In Big Coon Valley approaching Matthews Cove, Jackson County, Alabama

After Crossing Big Coon Creek, this gravel road winds it's way around and over a high ridge into Matthews Cove as it has for 175 years.

This is Mr. John Wilkerson, present owner of Matthews Cove. He is a friendly old guy who loves to talk. He knows a lot about the cove and can show you where the Matthews Cemetery is.

Mr. John says this is a wild cherry tree, beneath the tree's branches is the Matthews Cemetery

As you can read, this is the grave of Wiley Matthews, one of Walker's and Luvina's sons. Notice the CSA on the stone.

Mr. John says this is the head stone of Luvina Matthews. The hand scratching is just barely visable on it .I spent several hours carefully cleaning the stone and I read M.J. Mathews Mother. . . .departed. . .

The J could be a backward L which is not unusual on old headstones.