Memphis Cemetery Plot #3
This cemetery was read by Curtis Hardy in 2002,

 numbered plot drawings by Lawrence & Helen Downes.<>
No.       Name                  B-Date         D-Date        Picture

1       -------------         ------------    -----------

2       ------------          ------------    -----------

3       HOOPER
        F.N.                  11/7/1907       10/25/1965
        Etta                  12/8/1878       2/13/1947

4       HOOPER
        Joe Sr.               11/17/1907      10/25/1965
        Tullie                 5/14/1910       12/5/1998

5       Hooper, Max            7/9/1933        7/13/1933

6       HOOPER
        Ben H.                12/11/1934      12/27/1998
        Kathleen               1/4/1926        12/7/1984

7       Delburn, Hiram         3/1/1886        12/4/1940

8       Delburn, Costella H.    9/3/1891        12/2/1968

9       Spivey, Jane H. 1860    1913

10      Spivey, Samuel Rev      10/22/1856      9/26/1934

11      Spivey, Sarah H.        3/--/1885       1/31/1955

12      Holland, Emmitt O'Neal  11/29/1916      1/1/1917

13      Infant                  -------------   -------------

14      Watford, Murry L.       10/15/1934      6/29/1935

15      Vann, William L.        9/10/1916       1/25/1918

16      ----------------        --------------  --------------

17      VANN
        Noah P.                 5/20/1890       5/16/1989
        Emma P.                 5/12/1890       3/19/1980

18      Halstead, Wilburn L.    5/9/1900        1/9/1994

19      HALSTEAD
        William Commie          12/14/1894      10/12/1951
        Dolia Parromore         4/19/1897       5/4/1944

20      ------------           -------------   -------------

21      -----------            --------------  -------------   
22      Butler, Julia           1/19/1846       7/18/1935

23      Butler, Hiram           5/2/1840        3/13/1915

24      Butler, Minnie          2/17/1876       2/16/1892

25      Infant son of H.& 
         J.A. Butler            10/15/1888      ------------

26      Spivey, Travis M.       can't read      can't read

27      -------------------     -------------   ------------

28      -----------------       -------------   -------------

29      ---------------          -------------   -----------

30      ---------------         --------------- ------------

31      ---------------         --------------  -----------

32      --------------           -------------   ----------

33      ---------------          --------------  -------------

34      WEST
        William Henry            3/1/1872        2/9/1942
        Hattie Tillman           12/28/1877      10/18/1976

35      -------------             -----------------       -------------

36      Calhoun, Julia Ann      6/14/1908       2/24/1979

37      Spivey, Delila P.       6/14/1888       7/15/1994

38      Powell, James M.        4/19/1911       7/16/1950

39      Powell, Ida Butler      3/2/1870        10/17/1937

40      ------------             -------------   -------------

41      William Benjamin
       Son of J.J. & Ida Powell 4/6/1907        1/13/1910

42      Powell, Walter Lee      12/31/1890      8/14/1978

43      Butler, Eliza M.        10/27/1825      8/1/1910

44      Butler, Thomas          11/24/1826      11/11/1909

45      Halstead, S.B.           8/16/1877       8/9/1902

46      ------------, Caleb R   4/28/1872       1/31/1890

47      Halstead, Harriet       5/15/1796       11/3/1892

48      Spivey, J.M.            1/8/1877        6/24/1896

49      Halstead, Essie Lee     3/29/1903       4/5/1905

50      Spivey, Mary Lee        12/--/1909      ------------

51      Spivey, James D.        12/2/1902       12/5/1902

52      John S. Son of
        G.J.& E. Spivey         9/2/1918        10/24/1918

53      Ethel May Dau of
        J.B. & O.I. Halstead    6/16/1907       4/22/1908

54      Infant Dau of
        J.B.& O.I. Halstead     2/21/1909       2/21/1909

55      Halstead, Joseph B.     6/27/1878       6/9/1927

56      Infant of W.L. & Fannie
        Halstead                -------------   -----------

57      Halstead, Tommy         5/7/1896        9/13/1933

58      Holton, Odean           6/6/1917        8/4/1918

59      Holton, Autus           10/17/1908      11/10/1918

60      Holton, Cardlia         3/19/1887       10/29/1937

61      Davis, Lilla Silas      12/16/1892      12/1/1969

62      Davis, Marshall          ------------    1968
63      Davis, Elizabeth        ------------    9/7/1944

64      Davie, J.C.              ------------    4/4/1944

65      --------------          --------------  -------------

66      --------------         --------------  -------------

67      --------------         --------------- ------------

68      Hall, Hayward           8/10/1919       11/24/1924

69      HALL
        Estus                   1/31/1892       3/5/1955
        John Barlo              4/21/1880       6/24/1959

70      DENNIS
        Marl                    12/27/1884      7/21/1964
        Bertha Viola            9/17/1891       4/4/1985

71      Dennis Willard          12/8/1910       5/9/1912

72      Dorris L. Dau of
        Marl & Bertha Dennis    7/24/1912       9/18/1913

73      can't read              --------------  -------------

74      Andrew J. Son of
        M.J. & M.R. Baker       2/24/1918       5/17/1919

75      Weed, Andrew C.         7/24/1893       10/22/1918

76      Powell, Clifford        2/16/1881       11/27/1926

77      Lonnie Wife of J.W. Hall 1/27/1870       12/6/1935

78      Hall, John Wesley       4/29/1811       5/7/1930        

79      Hall, Mary              3/20/1843       6/10/1901

80      TRAWICK
        Houston                 1/17/1903       9/16/1963
        Fannie                  8/1/1874        1/1/1959
        Clifton                 10/1/1874       11/7/1944

81      M.J. Wife of J.W. Mixon 2/3/1872        9/4/1904

82      Coy son of 
        G.W. & Parry Lee Dennis 6/4/1895        4/21/1905

83      Dennis, Parlee          2/11/1862       5/18/1900

84      Dennis, G.W.            8/7/1861        2/22/1935

85      Dennis, Ella            8/17/1867       3/21/1946

86      SOWELL
        Carlos H.               2/27/1893       11/23/1968
        Pearl                   10/9/1901       5/16/1998

87      Fowler, Martha         can't read      --------------  

88      Fowler, R.              5/7/1828        7/26/1899

89      --------------         --------------- --------------

90      Fowler, Seaborn        8/1/1900        8/7/1901

91      --------------         --------------- ----------------

92      -------------          --------------  -------------

93      -------------          --------------- ----------------

94      ----------------       -----------------       -----------------

95      ---------------        --------------  --------------

96      Lewis, Cleveland        11/10/1888      12/24/1933

97      LeMaster, Allie Mae     9/17/1901       10/16/1922

98      Bell, Bethany          12/20/1869      1/25/1906

99      can't read             --------------  -------------

100     Riley, Robert          10/9/1894       11/28/1912

101     Riley, V.E.             8/21/1860       10/1/1915

102     Riley, George W.        7/7/1857        2/6/1920

103     Brinley, James F.       8/1/1900        8/7/1901

104     Pettus, John            1873            1960

105     -----------------       --------------  --------------

106     Lony, Daug of 
        J.H. & Etir Pettus      5/20/1906       1/6/1917                 

107     Pettus, Webb             1901            1969

108     Pettus, Odell            1916            1980

109     Watford, Seab           5/21/1877       11/15/1931

110     Parker, Charles J.      10/2/1904       3/1/1965

111     Parker, James           3/9/1913        7/1/1953

112     -----------------       --------------  -----------

113     -----------------       --------------  -------------

114     Pitts, Elias            7/22/1885       8/25/1939

        Charlie                 1873            1941
        Maggie Nowell           1887            1956

116     Pitts, Emly E.          11/2/1856       12/13/1920

117     Charley W. Son of 
        O.J. & Fannie Adams     4/4/1891        6/16/1891

118     Pitts, J.A.             12/14/1826      2/17/1917

119     Pitts, Elmira           1847            4/22/1910

120     Forrester, W.J.         12/5/1834       8/11/1911

121     Forrester, Nancy F.     9/10/1838       6/21/1908

122     DAVIS
        L.S.                    5/2/1867        6/--/1916
        Elizabeth               9/23/1857       3/19/1944

123     L.T. son of 
        T.G.& Eula Kelley       11/9/1919       11/9/1919

124     can't read             -------------   ---------------

125     KELLEY
        Thomas G.               4/4/1895        12/9/1959
        Eula                    1894            1947

126     ---------------         -----------------       ------------------

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129     Davis, Neal             6/30/1886       1/6/1961

130     ----------------        --------------- --------------

131     Franklin, Green A.      2/6/1891        11/21/1960

132     --------------          -----------------       ----------------

133     -------------           -----------------       ---------------

134     Parker, John C.         4/26/1872       12/14/1947

135     Davis, J.K.             8/29/1843       11/23/1911

136     Elizabeth, wife of
        J.K. Davis              8/27/1837       2/15/1896

137     Davis, L.C. son of      
        J.K. & E. Davis         8/28/1884       7/30/1885

138     Spiers, Bilgy           7/4/1806        10/9/1886

139     Pitts, Rebecker A.      8/21/1847       3/8/1889

140     Pitts, Ira              2/12/1847       11/2/1923

141     --------------         ----------------        -----------------

142     McCallister, Andrew     10/10/1890      7/9/1914
        Husband of Jewell McCallister
143     Hellen Maeleen Dau of
        A.J. & Jewell McCallister 8/4/1912        8/5/1914

144     Andrew Cortez dau Of
        A.J. & Jewell McCallister 9/6/1914        2/16/1915

145     Dupree, Eliza            2/18/1886       10/29/1974

146     Ellis, Jim son of
        Mr & Mrs A.J. Dupree    11/22/1918      2/19/1919

147     Infant of 
        M.L. & D.L. Davis       8/5/1916        8/5/1916

148     Davis, Mallie L.        5/30/1890       10/16/1918

150     Godwin, Mary Ella       3/29/1870       2/15/1949

151      J.O. Godwin            11/29/1857      1/21/1932

152      Burnice Godwin         10/25/1907      3/7/1971

153     Savage, Maudia Estell   11/17/1897      9/4/1985

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158     Franklin, Georgia 
        Alice Davis             7/16/1889       4/29/1962

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160     Forehand, Missouri      7/2/1872        7/10/1946

161     Forehand, Jessie        6/15/1867       1/23/1937

162     Leger, James Earl       1/16/1945       4/9/1947



If you have info to add to this site please contact Katie King

©2003 Katie King