, 1902Nov. 25, 1980 
Phil CampbellWoodwardOliveF.Oct. 9, 1908Nov. 3, 1987wife of A.M.
Phil CampbellWray???? 18921949 

PhillipsAbernathyGuy 190?Mar., 197065 years old
PhillipsPhillipsAlfordE.Aug. 20, 1927Apr. 30, 1974TEC 5 US Army
PhillipsPhillipsCalvinC.Dec. 6, 1923Mar. 7, 1965 
PhillipsPhillipsElija 183?Oct. 16, 190876 years old
PhillipsPhillipsHarrietR.Nov. 17, 1870Aug. 31, 1933 
PhillipsPhillipsHershalB.Sept. 20, 189313-Jul-16 
PhillipsPhillipsLouis Nov. 19, 190017-Jul-02son of B.L. & R.L.
PhillipsPhillipsOffieH.Mar. 18, 1899Jan. 7, 1918 

Pilot HillArmstrongBenD.Apr. 6, 1905Mar. 29, 1958 
Pilot HillArmstronginfant Oct. 29, 1916Oct. 29, 1916dau. of W.J. & Mary
Pilot HillArmstrongJ.T.Apr. 30, 1864Feb. 13, 1933spouse of N.F.
Pilot HillArmstrongKathleen Dec. 11, 1927Nov. 14, 1929 
Pilot HillArmstrongN.F.Mar. 9, 1873July 14, 1942spouse of J.T.
Pilot HillArmstrongRuthN.Feb. 6, 1906 wife of B.D.
Pilot HillBaggettAbbie Oct. 23, 1856Aug. 18, 1942wife of Reuben
Pilot HillBaggettAmyA.May 10, 1895  
Pilot HillBaggettDemaris July 5, 1921Mar. 20, 1931 
Pilot HillBaggettE.J.Mar. 31, 1923June 20, 1924 
Pilot HillBaggettEllis Feb. 8, 1900Feb. 3, 1966 
Pilot HillBaggettLillie May 14, 1902 wife of Ellis
Pilot HillBaggettPhillisD.Feb. 3, 1947Feb. 3, 1947dau. of J.W.
Pilot HillBaggettR.D.Mar. 13, 1892Feb. 3, 1971"Dock"
Pilot HillBaggettReuben Aug. 9, 1861Apr. 10, 1942 
Pilot HillBlackSarahE.18751958wife of T.W.
Pilot HillBlackThomasW.18661942 
Pilot HillGentryWilliamC.19051951Mason
Pilot HillHumphreyIrvingL.Mar. 21, 1891Dec. 27, 1970 
Pilot HillHumphreyMaryM.July 27, 1895 wife of I.L.
Pilot HillKnightJessieB.Sept. 2, 1898June 29,1957 
Pilot HillKnightJessieWayneSept. 2, 1945Oct. 7, 1945son of J.B.
Pilot HillKnightNettieKathrynDec. 20, 1906Dec. 31, 1973wife of J.B.
Pilot HillLawlerClydeE.Oct. 10, 1895Sept. 21, 1973Ala.PVT US Army WWI
Pilot HillLawlerMabelM.2-Jun-22 wife of C.E.
Pilot HillLayAlman Aug. 16, 1914Oct. 21, 1934 
Pilot HillLayIda Mar. 5, 189418-Jun-64 
Pilot HillLeeDouglas 195?5-Jul-59son of Ora
Pilot HillMathewsArnoldW.Aug., 1923Mar., 1939 
Pilot HillMathewsLonnieA.May 4, 1881Feb. 21, 1965 
Pilot HillMathewsMaggieT.Mar. 8, 18931-May-40wife of L.A.
Pilot HillMaysAaronF.Dec. 17, 1863Jan. 28, 1940 
Pilot HillMaysMartha May 13, 1872Apr. 15, 1947wife of A.F.
Pilot HillMcCarleyArlie Jan. 18, 1908Oct. 9, 1964 
Pilot HillMcCarleyLiller 1883Aug. 2, 1940 
Pilot HillMcCarleyLillie Jan. 25, 1913 wife of Arlie
Pilot HillMcCarleySammy Jan. 15, 188830-May-66 
Pilot HillMcClungMargaretM.Sept. 23, 1849Feb. 25, 1917wife of W.T.
Pilot HillMcClungW.T.Apr. 13, 1853Apr. 3, 1936Reverend, Mason
Pilot HillMcKinneyJesse Jan. 17, 1940Jan. 4, 1945son of Quinton
Pilot HillMcKinneyRelmonM.May 17, 1896Sept. 20, 1967 
Pilot HillMcKinneySarahS.Apr. 13, 1897 wife of R.M.
Pilot HillMimsJamesMorrisNov. 26, 1941Aug. 6, 1962 
Pilot HillPharrDillard Oct. 24, 1924  
Pilot HillPharrinfant(girl) Dec. 31, 1967 
Pilot HillPharrJewelOdeanJan. 16, 1927Jan. 23, 1967wife of Dillard
Pilot HillPharrLurlieB.7-May-03 wife of W.B.
Pilot HillPharrNello Mar. 1, 1931Oct. 22, 1942 
Pilot HillPharrWillieB.Nov. 30, 1893Feb. 27, 1973 
Pilot HillPowellLula Jan. 12, 189411-May-68wife of W.W.
Pilot HillPowellWilliamW.Sept. 7, 1898  
Pilot HillRussellVirgil 9-Jul-35Mar. 22, 1959son of Vonda
Pilot HillScottAudie Sept. 23, 1896Jan. 16, 1975 
Pilot HillStidhamBertha 6-Jul-02 wife of Sid
Pilot HillStidhamHollis Aug. 30, 192318-Jun-25 
Pilot HillStidhamKenneth Dec. 18, 1927Oct. 7, 1944 
Pilot HillStidhamSid July 12, 1896Mar. 31, 1960 
Pilot HillTurbyfillHurtisLee2-May-31Jan. 4, 1967 
Pilot HillTurbyfillRobertL. Apr. 26, 1956son of L.D.
Pilot HillTurbyfillWillie Apr. 1, 1934 wife of H.L.
Pilot HillUptainWillieDenvard4-May-3224-Jul-53Ga. PFC C. K 31 Inf. Regt Korea PH
Pilot HillUptonIdara Aug. 16, 1926Nov. 25, 1956 
Pilot HillWestLucille 1916 wife of R.V.
Pilot HillWestRoyalV.19061967 
Pilot HillWilliamsRoseAnnaAug. 28, 18864-Jun-46wife of S.B.
Pilot HillWilliamsSilasB.Mar. 27, 1915Aug. 30, 1962 
Pilot HillWilliamsSilasB., Jr.Sept. 23, 1915Aug. 30, 1962Ala. PVT 3706 Base Unit AAF WWII

Pleasant GroveGrayA. G.G.Feb. 28, 1870Mar. 19, 187 
Pleasant GroveGrayJohnI.Mar. 4, 1847July 19, 1975 
Pleasant GroveHarrisCoraMabelApr. 22, 1886Mar. 23, 1902dau. of R.S. & M.A.
Pleasant GroveMartinIvaN.Feb. 25, 1880Mar. 19, 1955 

Pleasant HillBankstonGeorgeW.Oct. 16, 1895Apr. 29, 1991 
Pleasant HillBankstonLeliaC.Apr. 18, 1912Dec. 2, 1984wife of G.W.
Pleasant HillBohannonJosie P.L.Jan. 1, 1833June 3, 1906wife of W.A.
Pleasant HillBroaddrickCallieB.18801944wife of J.F.
Pleasant HillBroaddrickClaraE.Apr. 17, 1909Dec. 17, 1992wife of Wm.A.
Pleasant HillBroaddrickJessieF.18711941 
Pleasant HillBroaddrickWilliamA.Mar. 8, 1906Apr. 14, 1984 
Pleasant HillBryant????   mother of Gober
Pleasant HillCanslerinfant   child of Neil (?)
Pleasant HillCooperDavidA.Mar. 18, 1879May 15, 1964 
Pleasant HillCooperLindy    
Pleasant HillCorbinBoydR.Apr. 9, 1922July 1, 1994PVT US Army WWII
Pleasant HillCorbinOpalE.Aug. 23, 1930May 8, 1990wife of B.R.
Pleasant HillCreekmoreTalithaA.June 11, 1849Jan. 7, 1903wife of W.J.
Pleasant HillCreekmoreWilliamJackson18491906 
Pleasant HillCrouchinfant ca 1940ca 1940child of Sonny
Pleasant HillCrouchShelbyGene  son of Lucille Hargett
Pleasant HillDobbsBrindaGaleJune 16, 1949July 19, 1949 
Pleasant HillDobbsinfant   child of Raymond
Pleasant HillDuncanGravisMeltonJan. 20, 1924Jan. 25, 1924child of J.W. & M.L.
Pleasant HillDuncanLonnieL.Oct. 19, 1903Nov. 4, 1916son of J.W. & M.L.
Pleasant HillGallowayShellieA.Aug. 20, 1912Feb. 22, 1992 
Pleasant HillHargettBartonC.Mar. 2, 1892Jan. 2, 1959 
Pleasant HillHargettEdnaE.Feb. 7, 1898Dec. 13, 1979 
Pleasant HillHargettHattieL.Dec. 27, 189022-Jul-24wife of B.G.
Pleasant HillHarveyIlaMae   
Pleasant HillHicksKennethW.11-May-60Sept. 13, 1960 
Pleasant HillHillAmandaLeighSept. 30, 1976Nov. 26, 1976dau. of Glen
Pleasant HillHillBeatrice Nov. 13, 1920 wife of Grover
Pleasant HillHillGroverJr.Mar. 2, 1941Oct. 5, 1944 
Pleasant HillHillGrover 31-May-1310-Jul-87 
Pleasant HillHowellBarbara Aug. 27, 1943Aug. 27, 1943dau. of Nelson
Pleasant HillHowellJohn 18911956 
Pleasant HillHowellSteveNelsonMar. 1, 19576-May-58 
Pleasant HillHowellVirgie 18931991wife of John
Pleasant HillHowellWillie Apr. 23, 191819-Jul-81"Jack"
Pleasant HillIsbellJamesE.Dec. 24, 1936Feb. 14, 1983 
Pleasant HillIsbellOpalJ.Oct. 29, 1931 wife of J.E.
Pleasant HillJamesEugeneE.Apr. 14, 1914Feb. 14, 1994 
Pleasant HillJamesLudieS.Feb. 19, 19132-Jun-94wife of E.E.
Pleasant HillKellyOllieFaye7-May-25Nov. 18, 1996 
Pleasant HillKingArthurB.2-May-0519-May-61 
Pleasant HillKingJanie Sept. 29, 188529-Jul-61 
Pleasant HillKingJessieL.  wife of J.W.
Pleasant HillKingJohnW.   
Pleasant HillKingVirlenG.Apr. 11, 191130-Jul-42dau.of W.L. & M.J.L.
Pleasant HillKingWilkin    
Pleasant HillKingWillieL.Mar. 28, 1885Apr. 23, 1913 
Pleasant HillLawlerElvaHarold9-May-22Apr. 9, 1996 
Pleasant HillLawlerRubyLeeAug. 27, 1926 wife of E.H.
Pleasant HillLottsArchieA.25-Jul-0210-Jul-28Ala.PVT 1st Gas Regt.
Pleasant HillLottsinfant   child of Archie A.
Pleasant HillMossBeulahI.June 16, 1857Jan. 30, 1905 
Pleasant HillNewberryMarkE., Jr.Sept. 30, 1988Sept. 30, 1988son of Mark
Pleasant HillNove????    
Pleasant HillOdenEmmaSmith Nov. 10, 1918 
Pleasant HillOdeninfant  Nov., 1918dau. of Wm. & E.S.
Pleasant HillOliver????   wife of Wilburn
Pleasant HillOliverBurley 19241924 
Pleasant HillOliverinfant   child of Wilburn
Pleasant HillOliverLinnie Feb. 20, 1913Nov. 8, 1957 
Pleasant HillOliverMinnie 18821924 
Pleasant HillOliverWilliamKenneth11-Jul-51Mar. 11, 1993 
Pleasant HillPierceF.P.Apr. 12, 1857Feb. 5, 1926 
Pleasant HillPoundersA.L.July 9, 1850Oct. 19, 1917 
Pleasant HillPoundersArthur July 12, 1880Feb. 4, 1963 
Pleasant HillPoundersBeverly Apr. 30, 1941 wife of D.J.
Pleasant HillPoundersBobbie Apr. 9, 1932Apr. 9, 1932son of M.O.
Pleasant HillPoundersBobby Sept. 25, 1947Sept. 25, 1947son of Melvin & Mary Lou
Pleasant HillPoundersCloe Apr. 7, 1920Sept. 2, 1920son of L.L. & K.P.
Pleasant HillPoundersDelbertL.Sept. 9, 1900Dec. 10, 1952 
Pleasant HillPoundersDoyleJerryJan. 25, 19396-May-83 
Pleasant HillPoundersElvieN.12-Jun-02Mar. 23, 1924 
Pleasant HillPoundersEthelA.Feb. 11, 1906Mar. 31, 1967wife of D.L.
Pleasant HillPoundersFerd June 20, 1866Apr. 10, 1942 
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant Aug. 20, 1917Aug. 20, 1917dau. of L.L. & K.P.
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant  Aug. 30, 1912son of L.L. & K.P.
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant Dec. 17, 1919Dec. 17, 1919child of Waymon & P.M.
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant Feb. 12, 1927Feb. 12, 1927son of Arthur & Rushia
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant Mar. 12, 1923Mar. 12, 1923son of D.L. & Ethel
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant Mar. 18, 1969Mar. 18, 1969son of Johnnie A.
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant   child of A.L. & Mary
Pleasant HillPoundersinfant   child of Noah
Pleasant HillPoundersinfants(6 graves)ca 1900ca 1900children of Ferd & Lindy
Pleasant HillPoundersinfants 3-May-243-May-24sons of D.L. & Ethel
Pleasant HillPoundersKatieP.Apr. 14, 1887Aug. 16, 1959wife of L.L.
Pleasant HillPoundersL.Alvie5-Jul-14Apr. 17, 1974mrd. Dec. 7, 1938
Pleasant HillPoundersLillieMays   
Pleasant HillPoundersLindy   wife of Ferd
Pleasant HillPoundersLonie Apr. 19, 194313-May-43 
Pleasant HillPoundersLutherL.Sept. 15, 1882Nov. 21, 1973 
Pleasant HillPoundersMamieC. May 19, 190?dau. of ????
Pleasant HillPoundersMaryJaneSept. 28, 1853Feb. 20, 1930 
Pleasant HillPoundersMaryL.Jan. 31, 1916 wife of Wm.T.
Pleasant HillPoundersMary Jan. 29, 1883Jan. 4, 1940wife of A.L.
Pleasant HillPoundersMattieNix   
Pleasant HillPoundersMelvinO.7-May-117-Jun-88 
Pleasant HillPoundersOrielV.21-May-16Jan. 20, 1968 
Pleasant HillPoundersOrvilEugeneApr. 19, 194013-May-48 
Pleasant HillPoundersRachelM.Mar. 26, 1918 wife of L.A.
Pleasant HillPoundersRushia Feb. 9, 1883Sept. 16, 1963wife of Arthur
Pleasant HillPoundersThomasR.Mar. 10, 1854Oct. 23, 1922 
Pleasant HillPoundersVirginia Oct. 14, 18511-Jul-05wife of A.L.
Pleasant HillPoundersWilliamT.Sept. 18, 1913Mar. 4, 1984 
Pleasant HillReaArlee Dec. 23, 1930Jan. 23, 1931 
Pleasant HillReaEalorJaneJan. 25, 1898Feb. 2, 197375 years old
Pleasant HillReaElbertC.18911959 
Pleasant HillReaEllenE.Oct. 22, 1915Apr. 10, 1984wife of J.D.
Pleasant HillReaFred Dec. 14, 191617-Jul-17son of E.G.& Virginia
Pleasant HillReainfants(4 graves)  children of Billy
Pleasant HillReaJ.DibMar. 4, 1913  
Pleasant HillReaJamesA.Dec. 29, 186316-Jul-11 
Pleasant HillReaJohnny    
Pleasant HillReaJustine Oct. 12, 1915Oct. 12, 1915dau. of L.C. & Florence
Pleasant HillReaLou 187?Mar. 20, 1901 wife of W. R., 28 years old
Pleasant HillReaVictoria 19001994wife of E.C.
Pleasant HillReaVioletSmith1???1906 
Pleasant HillReaVirginiaT.Mar. 28, 1873Mar. 13, 1955 
Pleasant HillReaW.R.18621949 
Pleasant HillReaZelmaLucilleSept. 2, 1926Nov. 2, 1926 
Pleasant HillReaZelmaLucilleSept. 21, 1927Nov. 21, 1927 
Pleasant HillReevesA.J.30-Jul-38Apr. 13, 1958son of L.A.
Pleasant HillScottAslee May 3, 1878Dec. 14, 1950wife of Toab
Pleasant HillScottDoraLee5-Jul-27Mar. 4, 1986wife of S.V.
Pleasant HillScottSillV.Aug. 13, 1909  
Pleasant HillScottToab Aug. 16, 1887Nov. 23, 1970 
Pleasant HillStoneElizaA.18541936 
Pleasant HillStoneW.H.Mar. 15, 1862Feb. 24, 1948 
Pleasant HillTyraOrvilEugeneMar. 8, 193025-Jul-30son of Louis & Fannie
Pleasant HillVelbidJames    
Pleasant HillWhitleyGeorgiaAnnFeb. 18, 1887Aug. 29, 1963wife of P.W.
Pleasant HillWhitleyParrishWilfordApr. 29, 1889Jan. 27, 1967 
Pleasant HillWhitleyWilliamTravis7-Jul-19Dec. 13, 1993US Army Air Corps WWII
Pleasant HillWingoinfant ca 1930ca 1930child of Bowser
Pleasant HillZillsHelenP.28-Jul-26Oct. 3, 1981wife of J.J.
Pleasant HillZillsinfant   child of Helen
Pleasant HillZillsJamesJ.Aug. 9, 1916Feb. 20, 1986PVT US Army WWII

Pleasant Rdg.#1????infant Sept. 27, 1913Sept. 27, 1913 
Pleasant Rdg.#1????infant    
Pleasant Rdg.#1AlbrightAlmaK.Aug. 6, 1899 wife of John E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1AlbrightJohnE.May 22, 1894July 2, 1963 
Pleasant Rdg.#1AlbrightJohnR., Sr.Mar. 23, 1870Nov. 17, 1947 
Pleasant Rdg.#1AlbrightMaud36281Sept. 16, 1886Nov. 24, 1934 
Pleasant Rdg.#1AlbrightWillardCecilSept. 22, 1911June 24, 1928 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarksdaleJohnB.Oct. 27, 1874June 8, 1957 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarksdaleNoraHallDec. 24, 1884Jan. 7, 1957wife of J.B.
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarnesWilliamWilburnJan. 20, 1927Feb. 6, 1928son of G.A. & Josie
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrentDan   family
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettAda 19001970wife of Luster
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettHaley Apr. 5, 1906Sept. 9, 1970wife of Riley E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1Barrettinfant Mar. 15, 1923Mar. 15, 1923son of R.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettLettie Oct. 13, 1913Aug. 12, 1914 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettLuster 18991952 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettMary Sept. 17, 1874Oct. 24, 1924wife of Monroe
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettMonroe Mar. 31, 1875Jan. 17, 1924 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettNancyC.Mar. 20, 1857May 30, 1901wife of P.V.
Pleasant Rdg.#1BarrettRileyE.Nov. 13, 1898  
Pleasant Rdg.#1BaySama Nov. 5, 1867June 28, 1913 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryAnnieP.18791967wife of J.B.
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryBilly Oct. 10, 1942Feb. 10, 1943 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryEmmaReaDec. 9, 1886 wife of S.A.
Pleasant Rdg.#1Berryinfant Apr. 8, 1935Apr. 8, 1935son of S.G.
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryJohnB.18731955 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryJohnH.Mar. 23, 1839Dec. 20, 1922 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryL.E. "Miss"June 8, 1838June 8, 1914 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryNellie 1897  
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerrySidneyA.Nov. 23, 1880Feb. 17, 1969 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerrySidneyG.Dec. 26, 1893Mar. 3, 1973Ala.PVT US Army WWI
Pleasant Rdg.#1Berry(male)    
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryAudieC.May 16, 1903Mar., 1909 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryCalvinW.Dec. 1, 1866Feb. 27, 1956 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryMarthaE.Jan. 3, 1873Apr. 20, 1942 
Pleasant Rdg.#1BerryOllieE.Aug. 22, 1891Aug. 23, 1903 
Pleasant Rdg.#1CaldwellC.C.Aug. 23, 1895 spouse of O.M.
Pleasant Rdg.#1CaldwellJamesW.May 31, 1931Mar. 31, 1973 
Pleasant Rdg.#1CaldwellOsieM.June 19, 1904 spouse of C.C.
Pleasant Rdg.#1CollinsJohnL.Jan. 1, 1901Apr. 7, 1965 
Pleasant Rdg.#1CollinsMinnieM.Oct. 21, 1905 wife of J.L.
Pleasant Rdg.#1CollumCoraEvelynMay 16, 1902 wife of J.F.
Pleasant Rdg.#1CollumJamesFranklinOct. 16, 1881Aug. 3, 1974 
Pleasant Rdg.#1CoxRuzelle Aug. 6, 1921Dec. 23, 1973wife of W.L.
Pleasant Rdg.#1CoxWrightL.Feb. 10, 1913  
Pleasant Rdg.#1DavisA.P., Jr.July 3, 1923Aug. 30, 1941 
Pleasant Rdg.#1DavisDolton Sept. 18, 1908  
Pleasant Rdg.#1DavisJohnA.Aug. 13, 1926Jan. 25, 1950 
Pleasant Rdg.#1DavisWillieLoySept. 30, 1902Sept. 10, 1971wife of Dolton
Pleasant Rdg.#1DempseyEvaOphelia19041940 
Pleasant Rdg.#1DempseySamuelC.  PVT Conl. 390 Inf. WWII
Pleasant Rdg.#1DuckworthArcena Oct. 14, 1869Dec. 4, 1954 
Pleasant Rdg.#1EngleJ.P.Oct. 11, 1872May 6, 1952 
Pleasant Rdg.#1EngleSallie May 25, 1867Feb. 9, 1924wife of J.P.
Pleasant Rdg.#1FennelWilliamFay194?Mar. 28, 197529 years old
Pleasant Rdg.#1GarrisonBob 18561925 
Pleasant Rdg.#1Garrisoninfant Sept. 27, 1913Sept. 27, 1913child of W.M. & Mary
Pleasant Rdg.#1GarrisonLaura 18591945wife of Bob
Pleasant Rdg.#1GarrisonMaryB.Apr. 7, 1894 wife of M.W.
Pleasant Rdg.#1GarrisonMiltonW.Nov. 24, 1889June 3, 1969 
Pleasant Rdg.#1GarrisonWilliamA.Jan. 25, 1886Mar. 23, 1908 
Pleasant Rdg.#1GillilandAlvinD.May 10, 1899  
Pleasant Rdg.#1GillilandBerthaM.Nov. 4, 1902Apr. 21, 1965wife of A.D.
Pleasant Rdg.#1GillilandCalvin Jan. 10, 1896  
Pleasant Rdg.#1GillilandCora Mar. 1, 1898Feb. 5, 1974wife of Calvin
Pleasant Rdg.#1GillilandLeoweA.Dec. 16, 1920Mar. 7, 1943captain, killed in England, WWI
Pleasant Rdg.#1GoberBryan Feb. 21, 1898July 7, 1899 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallD.G.June 1, 1854Feb. 5, 1924 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallJohnWilliamAug. 16, 1862Dec. 4, 1948 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallLenaMelverdaApr. 20, 1898July 11, 1963 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallMaryElizabethJan. 30, 1856May 4, 1936wife of D.G.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallMaryF.July 8, 1863Mar. 19, 1914wife of J.W.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallMonroe Feb. 20, 1890Feb. 6, 1918son of D.G.& M.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallR.C.July 17, 1926Apr. 17, 1928 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HallRobertOscarMay 15, 1890Oct. 4, 1962 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HarrisonRobertC.190?Feb. 20, 196?59 years old
Pleasant Rdg.#1HerringJamesWesleyNov. 3, 19397-Jun-73 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HerringLela Sept. 14, 1904 wife of U.M.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HerringU.M.Nov. 5, 191330-Jun-62 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HindmanAddie 18831971wife of J.R.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HindmanJudsonR.18841918 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HollandJimmyW.Aug. 3, 1937Aug. 20, 1966 
Pleasant Rdg.#1HollandTelithaP.July 3, 187220-Jul-12wife of W.G.
Pleasant Rdg.#1HollandWilliamG.Sept. 26, 18708-Jul-36 
Pleasant Rdg.#1InmanMargaretJane19-Jul-6919-Jul-69dau. of Charles
Pleasant Rdg.#1InmanMargieDianneOct. 6, 1963Oct. 6, 1963dau. of H.C. & Della
Pleasant Rdg.#1LindseyGroverC.Jan. 25, 188631-May-45 
Pleasant Rdg.#1LindseyNancyA.July 30, 1899Feb. 28, 1970 
Pleasant Rdg.#1MartinStellaMaeFeb. 14, 1902Sept. 8, 1946 
Pleasant Rdg.#1McCoyClara Jan. 28, 1902Jan. 8, 1970wife of Odie L.
Pleasant Rdg.#1McCoyIownH.1923 wife of Otha L.
Pleasant Rdg.#1McCoyOdieL.Jan. 27, 1900Mar. 16, 1968 
Pleasant Rdg.#1McCoyOthaL.1923  
Pleasant Rdg.#1MitchellGladysS.3-Jun-16 wife of W.C.
Pleasant Rdg.#1MitchellWylieC.Nov. 13, 1913Jan. 2, 1968 
Pleasant Rdg.#1MorrowSid Mar. 6, 1902Apr. 7, 1975 
Pleasant Rdg.#1MorrowVernalL.Jan. 29, 1908Oct. 16, 1967wife of /sud
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonBerillaA.May 3, 1865Jan. 6, 1931wife of L.W.
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonColumbusCarlApr. 2, 1974Sept. 24, 1932 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonGusA.Feb. 12, 1892Feb. 9, 1973 
Pleasant Rdg.#1Newtoninfant Nov. 3, 1912Nov. 3, 1912son of G.A. & S.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1Newtoninfant Oct. 25, 1915Oct. 25, 1915dau. of C.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonIvaDevoreMar. 1, 19034-Jun-12son of G.E. & F.M.
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonLawrenceO.Nov. 25, 1861Nov. 29, 1935 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonLeonPierceNov. 19, 191720-Jun-18 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonMargaretFrancesSept. 13, 1876Jan. 22, 1935 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonSusieE.May 21, 1895 wife of G.A.
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonSusieM.Feb. 22, 1886 wife of W.O.
Pleasant Rdg.#1NewtonWilliamOscarJan. 23, 188419-Jul-33 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NixCleatus    
Pleasant Rdg.#1NixIsabelleAnthony18851961 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NixJohnHenry18811955 
Pleasant Rdg.#1NixNoraBerry  wife of Cleatus
Pleasant Rdg.#1OliverClaud Feb. 5, 1897Feb. 11, 1974PVT US Army WWI, Woodmen
Pleasant Rdg.#1OzbirnRobertB.Aug. 10, 1918Dec. 10, 1964 
Pleasant Rdg.#1OzbirnVerdaMaeJan. 24, 1919 wife of R.B.
Pleasant Rdg.#1PoundersEd May 19, 1892Nov. 11, 1968 
Pleasant Rdg.#1PoundersGertrude Nov. 19, 1896 wife of Ed
Pleasant Rdg.#1Poundersinfant Jan. 31, 1936Jan. 31, 1936child of Ed & Gertrude
Pleasant Rdg.#1PoundersWesley Mar. 18, 1913  
Pleasant Rdg.#1PoundersWillie 21-Jul-11Feb. 3, 1972wife of Wesley
Pleasant Rdg.#1Rea(male)    
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaCharlesW.Apr. 13, 1877Sept. 9, 1953 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaElzoraB.Nov. 7, 1881Jan. 4, 1924 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaJamesD.Feb. 4, 1901Apr. 7, 1962 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaNannieB.May 11, 1874Mar. 30, 1961wife of T.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaThomasE.Dec. 2, 187427-Jun-58 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaThomasThellmer22-Jun-16Oct. 4, 1972twin bro. of W.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1ReaWillieElmer22-Jun-1624-Jun-18twin bro. of T. T.
Pleasant Rdg.#1Roberson???? 8-May-228-May-22 
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobersonA.QuillarJan. 31, 1888 wife of J.R.
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobersonEverett Aug. 26, 191622-May-17son of J.R. & A.Q.
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobersonFarney Aug. 19, 1919Jan. 16, 1920son of J.R. & A.Q.
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobersonJamesR.Nov. 4, 1876Mar. 16, 1968 
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobinsonCarrie AliceRussellMar. 1, 1893Apr. 24, 1919wife of T.R., dau. of W.O. & M.E. Russell
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobinsonLaria Dec. 30, 1893 wife of Tom
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobinsonLawton Mar. 18, 1909Jan. 27, 1975 
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobinsonMaudie Sept. 12, 1918 wife of Lawton
Pleasant Rdg.#1RobinsonTom Aug. 19, 18834-May-69 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ScottSarahM.Feb. 6, 1884Jan. 1, 1949wife of W.D.
Pleasant Rdg.#1ScottWilliamD.Apr. 14, 1884Aug. 30, 1948 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SingletonD.V.Apr. 19, 1887Aug. 3, 1970 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SingletonEmma Sept. 1, 1878Apr. 7, 1963wife of D.V.
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillAnnieG.Oct. 22, 1878Sept. 12, 1964wife of W.R.
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillElizabeth Oct. 22, 1814Aug. 7, 1871wife of W.G.
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillGuy Feb. 10, 1916Feb. 2, 1933son of W.R.
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillNancy Apr. 4, 1835Oct. 26, 1907 
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillW.G.Aug. 14, 1813Dec. 3, 1901 
Pleasant Rdg.#1StanthillW.R.Sept. 15, 1875Dec. 23, 1930 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleE.E.Oct. 29, 1844Mar. 22, 1908 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleE.JosephineNov. 27, 1889 wife of Wm.M.
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleG.W.Sept. 19, 1841Apr. 12, 1905 
Pleasant Rdg.#1Swindleinfant Aug. 9, 1906Aug. 9, 1906son of W.M. & E.J.
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleJohnM.Aug. 10, 187119-Jun-50 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleMollieE.Jan. 25, 18931-Jun-55wife of J.M.
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleWilliamM.June 1, 1883Jan. 11, 1964 
Pleasant Rdg.#1SwindleWillieG.Aug. 16, 1907Apr. 25, 1908son of W.M. & E.J.
Pleasant Rdg.#1TeaThomasThellmer22-Jun-16Oct. 4, 1972twin of W.E.
Pleasant Rdg.#1TeaWillieElmer22-Jun-1624-Jun-18twin of T.T.
Pleasant Rdg.#1ThornJ.D.18551940 
Pleasant Rdg.#1ThornM.M.1871 wife of J.D.
Pleasant Rdg.#1WeaverThomasLeeApr. 27, 1878Apr. 13, 1956 
Pleasant Rdg.#1WilliamsDannyHarold31-May-51Apr. 28, 1973 
Pleasant Rdg.#1WilliamsFlora 9-Jul-18Jan. 31, 1974wife of Hafford
Pleasant Rdg.#1WilliamsHafford"Pete"Aug. 22, 1917  

Pleasant SiteBatesArtie Feb. 16, 1906 wife of L.L.
Pleasant SiteBatesBillieO.Oct. 23, 1867Mar. 7, 1953 
Pleasant SiteBatesEltaN.Apr. 3, 1899 wife of J.L.
Pleasant SiteBatesJeffL.Mar. 9, 1891Sept. 25, 1966 
Pleasant SiteBatesLawrence Aug. 5, 1902June 24, 1971 
Pleasant SiteBatesMollieE.Feb. 14, 1969Sept. 6, 1952wife of B.O.
Pleasant SiteBatesWillieGeanDec. 25, 1947Dec. 25, 1947son of W.L.
Pleasant SiteBentleyDessiePowersFeb. 10, 1892June 28, 1965wife of J.C.
Pleasant SiteBentleyJamesCalvinApr. 3, 1887June 25, 1944 
Pleasant SiteBentleyLockieAnnApr. 23, 1864July 21, 1949 
Pleasant SiteBlacklidgeEthel Feb. 26, 1896June 30, 1966N
Pleasant SiteBlacklidgeinfant May, 1910May, 1910son of J.P.
Pleasant SiteBlacklidgeJamesP.Apr. 9, 1884June 2, 1966 
Pleasant SiteBlacklidgeRhoda June 5, 1883May 2, 1924 
Pleasant SiteBoldingAnniePatNov. 13, 1915Oct. 19, 1938 
Pleasant SiteBoldingJohnJr.Apr. 23, 1923May 26, 1925 
Pleasant SiteBoldingThomasB.July 29, 1917Oct. 20, 1940 
Pleasant SiteBoltonIdaE.Jan. 16, 1904 wife of M.D.
Pleasant SiteBoltonManuelD.Jan. 25, 1896Aug. 21, 1964 
Pleasant SiteBurnsTalithaAlbinaApr. 14, 1870Sept. 12, 1938 
Pleasant SiteByrdMaryF.Feb. 12, 1862Mar. 6, 1946dau. of Billie & Mary
Pleasant SiteByrdMattie Jan. 15, 1883?Feb. 22, 1952dau. of Billie & Mary
Pleasant SiteByrdRichardS.Oct. 14, 1885July 28, 1967 
Pleasant SiteColemanGeorgeJ.Sept. 2, 1870Jan. 27, 1953 
Pleasant SiteColemanLauraP.Dec. 14, 1872Feb. 1, 1954wife of G.J.
Pleasant SiteDanielDeweyH.1898  
Pleasant SiteDanielFrances   wife of Pleze
Pleasant SiteDanielJessAndrewSept. 13, 1892Jan. 28, 1973 
Pleasant SiteDanielJohnW.Nov. 22, 1869July 10, 1967 
Pleasant SiteDanielLauraA.Jan. 7, 1872Aug. 9, 1945wife of J.W.
Pleasant SiteDanielMirandia Nov. 11, 1888Jan. 31, 1963wife of W.K.
Pleasant SiteDanielPauline Feb. 6, 1891Dec. 14, 1955wife of Dewey H.
Pleasant SiteDanielPleze    
Pleasant SiteDanielUlaMaeDec. 9, 1927Jan. 4, 1928 
Pleasant SiteDanielVeaticeW.June 23, 1893June 30, 1974wife of J.A.
Pleasant SiteDanielW.KennieNov. 29, 1890Jan. 25, 1969 
Pleasant SiteDevaneyClaudieG.Mar. 26, 1858?Mar. 9, 1941 
Pleasant SiteDevaneyinfant May 9, 1937May 9, 1937 
Pleasant SiteEzzellJamesArthurJune 12, 1901Mar. 25, 1964 
Pleasant SiteEzzellZadieMcKinneyFeb. 5, 1905 wife of J.A.
Pleasant SiteFennelCharleyJ.July 17, 1873Apr. 16, 1950 
Pleasant SiteFennelM.S.Jan. 12, 1939May 6, 1939 
Pleasant SiteFennelMaryJ.May 5, 1880Mar. 2, 1954wife of C.M.
Pleasant SiteFinchAltonMayOct. 4, 1879Sept. 8, 1904wife of Marvin
Pleasant SiteFinchAubryNelsonAug. 15, 1904Sept. 24, 1904son of Marvin & Alton
Pleasant SiteFinchBerryE.Apr. 11, 1841Dec. 4, 1920Reverend
Pleasant SiteFinchL.M.Aug. 6, 1889July 5, 1958 
Pleasant SiteFinchLillieS.Oct. 18, 1892Oct. 9, 1895dau. of N.T. & N.C.
Pleasant SiteFinchSusanO.May 2, 1840Apr. 1, 1904wife of B.E.
Pleasant SiteFinchSusieM.Sept. 21, 1894Mar. 23, 1968 
Pleasant SiteFordE.W.Jan. 3, 1871Dec. 31, 1872 
Pleasant SiteFordSarahJ.Jan. 28, 1848Sept. 30, 1877wife of W.F.
Pleasant SiteGavt??MaryC.Oct. 29, 1840?  
Pleasant SiteGeorgeIdaL.Aug. 24, 1878Sept. 28, 1955wife of W.H.
Pleasant SiteGeorgeLizzieM.Jan. 9, 1914 wife of Philo
Pleasant SiteGeorgePhilo Dec. 25, 1907Apr. 27, 1973 
Pleasant SiteGeorgeW.HenryMay 4, 11879Mar. 9, 1953 
Pleasant SiteGozaN.J.  48 yr. 8 mo. 28 da.
Pleasant SiteGrayLucyAnnFeb. 6, 1811Aug. 8, 1899wife of Madison
Pleasant SiteGreechE.N.Sept. 22, 1866Feb. 6, 1921 
Pleasant SiteGreenhillB.A.Jan. 22, 1862July 25, 1902 
Pleasant SiteGreenhillLucyF.Oct. 31, 1833Oct. 29, 1897wife of T.C.
Pleasant SiteGreenhillTheophilusC.Dec. 24, 1824Oct. 4, 1899Mason
Pleasant SiteGrissomW.M.Apr. 18, 1855Oct. 9, 1938 
Pleasant SiteHardinHermanC.Sept. 28, 1917Aug. 28, 1919son of W.L. & Dona
Pleasant SiteHarrisonLola BellCreedOct. 1, 189020-Jul-41 
Pleasant SiteHarrisonLucille Feb. 25, 1925 wife of Monroe
Pleasant SiteHarrisonMonroe Mar. 23, 1913Mar. 4, 1958 
Pleasant SiteHarrisonWilliamBenjaminAug. 26, 1861Aug. 13, 1946 
Pleasant SiteHensonAlbertM.Feb. 14, 1902Nov. 8, 1963Mason
Pleasant SiteHensonEsterE.Feb. 23, 1906 wife of A.M.
Pleasant SiteHesterArtieM.Aug. 3, 1878Apr. 8, 1966wife of J.O.
Pleasant SiteHesterDeWittClintonSept. 25, 191413-May-20son of J.O. & Artie
Pleasant SiteHesterJ.OscarApr. 5, 1876Aug. 5, 1942 
Pleasant SiteHesterMarlieVernon23-Jun-19Mar. 31, 1972 
Pleasant SiteHesterSusieE.Feb. 5, 1922 wife of M.V.
Pleasant SiteLedbetterEuclidFinch189?Dec. 10, 197375 years old
Pleasant SiteLedbetterinfant Feb. 25, 1897Feb. 25, 1897dau. of Brice & Viola, "We lay this little darling
Pleasant SiteLedbetterViolaRebeccaMar. 3, 1867Feb. 23, 1935wife of Brice
Pleasant SiteLilesSherleyJenett19391939 
Pleasant SiteMaloneBarneyE.Dec. 5, 1903Aug. 18, 1965 
Pleasant SiteMaloneBertieV.Dec. 17, 1900Mar. 1, 1967wife of B.E.
Pleasant SiteMaloneClarenceW.18801957 
Pleasant SiteMaloneEva Oct. 16, 186128-May-28wife of P.L.
Pleasant SiteMaloneinfant Nov. 20, 1933Nov. 22, 1933son of E.G.
Pleasant SiteMaloneJamesRobertMar. 25, 188417-Jun-70 
Pleasant SiteMalonePerryL.Mar. 29, 1859Jan. 18, 1909 
Pleasant SiteMaloneSusieD.18801968wife of C.W.
Pleasant SiteMartinAndieL.Nov. 7, 1886Sept. 30, 1913 
Pleasant SiteMartinD.W.Mar. 25, 1883Apr. 27, 1947 
Pleasant SiteMartinEdgarF.18781953 
Pleasant SiteMartinElizaN.18501919wife of Valentine
Pleasant SiteMartinMary Oct. 30, 188823-Jul-59wife of D.W.
Pleasant SiteMartinMarzyF.18871972wife of E.F.
Pleasant SiteMartinValentine 18481904 
Pleasant SiteMasseyNannieB.July 18, 188830-Jul-17Mason
Pleasant SiteMcKinneyMarvelene 18-May-34Apr. 14, 1940 
Pleasant SiteMcKinneySamuelM.May 6, 188129-May-42 
Pleasant SiteMcKinneySignora July 28, 1882Feb. 26, 1937wife of S.M.
Pleasant SiteMcMurrayinfant 30-Jun-1713-Jul-17son of J.C. & Flora
Pleasant SiteMcMurrayJamesClaytonAug. 28, 1897Feb. 2, 1927 
Pleasant SiteMcMurrayJamesRileyJan. 21, 1866Dec. 30, 1943mrd. Jan. 10, 1894
Pleasant SiteMcMurrayLeonerMayMay 2, 1879Aug. 15, 1971wife of J.R.
Pleasant SiteMcMurrayThomasHollisDec. 12, 191926-Jun-28 
Pleasant SiteMcRaeJ.D.Aug. 16, 184322-Jun-20Mason
Pleasant SiteMcRaeRebeccaR.Sept. 24, 186019-Jun-34 
Pleasant SiteMcRightChesterBelleOct. 16, 18968-Jul-53wife of T.R.
Pleasant SiteMcRightThomasR.Nov. 30, 188512-Jun-71 
Pleasant SiteMitchellAllie 18771942wife of Sidney
Pleasant SiteMitchellCarrie June 22, 1893Aug. 17, 1973wife of V.M.
Pleasant SiteMitchellSidney 18731967 
Pleasant SiteMitchellVesterM.Mar. 11, 1889Feb. 14, 1969 
Pleasant SiteMoorePollySue19401960 
Pleasant SiteNelsonB.F.Aug. 23, 1851Feb. 27, 1931Mason
Pleasant SiteNelsonBenReaNov. 8, 1917Jan. 17, 1919son of J.E. & M.B.
Pleasant SiteNelsonBennieH.Apr. 15, 1894Sept. 20, 1898son of B.F. & M.A.
Pleasant SiteNelsonCatherineJ.Jan. 19, 1836Mar. 3, 1918wife of Robert S.
Pleasant SiteNelsonDonaA.18751950wife of V.B.
Pleasant SiteNelsonFreddieM.May 28, 1891Aug. 3, 1937 
Pleasant SiteNelsonHannahH.Feb. 2, 1806Sept. 25, 1875wife of Lemuel
Pleasant SiteNelsonHarriet 18521936 
Pleasant SiteNelsonIda Apr. 26, 1869Feb. 22, 1962wife of R.A.
Pleasant SiteNelsoninfant 19021902son of V.B.
Pleasant SiteNelsoninfant Sept. 24, 1898Sept. 24, 1898dau. of A.B. & Corel
Pleasant SiteNelsonJohnD.May 15, 1893Sept. 13, 1953 
Pleasant SiteNelsonMarthaAnnMar. 11, 1850Jan. 10, 1929wife of B.F.
Pleasant SiteNelsonOraIreneMar. 24, 1889Apr. 25, 1916dau. of R.A. & Ida
Pleasant SiteNelsonRobertS.Nov. 15, 1826Feb. 20, 1907Mason
Pleasant SiteNelsonRobertA.Dec. 18, 18661-May-36 
Pleasant SiteNelsonRosaLeeMar. 26, 1895Oct. 2, 1898dau. of R.A. & Ida
Pleasant SiteNelsonVetoB.18721949 
Pleasant SiteNelsonW.PercyApr. 28, 188914-Jul-11son of W.J. & H.L.
Pleasant SiteNelsonW.T.Dec. 11, 1853Jan. 18, 1925 
Pleasant SiteOrrLudieA.Oct. 10, 1874Sept. 22, 1875dau. of ??rson & Lucinda D.
Pleasant SiteParrishGeorgeE.18861954Mason
Pleasant SiteParrishinfant Dec. 5, 1905Dec. 5, 1905dau. of J.M. & S.L.
Pleasant SiteParrishJ.A.Mar. 25, 1904Dec. 25, 1918 
Pleasant SiteParrishJ.H.21-Jul-19Mar. 21, 1920 
Pleasant SiteParrishMarcella Nov. 2, 1889Mar. 18, 1931 
Pleasant SiteParrishMaryA.June 18, 1871Aug. 12, 1971dau. of T.J. & M.E.
Pleasant SiteParrishMaryE.July 15, 1838Feb. 12, 1904wife of T.J.
Pleasant SiteParrishRoss 18911973wife of G.E.
Pleasant SiteParrishT.J.Sept. 11, 1830Sept. 12, 1915Ala.SGT Co.C 48 Inf. CSA
Pleasant SitePattersonAliceF.Oct. 11, 1860Jan. 18, 1878 
Pleasant SitePattersonRobertA.Sept. 7, 1877Jan. 14, 1878 
Pleasant SitePedenD.B.Mar. 10, 1861Dec. 12, 1943 
Pleasant SitePedenG.P.Aug. 28, 1888Oct. 5, 1935 
Pleasant SitePedenIdaA.Nov. 8, 18682-Jul-02wife of D.B.
Pleasant SitePedeninfant 19331933dau. of Walter & Virgie
Pleasant SitePedeninfant 19341934dau. of Walter & Virgie
Pleasant SitePedeninfant Aug. 16, 1920Aug. 16, 1920dau. of Fred & Neoma
Pleasant SitePedeninfant Jan. 4, 1923Jan. 4, 1923dau. of Fred & Neoma
Pleasant SitePedenJohnRussellSept. 29, 1894Jan. 28, 1913son of D.B. & I.A.
Pleasant SitePedenLoyd Aug. 8, 1915Apr. 20, 1930 
Pleasant SitePikeOlley Aug. 8, 1877Oct. 14, 1879 
Pleasant SitePowersCynthiaAnnNov. 23, 1968Nov. 24, 1968 
Pleasant SitePowersD.O.Feb. 6, 1856Nov. 27, 1913 
Pleasant SitePowersMarthaEmmaFeb. 4, 1856Sept. 17, 1934 
Pleasant SitePowersOthoC.Oct. 6, 1912Feb. 3, 1963 
Pleasant SitePowersT.W.July 17, 1882Sept. 24, 1934 
Pleasant SitePowersWill Nov. 22, 1860Feb. 14, 1919 
Pleasant SiteRinksEdmonMarionAug. 5, 1906Oct. 29, 1911 
Pleasant SiteRobertsAliceS.July 1, 1893Jan. 12, 1962wife of C.W.
Pleasant SiteRobertsCecilW.Sept. 1, 1893  
Pleasant SiteShawSusanD.Apr. 30, 1855Jan. 10, 1886wife of M.J.
Pleasant SiteSheffieldAdaMaeJan. 28, 1894Dec. 27, 1964 
Pleasant SiteSmelserJamesD.June 2, 1885Nov. 16, 1963 
Pleasant SiteSmelserLillieBelleJuly 2, 1896Apr. 16, 1933wife of M.E.
Pleasant SiteSmelserMontieE.Oct. 9, 1889Dec. 4, 1968 
Pleasant SiteSmithLeoraE.Feb. 26, 1882Feb. 6, 1918wife of A.J.
Pleasant SiteSmithVionaEstelle15-May-1211-May-13dau. of A.J. & L.E.
Pleasant SiteSpencerNanniel May 29, 1878Oct. 11, 1897dau. of A.H. & M.M.
Pleasant SiteTallmansAdorf Mar. 17, 189612-May-63 
Pleasant SiteTallmansOllieB.Aug. 2, 1892Apr. 19, 1930 
Pleasant SiteTaylorAllenHaleyMar. 15, 1844??? 25, 1940Ala. Co.E 4 Inf. CSA
Pleasant SiteTaylorBetty Jan. 26, 1843Apr. 20, 1927 
Pleasant SiteTaylorCora Feb. 8, 188919-May-58 
Pleasant SiteTaylorEliza Nov. 10, 1862Nov. 2, 1938 
Pleasant SiteTaylorinfant 19501950dau. of O'Neal
Pleasant SiteTaylorJ.M.Mar. 26, 1856Feb. 23, 1943 
Pleasant SiteTaylorJohnL.18691959 
Pleasant SiteTaylorRobert Oct. 7, 1898Aug. 17, 1968 
Pleasant SiteTaylorSarahL.18791955wife of J.L.
Pleasant SiteTaylorThomasL.May 3, 1897Sept. 13, 1940 
Pleasant SiteTaylorTravis Sept. 2, 1911Jan. 6, 1920 
Pleasant SiteThornJessieW.18681953wife of T.D.
Pleasant SiteThornJimSonDec. 2, 1915  
Pleasant SiteThornLucyNarcessiaDec. 1, 1844Feb. 12, 1915 
Pleasant SiteThornLutherDowMar. 31, 1889Mar. 10, 1943 
Pleasant SiteThornMarryAnnDec. 1, 1946Dec. 20, 1946 
Pleasant SiteThornMaryM. Feb. 27, 1948 
Pleasant SiteThornN.R.Oct. 2, 1886Aug. 5, 1970 
Pleasant SiteThornPauline Aug. 29, 1900Mar. 6, 1960 
Pleasant SiteThornRobertWillis5-May-06Feb. 13, 1910son of James A. & Itye H.
Pleasant SiteThornThomasD.18581936 
Pleasant SiteTolenOthaLee25-Jun-081-Jun-19 
Pleasant SiteUnderwoodinfant Apr. 11, 1920Apr. 11, 1920son of Dr.F.R. & Mattie L.
Pleasant SiteUnderwoodinfant 16-May-4016-May-40son of Dr.F.R. & Mattie L.
Pleasant SiteWatsonCharlieS.Apr. 27, 1876Mar. 27, 1886son of John L. & Nancy C.
Pleasant SiteWatsonHenryHolmesJuly 26, 1890Nov. 12, 1893son of John H. & Mollie H.
Pleasant SiteWatsoninfant(still born)18751875son of R.H. & M.J.
Pleasant SiteWatsoninfant Dec. 25, 1873June 1, 1874son of R.H. & M.J.
Pleasant SiteWatsonMarthaJaneApr. 24, 1836Jan. 26, 1878wife of R.H.
Pleasant SiteWatsonMattieH.June 27, 1877Nov. 6, 1879dau. of R.H. & M.H.
Pleasant SiteWatsonShadieCrossJuly 21, 1883July 16, 1884son of R.H. & M.H.
Pleasant SiteWatsonWillisM.May 20, 1868Sept. 4, 1878son of R.J. & M.J., "Gone home with mother & Jesus
Pleasant SiteWilliamsSamuel May 11, 189520-May-54 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterA.S.Mar. 21, 1874Feb. 24, 1946Reverend
Pleasant SiteWinchesterClaude July 29, 1897Mar. 9, 1972 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterCoraV.Aug. 21, 1873Mar. 28, 1963wife of J.J.
Pleasant SiteWinchesterDona July 3, 1880Nov. 19, 1952wife of A.S.
Pleasant SiteWinchesterEdgarB.Aug. 1, 190430-Jun-60 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterFloraM.Mar. 3, 1895 wife of E.B.
Pleasant SiteWinchesterJayH.Feb. 17, 1895Feb. 26, 1950Mason
Pleasant SiteWinchesterJohnIrvin19221938 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterJohnJ.Feb. 12, 1869Apr. 20, 1957 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterJohn Wm.RestoriaMar. 20, 19048-Jun-68 
Pleasant SiteWinchesterSusieA.July 15, 1897 wife of Claude
Pleasant SiteWinchesterWilliamMaeJan. 13, 1897Jan. 26, 1975 

Posey MillButlerJena 19241924 
Posey MillButlerVasker 19001931 
Posey MillCampJunior May 13, 1933Oct. 26, 1951 
Posey MillChastainC.A.Jan. 10, 1849Feb. 6, 1929 
Posey MillChastainJane May 15, 1858 wife of C.A.
Posey MillCreelEllen Dec. 4, 1858Aug. 7, 1937wife of Wm.D.
Posey MillCreelG.M.Sept. 9, 1903July 25, 1918 
Posey MillCreelG.N.Apr. 19, 1874Feb. 24, 1938 
Posey MillCreelIrena Nov. 28, 1875July 21, 1946wife of Tom
Posey MillCreelIsabel Oct. 4, 1881Sept. 13, 1969wife of G.N.
Posey MillCreelJohnThomasJune 21, 1933June 21, 1933son of A.W.
Posey MillCreelJosephF.18891940 
Posey MillCreelLeonaE.1888before 1976wife of J.F.
Posey MillCreelLoyd Sept. 5, 1911Sept. 26, 1914son of J.F. & L.E.
Posey MillCreelTom Sept. 27, 1875Oct. 10, 1947 
Posey MillCreelWilliamA.190?Oct. 1, 197569 years old
Posey MillCreelWilliamD.July 1, 1855Sept. 24, 1939 
Posey MillFullerEmleyE.Dec. 20, 1895Jan. 26, 1938 
Posey MillFullerZefoDixter189?Sept. 11, 197273 years old
Posey MillGhorleyDoyalCarterSept. 11, 1904Oct. 31, 1906son of W.T. & D.
Posey MillHallmanJohnW.18791906 
Posey MillHaneyJessieW.6-Jun-3613-Jun-36 
Posey MillHardyNancy Sept. 22, 1902Aug. 4, 1959 
Posey MillHarrisEugene Feb. 25, 1930Nov. 7, 1968 
Posey MillHarrisF.N.Dec. 12, 1888Mar. 18, 1970spouse of P.H.
Posey MillHarrisGeorgeW.2-Jul-22Oct. 3, 1957 
Posey MillHarrisImogeneA.Feb. 19, 1928 wife of G.W.
Posey MillHarrisJamesAlbert24-Jun-01Jan. 3, 1967 
Posey MillHarrisOdis Sept. 30, 1919Apr. 8, 1946 
Posey MillHarrisP.H.Jan. 9, 1886Feb. 19, 1970spouse of F.N.
Posey MillHarrisSceneyWillie1-May-02 wife of J.A.
Posey MillHarrisThomasLevi188?July, 196785 years old
Posey MillHesterTibetha Mar. 18, 1887Feb. 12, 1916 
Posey MillJacksonSusie Aug. 21, 1898Sept. 18, 1953dau. of J.T.
Posey MillJonesNoraIreneJune 20, 189816-May-68wife of W.T.
Posey MillJonesWilliamT.June 11, 1895Aug. 31, 1968 
Posey MillKennedyMinnieD.18851923 
Posey MillLovettCaroline June 15, 1874Sept. 10, 1915 
Posey MillLovettLolaBell193?Nov. 16, 196425 years old
Posey MillMannJamesH.193?Dec. 26, 197240 years old
Posey MillMcGrelessinfant 19281928child of E.H. & M.L.
Posey MillMcGuireSis    
Posey MillO'KelleyMattieM.Jan. 7, 1904Jan. 11, 1904dau. of J.M. & M.C.
Posey MillPoseyAndrew Feb. 28, 1839Feb. 6, 1911son of Squire
Posey MillPoseyAppleton May 24, 1854Oct. 28, 1906 
Posey MillPoseyCaroline 18611863rel. of Singleton
Posey MillPoseyErlene 192?5-Jul-7252 years old
Posey MillPoseyEvenM.Oct. 17, 187524-May-68 
Posey MillPoseyFrancesMarion18141885son of Squire
Posey MillPoseyinfant Dec. 12, 1928Dec. 12, 1928 
Posey MillPoseyinfants(twins)Jan. 25, 1903Jan. 25, 1903son & dau. of Nolder & Susie Ann
Posey MillPoseyJane May 3, 185512-Jun-35 
Posey MillPoseyMariahE.Oct. 18, 1879Dec. 1, 1958wife of E.M., "Flora"
Posey MillPoseyMarthaM.Feb. 10, 18321-May-17 
Posey MillPoseyNancy Dec. 25, 1835Dec. 23, 1929 
Posey MillPoseyNolder Jan. 12, 185621-May-30 
Posey MillPoseyParalee Sept. 12, 1893Nov. 21, 1919wife of S.R.
Posey MillPoseySingleton 18621911rel. of Caroline
Posey MillPoseySquire 1790Oct. 6, 1876Ga.PVT Militia, War of 1812, burial place unknown
Posey MillPoseySusieAnnNov. 10, 1863Mar. 9, 1905wife of Nolder
Posey MillPoseyTravisD.Oct. 27, 1919Nov. 24, 1919 
Posey MillPoseyW.C.Mar. 28, 187828-Jul-11 
Posey MillReeveAddie    
Posey MillReeveBen 18751875 
Posey MillReeveBob 18931895 
Posey MillReeveI.W.1868Mar., 1895 
Posey MillReeveMargretB.18601860 
Posey MillReeveMary Nov. 13, 193117-Jun-16 
Posey MillReeveW.R.Nov. 29, 1868Sept., 1889 
Posey MillSeayAnnie June 12, 18838-Jul-71"Lizzie"
Posey MillSimmonsJamesLutherJan. 10, 1900Apr. 2, 1926 
Posey MillSorrellsEmma    
Posey MillSouthernAzeH.Mar. 31, 189213-May-72spouse of L.E.
Posey MillSouthernCuley Sept. 23, 1914Feb. 25, 1920son of A.H. & L.E.
Posey MillSouthernD.M.9-May-139-May-13twin son of A.H. & L.E.
Posey MillSouthernEulaD.Apr. 1, 1894 wife of J.A.
Posey MillSouthernGip 18781964 
Posey MillSouthernHillard   son of Wm. G.
Posey MillSouthernHubert Jan. 20, 1931Oct. 12, 1931 
Posey MillSouthernHules 28-Jul-269-May-71S2 USNR WWII
Posey MillSoutherninfant Sept. 15, 1919Sept. 15, 1919dau. of J.A.
Posey MillSoutherninfant Sept. 18, 1920Sept. 18, 1920sibling to Hubert
Posey MillSouthernJamesA.Nov. 27, 1884Dec. 31, 1967 
Posey MillSouthernKath July 16, 1858Feb. 15, 1927 
Posey MillSouthernLazinkaE.Dec. 9, 1891Feb. 14, 1940spouse of A.H.
Posey MillSouthernLura Mar. 3, 1886Aug. 2, 1967 
Posey MillSouthernM.D.9-May-139-May-13twin son of A.H. & L.E.
Posey MillSouthernM.L.July 10, 1854Sept. 29, 1926 
Posey MillSouthernNancyE.Sept. 27, 1857Dec. 17, 1945 
Posey MillSouthernOscarC.Sept. 16, 1904Dec. 2, 1967 
Posey MillSouthernP.P.18611934 
Posey MillSouthernR.R.July 1, 1856Oct. 9, 1930 
Posey MillSouthernVerna 8-May-23 wife of Walter
Posey MillSouthernWalter 19-May-20Dec. 12, 1969 
Posey MillSouthernWilliamG.Apr. 14, 188211-Jul-58 
Posey MillWaldropA.S.Mar. 2, 1852May 4, 1896 
Posey MillWaldropMarthaR.Dec. 6, 1858Nov. 24, 1905wife of A.S.
Posey MillWilliamsonJ.A.18611934 
Posey MillWilliamsonJ.C.Mar. 23, 192231-Jul-29son of Ira & Lula

PoundersBeasleyLucille 18511923wife of R.W.
PoundersHamiltonAliceD.18771957wife of Luke
PoundersHamiltonCorene 1920 wife of D.B.
PoundersHamiltonInez Aug. 31, 1875Mar. 8, 1894dau. of W. & M.
PoundersHamiltoninfants Sept. 27, 192030-Jul-21children of M.C. & T.E.
PoundersHamiltonLuke 18781964 
PoundersJacksonL.LafayetteAug. 17, 18513-Jun-19 
PoundersJacksonMattieWatkinsMar. 25, 1864Apr. 19, 1932wife of L.L.
PoundersMaloneLillie 18881927 
PoundersMatthewsLaurence Oct. 23, 1920Oct. 23, 1920 
PoundersPoundersAnnie Aug. 8, 1857Mar. 16, 1927wife of D. C.
PoundersPoundersArrener July 29, 1874Feb. 10, 1903 
PoundersPoundersClaude Nov. 11, 1895Aug. 5, 1969mrd. Oct. 3, 1919
PoundersPoundersConard Aug. 15, 1900Jan. 22, 1969 
PoundersPoundersDavidC.July 15, 1852Feb. 1, 1936 
PoundersPoundersEulaLeeMar. 4, 1878 wife of G.M.
PoundersPoundersGeorgeMilesFeb. 9, 186618-Jul-49 
PoundersPoundersinfant   child of Estee
PoundersPoundersIraGladysMar. 26, 1892Oct. 26, 1918 
PoundersPoundersIsabellaHamilton18531943wife of Stephen
PoundersPoundersJerry 19331933 
PoundersPoundersJohn 19401940 
PoundersPoundersJohn 18??Jan. 10, 1908CSA, info. by Tommy Pounders
PoundersPoundersJohnnie 10-May-2721-Jul-27 
PoundersPoundersL.SherronFeb. 7, 188620-May-74 
PoundersPoundersLuckeyClerronJuly 30, 1888Nov. 4, 1945 
PoundersPoundersLutherElmoreJune, 1882Mar. 28, 1937 
PoundersPoundersMaggie Jan. 8, 187421-May-56wife of P.P.
PoundersPoundersMary AnnDuncan  wife of John
PoundersPoundersMildred 19301953 
PoundersPoundersMyrtle Nov. 16, 1899 wife of Claude
PoundersPoundersPat 19411941 
PoundersPoundersPeterP.June 29, 187421-May-56 
PoundersPoundersRebecca 18??Dec. 16, 1888wife of W.M.
PoundersPoundersW.M.June 4, 1823Sept., 1902 
PoundersPoundersWilliamA.Mar. 20, 1883July 9, 1885 
PoundersSelfBeulah 13-Jun-06Feb. 17, 1959wife of T.R.
PoundersWilliamsBularL.Oct. 13, 1917Feb. 19, 1974wife of W.H.
PoundersWilliamsWillardH.Sept. 24, 1906  
Pounders-QuinnPoundersLucy 1878Jan. 15, 1889dau. of T.R. & M.J., 11 years old
Pounders-QuinnPoundersNancy JaneQuinn18421876