1840 FEDERAL CENSUS, page 2
© Copyright, 1992, 1998. Pat M. Mahan

NAME                                    ENUMERATION
page 87 (14)

Thomas, J. [Josiah?]                    030101 - 210001
Richards, W. [William]                  002330001 - 0000101
Wallis, T. J. [Jesse?]                  00001 - 00001
Wallis, Jas.                            20001 - 00001
MtGomery, L. [Lemuel Montgomery]        00001 - 00001
Floyd, Jno.                             02100001 - 002301
Burns, Saml. [Samuel C.]                122001 - 110101
Houston, H.                             0000101 - 000121101
Caisey, A.                              0 -111001
Bough, Richd.                           011020001 - 00001001
Swinford, I. [Isaac]                    300001 - 010001
Beard, J. H.  [Jabez]                   111201 - 102001
Cannon, J. [Jabez]                      000000001 - 00010001
Houston, R. [Ross]                      121011 - 010001
Willet, R. H. [Richard H.]              000011 - 00002001
Odom, L.                                1200001 - 121001
Till, Jno.                              3210001 - 001001
Dement, Jno.                            110001 - 011001
Blag, C.                                2001001 - 112001
Tacker, H.                              221001 - 010001
Bratton, Geo.                           211101 - 021101
Danger, H.                              00000001 - 1021001
Clark, P. [Patrick M.]                  10001 - 1001
Cochran, W. [William]                   000000001 - 000000001
Young, S. [Sarah, widow of Joseph]      01 - 1110001
Hendrick, N.                            220001 - 000001
Rodes, N. [Noah G.]                     1000001 - 21001
Shipperd, E. [Elijah]                   101001 - 022001
Rodes, Jno. [John]                      00110001 - 0011001
Richards, H. [Henderson]                22001 - 000001

page 88 (15)

Fowler, Saml.                           10012 - 101001
Kirk, S. [Simeon]                       021001 - 01001
Winburn, E. [Edwin]                     00002 - 00000001
Douglass, J. [Jonathan]                 0010001 - 0211001
Carroll, Geo. M.                        00020001 - 00021001
Braham, I/J. P.                         0000001 - 30201
Graham, A. H.                           10001 - 00011
McDonald, Danl.                         11001000001 - 1000101
Robertson, Jas.                         0000001 - 00010001
Womble, W. G. [Wilson G.]               021001 - 101001
Reader, Thos.                           200001 - 11001
Waits, Jas.                             012001 - 111101
Sprewel, J. M. [Josiah]                 10001 - 11001
Fielder, W. [William]                   0000000001 - 000000001
Tarpin, I/J. T.                         0120001 - 0011101
Crow, C. L. [Charles]                   22002001 - 1020101
Hayes, J. [Jesse]                       000101 - 30002
Martin, Jno.                            00211001 - 01010001
Bowden, Thos.                           1212201 - 200001
Hardin, S. P.                           00001 - 00001
Bromley, Saml.                          110101 -212201
Kirk, N.                                01210001 - 1001210001
White, M. [Middleton]                   2100001 - 230001
Hammons, L.F. [Lemuel]                  01001 - 00001
Womal, N.                               2210001 - 011311
Sherard, Robt.                          01210001 - 0000001
Belcher, E. [Ewing?]                    0131001 - 1000001
Waits, S. [Silas K.]                    20001 - 00001
Barns, M.                               11001 - 00001
Ducket, Richd.                          0000001 - 02101

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Duff, W.                                0100001 - 022001
Boyd, Jas.                              00000001 - 022001
Lansford, Wm.                           110001 - 12001
Thomas, M. I/J.                         0111 - 0031001
Houston, P. [Pugh]                      120001 - 000011
Minton, R.                              000100001 - 001121
Minton, Jno.                            121001 - 01001
Campbell, J. E. [James E.]              000001 - 210001
Dillahunty, J. B. [John B.]             010001 - 0001
Noel, E. [Edmond]                       000001 - 0
Koger, Wm.                              0011011101 - 121001
Beckesworth, J. [Jonathan Beckwith]     001102 - 00121
Stewart, S. W.                          20001 - 10001
Harmon, Wm. H.                          100001 - 110001
Swinford, Jno                           030000001 - 1102101
Rowel, N. [Neal]                        1000001 - 11001
Crouet?, W.                             00001 - 0001
Cheatham, Kit [Christopher]             00002201 - 0001001
Veser, M. B.                            000011 - 1
Dillahunty, H. [Harvey]                 1111101 - 100301
Lansford, Jas.                          10001 - 0001
Smith, H.                               0000101 -00001
Carroll, A. [Anderson]                  00001 - 00001
Carroll, E.                             0001 - 0001001
Somerhill, H. [Horace]                  021001 - 21001
Thompson, S. [Samuel C.]                000001 - 30002
Houston, M.                             0111 - 0001201
Somerhill, E. [Elizabeth]               00001 - 100010001
Carroll, F. [Ferdinand]                 00001 - 0001

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Young, E. G. [Ebenezer Gordon]          00001 - 0
Rodes, William                          000001 - 000001
Williams, J. P. [James P.]              0100001 - 110001
Romine, G.                              20001 - 0001
Rodes, W. J. S. [William J. Spencer]    00001 - 0
Parham, D. [Drury]                      00001 - 00001
Lasseter, Thos. U.                      000011 - 100010001
House, M.                               0021001 - 0100001
Brown, Danl.                            000000001 - 000001001
Pope, B. [Bennett]                      00000001 - 0000001
Brown, Thos.                            010001 - 01001
Letcher, T. [Thompson]                  00001 - 10001001
Owen, J. F. [John]                      00003001 - 0011001
Letchworth, Jno.                        110001 - 01101
Owen, J. P. [John]                      00003001 - 0011001
Williams, Danl.                         000000001 - 0
Hopson, W. [William]                    10001 - 10001
(1 free black male, no name, listed     (36-55)
          with W. Hopson)
Mooddy, Robt.                           20001 - 0001
Webb, Jackson                           011001 - 000001
Scott, A. [Andrew]                      121101 - 010001
Beasley, W.                             00020001 - 00001
Fields, W. Jr.                          110001 - 11001
Williams, W.                            00011 - 1001
Roundtree, Saml. T.                     00001 - 0
Johnson, R.                             00001 - 0
Webb, Rich.                             100001 - 11001
Webb, Jas.                              122001 - 11101
Norton, H.                              122001 - 11101
Blair, I/J. P.                          00011 - 00111
Glover, Mary                            0001001 - 0     [no females?]
Waddle, Chs.                            00011 - 1001

page 91 (18)

Cary, P.                                01 - 010001
Haddon, A.                              0001001 - 000101
Wright, N. [Nancy]                      001 - 000011
Rose, E. [Ezekiel}                      20001 - 00001
Winfrey, W. [William]                   00001 - 0
Harwood, Richd.                         00001 - 0
Gathright, W. F. [William]              00002 - 0
Wilson, Jas.                            000001 - 0
Tucker, Eliza.                          00001 - 000001
Paterson, T. D.                         10001 - 00001
Hughs, W. G.                            0010001 - 0
Cary, E. [Elisha]                       00001 - 000101
Farmer, M.                              000001 - 01001
Burton, Eliza.                          011 - 0000101
Webb, James                             121001 - 102001
Tankesly, M.                            0011 - 00110011
Adams, D. [David]                       0322001 - 200001
Hinds, Jno.                             0200001 - 220001
Coe, G. W. [George]                     00001 - 001
Simmons, J. L. Jr. [James L.]           00001 - 0001
Simmons, J. L. [James L.]               0000001 - 000001
Moore, T. C. [Thomas C.]                00001 - 1001
Austin, D. [David]                      101001 - 201001
Johnson, M. [Martha]                    1121 - 011101
Thompson, Saml.                         122001 - 010001
Callison,W. R.                          20001 - 100001
White, Saml.                            1210001 - 001001
Peter, W.                               0000001 - 10001
Pure?, Jane [ Price?]                   001 - 0000001
Tumbleson, H. [Henry]                   10001 - 0001001

page 92 (19)

Williams, H. [Henry]                    0010101 - 11
(1 free black male, no name, listed with(0-10)
          H. Williams)
Barnett, Thos.                          10110001 - 212001
Douglass, Jas.                          100001 - 22001
Tharp, O. [Otha]                        101001 - 21101
Crow, Thos.                             10001 - 0001
Williams, J. B. [James B.]              00001 - 0
Trousdale, W. [William]                 0010001 - 200001
Duren, W. [William]                     200001 - 120001
Williams, J. B. [James B.]              210001 - 101001
Elison, W. [William]                    011001 - 21101
Dagby, S. B.                            10000001 - 00130001
Pool, G. [Gilbert]                      01210001 - 0011001
Baily, R. A. [Richard A.]               000001 - 00001
Cook, Thos.                             00001 - 000001
Harrison, H. [Henry]                    00001 - 0
Wood, J. S. [John S.]                   000001 - 0
Marks, N. H. [Nathan H.]                00001 - 0001
Bradford, L.                            00001 - 0
Harrison, Jno.                          120001 - 20101
Mobley, W. W. [William Washington]      101001 - 22011
Harrison, J. L. [John L.]               00001 - 0
Jackson, J. [Joseph]                    010001 - 20001
Wood, B. A. [Bennett A.]                1120001 - 110011
Sheffield, E. [Ephraim]                 1001101 - 211101
Twitty, H. [Hiram]                      100001 - 01001
Fisher, W. [William]                    0000201 - 10002
(1 free black male, no name,            ( 0 - 10 )
          listed with W. Fisher.]
Basket, Wm.                             000000001 - 00210001
Ives, A. [Amos]                         12120001 - 001101
Philips, W. C. [William C.]             00001 - 1001
Valient, D. T. [David]                  10001 - 00001
Trousdale, Jno.                         20001 - 10011

page 93 (20)

Smith, L. [Littleton]                   03010011 - 0021101
Garner, S. R. [Samuel R.]               000110001 - 1001
King, W. A. [William Alpheus]           10002 - 20001
Conway, Jno.                            01100001 - 0111001
Hatton, P.                              01100001 - 00120001
Latham, D. [Davenport]                  1110001 - 111100101
Ray, S.                                 0 - 001011
Jones, T. C. [Thomas C.]                000001 - 10001
Matthews, Jno.                          0001101 - 1000001
Parker, Jno.                            0001001 - 112001
Johnson, M. [Manchester]                0101001 - 00111001
Short, W.                               0001200001 - 000110001
Curtis, C.                              101 - 001101
Sharp, A. [Adrian]                      11001 - 110001
Beasley, L.                             220001 - 11002
Higgins, E.                             101 - 0100001
Holt, Jno.                              110001 - 12101
Young, E. [Elisha/Elijah]               210001 - 01101
Lamb, Jas.                              00000001 - 0000001
Branham, W.                             10001 - 00001
Higgins, J. [Josiah]                    01001 - 31001
Smith, W.                               101001 - 112001
Smith, Benj.                            111110001 - 120000001
Smith, L. [Lenas]                       1100001 - 20001
Murphy, Geo.                            000000001 - 000010001
Hainey, Jno.                            100001 - 020001
Baker, E. [Elijah]                      2020101 - 0001001
Bryant, N. [Needham]                    110101 - 201101
Lee, N. [Nathan]                        1020001 - 210201
Nickerson, Chs.                         10101001 - 221001

page 94 (21)

Cocke, A. [Abraham]                     011001 - 12001
Crittendon, W. H. [William H.]          01102 - 0010011
Jackson, W. [William]                   021101 - 01
Williamson, Jno.                        1120001 - 110201
Philips, M. [Mason]                     10101 - 00001
Hineman, Danl.                          0120001 - 0012001001
Bowden, Thos.                           00000001 - 0
Philps, W.                              02001 - 00001
Foster, A. [Asa]                        01101 - 21001
Williams, Jno.                          121101 - 11001
Maldin, A.                              1101001 - 00101
Alexander, J. R. [James R.]             2131001 - 101101
Hardin, Jno.                            000120001 - 10002000001
Cransford, E. [Elias]                   000100001 - 00000001
Hurst, W. W.                            20001 - 10011
Philips, Robt.                          20001 - 10011
Philips, W. C. Jr. [William C.]         20001 - 10001
Looney, M. [Martin]                     110011 - 111001
Joiner, M. [Moses]                      1110001 - 111001
Wilson, J. [James?]                     00011 - 1001
Pettus, I/J.                            100001 - 220001
French, J. [Jacob]                      01210001 - 0101001
White, Danl. Jr.                        00001 - 30001
Tapp, J. W. [John]                      122001 - 010001
Joiner, T.                              0111001 - 201101
Jones, W. [William]                     10200001 - 10001
Shelburn, Saml.                         1111001 - 10001
Whitaker, I. C. [Isaac C.]              00001 - 0001
Quillen, Chas. D.                       211001 -101001
Wilson, Jno.                            000001 - 230001

page 95 (22)

Newton, Saml.                           001010001 - 001000001
Wilson, R. [Robert]                     0000100001 - 000000001
Harmon, R. [Robert]                     101011 - 011101
Kelly, V. [Vincent]                     1010001 - 111001
Taylor, Benj.                           1010001 - 200001
Jones, Chs. B. [Charles B.]             00001 - 200010001
White, Danl.                            00100001 - 01110001
Crow, I. [Isaac Franklin]               120001 - 120001
McClary, A. [Andrew]                    11011001 - 2000001
Dicky, Robt.                            0000001 - 000011
Calleson, Robet.                        2111001 - 1221001
Garrett, J. [James]                     2111001 - 1110001
Shaw, Jno.                              02110001 - 0211001
McCrary, G. Y. [George Y.]              022001 - 200001
Wesson, H. [Henry]                      00001 - 0001
Parker, P. I/J.                         00110001 - 00021001
Davis, W. [William]                     1202001 - 1011001
Wesson, E.                              1001 - 10001
Duncan, Jas.                            0011001 - 000101
Martin, E. [Elizabeth]                  1001 - 0122001
Rodes, E. [Elijah/Elisha]               0112001 - 1110001
Wooten, Benj.                           00201 - 201
Locke, G.                               0 - 0022001
Smith, Jno.                             200001 - 01001
Duncan, J. [Jonathan]                   0100000001 - 0000100001
Lovelace, W. [William]                  0000001 - 010201
Bishop, J. M. [James]                   100001 - 000001
McIntire, C. [Christian]                1001 - 0000501
Davis, I/J.                             00001 - 10001
Barr, S. W. [Samuel W.]                 111001 - 010001

page 96 (23)

White, D. B. [Drury B.]                 21001 - 010001
Jackson, Benj.                          00210001 - 000111
Rust, Robt.                             111001 - 21001
(1 free black male, no name, listed     (24-36)
          with Robt. Rust.)
Whitehad, A. H. [Alexander H.]          110002 - 111001
Clere, G. W. [George W.]                2212001 - 210001
Harvey, Jno.                            00001 - 0001
Butler, W. [William]                    1101201 - 201101
McCarley, S. C. [Samuel C.]             000001 - 110100001
McCarley, T. T. [Thomas T.]             000000001 - 01000001
Jackson, S. [Stewart]                   000100001 - 00211001
Looney, Geo.                            10001 - 00001
Gibson, Jno.                            0130001 - 311001
Whitehead, T. [Tobias]                  300001 - 02001
Barnett, Z. [Zachariah]                 012001 - 22001
Grissom, J. N. [Jesse N.]               110001 - 21001
Buford, Benj.                           0011001 - 0000001
Barnett, L. F. [Lemuel]                 10001 - 10001
Davis, Jno. M.                          00001 - 0001
(1 free black male, no name, listed     (24 -36)
          with Jno. M. Davis.)
Whitehead, Jas.                         1201001 - 20101
Barnett, J. [Jacob]                     00110001 - 000002
Grissom, A. G. [Andrew Jackson]         10001 - 00001
Martindale, Thos.                       021101 - 21
Whitehead, O. [Oswald]                  00001 - 0
Whitehead, W. J. [William J.]           11001 - 11011
Harvey, Robt.                           1111001 - 0010001
Herman, W. [William]                    1000021 - 10101
Harwood, T.                             000001 - 00011
Burns, Saml.                            000001 - 00101
White, Jno. B.                          2121001 - 000001
Bailes, B. [Baylus C.]                  1010011 - 121201
Thornton, W. H. [William Henry]         11001 - 00001

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Harvey, A. [Alexander]                  00211001 - 00000001
McMurey, J. [James]                     210000001 - 100000001
West, W. [Walter]                       011201 - 201101
White, S. [Sterling C.]                 00001 - 20001
Canterberry, A.                         0201101 - 0020001
King, Robt.                             110001 - 21001
McCarley, R. R. [Robert R.]             10001 - 10002
Looney, J. [Joseph H.]                  00001 - 0
West, Jno.                              00001 - 100010001
Coffee, R. S. [Richard Smith]           203101 - 1111011
Williams, Thos.                         1100001 - 100001
McMurry, A. [Andrew]                    11201 - 01001
Cox, D. H. [Drury H.]                   00010001 - 0001
Dean, A. [Abram]                        00012 - 1001
Hurston, W. C. [William C. Herston]     00001 - 00001
Ellis, E. T. [Edwin Templeton]          00001 - 00001
Murphy, Jos.                            00001 - 1001
Baugher, W. [William?]                  11000001 - 0110001
Sharp, Robt.                            00011 - 1001
Mason, M. [Matthew]                     00001 - 0001
Philips, S. [Sterling]                  01001 - 00001
Wesson, T. [Turner]                     00011 - 0001
Duncan, M. [Moss]                       111001 - 210001
Duncan, Geo.                            010101 - 10001
Darby, Benj.                            010111 - 02001
Hine, S. [Stephen]                      10210001 - 211001
Lovelace, F. [Francis, male]            2121001 - 1001001
Lovelace, F. [Frances, female]          22 - 002001
Lovelace, G. [George]                   0000101 - 0000102
Trousdale, W. M. [William M.]           200001 - 20001

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McClannahan, W. [William]               100001 - 20001
Stamps, J. D. [Joshua D.]               231001 - 11001
Cunningham, J. M. [Jonathan M.]         000001 - 00001
Kirby, W. M. [William M.]               01000001 - 0012001
Jones, I/J. [Isaac?]                    021001 - 21301
Shane, Robt.                            1010001 - 121001
Ingram, Benj.                           01112001 - 0001001
McLemore, B. [Briggs]                   110002 - 10101
Martin, G. H. [George]                  00101 - 10001
Pritchet, W.                            00001 - 00001
Nance, S. A. [Sterling A.]              210001 - 10001
Nealy, A. P. [Anderson P.]              01001 - 20001
(2 free black males, no names, listed   (0-10 & 36-55)
          with A. P. Nealy.)
Weaver, J. [Joseph]                     10011 - 10001
Houston, W.                             0011001 - 0100001
Bradshaw, W. [Williamson]               0010101 - 2200001
Dement, J. B. [Josiah B.]               200001 - 00011
Owen, Robt.                             00001 - 10001
Shoemaker, J. Y. [John Yancy]           00001 - 10001
Step, T. E. [Thomas Estep?]             20001 - 10002
Owen, Jno.                              00000001 - 00010001
Rose, A. [Abner]                        211001 - 110101
Oldham, Thos.                           210001 - 210101
Weathers, Jno.                          00001 - 0001
Bagget, A. [Archibald]                  10001 - 2001
Hicks, J. [James Y.]                    011001 - 0000001
Yarwood, I/J.                           00001 - 20001
Majore, Saml.                           00001 - 00001
Cooper, Jno.                            10002 - 00001
Harroway, W. M. [Walter M.]             200001 - 01001

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McPeters, Andrew                        201200001 - 001101
Foster, James                           2110001 - 021101
Smith, W. T. N. [William T. N.]         020101 - 200001
Bourland, B. E. [Baylus E.]             000001 - 000001
Croft, Saml.                            1010001 - 1400001
Armstead, P. F. [Peter F.]              00011001 - 0120001
Blackwell, D. F. [David F.]             00001 - 00001
Mitchell, E. [Elias]                    10001 - 10001
Brown, V. P. [Valney Pinkney]           20001 - 00001
Nail, T. P. [Thomas P.]                 00001 - 10001
Weems, Chas. S. [Charles Smoot]         1210101001 - 01001
Thompson, S. B.                         000001 - 00010001
McKnight, Mary                          0 - 00010001
Flint, S. [Stanton]                     111001 - 111001
Thompson, A. [Altemont]                 120001 - 12001
Coburn, C. [Canny]                      120001 - 10001
Brochus, B. M.                          210001 - 00101
Hanks, G. W.                            11002000001 - 100110001
Walston, T. [Turner]                    00010001 - 0000001
Turnby, T. [Temple]                     0013001 - 000001
Vaughan, Saml.                          0000102 - 10001
Oden, H. [Hezekiah]                     0000101 - 0000001
Nickelson, P. [Penelope/"Penny"]        0 - 001100101
Winburn, S.                             10001 - 20001
McElvy, Jno. [John McKelvey]            21120011 - 101011
Parish, M.                              1 - 11 [no adults marked?]
Thompson, Jos.                          011 - 10001
Tucker, W. A.                           001001 - 1001001
McIntire, D. [Duncan]                   200011 - 022001
Winburn, Wm.                            121001 - 10001

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