If you would like to subscribe to the MorganCounty Mailing List:
For "mail mode", which means that you will receive every posting made to the
list as a separate e-mail.
Send a message to:
that contains (in the body of the message) the command "subscribe" with no
additional text.
To unsubscribe the mail mode:
Send a message to:
that contains (in the body of the message) the command "unsubscribe" with no
additional text.
For "digest mode", which means that several postings made to the list will
be consolidated together and sent to you as a single large message.
Send a message to:
that contains (in the body of the message) the command "subscribe" with no
additional text.
To unsubscribe the digest mode:
Send a message to:
that contains (in the body of the message) the command "unsubscribe" with no
additional text.
If you would like to post a message so every one on the mailing list
receives it (only those subscribing to the list can post a message):
Send a message to ALMORGAN-L@rootsweb.com It will be sent to everyone in both
mail and digest mode.
* Do NOT post virus warnings, test messages, chain letters, political
announcements, current events, items for sale, personal messages, etc.
* Please do NOT send file attachments (messages with files appended) to the
list. If you have a file you would like to share with the members, announce what
you have to offer, then send the file only to those who request it, via private
* NO rude comments or flaming in the list! NO discussion of flaming in the list.
* Do NOT impose any other rules or conditions, expressed or implied elsewhere,
upon this list. Rules of other forums may not necessarily apply here. Do NOT try
to regulate this list. If you do not like the way someone formats their queries
or responses, or the content of their subject titles, take it up with the
listowner, NOT in the list. The list is for Genealogy and History.
*Continual cautions from me on these rules will cause you to be REMOVED from the
list. I will NOT tolerate abuse of the list!!!
Last Update
Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:55:15 MDT
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County Coordinators:
Triller &
Joseph T. Richardson ALGenWeb
State Coordinator:
Ann Allen
Geoghegan ALGenWeb Asst.
State Coordinator:
Jeff Kemp
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