Poem by Nannie Cora (Griggs) Morrow
Submitted by:Patricia (Griggs) Stricklin
Marshall County, AL
(This poem was written in honor of her husband, Joseph H. "Joe"
Precious Memories
by Mrs. Joe H. Morrow
(Nannie Cora Griggs Morrow)
July 24, 1965
Nine long years ago today
My dearest love one passed away
And left me here alone to weep
While in the grave his body sleeps.
He saw a light I could not see,
It was meant for him and not for me.
Oh, what a sad and lonely night,
The break of day was not in sight.
He said he was ready to go
But he hated to leave us here below.
It was so sad we had to part
But he still lives deep in my heart.
He's waiting for me from day to day
For angels to come and call me away.
Then we will live in that heavenly home
Where pain nor sorrow will never come.
Dear Children, I know it won't be long
Till you'll have no Mother to welcome you home.
But please, oh, please don't wait too late
But prepare to meet me at the pearly gates.
Dear Lord, I pray, walk by my side
And lead me through death's chilly tide.
Without Thee Lord, I'd surely fall,
When my days are numbered one and all.
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