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Abbeville Advertiser Advertisement

This advertisement was found on the back page of the 1858 Judson Baptist Association records.
Transcribed by: Carol

1858 Prospectus
of the
Abbeville Advertiser
William A. Clarke Editor & Proprietor
Edward H. Groudy Publisher

The Advertiser is published every Thursday: and devoted to the politics literature and general news. Born and reared in South Carolina it will, of course, be expected that we advocate State Rights and State Sovereignty. A strict construction of the powers delegate to the general government is the polar star which shall guide and direct us in our position on the great questions of protective tariffs and interned improvements and national banks. The very salvation of the south depends on holding every department of the federal government to a strict constructions of its powers. The strenuous and unflinching advocacy of Southern equality and Southern rights shall ever hold a predominant place in our columns. We will stand upon no platform of principles with Northern men who interpret those principles differently from the Southern interpretation. We are utterly apposed to all compromises. The history of all the great contests between the North and the South, which have terminated in compromise, proves beyond a doubt, that the South has been the loser in each and every one of them.

In a word, we are for the South, her interests, institutions, equality in the Union and equal participation in common territories. In addition to this we will advocate the interests and claims of Henry county, and also of all the surrounding counties.

It will afford us pleasure to contribute our feeble aid to the advancement of Southeastern Alabama. We rely with confidence upon the support and the aid of our own equity in our enterprise. We feel confident that the citizens of Henry county will sustain their paper.

Our friends can materially aid us by taking out prospectus and procuring subscribers for our paper.

Terms of subscription
For one copy , one year in advance $2.00
For one copy, one year and six months $2.50
For one copy, one year at the end of the year $3.00

Inducements to CLUBS:
To any person sending us five cash subscribers, we will send one copy free.
We will send six copies for $10.00
ten copies for $15.00
fifteen copies for #20.00

This Page was Created October 2007 | Last Modified Friday, 29-Mar-2019 03:57:06 MDT