St Phillips Cemetery
Located south of Dothan. Take 231 south about 12 miles to Sonny Mixon Rd.
(Madrid turn off). Then west 2 miles to Singletary Rd. (Dirt), then south about
 .1 mile, cemetery on the right. Read 2003 by Lawrence & Helen Downes.

        Name                    B-Date           D-Date         Condition  Inscription/Remark
1       ------------------      -----------     --------------  Good         none

2       Jones, Harvey           Dec 10, 1917    Jun 21, 1970    Good    Military stone; Georiga TEC4  
                                                                        257 SIG CONST BN
                                                                        World War II

3       HUGHES
        Carrie                  Jul 6, 1908     -------------   Good    Eastern Star
        Waymon                  Sept 17, 1900   Jan 3, 1981     Good    Mason

4       Jackson, Lee Norris     Mar 4, 1945     Jul 11, 1999    Good    Mason  In loving memory

5       --------------------    ---------       -------------   no stone        none

6       Carswell, John C.       Sept 14, 1903   Jan 29, 1966    Good    Military stone Alabama
                                                                         PVT US Army World War II

7       Pa--terson, Charity     Aug 3, 1906     Feb 18, 1972    Poor    Broken

8       ------------------      --------------  --------------- no stone        none

9       Hughes, Emma Smith      Mar 8, 1880     Nov 23, 1968    Good     none

10      Rhynes, Arthur          Nov 15, 1893    May 27, 1993    Good    Military stone US Army
                                                                        World War II

11      ----------------------  -----------     -------------  no stone        none

12      ----------------------  --------------- -------------  no stone        none

13      ---------------------   --------------- -------------  no stone        none

14      Roberson, Kite          Jul 15, 1897    Oct 15, 1918    Broken  Brother PVT 43 REG CO.N

15      ------------------      -------------   -------------   no stone        none

16      Garrard, Joseph         Nov 18, 1900    Jan 28, 1958    Good    Husband  Absent here but
                                                                        present with the Lord

17      -------------------     -----------------       ------------------      no stone        none

18      ----------------------- ------------------      --------------------    no stone        none

19      -------------------     ----------------        ----------------------  no stone        none

20      -------------------     ------------------      ------------------      no stone        none

21      --------------------    -----------------       --------------------    no stone        none

22      ------------------      -------------------     ----------------------- no stone        none

23      ------------------      ------------------      --------------------    no stone        none

24      ----------------        ----------------        ----------------------- no stone        none

25      Watford, Charlie R. Sr. Aug 1, 1916     Jan 16, 2001    Good    In God's care

26      Lawrence, Morsouria     May 20, 1889    Jan 25, 1974    Good    none

27      --------------------    -------------------     ------------------      no stone        none

28      -------------------     -----------------       --------------------    no stone        none

29      Thomas, Iola Hayes      Sept 6, 1927    May 27, 2001    Good    Mother  Gone 
                                                                        but not forgotten

30      ----------------------- --------------------    ----------------------  no stone        none

31      -----------------       ----------------        ---------------------   no stone        none

32      Hayes, Nora             Mar 1, 1877     Jan 18, 1949    Good    Wife of H.D. Dowling

33      ----------------        --------------- -------------------     no stone        none

34      ----------------        ----------------  -----------------     no stone        none

35      --------------- -----------------       ---------------------   no stone        none

36      --------------- -------------------     ----------------------- no stone        none

37      Watford, James E.       Feb 18, 1950    Nov 19, 1971    Good    Military stone Alabama
                                                                        SP4 US Army Vietnam

38      Watford Johnny Lee,      Jul 18, 1944   Nov 9, 1968     Good    none

39      -------------------     -------------   -------------   no stone        child

40      Kirkland, Emmer         Sept 7, 1886    Sept 16, 1974   Good    none

41      Register, Winnie        1892            1979            Poor    none

42      Register, Moses         1883            1964            Poor    none

43      ----------------        ------------    -----------     no stone        none

44      -----------------       ------------    ------------    no stone        none

45      Brown, Hill             5--12--18--     7--2--1965      Poor    none

46      ---------------          -------------- --------------- Poor    Can't read

47      --------------          --------------- --------------  no stone        none

48      -------------           --------------  --------------- no stone        none

49      --------------  --------------  --------------------    no stone        none

50      Kirkland D. Willie      1923             1981           Good    Military stone TEC4 US Army
                                                                        World War II  Name could be
                                                                        Willie D. Kirkland

51      ----------------        -------------   ----------      no stone        none

52      --------------- ----------------        -----------     no stone        none

53      Register, Jimmy L.      Sept 27, 1919   Dec 28, 1985    Poor    none

54      Register, Robert        Aug 29, 1926    Jul 10, 1997    Good    none

55      Smith, Ida              Feb 9, 1879     Sept 20, 1931   Good    Death date could be 1937

56      ---------------       ---------------   ---------------  no stone        none

57      Daniels, Mattie         11--25--1903    7--8--1987      Good    none

58      --------------- --------------- -------------------     Broken  Can't read

59      ------------------      -------------   --------------- no stone        none

60      -------------   ----------------        --------------  no stone        none

61      Daniels, Monroe         3--4--1922      3--23--1964     no stone        Engraved on cap

62      Rogers, Clara Bell      Sept 8, 1908    Jul 19, 1978    Good    none

63      ----------------        ------------    --------------  no stone        none

64      -----------------       --------------  --------------  no stone        none

65      Pullin, Wilson          Jul 24, 1922    Feb 9, 1958     Good    Military stone Alabama
                                                                         PFC 1529 ENGR DUMP
                                                                         TRK CO.

66      -----------------       ------------    -------------   no stone        child

67      --------------- --------------- -----------------       no stone        none

68      --------------- --------------- ------------------      no stone        none

69      -----------------       --------------- -------------   no stone        none

70      Pullin, Rev. Jessie     Jul 30, 1891    Dec 10, 1967    Good    none

71      Pullin, Oillie          Jul 30, 1893    Sept 4, 1976    Good    At rest

72      -----------------       --------------  ------------    no stone        none

73      Thomas, Flora Lee       Oct 28, 1955    Feb 24, 1996    Good    Military stone US Army

74      ------------------      ------------    ------------    no stone        none

75      Rogers, Willie C.       Oct 28, 1908    Nov 11, 1974    Good    none

76      ----------------        -------------  --------------   no stone        none

77      --------------- --------------- ----------------        no stone        none

78      Rogers, Tellas           1897             1971          Good    At rest

79      -----------------       --------------  --------------- Poor    Can't read

80      --------------  -------------   ------------------      no stone        none

81      Price, Leola L.         Sept 26, 1909   Oct 27, 1996    Good    Gone but not forgotten

82      Price, Clifton          Jun 10, 1909    May 1, 1989     Good    "Dush"

83      Lawrence, Bennie        1874            1956            Good    none

84      Lawrence, Lillier       1872            1946            Good    none

85      Bigham,Abraham Ezkell   Dec 18, 1927    Sept 7, 1993    Good    Military stone  PFC 
                                                                        US Army Korea

86      Bigham, Abraham         Mar 8, 1905     Oct 9, 1987     Good    none

87      Bigham, Nettie C.L.     Mar 3, 1905     Mar 25, 1986    Good    At rest

88      Hicks, Jimanna          1888            1968            Good    none

89      ---------------         --------------  ------------    no stone        none

90      Sewell, Gauvin          Jan 4, 1954     May 13, 1974    Good    none

91      Sewell, Sam             Aug 29, 1900    Dec 16, 1973    Good    none

92      -------------------     -------------   --------------- no stone        nonr

93      --------------- --------------- ----------------        no stone        none

94      ----------------        -------------   -------------   no stone        none

95      --------------- --------------  --------------------    no stone        none

96      Daniels, Florence       1870             1957           Good    none

97      Daniels, John           1868             1951           Good    none

98      Emma J                  Aug 3, 1887     Nov 16, 1915    Good    Daughter of J.H.& F. Daniels
                                                                        Leaning against tree

99      Roberson, Ulten         Apr 19, 1940    Apr 19, 1940    Good    Son of Rossie M. Dean

100     Fussell, Maragret Robinson      Oct 17, 1945    Jul 17, 1982    Good    none

101     Dean, Rossie M.         Aug 15, 1919    Mar 9, 1993     Good    none    

102     Thomas, Mattie Wesley   Sept 13, 1906   Dec 22, 1936    Good    A tribute from the Thomas
                                                                        children  Mothers Day 1990

103     Infant                  Dec 22, 1936    -------------   Good    Infant daughter of Mattie &
                                                                        Spencer Thomas

104     --------------  ----------------        --------------  no stone        none

105     ----------------        --------------- --------------- no stone        child

106     --------------- -----------------       -------------   no stone        none

107     Kirkland, Roberta       1903            1953            Missing Metal marker

108     ------------------      -------------    ------------   no stone        none

109     -----------------       -------------    ------------   no stone        none

110     ----------------        -------------    -------------  Poor    Can't read

111     McClendon, Bunice       7--22--1920     9--23--1956     Fair    none

112     ----------------------  -------------   -------------   no stone        none

113     Vickers, England        1916            Mar 6, 1966     Good    Rest in peace your
                                                                        Nieces & Nephews

114     Vickers, Billy          Mar 3, 1894     Mar 1, 1996     Good    Military stone  Alabama
                                                                        PVT 48 CO. 157 BRIG
                                                                        World War II

115     Vickers, Arlevia Miller 1900            Nov 10, 1942    Good    In loving memory your

116     -----------------       --------------- -------------   Broken  child  Can't read

117     ----------------        --------------- -------------   no stone        none

118     -------------   --------------- ----------------        no stone        none

119     Daniels, Dora           Mar 31,1900     Nov 9, 1968     Good    none

120     Daniels, Archie Jr.     Dec 6, 1941     Nov 9, 1968     Good    none

121     Madison, Loretha        Jun 6, 1958     Nov 9, 1968     Good    none

122     ------------------      ------------    -------------   no stone        none

123     --------------- --------------  -----------------       no stone        none

124     ----------------        -------------   -------------   missing none

125     Daniels, Archie         Jun 12, 1895    Dec 25, 1966    Good    Military stone PVT
                                                                        421 RES Labor BN
                                                                        World War I

126     Kirkland, Dissie Mae    May 13, 1921    Apr 16, 1956    Good    In loving memory of our
                                                                        wife & mother  Earnest, 
                                                                        Earnest Jr., Lurene, and Jim

127     ------------------      ------------    -------------  no stone        none

128     -------------------     ------------    -------------  no stone        none

129     --------------------    -----------     -------------  no stone        none

130     White, Paul L.          1946             1994          Good    In remembrance of my 
                                                                        dear son

131     -------------------     ------------    ------------   no stone        none

132     Russ, Leroy             7--1--1917      6--10--1974     Fair    none

133     Sopp, Clauda           ------------     1957            Poor    none

134     -----------------       ------------    ------------    Poor    Can't read

135     ----------------        ------------    ------------    no stone        none

136     Thomas, John B.         Aug 18, 1900    Oct 10, 1980    Good    none

137     -----------------       ------------- ---------------   no stone         none   

138     THOMAS
        Lucille Brown           Aug 6, 1910     Dec 27, 1990    Good    Married Sept 25, 1928   
        Hosie                   Jun 4, 1910     Oct 20, 1964    Good

139     -------------   --------------  ----------------        no stone        none

140     --------------  ------------    ----------------        no stone        none

141     Thomas, Sylvester Jr.   Mar 5, 1935     Feb 16, 1973    Good    Father  Gone but not

142     -------------           --------------  --------------  no stone        none

143     ------------    -------------   ----------------        no stone        none

144     Green, Audrey T.        Nov 18, 1929    Dec 16, 1995    Good    Mother  Gone but not

145     ----------------        ------------    --------------- no stone        none

146     Madison, Bobbie         Apr 8, 1949     Apr 8, 1950     Fair     Gone to rest

147     Madison, Cleo Jr.       May 1, 1945     Jun 24, 1984    Good    At rest

148     Madison, Derek          7--28--1989     7--28--1989     Fair    none

149     ---------------         --------------  --------------- no stone        none

150     Wheeler, Floyd          3--19--1895     7--28--1980     Good    none

151     Wheeler, Dicie          1896            1956            Fair    none

152     Wheeler, Amos           ------------    May 5, 1944     Good    Gone but not forgotten

153     Wheeler, Babe           --------------- Sept 8, 1930    Fair    Age 56 yrs. Gone but
                                                                         not forgotten

154     --------------- -------------   -----------------       no stone        none

155     -------------   --------------  ------------------      no stone        none

156     ----------------    ---------------    --------------   no stone        none

157     WILSON
        Anthony W.              Jan 15, 1874    Feb 23, 1957    Good    Married Dec 25, 1900
        Darkes                  May 1, 1884     Sept 9, 1954    Good    

158     --------------  --------------  --------------------    no stone        none

159     --------------  -------------   ------------------      no stone        none

160     -----------     -------------   -------------------     no stone        none

161     -----------     -------------   ------------------      no stone        none

162     -----------     -----------------       --------------  no stone        none

163     --------------  -----------------       --------------  no stone        none

164     ------------    ----------------        --------------- no stone        none

165     ------------    ----------------        --------------  no stone        none

166     Bostick, W.O.           Oct 23, 1876    Nov 8, 1926     Good    Mason  On ground

167     --------------- ----------------        --------------  no stone        none

168     --------------- --------------- ------------------      no stone        none

169     ------------    --------------  -----------------       no stone        none

170     -------------   -------------   -------------------     no stone        none

171     -----------     --------------  ------------------      no stone        none

172     Dean, Mary Hazel        May 12, 1927    Nov 29, 2002    Good    none

173     ----------------        --------------- -------------   no stone        none

174     Bronson, George W.      May 9, 1907     May 19, 1985    Good    Military stone PFC
                                                                        US Army World War II

175     -------------   -------------   ------------------      no stone        none

176     BOGAR
        Willie Charles          Sept 18, 1908   Mar 25, 1974    Good    "W.C."
        Minnie Lee Bronson      Jan 12, 1911    Sept 17, 1969   Good    Wed Jul 20, 1932

177     Weatherington,Ronald D. Jul 8, 1975     Jul 8, 1975     Fair    none

178     --------------- ----------------        -------------   no stone        none

179     Register, Myrtle L.     Jul 31, 1926    Nov 8, 1996     Good    "Mother--Wife"
                                                                         Rest in peace

180     Register, Lonnie        Nov 27, 1895    Jul 17, 1967    Good    Military stone Florida
                                                                        PVT US Army World 
                                                                        War I

181     --------------  -----------------       -------------   no stopne       none

182     -------------   --------------  ---------------------   no stone        none

183     Dean, Jim Lester        Jul 30, 1893    Mar 1, 1995     Good    Father

184     Dean, Mary Daniels      Aug 3, 1890     Feb 16, 1986    Good    Mother

185     --------------- ----------------        --------------- no stone        none

186     --------------  ----------------        --------------- Broken  Can't read

187     Thomas, Ruben           Jul 22, 1870    Apr 19, 1936    Good    none

188     -----------------       --------------- --------------  no stone        none

189     -------------   --------------  ---------------------   no stone        mone

190     --------------  -------------   -----------------       no stone        none

191     -------------   --------------  ----------------        no stone        none

192     ----------------        -----------   --------------    no stone        none

193     Cotton, L.C.            Mar 12, 1911    May 11, 1994    Good    Husband  Gone but 
                                                                        not forgotten

194     --------------- -----------------       --------------  no stone        none

195     Steward, Mary C.        Apr 16, 1913    Jan 19, 1996    Good    Mother

196     ----------------        -------------   --------------- no stone        none

197     Dean, Johnny Jr.        Jun24, 1952     Oct 20, 1996    Good    Gone but not forgotten

198     --------------  --------------- -------------------     no stone        none

199     Wilson, Theodore R.Sr.  Apr 5, 1902     Mar 5, 1939     no stone        In loving memory
                                                                                Engraved on cap

200     -------------------     ------------    -------------   no stone        none

201     ----------------        --------------- -------------   no stone        none

202     -------------------     --------------  --------------  no stone        none    

203     Annie                   Nov 17, 1855    Dec 13, 1878    Good    Wife of Sam Ward

204     Silvester       --------------- -------------------     Broken  Son of W.M.&Mary
                                                                         Believe to be W.M.& Mary 

205     Lillie                  Dec 11, 1897    Sept 1, 1900    Good    Daughter of W.M.& Mary 

206     Hols, E.C.              Aug 4, 1861     Feb 1, 1904     Broken  none

207     --------------  --------------  --------------------    no stone        none

208     Weatherington, Jessie   Aug 10, 1936    Apr 18, 1995    Good    Son & brother

209     --------------- -----------------       -------------   no stone        none

210     Weatherington, Wesley O.        1933         1991       Good    Military stone US Navy

211     --------------- --------------  --------------------    no stone        none

212     -----------------       --------------  -------------   no stone        none

213     --------------- ----------------        ------------    no stone        none

214     Sanders, Robert          Aug 4, 1890     Feb 19, 1979   Good    Mason

215     Sanders, Jewel           Aug 21, 1895    Jan 22, 1973   Fair    none

216     -------------------     --------------- -------------   no stone        none

217     Stringer, Adel          Jun 11, 1911    Mar 1, 1943     Good    none

218     ------------------      -------------- -------------    no stone        none

219     Ward, Miriah            Oct 16, 1870    Jul 30, 1940    Good    none

220     --------------  --------------- -------------------     no stone        none

221     Snell, Rubin            Aug 25, 1906    Jul 5, 1939     Good    none

222     Snell, James            Sept 8, 1876    Oct 10, 1939    Good    none

223     Snell, Bessie           May 16, 1880    --------------- Good    none

224     --------------- ------------------      --------------  no stone        none


If you have info to add to this site please contact Katie King

© 2002-2003 Katie King