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Geological Survey Links for Churches
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USGS Links M-Z
The USGS Map Name is NOT for any town or other landmark. It is strictly the name of the map. If you were to go to their site to order a map, you need the map name. For example: there is a map named Letohatchee, which is a town in Lowndes County, not Montgomery County. The town is on the map, however, the map covers an area that includes parts of both counties. Don't let this confuse you. It is just the name of the map and does NOT mean the town.
Each church link below is to the USGS website for each church.
Feature Name USGS 7.5' Map Abraham Baptist Church 321922N 0861759W Montgomery South Abraham Vinyard Church of Christ 321926N 0861820W Montgomery South Adams Street Baptist Church 342231N 0861804W Mount Carmel Agudath Israel Synagogue 322024N 0861729W Montgomery South Aldersgate Church 322022N 0861218W Barachias Aldersgate United Methodist Church 322215N 0861713W Montgomery South All Saints Episcopal Church 322345N 0861535W Montgomery North Antioch Baptist Church (historical) 322204N 0860639W Mount Meigs Antioch Church 322100N 0862711W Cantelous Bell Street Baptist Church Number One 322217N 0861930W Montgomery South Bell Street Baptist Church Number Two 322215N 0861943W Montgomery South Bethel Baptist Church 322147N 0861934W Montgomery South Bethelonnia Church 321342N 0861100W Davis Crossroads Bethesda Church 320444N 0860001W Pine Level Bethlehem Church 320316N 0862036W Sellers Beulah Baptist Church 322206N 0861759W Montgomery South Beulah Church 321244N 0862057W Snowdoun Bible Methodist Church 322318N 0861328W Willow Springs Big Roxanna Church 321742N 0861818W Montgomery South Big Zion Church 320645N 0862403W Sandy Ridge Boylston Methodist Church 322537N 0861657W Montgomery North Branch Grove Baptist Church 322150N 0861838W Montgomery South Brewer Memorial Church 321804N 0860031W Mount Meigs Briar Hill Church 320957N 0860334W Teasleys Mill Bridgeview Church 322714N 0861239W Willow Springs Bryant Street Baptist Church 322121N 0861958W Montgomery South Butler Mill Church 320934N 0861825W Snowdoun Butler Mill Road Church 320953N 0861833W Snowdoun Calvary Assembly of God Church 322507N 0861705W Montgomery North Calvary Baptist Church 322143N 0861812W Montgomery South Calvary Church 320930N 0861301W Davis Crossroads Calvary Presbyterian Church 322137N 0861844W Montgomery South Cannan Hill Baptist Church 322202N 0862055W Montgomery South Capital City Baptist Church 322458N 0861406W Willow Springs Capitol City Church of the Nazarene 322040N 0861822W Montgomery South Capitol Heights Baptist Church 322247N 0861625W Montgomery North Capitol Heights Church of Christ 322250N 0861643W Montgomery North Capitol Heights United Methodist Church 322256N 0861648W Montgomery North Carter Hill Church of Christ 322143N 0861753W Montgomery South Catoma Church 322055N 0862447W Cantelous Center Point Church 315933N 0860624W Ansley Central Presbyterian Church 322234N 0861822W Montgomery North Chisholm Baptist Church 322459N 0861706W Montgomery North Chisholm Church of Christ 322501N 0861708W Montgomery North Chisholm United Methodist Church 322451N 0861703W Montgomery North Christ Episcopal Church 322214N 0861704W Montgomery South Christ Temple Church 322131N 0861841W Montgomery South Church of Christ 320118N 0860831W Ramer Church of Christ 322228N 0861840W Montgomery South Church of Christ 322258N 0861722W Montgomery North Church of Christ 320139N 0860934W Ramer Church of God 322239N 0861747W Montgomery North Church of God 322232N 0861955W Montgomery North Church of God of Prophecy 322149N 0862215W Montgomery South Church of Montgomery 322144N 0861710W Montgomery South Church of the Ascension 322134N 0861813W Montgomery South Church of the Good Shepherd 322211N 0861745W Montgomery South Clay Hill Church 320846N 0860030W Teasleys Mill Clay Street Baptist Church 322235N 0861927W Montgomery North Clayton Street Methodist Episcopal Church 322223N 0861908W Montgomery South Cleveland Avenue Church of Christ 321945N 0861900W Montgomery South Clinton African Methodist Episcopal Zion Chapel 322154N 0861736W Montgomery South Cloverdale Baptist Church 322104N 0861752W Montgomery South Cloverdale Christian Church 322107N 0861733W Montgomery South Cloverdale Church of Christ 322041N 0861810W Montgomery South Coles Chapel 322711N 0861729W Montgomery North Coosada Road Church 322713N 0861728W Montgomery North Cornerstone Bible Church 322305N 0861702W Montgomery North Court Street Baptist Church 321922N 0861830W Montgomery South Court Street Methodist Church 322229N 0861834W Montgomery South Covenant Independent Methodist Church 321856N 0861657W Montgomery South Covenant Presbyterian Church 322256N 0861613W Montgomery North Dalraida Baptist Church 322310N 0861452W Willow Springs Dalraida Baptist Church 322301N 0861505W Montgomery North Dalraida United Methodist Church 322302N 0861458W Willow Springs Day Street Baptist Church 322209N 0861927W Montgomery South Dexter Avenue Baptist Church 322238N 0861810W Montgomery North Dexter Avenue Methodist Church 322239N 0861817W Montgomery North Druid Hills Church of Christ 321945N 0861657W Montgomery South Eastbrook Church of Christ 322346N 0861533W Montgomery North Eastdale Baptist Chapel 322327N 0861152W Willow Springs Eastern Hill Baptist Church 322242N 0861523W Montgomery North Ebenezer Church 320059N 0861408W Ramer Ebenezer Church 322007N 0860742W Barachias Elizabeth Church 320844N 0860559W Teasleys Mill Emanuel Holiness Church 322227N 0861957W Montgomery South Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter 321945N 0861554W Montgomery South Etz Ahayem Congregation 322030N 0861739W Montgomery South Evangel Temple 322058N 0861428W Barachias Fairview Church 322105N 0862551W Cantelous Fairview United Methodist Church 322104N 0862551W Cantelous Faith Rescue Mission 322231N 0862005W Montgomery North Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church (historical) 322231N 0861956W Montgomery North Finley Avenue Church of Christ 322139N 0861758W Montgomery South First Assembly of God Church 322233N 0861647W Montgomery North First Baptist Church 322246N 0861802W Montgomery North First Baptist Church 322225N 0861824W Montgomery South First Christian Church 322219N 0861824W Montgomery South First Church of Christ Science 322045N 0861656W Montgomery South First Church of the Nazarene 322238N 0861650W Montgomery North First Colored Baptist Church (historical) 322251N 0861756W Montgomery North First Congregational Church 322217N 0861759W Montgomery South First Cumberland Presbyterian Church (historical) 322226N 0861842W Montgomery South First Freewill Baptist Church 322221N 0861442W Barachias First Independent Methodist Church 322250N 0861130W Willow Springs First Methodist Church 322122N 0861735W Montgomery South First Presbyterian Church 342228N 0861828W Guntersville Forest Avenue Methodist Church 322216N 0861710W Montgomery South Forest Park Baptist Church 322141N 0861657W Montgomery South Four Spot Church 322742N 0861458W Willow Springs Frazer African Methodist Episcopal Chapel 322126N 0861949W Montgomery South Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church 322252N 0861151W Willow Springs Freewill Missionary Baptist Church 322117N 0861949W Montgomery South Friendship Baptist Church 322129N 0861920W Montgomery South Friendship Church 320038N 0860935W Ramer Friendship Church 320604N 0861915W Sellers Friendship Church 321922N 0861425W Barachias Fundamental Methodist Church 322017N 0861546W Montgomery South Galilea Baptist Church 322216N 0861933W Montgomery South Galilee Church 320518N 0860910W Ramer Gay Meadows Church of Christ 322001N 0861541W Montgomery South Glory Hill Church 321952N 0860454W Mount Meigs Grace Church 322118N 0860552W Mount Meigs Grace Lutheran Church 322233N 0861732W Montgomery North Greater Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church 322157N 0861730W Montgomery South Guys Village Church 320352N 0862302W Sandy Ridge Hale Street Baptist Church 322211N 0861731W Montgomery South Hardshell Baptist Church (historical) 342231N 0861858W Mount Carmel Harmony Church 321743N 0861146W Barachias Harvest Time Church 322044N 0861355W Barachias Heritage Baptist Church 322106N 0861437W Barachias Hickory Chapel 320443N 0860842W Ramer Highland Avenue Baptist Church 322221N 0861656W Montgomery South Highland Church of Christ 322018N 0861330W Barachias Highland Evangelic Church 322219N 0861616W Montgomery South Highland Gardens Baptist Church 322403N 0861639W Montgomery North Highland Gardens Church of Christ 322354N 0861642W Montgomery North Highland Park Presbyterian Church (historical) 322215N 0861658W Montgomery South Hilliard African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 322220N 0861729W Montgomery South Hills Chapel 320202N 0860731W Ramer Holly Holiness Church 322351N 0861758W Montgomery North Holt Street Baptist Church 322153N 0861913W Montgomery South Holt Street Church of Christ 322150N 0861913W Montgomery South Hope Hull Church 320837N 0862125W Snowdoun Hope Hull United Methodist Church 321609N 0862158W Montgomery South House of God Church 322148N 0861915W Montgomery South Hunter Station Baptist Church 322357N 0862352W Prattville Hunter Station Church of Christ 322400N 0862358W Prattville Hutchinson Street Baptist Church 322209N 0861747W Montgomery South Jackson Prospect Church 321517N 0861404W Barachias Jackson Street Baptist Church 322215N 0861748W Montgomery South Jericho Church 321120N 0861431W Davis Crossroads Jerusalem Baptist Church 322358N 0861727W Montgomery North Jerusalem Church 320901N 0861442W Davis Crossroads Jerusalem Church 321238N 0860302W Teasleys Mill Kahl Montgomery Jewish Temple (historical) 322222N 0861838W Montgomery South King Hill Baptist Church 322323N 0861654W Montgomery North King Hill Church of Christ 322323N 0861645W Montgomery North Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses 322037N 0861921W Montgomery South Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses 322426N 0861630W Montgomery North Klondike Church 322100N 0862509W Cantelous LaPine Church 315757N 0861706W Lapine Lakewood Church of Christ 322201N 0861513W Montgomery South Landmark Church of Christ 322252N 0861142W Willow Springs Lebanon Church (historical) 320545N 0860918W Ramer Liberty Church 320921N 0862223W Snowdoun Liberty Church 320105N 0860455W Pine Level Liberty Church (historical) 321132N 0860705W Teasleys Mill Lilly Hill Church (historical) 321510N 0860330W Mount Meigs Lily Baptist Church 322205N 0861934W Montgomery South Little Rock Church 322011N 0860336W Mount Meigs Little Zion Church 320508N 0861545W Sellers Lydia Hill Church (historical) 321552N 0860502W Mount Meigs
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Send Comments about this Montgomery County site to Carolyn Golowka I do not live in Alabama so I am unable to help with your personal research questions. All the information I know about Montgomery County is posted promptly on this site. Please visit the "Research Resources" section of this site. I would suggest that if you don't find the information your looking for here, that you join the email list and post your question on the query board. The more places you ask the question, the better your chances of getting an answer. |
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Page Updated: - - Tuesday, 03-Jul-2018 09:31:34 MST