Surveyed by Orlan Irons, 25 Jan 1989
To reach this cemetery, turn off AL 20 (Savannah Highway), onto Lauderdale 6 (Gunwaleford Road), go 1.5 miles, turn left and go through a locked gate. (You will have to find Hollis Rice or Chipper Ezell to unlock this gate.) Go down this graveled road 0.6 mile (south), until you come to a gate, go through this gate, turn left and go through another gate. Go east 0.3 mile, through another gate. When you come to another gate, turn south and go 0.2 mile, until you reach a large wooded area. Go into the woods about 20 yards, to locate the tombstones or sunken holes in this cemetery. Heavy Simpson's wife have relatives buried in this cemetery, she said it was called Coffee Cemetery. The people buried in this cemetery are black. This cemetery is not listed on the 1987 Lauderdale County Highway map. There are probably as many as 100 sunken holes here, 3 undertaker markers, and 2 or 3 marked with rocks. Heavy Simpson also said there were lots of graves on the backside of the cemetery. We may or may not have covered all the cemetery. The legal description for the cemetery is NE4, NW4, Sec 20, T3s, R11w. [map]
NAME BORN DIED COMMENTS Braham, Paterson 1 Jan 1825 29 Nov 1905 this tombstone fallen over Clemmons, John 1883 12 Jan 1915 Rector Hains Chamber 2181 Florence Ala. (this tombstone fallen over) Clemmons, Bettie 8 Mar 1924 this tombstone fallen over Buckmond, C. B. 15 Apr 1921 L.L.Powell Chamber 859 Sheffield, Ala
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