Census 1830 Index
Abbott, William, 43 Able, Franklin, 44 Acock, Edw., 23 Acock, Melinda, 35 Acock, Peter P., 23 Adair, M., 9 Adams, Fred, 8 Adams, John, 1 Adkins, Henry, 7 Akins, Roger, 47 Alexander, Jerem Sr., 33 Alford, David, 25 Alford, James, 44 Alford, Kaid, 43 Allen, Stephen, 21 Allen, Eli, 16 Allen, John R, 40 Allen, Sam'l, 54 Allen, Sherod, 56 Allen, Wm, 39 Anderson, James, 56 Anderson, James R, 55 Andrews, Thomas, 16 Arbaugh Francis, 25 Austin, David, 17 Axton, Ro, 21 Axton, Kendall, 20
Bagley, James, 25 Bagley, Nathan, 38 Bailes, Sarah, 43 Baily, 31 Baker, Peter, 30 Ball, Tandy J, 7 Ballew, David, 19 Ballew, Isaac, 16 Ballew, Jos, 26 Ballew, Ro, 22 Ballus, Richard, 24 Balluso, Geo, 16 Banks, John F., 1 Barclay, Ro, 55 Barclay, Sam'l, 55 Barly, 31 Barnes Silas F., 56 Barnett, Eliz, 19 Barnett, Ro, 19 Basham, Arther, 53 Basham, Johnathon, 51 Bayne, Andr w, 54 Bayne, David, 53 Bayne, James E., 37 Baysinger, Hy, 11 Beacham, Augustus, 16 Beacham, Wm, 41 Bean, Wm., 3 Beddery, John, 44 Beggs?, 32, 35 Bell, E., 21 Bell, John, 11, 54 Bennett, Michael, 34 Bibb, John D., 14 Bibb, John H., 33 Bishop, Charles, 41 Bishop, Joseph, 41 Black, John, 23 Blackwell, Wm., 15 Blankenship, Joshua, 41 Blevin, John, 12 Blevins, Armsted, 55 Blevins, Joseah, 25 Boggs, Kenchen, 35 Boggs, Sam'l, 32 Botelar, Alex Jr., 3 Botelar, Alex Sr., 3 Bowers,Jesse, 14 Bowlin, James, 43 Bowling, Green, 12, 43 Bowling, Rich'd, 10 Bowling, Rich'd T., 10 Boyd, Anne, 55 Boyd, James L., 47 Bradley, John, 8 Bragg, Jos, 30 Bragg, Wm., 3 Braugher, Fred, 48 Breeding, Sam'l, 16 Breedlove, Benjamin, 46 Breedlove, John, 46 Breedlove, Thomas, 46 Breedlove, Wm, 46 Briley, Nathan, 41 Briscoe, James, 37 Broden, Barbara, 15 Brogden, James, 54 Brogden, Kenny, 25 Brooks, Milton, 19 Brooks, Sam'l, 45 Brown, Hercules, 50 Brown, John, 15, 47, 50 Brown, Stuart, 3 Brown, Thomas, 44 Brown, Wm, 47 Bryant, C., 50 Bullock, Olivia, 11 Burleson Jon., 18 Burleson, James, 42 Burnett, Greenville, 6 Burns, Asbury, 14 Burns, Hy., 37 Burns, James, 37 Burns, Mary, 37 Burrell, Peter, 38 Burris, Wm., 3 Burrow, P. B., 7 Burt, Hardy, 11 Burt, James, 8 Burt, John, 8 Bush, David, 20 Bush, George, 21 Butler, Hulda, 22
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