Tackett, Seaburn (Seaborn)
Submitted by:
Sherryl Clark
Born 1819,
Age 39 Years, Died 1849; Relief Division No. 5 Sons of Temperance of
the State of Alabama at Decatur, having been organized about twenty months ago
was called upon for the first time on the 20th of January to mourn the death of
one of its worthy members, Bro. Seaburn Tackett. His illness lasted a little
more than three weeks, during which time he received the most assiduous and
devoted attention of the members of the Division, who spared him no pains to
secure him every attention and comfort which his destitute and afflicted
situation required. The Rev. M.P. Parham visited him frequently during his
illness and conversed with him freely on the subject of religion. He expressed
himself as being prepared; and his willingness to die having made his peace with
God, but remarked that he regretted to leave his family in its afflicted and
helpless condition. The minister feeling the force of this remark could make no
other consolitary reply than that the God whom he worshipped and had taken care
of him was able to take care of his family. He rapidly grew worse till his
spirit left its earthly habitation and was no doubt conducted by angels to the
realms of everlasting bliss. Bro.Tackett had been a pious and worthy
member of the Methodist Church for some years. He left an afflicted
consort and four children to mourn his loss, but what is their loss is no doubt
his eternal gain. At 10 o'clock a.m. on the 30th of January the members of
the Division met at its Hall dressed themselves in their appropriate regalia and
badges of mourning, formed a procession under the charge of the Rev. H.H. Brown,
which marched in solemn and impressive style to the residence of Bro. Tackett;
from thence, the procession with the corpse and a goodly number of citizens both
ladies and gentlemen, proceeded to the Methodist Church where after singing and
prayer, every pathetic and appropriate address was delivered by the Rev. Parham,
who seemed fully, as well as the audience, to appreciate the solemnity of the
occasion. After a few additional remarks by Rev. H.H. Brown the procession
and audience accompanied the deceased to the tomb with appropriate ceremonies by
the Sons of Temperance present, conducted by Rev. H.H. Brown, to await the
coming of the angel at the end of time; to awaken his sleeping dust. From
his resignation, confidence in God, sereneness in the last moments of his
terrene existence evincing that death had no sting or pangs for him, may the
Christian be encouraged and comforted; and the sinner be induced to put his
confidence in Christ who is able to make a dying bed "as soft as downy pillows
are". In accordance with the usages of the order, the Division resolved to
wear tri-coloured ribbon on the left breast for the space of thirty days as a
badge of mourning. It was also resolved that as an evidence of the
condolence of the Division a copy of this notice be presented to the bereaved
widow whose loss, language would fail to delineate.
Last Update Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:57:39 MDT
County Coordinators:
Triller &
Joseph T. Richardson