Memphis Cemetery Plot #2
 This cemetery was read by Curtis Hardy in 2002,
 numbered plot drawings by Lawrence & Helen Downes.<>
        No.     Name            B-Date          D-Date          Picture 

        1       CAMERON
                Willie Eibert   10/15/1872      10/17/1938      #000_0110       
                Anna Henderson  2/8/1873        12/22/1934

        2       Robert S.       10/23/1900      7/7/1901

        3       HALSTEAD
                John Henry      12/11/1879      11/18/1958
                Milbra          5/18/1883       5/20/1970

        4       Zilphey Toy     5/29/1905       7/11/1905
                Dau of J.H. & M.E. Halstead

        5       Osburn Eugene   12/12/1908      9/20/1910
                Son of J.H. & M.E. Halstead

        6       WEST
                Eugene          10/15/1903      11/9/1957
                Willie           2/24/1897       2/14/1979

        7       SALLAS
                Solomon II      4/13/1874       1/25/1960
                Bobby Lee       2/7/1880        11/4/1950

        8       McCORD
                Johnnie R.      1/29/1904       12/29/1989
                Onnie           3/23/1910       --------------

        9       Matilda          1850    1/13/1918
                Wife of T.J. Hooper

        10      Freddis         4/11/1917       12/12/1917
                Dau of R.C. & M.A. Fowler

        11      Baby    -------------   -------------
                No name or dates-- is in the Fowler plot

        12      Shelby C.       3/21/1910       3/17/1921
                Son of R.C. & M.A. Fowler

        13      Hooper, A.B.    1839    1907

        14      No stone        -------------   ------------

        15      No stone        --------------  ---------------

        16      Vann, Adina     3/8/1896        3/4/1917

        17      Powell, B.C.    4/29/1874       9/--/1911

        18      Anderson, Mollie        3/20/1869       3/4/1953

        19      Anderson, Barber        10/12/1861      7/11/1932

        20      PALMER
                Robert           --------------  1994
                Annette          1946    1985

        21      KIRKLAND
                John Jr.        8/9/1914        2/22/1988
                Jennie          1889    3/11/1936

        22      Huggins, Lucy   3/15/1907       3/1/1997

        23      Kirkland, T.J.  2/17/1931       3/28/1933

        24      Kirkland, Lucile        11/1/1913       11/23/1974

        25      Kirkland, T.J.  2/6/1910        12/5/1971

        26      Kirkland, Grady Pierman 3/25/1894       8/24/1958

        27      Kirkland, John Houston  5/--/1867       12/4/1931

        28      Kirkland, Lula Virginia 1/31/1874       10/24/1956
        29      Kirkland, Willie Sanford        3/31/1897       10/15/1969

        30      Woodham, Cary Lee       7/18/1953       10/16/1957

        31      Woodham, Gaston Lee     8/25/1933       6/28/1955       

        32      Woodham, John H 2/4/1913        12/23/1974

        33      Kirkland, Lucille       11/1/1913       11/1/1991

        34      No stone        --------------- --------------

        35      Howell, Jack    11/20/1922      --------------

        36      Howell, Rudine  7/18/1927       --------------

        37      Brown, Malinda McCallister      11/24/1944      10/6/1994

        38      BRACKEN
                Albert O.       7/23/1895       4/2/1982
                Ada Hoffman     11/4/1908       5/14/1999

        39      Bracken, Audrey Mae     12/9/1927       10/12/1937

        40      INGRAM 
                Fred Hoyt       8/25/1924       8/20/1997
                Mildred         1/29/1926       12/31/1996

        41      Pitts, Mace M.  9/13/1901       12/31/1916

        42      Pitts, Mollie   7/29/1885       1/16/1914

        43      No stone        --------------  ------------

        44      Hooper, T.J.    11/4/1923       -------------

        45      No stone        --------------  ------------

        46      KEYS
                Ira Lafetta     8/24/1884       11/5/1934       #000_0109
                Mary Etta Anderson      11/8/1896       3/23/1977

        47      Whitehurst, Oat 12/18/1880      1/12/1913

        48      No stone        --------------- --------------

        49      No stone        --------------  --------------

        50      No stone        ----------------        -------------

        51      JACKSON 
                Lonnie          7/31/1902       12/26/1974
                Sardis M.       7/31/1902       12/26/1974

        52      Jackson, Ralph  1/18/1930       1/29/1938

        53      Kirkland, M. Levoid     6/14/1929       --------------

        54      Kirkland, Merinda       11/20/1908      9/9/1929

        55      Kirkland, George Houston        8/24/1904       7/14/1929

        56      Kirkland, John Thomas   8/18/1891       1/6/1975

        57      Kirkland, R.C.  8/--/1923       9/--/1923

        58      Kirkland, Austin        9/--/1925       6/--/1926

        59      Kirkland, Jennie        1889    3/11/1936

        60      Kirkland, Dorothy       9/15/1912       4/19/1971

        61      Kirkland, Oscar Lee     1917    1975

        62      COOLEY
                Bionnie George  9/17/1907       8/7/1990
                Lillie Pearl    10/25/1919      -----------

        63      HARRELL
                Nolan           2/15/1919       11/29/1996
                Christine       5/29/1924       -------------

        64      Watford, Mattie 1/16/1876       10/22/1918

        65      Tyson, Amanda H. 1/15/1882       12/5/1955

        66      No stone        -------------   --------------

        67      Garner, Vastie  10/16/1879      7/16/1914

        68      Garner, Infant  8/4/1914        9/6/1914

        69      Garner, James   7/3/1851        4/25/1909

        70      Garner, Mary    10/28/1852      11/23/1926

        71      Can't read      -------------   -------------

        72      Bracken, Bertha L.      1/1/1914        5/--/1915

        73      Bracken D.H.    8/22/1919       9/24/1926

        74      Woodham, Seab   11/25/1900      9/24/1936

        75      Varnum, Cas Martin      12/24/1900      10/29/1982

        76      Woodham, Leotus 7/10/1905       1/2/1982

        77      Varnum, Billy   1/3/1935        6/18/1999

        78      Brinley, A.L.   8/1/1809        5/29/1920

        79      Brinley, Vera Mae       3/17/1897       1/15/1976

        80      MEDOWS
                James W.        4/6/1924        8/13/1960
                Janice          5/20/1916       1/30/1984

        81      Infant          10/11/1962      -------------
                Infant daughter of John D. & Carolyn Coskrey

        82      No stone        -------------   ------------

        83      Brannon, Loyd Jackson   5/14/1928       7/26/1971

        84      Brannon, Jimmy Loyd     7/21/1949       5/19/1973

        85      No Stone        --------------  ----------------        

        86      Cameron, Chas   9/5/1898        6/23/1945

        87      McCord, Doris   8/13/1924       11/20/1924

        88      Dealie          3/19/1878       11/11/1907
                Wife of W.G. Avery

        89      Avery, Beachum  6/12/1901       8/13/1902

        90      Avery, Alto     12/20/1899      9/14/1901

        91      Avery, rosie Lee        11/12/1897      4/19/1901

        92      Forrester, Sally        --------------  -------------

        93      Chason, Kerry Lyn       8/18/1982       9/24/1984

        94      Woodham, William A.     2/3/1910        8/14/1982

        95      Woodham, Peneper        5/17/1888       2/23/1960

        96      Woodham, J.E.   1/15/1871       1/28/1943

        97      No stone        -------------   -----------

        98      No stone        ----------------        ------------

        99      Fountain, L.L.  11/16/1855      10/15/1932

        100     Fountain, Nollie        4/1/1891        3/24/1918

        101     No stone        -------------   ------------

        102     No stone        --------------  ----------

        103     Brookins, Calon 5/19/1895       7/5/1896

        104     Bookins, Benjamin       4/18/1898       4/9/1908

        105     Bookins, Relus  10/18/1893      8/29/1910

        106     COOLEY
                Beechem          8/18/1889       10/26/1974
                Alma McCallister        2/14/1879       3/4/1957

        107     COSKREY
                Jim Bob         1/25/1912       --------------
                Mary Goodson    11/8/1917       3/--/2002

        108     GOODSON
                John             8/2/1888        11/7/1956
                Lura            10/16/1894      3/27/1966

        109     Lillie B.       10/2/1884       8/4/1889
                Dau of Henry & M.J. Ballard

        110     Fowler, Jerome A.       9/8/1952        4/1/1966

        111     Weber, Gertrude 8/15/1902       11/4/1975

        112     McCORD
                Lillian          1907    1981
                Effie            1914    1967

        113     Fowler, Missouri        4/9/1865        3/1/1907

        114     Fowler, Charity 8/7/1838        7/1/1893

        115     Dickerson, Mary 5/2/1859        2/28/1900

        116     Dickerson, E.   3/7/1848        12/4/1922               

        117     Fowler, John Franklin   1/13/1832       3/22/1918

        118     Fowler, Frank   1/6/1869        4/24/1933

        119     Fowler, Charity H.      4/22/1877       12/12/1966

        120     COOK
                Monster Fortune 7/11/1905       1/5/1991              #000_0108
                Jessie Jefferson 2/24/1902       12/15/1969

        121     Cook, Marvin Richard    5/6/1941        11/23/1942

        122     Bransteetter, Jewel Cook        11/7/1927       5/12/1982

        123     McCrillis, Warren       10/27/1957      1/13/1997

        124     Halstead, M.F.  2/8/1876        8/8/1930

        125     Halstead, Carlie 3/27/1900       10/19/1922

        126     Halstead, J.T.  5/8/1916        ---------------

        127     No stone        --------------  --------------

        128     No stone        ----------------        ---------------

        129     No stone        --------------- -------------

        130     Cook, Rosie     -------------   5/14/1921

        131     No stone        -----------------       ----------------

If you have info to add to this site please contact Katie King

© 2003 Katie King