Mt Gilead Baptist Transcription
submitted by Lawrence & Helen Downes <>

        Name            B-Date          D-Date         Condition   Inscription/Remark

1       Cook, Foy Elvin Jul 20, 1926    Jun 6, 1997     Good    Military stone; SSML3 US
                                                                NAVY WORLD WAR II

2       DOWLING
        Raymond         Sept 27, 1914   May 16, 1995    Good    Married Jul 31, 1941
        Jewel           Dec 28, 1921    -------------   Good    

3       BUTLER
        Willis          Jul 28, 1917    Jan 22, 1998    Good    none
        Maude           Oct 5, 1921     -----------------       Good    none
        Leon            Aug 22, 1941    -----------------       Good    none

4       Jones, Coley Lamar      Apr 28, 1936    -----------------       Good    none

5       Jones, Eula Mae Jul 7, 1921     Apr 2, 1992     Good    none

6       SHEPARD
        David S.        Jun 10, 1923    Nov 12, 1997    Good    none
        Nettie Mae      Jan 7, 1923     May 18, 1988    Good    none

7       SMITH
        J.S.            Sept 3, 1934    ------------    Good    Wed Sept 1, 1962        
        Janice          Dec 20, 1944    Feb 22, 1992    Good

8       TODD
        Rev. Aubrey C.  Oct 7, 1918     Aug 15, 1990    Good    Wed May 22, 1939
        Lola P.         Nov 14, 1913    -------------   Good    

9       NEWBY
        Glenn Patrick   Sept 24, 1953   Nov 1, 1997     Good    For I know what plans   
                                                                I have for you Jeremiah 29:11
        Pamelia Oakley  Oct 30, 1954    ----------------        Good    Wed Jul 31, 1976 Pat & Pam

        Rev. James A.   Apr 28, 1929    Sept 18, 1988   Good    Military stone; CPL US 
                                                                Marine Corps Korea
        Sarah F.        Aug 4, 1929     Jul 2, 1999     Good    II Themothy 4:7 I have fought 
                                                                a good fight, I have finished 
                                                                my cause, I have kept the faith

11      ------------    ------------    --------------- No stone        none

12      WILKINS
        Robert          Nov 22, 1919    Mar 6, 1988     Good    Military stone; US Army 
        Earline         Feb 11, 1929    --------------  Good    World War II, Wed Oct 6, 1944

13      HOLLOWAY
        Gary Fritz      Feb 21, 1948    Sept 17, 1996   Good    A carpenter for God
        Rachel Cox      Nov 4, 1948     --------------  Good    Wed Aug 4, 1948
                                                                In Loving memory

14      COYNOR  
        William H.      Jul 7, 1925     Jan 6, 2001     Good    Military stone; US Army 
        Jessie L.       Mar 31, 1910    Nov 2, 2001     Good    World War II

15      Jay, Judith Ann Sept 21, 1944   ------------    Good    I have fought a good fight, 
                                                                I have finished my course, 
                                                                I have kept the faith

16      Jay, Evelyn Snyder      1937      1979          Good    God is my refuge and strength

17      Jay, James Wilburn      Feb 26, 1932    Jul 28, 2001    Good    Military stone; COL US Army 
                                                                        Korea VietnamOur Unsung hero 
                                                                        He touched so many lives

18      HALL    
        John Grady      Jan 21, 1928    Jan 10, 1981    Good    Father
        Mary Evelyn     Mar 26, 1933    ------------    Good    Mother

19      Hall, Roger Dale        Feb 26, 1950    --------Good    none

20      Ridley, Joseph Henry    Oct 2, 1904     Jan 31, 1982    Good    none

21      Mills, Christine Lynn   Mar 26, 1985    -------------   Good    Our darling, Rock-a-bye 
                                                                        baby in the tree top

22      GRAVES
        Hill            May 25, 1946    May 27, 1981    Good    none
        Barbie          Mar 4, 1950     ------------    Good    none

23      DAWKINS
        Benette         Feb 20, 1907    Nov 11, 1997    Good    Married Oct 13, 1928
        Emma M.         Jul 28, 1905    Nov 11, 1990    Good    

24      Enfinger, Faye Marie    Mar 28, 1945    Sept 20, 1983   Good    none

25      HALL
        Raymond W.      Jun 16, 1929    Dec 28, 1976    Good    Military stone; US Army Korea
        Estelle S.      Aug 13, 1928    ------------    Good

26      SAUNDERS
        Cohen           Jan 4, 1917     Feb 22, 1998    Good    Married Dec 1, 1935
        Mildred C.      Oct 28, 1919    -------------   Good    

27      HURN
        Raymond S.      Aug 14, 1914    Dec 23, 1990    Good    none
        Mattie Jackson  Feb 12, 1907    Jun 8, 1995     Good    none

28      JONES
        James Alonzo    May 11, 1930    Feb 21, 2000    Good    none
        Jeanette        Feb 26, 1933    -------------   Good    none

29      BROWN
        William C.      Mar 18, 1902    Mar 2, 1986     Good    none
        Bertie K.       Sept 20, 1899   Mar 13, 1985    Good    none

30      BUCKHALT
        Jin H.          Oct 30, 1913    Jun 12, 1975    Good    Father
        Willie Mae      Dec 31, 1912    Dec 8, 1996     Good    Mother

31      TEW
        Haston Dewey    Sept 8, 1908    Dec 4, 1972     Good    At rest in Heaven
        Velma W.        Mar 11, 1910    Jan 23, 1995    Good    

32      New             ------------    -------------   no stone        none

33      Lyste, David Thomas     May 15, 1953    Jun 27, 1971    Good    none

34      Benefield, Eula Lee     May 24, 1905    Nov 20, 1990    Good    none

35      Benefield, Jerry Miah   Apr 12, 1900    Dec 2, 1992     Good    none

36      Rhodes, Amnie  ------------     -------------  no stone        Child

37      LEWIS
        Charlie H.      Feb 6, 1907     Aug 8, 1973     Good    In loving memory
        Beulah G.       Apr 5, 1909     May 10, 1993    Good

38      Brazell, Phillip Garland        May 12, 1956    Aug 27, 1997    Good    We love you dad 
                                                                                Landon and Adam

39      BRAZELL
        T. Bryant       Jun 27, 1927    --------------- Good    Father
        Clara A.        Nov 28, 1930    Jun 1, 1977     Good    Let not your heart be troubled 
                                                                Yea believe in God, believe 
                                                                 also in me

40      FLOWERS
        Glenn G.        May 26, 1906    Feb 9, 1990     Good    Married Oct 21, 1928
        Jewell K.       Apr 19, 1910    Mar 27, 1970    Good

41      BATTLE
        Wade            Feb 1, 1912     Dec 24, 1987    Good    Wed Oct 26, 1930
        Mable           Oct 9, 1911     Apr 25, 1993    Good

42      McDonald, Molly W.      Jun 11, 1888    Apr 17, 1969    Good    none

43      BASS
        Ruth M.         Jun 27, 1909    Jun 13, 1996    Good    Wed Jun 17, 1928
        Carl M.         Apr 11, 1908    Feb 16, 1996    Good    The Lord is my shepherd 
                                                                     I shall not want

44      Joiner, Matthew C.      Jul 24, 1972    May 20, 1988    Good    Love never faileth

45      REYNOLDS
        John Jake       Aug 27, 1927    May 17, 2002    Good    Trooper Alabama, Mason
        Ila Strickland  Dec 4, 1927     Jul 6, 2002     Good    

46      Reynolds,Russell J.     Aug.10,1958     Jul. 6,2002     Good    Dothan Police Dept      

47      TEW
        James (Jim)     Apr 23,1905     Aug.9,1972      Good    Married Apr.12,1928
        Jessis Mae      Dec.27,1909     Mar.6,1974      Good    In Loving Memory

        Damond R.       May 19,1920     Aug.5,2000      Good    Military Stone US Army
        M.Frances       Aug.28,1927     -------------   Good    World War II

49      Strickland,Patty        Oct.4,1951      Oct.5,1951      Good    Loving Daughter of Mr.&
                                                                        Mrs.Damond Strickland

50      CLARK
        Charles H.Jr.   Oct.6,1935      May 9,1969      Good    Military Stone  Alabama
        Alice M.        May 10,1929     Nov.3,1968      Good    M SGT 3242 A&E Maints
                                                                SQ AF

51      RONEY
        T.D. "Boots"    Oct.13,1934     Nov.19,2001     Good    Father
        Jimmie D.       Jul.20,1937     ---------       Good    Mother  Married Jun.30,1956

52      Trawick,Alfred Marvin   Jan.26,1911     Nov.17,1981     Good    None

53      Trawick,Lorraine        Oct.20,1913     Mar.13,1992     Good    None

54      Infant          Mar.14,1967     ------------    Good    Infant Daughter of James W.
                                                                &Brenda Trawick Our

55      HALLFORD
        Jesse Carl      Dec.5,1929      -------------   Good    Wed Feb.10,1950
        Frances Elizabeth       May 28,1932     Jan.4,1999      Good

56      Barnes,Dennis Wayne     Nov.29,1951     Mar.12,1998     Good    Weep not I am at rest
                                                                         Military Stone PVT.
                                                                         US Marine Corps

57      Barnes,Elvin    Jun.13,1929     Mar.13,2002     Good    None

58      PAULK
        Dennis W        Mar.5,1895      May 12,1981     Good    Forever In our Hearts
        Savannah S.     Aug.18,1892     Mar.31,1982     Good    

59      PAULK
        Dennis Jr.      Sept.23,1933    Apr.30,1967     Good    Military Stone Alabama
        Virginia        Sept.9,1934     --------        Good    SN US Navy

60      Paulk,Hosea J.  Aug.1,1960      Aug.2,1960      Good    Son of Mr.& Mrs.Dennis
                                        Paulk Jr. Tis a little grave,
                                        but oh: Have care for 
                                        World wide hopes are 
                                        buried there

61      PURVIS
        Raymond         Jan.24,1921     Jul.24,1997     Good    Father
        Stacy Inez      Aug.23,1928     Nov.5,1972      Good    Mother Married Aug.23,1947

62      Jones,Rachelmerl Sept.18,1926    Oct.12,1926     Good    None

63      JONES
        Coley (Bud)     Jan.21,1898     Sept.30,1996    Good    Military Stone Alabama
        Adell           Feb.17,1909     Dec.5,1989      Good    PFC 56 Inf.7 Div.World
                                                                War II Married Sept.23,1923

64      Infant          Dec.21,1948     ----------      Good    Infant son of James &
                                                                Geraldine Marchman

65      MARCHMAN
        James E.        Jan.29,1922     Feb.18,1992     Good    Wed Oct.11,1942
        Geraldine J.    Oct.29,1942     --------------- Good    

66      --------------- -----------     -----------     No Stone        Child

67      Deese,Michael Allen     Aug.16,1972     Aug.17,1972     Good    Our son Michael Lord 
                                                                        We thank thee

68      --------------  ------------    ------------    No Stone        Child

69      Deese,Willie    Oct.24,1898     Mar.12,1966     Good    In Loving Memory

70      --------------  --------------- ----------      No Stone        None

        Virginia Ruth   Dec.30,1941     --------------  Good    None
        I.D. "Bunk"     Aug.29,1920     ------------    Good    None
        Ella Ruth       Nov.6,1920      ----------      Good    None
        Horace Annon    Jun.12,1947     Jun.4,1965      Good    None

72      WHIDDON
        Odis            1912            1983            Good    None
        Bannie          1915            ---------       Good    None

73      WARD
        Otis Daniel Sr. May 16,1918     Jan.22,1966     Good    Mason
        Annie Ruth      Feb.5,1925      ----------      Good    

74      SKIPPER
        John H.         Nov.17,1901     Aug.29,1979     Good    Married Oct.20,1920
        Vera D.         Mar.1,1901      Feb.12,1991     Good    Together Forever

75      Jimmy           Sept.27,1942    Jan.2,1943      Good    Son of James & Vermelle
                                                                Clark Budded here Blooming i
                                                                in Heaven

76      Seay,Connie Hall Jan.28,1911     Apr.30,1990     Good    In Loving Memory

77      Hall,Coy        Sept.1,1916     Oct.8,1980      Good    In Loving Memory

78      Hall,Bobbie     May 28,1892     Jul.31,1962     Good    Wife of Pharaoh Hall

        W.Edgar         Apr.4,1894      Feb.10,1972     Good    Father
        Stella M.       Oct.7,1897      Oct.24,1952     Good    Mother

80      TODD
        Hiram A.        Jul.2,1890      Oct.12,1963     Good    None
        Ada B.          Feb.12,1893     Apr.28,1983     Good    None

81      TODD
        Alvey L.        Jul.14,1894     Apr.12,1962     Good    None
        Ella B.         May 30,1897     Jun.23,1980     Good    None

82      TRAWICK
        William Jesse   May 3,1884      Aug.20,1954     Good    Woodmen
        Gertha L.       Feb.18,1887     Mar.5,1976      Good    None

83      BUCKHALT
        Quinton B.      May 24,1921     May 22,1975     Good    Military Stone US Army
        Lillie Rae      Oct.19,1925     ----------      Good    World War II

84      Vickie Ann      Sept.14,1963    ---------       Good    Dau. of Mr.& Mrs. Q.B.
                                                                Buckholt Our Darling

85      Mc/LENDON
        John W.         Feb.9,1880      Oct.10,1964     Good    At Rest
        Chellie E.      Jun.13,1890     Feb.26,1991     Good    

86      LISENBY
        Willodean       Aug.30,1914     Jan.26,1981     Good    None
        James H.        Sept.14,1916    Dec.17,1976     Good    None

87      Monday,Shanda Denise    Jul.2,1965      Jul.3,1965      Good    None

88      Stanford,Bessie Woodall Jul.19,1915     May 31,1998     Good    In Loving Memory

89      Scruggs,James W. Nov.8,1904      Jul.1,1984      Good    None

90      Palmer,Loyd B.  Nov.9,1905      Jun.10,1980     Good    None

91      RODGERS
        Artes Lorell    Jul.8,1931      Jun.15,1992     Good    Military Stone CPL
        Mary Ann        Oct.27,1934     ----------------        Good    US Army  Korea

If you have info to add to this site please contact Katie King

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