Tax Sales

The Florence Gazette
15 Jun 1850

Submitted by Lee Freeman

From the Florence Gazette, Sat., June 15, 1850, p. 3.
Tax Collectors Sale.

THERE will be sold at the Court House door in the town of Florence, on the 9th day of September, 1850, so much of the following described Land, as will be sufficient to pay the Tax and cost.
West half of south east quarter of section 5 township 3 range 11; containing 80 acres valued at $240. State and county tax 84 cents; printers fee and other expenses $7 50 cts ; owner UNKNOWN, tax for 1849.
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
North-east quarter of section 8 township 1 range 8, containing 160 acres. Also, north-east of south-east quarter of section 8, township 1, range 8; containing 40 acres in all 200 acres valued at $300, State and county tax $1 05 ; printers fee, and other expenses $7 50 and fifty cent, belonging to or granted to Jacob FRENCH ; taxes for 1849.  
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of north-east quarter of section 8, township1 and range 8 ; containing 84 acres, valued at 100 dollars ; State and county tax 35 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses $7 50 ; belonging to the estate of William DAVIS ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                                 A. ASKEW, T. C.
South-east quarter, fractional section 1, township 2, and range 15, containing 140 acres, valued at 500 dollars ; State and county tax 1 dollar and 75 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and fifty cents ; owner UNKNOWN ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                                 A. ASKEW, T. C.
North-west quarter of section 16, township 2, range 7 ; containing 160 acres. Also South-west quarter section 29, township 2, range 7 ; all valued at $400 ; State and county tax $1 40 ; printer’s fee and other expenses $7 50 ; taxes for 1849, belonging to J. F. BELEW 
Fractional part of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 2, township 3, range 8 west ; containing 51 acres, valued at $64 ; State and County Tax 22 cents ; Printer’s fees and other expenses, $7 50, taxes for 1849, entered by Alexander AIKIN
                                                                                               A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of north-east quarter of section 11 township 2, range 12, containing 40 acres ; also south west quarter of section 1, township 2, range 12, containing 145 acres the whole valued to $600 ; State and County Tax $2 10 ; assessed to Dr. Edward L. BUMPASS ; Printer’s fee and other expenses ; $7 50 tax for 1849.
                                                                                               A. ASKEW, T. C.
A fractional part of section 7, township 3, range 8, containing 60 acres valued at $180 ; State and County Tax 72 cents for 1848 ; Printer’s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and 50 cents ; owner UNKNOWN 
West half of the south east quarter of section 6, township 3, range 11, containing 80 acres ; valued at 320 dollars ; State and County tax, one dollar and 12 cents ; Printer=s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and 50 cents ; belonging to Elisha BROWN’S estate ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                              A. ASKEW, T. C.
North east quarter of south west quarter of section 17 township 1, range 7, 40 acres ; valued at 100 dollars ; State and County Tax, 35 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 30? cents, belonging to Richard WILLIAMS [sic] estate ; tax for 1849. 
                                                                                             A. ASKEW, T. C.
South west quarter of section 9, township 2, range 8, containing 40 acres ; valued at 100 dollars ; State and County tax 35 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 50 cents, owner UNKNOWN ; tax for 1849.
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of lot Number 1, section 28, township 2, range 8, as follows, beginning at the south-west corner of lot No. 1, thence east 34 poles, thence north, 23 and a half poles, thence west 34 poles, thence south 23 and a half poles to the beginning corner belonging to the estate of Benjamin JACKSON, deceased ; containing five acres ; valued at 20 dollars ; State and County tax 9 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 50 cents ; tax for 1849.
                                                                                                   A. ASKEW, T. C.
Twenty acres of land, the east end of the South half of south-east fourth of south-west quarter of section 8, township 2, range 9, for the taxes of the above described 20 acres of land valued at 25 dollars ; State and County tax 9 cents for 1849 ; owner UNKNOWN ; Printer’s fee and other expenses; 7 dollars and fifty cents.

West half of north-west quarter of section 25, township 5 ?, 3 ?, range 15 ?, containing 80 ? acres, valued at 160 dollars, State and County tax 56 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and fifty cents ; taxes for 1849 ; assessed to Dabney MORRIS.
                                                                           AARON ASKEW
Florence, June 8, 1850.      3-3m

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