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The Dionysious & Elizabeth Daniels Sawyer Family
Contributed by Keith Smith
Dionysious Sawyer came to Monroe County in 1846 and settled near Mexia where he met and married Elizabeth Daniels (Elizabeth was the sister of my GGGrandmother Catherine Daniels who married Jacob Obanion Snider). Burney Sawyer, one of the Sawyer's six sons, served in the Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church of Frisco City, as elder and Pastor from 1884 until 1937.
The six sons of Dionysius Sawyer and Elizabeth Daneils Sawyer. They are from left to right are standing: Dunkin D. Sawyer, Tolbert Sawyer, Lee Sawyer, Wiley Sawyer sitting are William (Bill) M. Sawyer and Burney Sawyer. Picture taken 1890 Frisco City!
The Wiley & Sarah Sawyer Family
Click to enlargeHere is the Sawyer, Manning, Smith, Rawls, Hendrix, Newberry Family. Picture taken 1900. From left to right top row Wiley Sawyer Sr., Edd Smith (Brother of Zack Smith), Riley Manning, Tom Newberry, Oliver Manning. Second row from top left to right: Wade Manning, John Sawyer, Newton Manning, Mindy Manning, Travis Newberry, Laura Sawyer, Melborne Sawyer. Bottom Row left to right: John Manning, Eula Manning, Ruth Manning, Margie Manning and Minnie Sawyer!!!
This is the home and family of Wiley Sawyer, the oldest son's home, located in Frisco City (Jones Mill). From left to right back row are Leslie, Joe Dulaney, Ella, Ella, Ida holding baby son, Clyde. Robert Blanton, (Husband of Ida) Sarah ,wife of Wiley Sawyer Sr., Wiley Sawyer Sr, Henry William, Thomas Floyed, (Brother-in-law of Wiley, Everette. Children are, Carl, Buford, Ruby and Essie. Picture taken abt. 1890!
The Dunklin Dionysious & Allie Leona Wasden Sawyer Family
Dunkin Dionysious Sawyer and his wife, Allie Leona Wasden Sawyer. Picture taken 1890
Duncan D. Sawyer & Allie L. Wasden family. They had ten children. On the bottom row left to right: Van Talmadge Sawyer and Zelma R. Sawyer, Second row, left to right: Albert Lee Sawyer, Mrs. Allie Leona Wasden Sawyer ( The Mother), Dunkan D. Sawyer (The Father). Third row left to right: Benjamin F. Sawyer, William Herbert Sawyer, Thomas Calvin Sawyer, Beulah A. Sawyer Hanks, Zeba B Sawyer, Bena Audrey (Sawyer) and Duncan D. Sawyer jr.
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