Eva Arizona Childress Caston 1-2-1887 - 7-31-1949
Jesse Laney Caston 2-10-1889 - 6-3-1970
Macedonia Cemetery, Jackson CO AL
W.L.D(Walter Lorenza Dow) Childress 12-8-1889 - 11-8-1891 Mt. Moriah Church Cemetery, Marshall Co. AL
son of James Sherfield Childress and Mikel Caldona Armstrong
W. Milton Vaught 10-28-1881 - 9-10-1952 Alta P. Vaught 6-1-1889 - 6-14-1967
Langston Cem on the Jackson and Marshall Co line

Vaught Cemetery, Marshall Co. AL
Robert M. Childress 4-13-1846 - 1-30-1900 Vaught Cem Marshall Co AL
John D. Hayes 1-10-1862 - 9-1-1918
Sarah Jane Childress Vaught 11-5-1836 - 1-28-1914 her husband is next to her
Hiram W. Vaught 7-3-1833 - 4-23-1897
Click here to see a photo of Sarah and Hiram
Woosley Cemetery Marshall County Alabama
Jesse John Gilbreath
2-21-1883 - 11-17-1956
Gracie Mae Childress Gilbreath
5-17-1889 - 11-1-1970
Woosley Cemetery, Marshall Co AL
Minnie Johnson Armstrong
1871 - 1929
Velma Joyce Armstrong
7-21-1905 - 4-18 1906
Vera Jewell Armstrong
7-21-1905 - 4-25-1906
Twin daughters of J.T. and Minnie Armstrong
back row L to R
John Johnson 9-6-1829 - 12-16-1895
Nancy Ann Childress Johnson his wife 7-15-1835 - 8-27-1907
Walter J. Johnson (son of John and Nancy) 6-20-1862 - 1-19-1953
Samuel Johnson (brother of John) 2-14-1831 - 3-6-1907
front row
Twin Armstrong girls See Above
Minnie M. Johnson Armstrong See Above
John Ross Armstrong 9-16-1903 - 9-17-1995 ( son of Joseph T. and Minnie Armstrong)
Union Cemetery Jackson Co. AL