Sardis Baptist Transcription
Located west of Dothan. Take Fortner St Extension from Ross Clark Circle 8.5
miles church and cemetery on the left. Read 2003 by Lawrence & Helen Downes.

        Name              B-Date                D-Date         Condition   Inscription/Remark
1       Williams, Rev. Charles  Aug 18, 1921        Jan 13, 2000        Good    none

2       --------------  ----------------    ----------------    no stone        child

3       Johnson, L.B.   --------------  ---------------         Poor    none

4       --------------  -------------   ---------------         no stone        none

5       Glover, Minnie L.       Apr 14, 1903    Oct 21, 1989    Good    none

6       Turner, Annie M.        Jan 13, 1923    Jul 25, 1996    Good    Beloved Mother

7       Turner, Homer Lee       Mar 4, 1925     Nov 25, 1999    Good    "Buddy" Beloved Father

8       ----------------        -------------  --------------   no stone        none

9       -----------------       -------------   -------------   no stone        none

10      Harris, Rosa            May 3, 1927     Jun 24, 1993    Good    none

11      Dawkins, Richard Earl   Aug 12, 1962    Sept 20, 1987   Good    none

12      Reese, Chanie Mae       Jul 2, 1921     Nov 1, 2001     Good    none

13      ---------------       --------------   -------------    no stone        none

14      --------------- --------------- ----------------        no stone        none

15      Griffin, Grady          1924           1992            Good    Military stone; PFC US 
                                                                       Army World War II

16      Davis, Mae Willie Griffin       Mar 18, 1928    Jul 31, 1992    Good    To my wife with love

17      -----------------       -----------------       ----------------        no stone        none

18      Griffin, Willie James   Nov 17, 1921    Nov 15, 1986    Good    none

19      --------------- -------------------     -----------------       no stone        none

20      Johnson, James Edward   Nov 29, 1944    Dec 20, 1998    Good    Beloved Husband, Father

21      --------------  ----------------     ----------------   no stone        none

22      --------------  -------------          --------------   no stone        child

23      --------------  ------------    ----------------        no stone        none

24      -------------   --------------- -------------------     no stone        none

25      Dubose, Reddie D.       Nov 12, 1899    May 8, 1900     Broken  none

26      -------------------     ------------------------------  no stone        none

27      Perkins, Sharon D.      Feb 17, 1975    Jan 15, 1996    Good    In loving memory

28      Jones, Jimmy Lee        Aug 15, 1910    Nov 1, 1983     Good    none

29      Gain, J.T.      Feb 22, 1885    Aug 6, 1915     Good    Mason

30      Gain, Leroy     Feb 16, 1882    Feb 12, 1901    Good    none

31      Brock, Robert L.        Nov 18, 1946    Jan 9, 1998     Good    Father

32      ------------    --------------  --------------- no stone        none

33      ------------    -------------   -------------   no stone        none

34      -----------     --------------  --------------  no stone        none

35      -----------     ------------    --------------  no stone        none

36      -----------     -------------   --------------  no stone        none

37      Myles, Inez     Dec 17, 1915    Jan 19, 1991    Good    none

38      Myles, Willie   Sept 15, 1903   Sept 5, 1996    Good    In loving memory

39      Brown, Matilida Mar 23, 1835    Sept 24, 1892   Good    none

40      Douglas,Walter  Apr 1, 1873     May 12, 1893    Good    At rest

41      Smith, Elijah   Apr 3, 1922     Aug 5, 1997     Good    none

42      Johnson, R.Q.   Dec 5, 1922     Sept 6, 1999    Good    A loving husband and father

43      --------------  --------------  --------------- no stone        none

44      ------------    -------------   --------------  no stone        none

45      --------------  ------------    --------------  no stone        none

46      Mathews, Ezeil  Aug 23, 1903    May 21, 1916    Fair    Gone home

47      Ward, Bishop    Jan 22, 1887    Dec 24, 1903    Fair    none

48      Hills, Sarah Frazier    Sept 24, 1933   Sept 21, 1981   Good    Loving wife and mother

49      Sistrunk, Jossie Flora  1843    1899            Fair    Rest mother,rest in -------

50      Johnson, Jane   May 11, 1851    Aug 8, 1894     Good    none

51      Douglas, Oscar Lee      Apr 25, 1897    -------------   Fair    Death date buried

52      Jones, Lawrence Jul 13, 1912    Mar 20, 1981    Good    Mason

53      Jones,Charles, L.       7--5--1955      7--18--1984     no stone        Engraved on cap---Poor

54      Jones,--------- 1935             1951           no stone        Engraved on cap

55      --------------- ------------    ---------       no stone        none

56      Douglas, Elbert Apr 28, 1856    May 10, 1915    Good    Asleep in Jesus

57      Johnson, A.Y.   Nov 7, 1904     Sept --,1960    Good    none

58      Johnson, Lillar Sept 16, 1892   Aug 16, 1933    Good    none

59      Johnson, Marvin Nov 22, 1910    Oct 11, 1987    Good    Military stone US Army
                                                                World War II

60      Cartmond, Lillie        Oct 9, 1906     Dec 11, 1989    Good    none

61      Cartmond, Luie  8--8--1904      1--7--1965      Good    none

62      Terry, Lonnie   Sept 7, 1894    Feb 4, 1953     Good    Military stone Alabama
                                                                PVT 421 RES Labor BN
                                                                OMC World War I

63      Brinkley, Custer Jan 5, 1930     Jan 14, 1991    Good    Military stone CPL US Army

64      --------------   --------------  -------------   no stone        none

65      ------------    -------------   ------------     no stone        none

66      Ward, Samuel    Aug 7, 1930     Jun 11, 1988    Good    Military stone US Army

67      McCarter, Mettie        Mar 14, 1874    Dec 17, 1902    Fair    She has gone to her home
                                                                        in heaven

68      Knight, Ira Gene        Jul 25, 1943    Mar 28, 1971    Fair    At rest

69      Knight, Bob     May 8, 1924     Aug 12, 1974    Fair    At rest

70      ------------    ------------    -------------   no stone        none

71      -------------   ------------    --------------- no stone        none

72      -----------     ------------    --------------- no stone        none

73      -----------     -----------     --------------- no stone        none

74      -------------   -----------     ------------    no stone        none

75      --------------  -----------     ------------    no stone        none

76      Price, Artisha Lavet    Jan 15, 1979    Nov 6, 1998     Good    In memory of a loving
                                                                        daughter and sister

77      Mathews, Harper Oct 9, 1858     Oct 8, 1916     Fair    Can't read

78      --------------  --------------  --------------  no stone        none

79      Knox,Milton     Jan 30, 1894    Jan 23, 1965    Good    Military stone PVT US Army
                                                                World War Ii

80      --------------  ------------   ---------------  no stone        none

81      Knox, Mittie    7--6--1883      1--22--1952     no stone        Engraved on cap

82      Knox, Oscar     May 15, 1895    Dec 25, 1951    Good    Military stone PVT 
                                                                US Army World War II

83      -------------   -------------   -------------   no stone        none

84      --------------  -------------   --------------- no stone        none

85      ----------      -------------   --------------  no stone        none

86      -------------   ------------    --------------  no stone        none

If you have info to add to this site please contact Katie King

© 2002-2003 Katie King