Zackariah P Turner

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Hartselle Enquier Newspaper

Zackariah P.Turner 85 who died at his home at Somerville Route 1,Sunday morning at eight o'clock will be laid to rest Tuesday. born 01/20/1858 & died 10/20/1958 Mr.Turner hd been ill some time. The deceased is survived by his wife,five daughter's Mrs.J.W.Tolley of Ashville,Al.Mrs. Dewey Crow of of Somerville Route 1,Mrs. Albert Baker of Somerville Route 1,Mrs. Gene Shadix of Somerville Route 1,Mrs,G.F. Cooley of Decatur,seven son's;J.A.Tuner of Somerville 1,O.L.Turner and A.R.Turner of Danville,Al.Route 3,.E.L.Turner of Decatur,Al., Alton Turner of Deatur,Irby and Doyle Turner of Somerville Rt.1,one sister Mrs,Martha Mays of Boaz,Al.,45 grandchildren.Funeral rites will be conducted at New Center Tuesday at three o'clock by Rev.Hugh Mitchell and interment in adjoining cemetery. Note:This was Zackariah Bennett Turner Jr. There was a misprint of Zack P.

Last Update Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:57:40 MDT

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